Sunday, August 19, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds Non-News Sunday 8/19

This is about it. They slept into the afternoon although Zach and Jen were up before noon. They've eaten, they've sunned. There has been some small talk, some speculation about the trip(s) won by Daniele and Amber in the POV comp.

But, nothing which really deserves an entry!

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show as it airs on the East Coast. Please stop back and speak your mind!


Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see this show...this talk of a they have to take it together? That just wont work....

Jackie S. said...

They have no facts on the trip(s) at all. Daniele would like to spend five hours hitting all the fast food drive-thru windows. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Since Jackie invited me to speak my mind, here goes...

We had the local fair this weekend and it was rainy and cold ALL WEEKEND!! It was 55 degrees as we watched the parade this afternoon. Isn't this supposed to be August?? Anyway, I digress...I can't stand people who stop in the middle of a sidewalk or walkway to talk and then get annoyed when those behind them say "excuse me" so they can get around!!!

Oh probably wanted us to speak our minds about the HG's. Sorry :-)

Jackie S. said...

Yesterday was nice here, today has been gray and now raining for the past few hours.

I hate when folks do the same thing in store aisles ... block the whole aisle when you just want to get at the cabbage or whatever. I think Trader Joe's is more of a social event than a grocery store some days. @@

Oh. Houseguests. Um. They're still in the house. Amber just said she was standing on a dead cockroach.

Anonymous said...

Totally off subject,but have been meaning to ask......Jakcie,have you or any others been watching Saving Grace???? I have and I have to say,I really like the show.

Jackie S. said...

Sharon -- I have, but BB, my day job, my TV Squad stuff, etc., hasn't allowed me time to really delve into it on the blog. If you noticed, I've dropped Newsy Bits and kept up with Hell's Kitchen only because I had started it already. Once BB is over, I'll have more time to post about other shows and stuff!

Anonymous said...

I like Saving Grace and seeing OKC on TV. I know of spit cups. I, too, have experienced shopping cart rage...well, I didn't rage outloud or anything, but you know. I didn't like being blocked as two Moms talked about school finally starting again. Reality Shows are in the news, too. It seems some are rehearsed and might not be as real as advertised. Can you believe that? The BBC English Cooking show for one. Thanks Jackie, The show is about to begin and I will get back on topic. The respite felt good. Sue

Anonymous said...

As an Okie girl transplanted to the DC area, I'm enjoying Saving Grace.


Anonymous said...

I'm voting for him to give the woobie to Dick. Would be too funny!

Sydney said...

The good thing about a boring day in the house is that I get to hear what's going on in your worlds/cities/families.

I saw all the rain spreading across the Midwest, ORKmommy. Didn't know it was as cold as 55 degrees. In Houston we had several 101 + degree days and prepped for Hurricaine Dean.

Looks like it'll bypass us but Fri night peeps were buying boards at Home Depot and some gas stations were already closed down on empty. By Saturday morn the grocery shelves were swept clean of water. It's just the start of the season.

It's like the eviction votes in the HOH house... there are threats, preparations, lots of drama and you never know til the last second what is actally going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I'm really into Saving Grace as well but my favorite has to be The Closer.

Weather??? Yuk! Here in the Raleigh, NC area we're doing 100 degrees for about two weeks now and still going. Water restrictions are on, so my flower beds are so dried up I'm afraid they won't come back. Can't tell you when it rained last. I guess I could water my flowers a little, so maybe I'm too busy with BB to be concerned enough.