Wednesday, September 12, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Current Screen Cap 9/12 1:50 PM ET

UPDATE 2:20 PM ET - Dick is now awake and roaming the house. He looks like he's in some pain from the comp. Also, I neglected to mention it earlier (because I conked out after I wrote it), but I also have a report on the comp over at TV Squad.

The current screen cap from inside the Big Brother 8 house above.

The current view in Jackie's apartment below.


Anonymous said...

Jackie- Is there a specific time/day as to when the next comp will start?

Anonymous said...

I am very upset with Big Brother. I strongly believe that they had the bunny stop on purpose when it go to Daniele. There was no way that it would just stop, it wasnt supposed to. Daniele should have been allowed to stay in because it was blatant and pathetic. I really hope Daniele wins the second part because she will do better than Dick in the final question part of the competition. I think Daniele can and will beat Zach, but I think Dick would lose. I really hope Zach doesnt win this game it would be a travesty just like last season when Boogie won.


Anonymous said...

I second that Kat!! GO D&D!!!

Lesa said...

Jackie is that your cat? It looks so peaceful!!! You need to get some rest!!! Great Job last night and this morning!

Nate said...

Jackie-- that's the same view in my apartment today! Both of our girls are mad that I didn't go to bed last night and have been lying down in front of me all day.

Jackie S. said...

Anon- Nothing has been announced. I would think it would be later tonight.

Kat - There definitely was something hinky with the bunny, but I don't think Daniele would have made it much longer nonetheless. She was shivering so much during the "rain" that she couldn't go much further. As thin as she is, she would get colder sooner than the others. This wasn't a good comp for her at all. Bunny Bust or not, she would have been out first of the three. In watching, I think Zach could have gone on for hours more. He got into a robotic mode and just kept going. Dick gave a tremendous and amazing effort, but you could see that there would be no way for him to outlast Zach by about the third hour in. Zach is just in such better physical shape and was determined, too.

Purrbal said...

Your kittle looks so content!

Jackie S. said...

Yes, that's one of the two cats who own me.

Anonymous said...

darn fine view Jackie

Anonymous said...

Awww... what a sweet kitty!

I do agree with you Jackie. Regardless of whether the bunny failed, I'm sure the outcome would have been the same (unless Zach got tripped up by his ginormous feet). Daniele, although she is thin, doesn't seem to be in peak physical condition, and we all know Dick isn't either.

Dick certainly made a valiant effort though... I have to applaud him for that. It's not many 44-year old, out of shape smokers that could have held out that long.

And Kat, I completely agree about last season... my husband was picking on me because I got so upset when she said Boogie won. I was like "What?! No way!" Then I added a few choice words...

Anyway, I'm dying for round two, but my feeds aren't coming in properly right now. Urgh...

joy n said...

Jackie, your cat looks adorable. Makes me miss mine.

It's nice to hear commenters give kudus to Dick for his valiant effort.

I didn't think Dani had much of a chance either, once the "rain" started. She has so little body fat and she started shivering early.

Well, on to the next round!

Nate said...

And now Dick is eating Cocoa Pebbles. This is SERIOUSLY why I am so into BB. Watching an adult man play the game on the back of the Cocoa Pebbles box is awesome. It's one of those things we all do, but never let on.
(And no, I'm not being sarcastic.)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the bunny stopping was some diabolical plan to get Dani out of the competition. @@

She was on the edge of falling off or quitting for a very long time.

Also, BB is known for it's competition screw ups so this shouldn't surprise or anger anyone. No one explained the green ball in Jameka's tube that time either.

I think we all need to stop getting so worked up about a game.

meb said...

anon 3:10 - I didn't see it, but jackie said that Daniele tripped over the rabbit. That's what "killed" it. Believe me if there was something underhanded going on, you don't think Dick would be defending Dani with a flow of his descriptive vocabulary. She tripped, it broke, and as they say in BB8, End of Story!

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh jackie, i want your kitty kitty meow meow!!!
debbie in calif

Jackie S. said...

meb - when she went down, it did seem like the rabbit paused or chugged -- was there longer than it should have been under her. I think it was starting to die right there, then when her pressure hit, poof -- dead bunny on a track.

DKNYNC said...

Great job as always! Loved your article over at TV Squad! You always report the events with just the right combination of unbiased facts and observational humor. I love reading your comments, you always make me laugh! Thank you for all you do.

Jackie S. said...

Added note -- but I still think the finish order would have remained the same no matter what. Daniele was too cold, Dick too out-of-shape. He did tremendously, but Zach is younger and a health nut who exercises daily.

Anonymous said...

Jackie - You should snuggle up with that ball of fur and sleep the day away.


Anonymous said...

Dick probably feels worse that after standing in water for seven and a half hours to advance his and Dani's team she couldn't even give her old dad a kiss. What a brat.

Anonymous said...

Jackie thanks again for hanging in there. You must have been up for 24 hr.!!! Good thing it's your day off.

Nate my dogs were doing the same thing last night/this morning. They kept waiting for me to go to bed--now today all they've done is sleep!!

I think Dick is a very competitive person and would love to win the next comp. but his need for Dani's love and approval is stronger. The comp will probably be over within 5 minutes. Such a role reserval--usually it's the child seeks the parents approval.

meb said...

Thanks Jackie. You know we who didn't have the feeds missed both Dani coming off and Dick stopping. Do you or anyone else have those videos where you could post them like you did a few of the others. I was so upset that I didn't see either of them.

I tried to get the feeds but I couldn't get RealPlayer to download. It says I have superpass but I can't get the feeds?????

Jackie S. said...

MEB - I don't have video of either, although my Dick defeat screen cap was in the moment he let go of the key. I didn't have a view of Daniele with the rabbit... I had Dick on my feed, saw him look and yell that the rabbit stopped under Daniele, then the feeds were blocked. I'm not sure how well the actual moment was caught on the other cams. I'm sure YouTube as as much as there is about both. I only recorded a short time last night and worked more on screen caps.

Is it that you can't get your RealPlayer to work with the feeds or you're trying to download the player itself?

Anonymous said...

Jackie your cat is adorable--is she/he always so mellow? I recently made a comment(on the previous post)and directed it to joe--I did not mean for it to be a personal attack. If it appears so I apologize.

Jackie S. said...

Nana -- I don't think Joe means any harm, he seems to enjoy debating issues. If it's aimed at him, I believe he probably has a thick skin by now. Offhand, I'm not sure of which comment. I'm still catching up.

Joe in NY said...

We should all post our cat pictures!

Anonymous said... names? He/she/it looks so much like one of mine. I have three "girls"....Zoe,Sadie and Kat(arina).They are so cute when they curl up and sleep.

Anonymous said...

The best thing I've seen all season is the current view in YOUR apartment, Jackie!


Jackie S. said...

The cat in the picture here is Teaser (Cat Stevens, Teaser and the Firecat. My "firecat" was first generation of my own cats.) Teaser is male. My other cat is a calico (female, naturally) named Scherzo. That's pronounced "skairt-so" and is the Italian word for Jester, also known as the name for the light bouncy part of classical music pieces. Both cats are 15 years old now, have had them since they were 7 weeks old. They're not related and they are spayed and neutered.

Anonymous said...

it was wierd on showtime after hours last nite.they went to a break and when they came back, Dani was off her perch. They never showed what happened. I don't think she would have lasted much longer no matter what tho.

meb said...

Tring to download RealPlayer. I don't know why, since I had the feeds last year, I should have it already, but it won't come up??? When I click on it, my screen goes black and then the desktop returns. It shuts the Windows Internet Explorer down and your blog goes poof. I have to open it again.

Sound like anything you've ever encountered? Anyone?

Jackie S. said...

MEB - That's a new one on me. What I'd suggest (if you run Windows), is finding the RP program from your list of programs, uninstall the version you have, sign in to and download the version they currently offer. It is a new player running this season.

Anonymous said...

1st time in 3 years I was able to see whole season. No Hurricanes for SO. Fla
But Enjoyed Jackie's blog just the same.

Anonymous said...

I have an inquiry about RealPlayer... I just downloaded it for the first time, and when I try to watch the feeds, it say the connection was lost, and I might be having network problems. Hmmm...

Any help?

Anonymous said...

Valiant effort or not on Dick's part his type of game does not deserve to win. Dr. Will and even Boogie used people not tried to intimidate them. As someone said earlier in the game.Would CBS or any of us put up with someone making fun of Kaysar and his religion? Saying things about Mohommad like Dick did about Jesus?
I don't think so. Dick has lowered the standard from mindful game play to the gutter

Jackie S. said...

CarrieLee - That's common when you first try to get them going. Go to them via the CBS site > SuperPass > log in, then bring them up from within SuperPass after you're logged in via that route. That often solves the problem. Don't ask me why, but tell me if it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for Zach. He looks so forlorn in the house with no one to talk to. The mommy in me just wants to hug him. He really is the kid on the playground that the bully always picks on, but he's finally standing up for himself and I say GO ZACH!! You can say he was a floater but since no one spoke with him during the first few weeks who knows what was going on in his head. He aligned with the Donatos and made his case to every HOH offering to vote however they wanted. He didn't win competitions although clearly he could have and that kept him from being a target the following week. People thought about him but never saw hm as a threat. He had people convinced he'd be happy with second place so they figured he'd never be a fighter. Dustin said last night "We said what are we going to do when we get to the final four and Zach is still here?" I think he stayed off the radar and good for him. Some may say that's not a strategy - I say it got him to the final three so it's better than everyone else's strategy. I'm praying for you Zach! or as Amber would say "hope a 'good person' wins. LOL!


Anonymous said...

Go Donatos especially Dick!!
Donna in AL

Anonymous said...

Jackie - the picture of or cat brought an "awe" to my lips, a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. I had two kitties until earlier this year when MonkeySee decided that 14 years was enough. He went under the house, went to sleep and that was it! I miss him so much! He was the best cat I have ever had. His brother, MonkeyDo and I are now bonding in new ways.

Anonymous said...

The Donato's don't think there's a point to continuing with the game because it's ALL OVER. I guess that means they think they've got the whole thing wrapped up.

ZOMG. Here we go with the entitlement thing again.

Anonymous said...

Zach walked into the kitchen past Dick and Dani, he said goodmorning, and went about his business. When he left the room Dani asked Dick why is he still kissing A**? Dick replied he's trying to get our votes.
No dear Dani it is called manners, he was trying to be nice, do you have any idea what that is? treating others with respect something you obviously never learned from your father.

Deanna said...

Dick should throw the next round to Daniele and then let her have at Zack in round 3... Anyone who has been exposed to constant cold water for 7.5 hours while standing with arm in the air will not fully recover for at least a week and will fill the effects of it. Zack last night was pale, twitchy and zombie like after the comp... I don't think his mind will be as sharp as Daniele's will be...

I've been thinking of how people say Zack played the best game because he floated under the radar and then attacked when necessary. I don't agree. Zack was always on the radar since week 1, but luckily for him, other "bigger" targets presented themselves and overshadowed him. He was just lucky that others showed something that required their immediate target and he was able to be the smaller target. It was nothing he could have done to make the others more evictable. As for comps, he claims to have thrown them, but in truth, you can tell he struggles with questions and that was why Jameka worked so hard with them. I'm not saying he is bad at them, but it doesn't come naturally to him like it does to others. So, in other words, I really feel like Zack was the floater who most wanted out, but got lucky with each week.

Dick & Daniele played the best game ever and I seriously hope they make it to the F2. I see beyond the words & tatts to see great game play and strategy with those two...

As for the bunny... It clearly malfunctioned then died and because of that Daniele was elimanated. It doesn't matter if she looked like she couldn't make it any longer, because about 4-5 hours before Dick quit I thought he was done. She should have been allowed back on the pedestal to stand with Zack & Dick... I swear, doesn't BB & CBS have enough money to not have sooooo many malfunctions each season???

Congrats to both Zack and Dick for an amazing job last night... I would have lasted a half hour. :)

Anonymous said...

Dick wants lots of security at the wrap party.

LMAO. Even he knows he's an offensive, abusive bully.

Deanna said...

Kaysar didn't flaunt his religion or make it out to control the game. People who are religious don't like others critisizing(sic) their beliefs, BUT people who are non-religious don't like religion thrown in their face. It is a two way road and Jameka should have kept her religion close to her heart, like Kaysar did. Instead she threw it out there and expected people to ignore it existed when she felt like being a "bad girl"... Sorry Jameka it doesn't work that way. Kaysar was a brilliantly smart player, but his downfall was that he was a genuinly nice, classy guy who had a hard time lying and deceiving people and trusted others who he shouldn't have. His religion was more important than the game. He still remains one of my favorite players for his great strategies.

As for Amber calling them the "good people", well if a Anti-sematic,hyprocrite,arrogant,mean girl are what is "Good", then please oh please let me be the baddest girl alive... The girl is beyond delusional. I read a recent interview with Nick and he said that he thinks Amber has alot of mental problems and that they will probably get worse when she gets out and realizes what people really think of her. So much for a "Good person"....

Anonymous said...

For Dani...sometimes Good Morning is just "Good Morning."

Anonymous said...

Zach congratulated Dick on lasting so long despite the abuse rained on Zach during the "rain." That's right and proper...something the Donatos know nothing about. When Dani won POV she was all about throwing herself into her father's arms....but after he lost the HOH comp she couldn't even give him a kiss or tell him she loved him for all his effort. She was just pissed he dropped out...even though she finally told him he could give up. The man was dying out there. I don't think she would have cared a bit if he fell over dead if had been the last one standing. Cold cold girl. I actually feel sorry for Dick...amazing since he disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

Drew Carey didn't want Amber on the show when he heard about her racist anti-Semitic remarks...learned from her mother. Another case of teaching children to hate. So sad. Unfortunately for Carey, the "show had to go on."

Deanna said...

Actually Dani got her dad some warm towels and fixed both Zack and her dad some food. I think her and her dad think in the game a lot, but after last nights comp, they ALL stepped outside of it for a moment and treated eachother nicely.

I watched the entire thing and never did I see Daniele pissed at her dad. I'm sure she wishes it went another way, but she knows her dad gave a valiant effort...

Anonymous said...

Jameka didn't FLAUNT her religion. It was a part of her and her life. People asked her about her religion and she talked about it. She wasn't forcing people to be like her or do what she did. Maybe we weren't watching the same show. Sure she was into her religion, but she didn't flaunt it. BB8 did seem to focus on it and feature it--but I'm pretty sure Jameka didn't ask them to.

Anonymous said...

hey....and for Zach it WAS a "good" morning!

Anonymous said...

Dick wants to make sure Dani gets the money so that she can pay him back.

Anonymous said...

I have been disappointed in some of the comps this year. Why can't BB think of something that doesn't involve threatening the HG health? I like the use your brain comps more. This rain/mud stuff is so dangerous. What if someone fell and really hurt themselves critically injuring their back or breaking a leg? BB needs to think of HG safety and it doesn't seem like they do.

Anonymous said...

I think ED may throw the next comp so Dani Can get go against Zach in the final. Aren't they usually questions about the other players? Dani would probably do better. Who knows what they will do.


PlaidChick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jackie ~ I really appreciate your commentary on the goings on in the house. Wanted to warn you - if Dick saw your kitty-boo's picture, he's bound to say something really ugly about it. haha

PlaidChick said...

Zach's game play!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see some comments today about Dani and how she treats her dad. It gave me the willies when I saw her jump into her dad's arms and wrap her legs around him last night!! Then she can't have the decency to be kind after the defeat this morning??? I think she and her father are two of a kind...cold, calculating, and nasty people.


Anonymous said...

I am SO glad Zach won that long walk in the rain jumping over that bunny. Now the next show is gonna be exciting :)

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad Zach won that long walk in the rain jumping over that bunny. Now the next show is gonna be exciting :)

Deanna said...

Kail was very religious and nobody knew of it, because it wasn't something she threw in everyones face by saying that God was directing this game like a bad play. Kaysar quietly prayed and didn't quiz others on their beliefs and act as if his religion was playing a part in the direction of the game. Jameka prayed loudly, made a huge deal about the "magic ping-pong ball" being pulled for a divine reason, and quizzed others on their beliefs. Then she expected others to ignore her religion when she wanted to bring out her inner "bad girl", then she immediately prayed for God's forgiveness...It doesn't work that way Jameka!

Religion is a very personal thing and Amber & Jameka put it out there on front street...

Anonymous said...

I don't think she would have cared a bit if he fell over dead if had been the last one standing

Ouch - Following HOH comp Danielle's demeanor towards both her Dad along side Zach appeared genuine. I believe despite having had their differences, they all realized it was a hard task, therefore treated each other with respect.

Tom` S

Anonymous said...

don't give stinky poop for Daniele or ED...good one Z!!


PlaidChick said...

I had to send one about Dick too

Dick Tribute

Anonymous said...

second on that one Lone7!! m not a hater but 2 c Daniele & ED think they hold the power for the houz..OMGTGBK!!!


Anonymous said...

btw..thanks for the bloq ms. J! u r rock and nothing but love from sunny cali!


PlaidChick said...

I don't see a Zach Tribute sooo

Dick and Daniele tribute

Daniele Tribute

Anonymous said...

The fact that Dick keeps bringing up that he will need LOTS of security wrap party tells me everything I need to know about Dick Donato.

It tells me that he has known from the get go that his behavior was something that would result in negative feedback/hard feelings and yet he CHOSE to do it anyway. This is a 44 year old man behaving as though he has no impulse control. It's sickening.

We all view the world through our own eyes, with our own experiences coloring the things we see and that's why we have some people who find nothing wrong with Dick's behavior and we have some, like me, who find it reprehensible--especially since it's just a game and there was no reason to go the route he CHOSE.


Anonymous said...

According to Dick's MySpace page, he really likes cats. So I don't think Jackie and her kitty have much to worry about!

Anonymous said...

I hope Dani and Dick do read the shows comments about them and realize that people do not think their america's sweathearts, not even close. Sad so sad, sorry white trash people. No class. Go ahead give them the money, it will be quickly wasted, and back in ciculation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Britt. Dick has had no sympahty for anyone but his skinny daughter. Its all about them. No sportsmanship, no integrity and no class!
I've been reading the blogs all summer but have only commented a few times. Had to do it today.
And by the way, Thanks Jackie, my sister and I wake up to your blog!
Jo in Nevada

Anonymous said...

Recap from the feeds...
Dick asks for kiss from Dani. She says, "No.
04:32 AM
Dick said "I love you so much, tell me you love me" Daniele: "Nope"

That doesn't sound like she was very appreciative to me. I think a warm hug and a kiss might be in order...better than a "leg wrap hug" after she has won something.

Anonymous said...

Dick is now ranting through the house that Zach should be told that he didn't really win that POV (with the balls in the tube). WTF is his major malfunction? That POV helped keep those two lamebrains in the game (or at least one of them--Dani).

He can't be happy about anything. He's a miserable human being and he and Dani are being such shits to Zach and he's trying to get along with them. What despicable people they are.

Deanna said...

Dick knows he is, as he calls himself an "a**hole". It is people like Amber and the others who are oblivious to their own behavior. At least Dick owns his "out there and in your face" behavior and has accepted himself as he is, I can't say the same for most of the others this season. So in knowing that he'll need security shows that he is very much aware of what he is doing and that Amber will be in for a RUDE AWAKENING when she realizes she will need security too. The interviews stopped at her for a reason.

I understand that people don't like or agree with how he plays, but for ME, it doesn't bother me in the least. I pride myself on being very open to many walks of life. I look at this as a game and not real. So with each and every HG, I can only see their behavior and actions as game play and that is how I SEE these people through MY eyes...Just playing the game.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:14: Dani loved him when he was still fighting in the competition then changed her tune afterwards.

Deanna said...

I watched the live feeds all night and she was very nice & encouraging to him during the comp and after. He was so down on himself and felt he let them down and she was encouraging. She brought him warm towels & a warm beverage as well as cooked for both of the guys. She kept telling him was okay and consoling him... At least on my feeds..hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Amber might need security--but she is, at the moment, blissfully ignorant about that which means she has no idea she offended anyone whereas the Dickster knows he offends people and doesn't care. Yes, it's really refreshing for about 2 seconds and then it gets real old. Do you know people like him in real life? They're usually friendless except for those people they find who are either exactly like them, or drugged up so much it doesn't matter. I'm a very open person myself but I draw the line at abuse.

Anonymous said...

I saw the comforting Dani too. But I think she's back to normal Dani today. That's my point.

Anonymous said...

Danielle was complaining to Dick that when he goes to the Diary Room for an hour it's soooo boring for her cause there's nothing to do. (and Zach is in the house 24/7 and they don't even acknowledge he's there, how must it be for him??) Anyway, she and Dick were playing cards and Dick got called to the DR. Zach walked in and tried to talk to her but did she invite him to play cards or even talk to him? - no of course not, she just got up and walked away. That is the kind of behavior (that has nothing to do with game play) that shows the kind of person she really is.

Joe in NY said...

Welll, you know what Freud would say...

Deanna said...

Exactly! D& D have their "Game face" on and it came off a bit last night,so that real thoughts and feelings could prevail in a serious(to the real world) moment. So D&D, keep your GAMEFACE on and win the whole thing.

It is only a game, and I will only judge accordingly... The rest is hearsay!

Anonymous said...

game face = an excuse to be obnoxious jerks

Anonymous said...

Game play is one thing, but rudeness is another! My moma didnt raise me that way!
The D's are rude and nasty when they dont get their way. I've watched BB since the first year and have never seen anyone as abusive as ED. He is mean, nasty, and a real jerk. Someone asked a while back "how would he feel if someone on the show talked to Danielle the way he has spoken to women and men in the house"
Shame on the hgs that didnt say anything to him. Kudos to Zack for standing up to him this week and having the class of being nice!

skywitch said...

I'm a D/D supporter, and I hope Dick wins. His behavior doesn't bother me--most of the time!--because I've seen much worse, and again (and again, and again) this is a game.

I don't hate Zach, though. Just reading Joker's a few moments ago sort of tugged at my heart. I'm rooting for Dick, but if Zach wins that's fine with me.


Anonymous said...

Do they forget that if Zach loses he has a vote? I still think Dani deserved a penalty vote for defying BB and not wearing her mike or going into DR when called. Dick deserves a penalty vote for his mouth...but neither will get one...only Jen got a penalty vote.

Anonymous said...

I find it incredible that so many people can defend Dicks behavior. Maybe that's why there is so much abuse and violence toward women ~ because so many of you find men like Dick sexy and don't see anything wrong with his behavior. I think he's a sad, pathetic excuse for a man who needs to bully other people to feel like he matters. Here are some statistics we should all be proud of.

*Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime

*Nearly 25 percent of American women report being raped and/or physically assaulted by a
current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at some time in their lifetime.,

*30% of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet the house is uniformly against the Donatos and if Zach lasts he'll win by a landslide. That should help him a bit after the nastiness he is now enduring at the hands of two poor sports.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would just end the show already. How do they expect anyone to want to hang aroung and watch Dani whine and complain, Dick rant and rave, and poor Zach the focus of their attention (or should I say lack of). How boring will it be with 2 people ignoring each other for a week. I just hope BB will step in and stop the harrasment of Zach if he is in fact one of the last 2. He will feel the wrath of the remaining Donato He shouldn't be subjected to the sh+* he's had to put up with thus far.

Anonymous said...

So, will BB do anything about Jameka really winning POV?


Joe in NY said...

anon 7:59


It is one thing to root for Zack. It is another thing to not like Dick. But it is an abhorrent thing to marry a discussion of rape with a discussion of Dick and Dick lovers!

Joe in NY said...

Rather than call each other names, why not something constructive.

Assume Dick and Zack are in the final, who would the jury vote for and why?

Assume Zack and Dani are in the final, who would the jury vote for and why?

PlaidChick said...


Anonymous said @7:59...
*Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.

Have you seen or know for a fact Dick "Beat, coerced into sex or abused another woman" on this show or otherwise?

*Nearly 25 percent of American women report being raped and/or physically assaulted by a
current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at some time in their lifetime.,

Have you witnessed Dick or seen a police file claim against Dick in which he raped, physically assaulted a current or former spouse cohabiting partner, or date at some time in his lifetime.

*30% of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.

Have you witness Dick physically abuse a woman on Big Brother or otherwise.

No you haven't. You have no proof that Dick has commited any of the above acts. If the HG's feel they have been abused, then they have hours of footage to use and take him to court. Otherwise it is HERESAY and will be thrown out in court.

Tessa said...

I think if Zach ends up in the finals with either of the D's he will win. Most of the people on the jury are not going to vote for either Dick or Dani.

Anonymous said...

Joe in NY, I agree with you, as usual.

Anon 8:01--You never know how the jury will vote. I was shocked when Rich won Survivor--everyone on the jury really disliked him.
They voted for him because they felt he played the game best.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Zach. for the simple reason I don't like to reward bad behavior. What the Donatoe' have done is not considered game. It is wins by harrassment, threats and intimidation. Not worthy of my vote.
Go Zach

PlaidChick said...

OHH MY AMBER JOE-- my post is longer than yours :)

OK I did copy and pasting, but wow :)

Joe in NY said...

Dick and Zack in the final.

Likely votes for Dick: Danielle (obviously), Eric (respects game play, hates Zack), Jess (I think she will go with game play over personal. Dick never abused her personally)

Likely votes for Zack: Jameka (seemed to find Zack a bit icky right to the end, but never a fan of Dick - I think she'll go with less of 2 Evils); Jen (hard to imagine her voting for Dick, but I also wouldn't be surprised); Dustin (I think Dick was too personal with Dustin and Dustin didn't stick around long enough to forgive him)

I think the vote would come down to Amber and I have NO IDEA who she would choose.

Joe in NY said...

Zack vs Dani

Likely Dani votes: Dick (definite); Eric (likes gameplay); Jess (not likely to vote personal); Jameka (I think she likes Dani more than Zack, despite zack's late conversion); Dustin (hates her Dad, but seemed to be indifferent to Dani while disliking Zack); Amber (again, I'm not so sure about her, but she seemed to have some relationship with Dani and none with Zack)

Likely Zack votes: Jen (seemed more hurt by Dani's betrayal than anything Dick did, also most likely to vote personal over strategy)

Tessa said...

So it may all come down to Ambers vote???? Whatever is this world coming to?

Anonymous said...

Have you seen or know for a fact Dick "Beat, coerced into sex or abused another woman" on this show or otherwise?

Dick has verbaly abused several on this show. Calling Jen a C*%^, skank, several other names I'm not going to use, also threw tea in her face. he was jabbing at her with his cig as she was going for it. So to answer your question, yes I've seen Dick be abusive to others on the show. I blam BB and CBS for letting it continue

PlaidChick said...

Joe darlin, AP has Eric's vote, you had it right, AP would choose Dick.

Unfortunately Dustin is in the jury house and will be doing a lot of talking and a lot convincing. Amber will go with Dustin.

The person who's going to need security as well is Eric. I don't think many of them are going to be happy hamsters.

Joe in NY said...

plaidchick, you're learning. It's all in how fast you type!!!

Joe in NY said...


Jameka never won the POV. They disqualified her, but she kept playing anyway and Zack won before she could finish.

Tessa said...

If Zach wins HOH I am sure he would take Dick to the finals. He doesn't want to go up against Dani who has won more comps.

Anonymous said...

Dick wants lots of security at the wrap party.

How about security for Dick, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton

Anonymous said...

According to Dick's MySpace page, he really likes cats.
I love your Cat Photo (( Jackie ))
I love cats, I had 7 cats at one time, though one of my favs his name was Boots thought he was a dog )Boots was a very unusual cat, he'd want to ride with me in my vehicle, however not in a cage, but ride along sitting in front seat, similar to how you'll see dogs, he enjoyed baths, unlike my other cats, he hated cat pails he preferred going outdoors to take care of his business, afterwards he'd go back indoors, Boots had a habit of following me sometimes when I'd ride my motorcycle, one morning I was in a hurry, I thought Boots had gone back indoors, later after I'd gotten back home, I never saw him again, Dang I miss him, he was a great cat, he'd even go walking along side me, all my cats answer to whistle calling, not normal kitty kitty, I won't analyze cat lovers, though while in college, many many years ago, I did a study on cat people, overall OIMO they were people person who'd get along just about with anyone, even their own enemies if they had too. Now back to topic at hand; Hopefully Production Staff is worn out and will have next HOH comp tomorrow, if not by 11pm.

Joe in NY said...

anonymous 8:14

I would be careful about making libelous accusations - could happen to you someday. Not here, of course, because you are hiding behind anonymous.

Dick has been verbally abusive, but that is not at all the same as rape which was the tenor of all of your alleged statistics. I'm not excusing it as irrelevant, just suggesting you are equating the b-word and c-word with coerced sex and that is a bit extreme.

And, you can't fairly blame Dick for the whole cigarette incident. Jen instigated the confrontation and kept grabbing at the cigarette while Dick told her not to because she would get burned. In court, I think Jen would be more open to a menacing charge than Dick for THAT confrontation.

PlaidChick said...

Anon@ 8:14

Have you seen or know for a fact Dick "Beat, coerced into sex or abused another woman" on this show or otherwise?

The above mentioned is speaking of physical attacks.

Calling Jen a C*%^, skank, several other names I'm not going to use, also threw tea in her face.

Ohh yes the Tea-gate. CBS has a lot of lawyers. Don't you think if they thought (including Jen) it was abuse actions would of been taken?

he was jabbing at her with his cig as she was going for it.

She was stuffing her face with food, and going at him. She went after him first. Watch the tapes.

yes I've seen Dick be abusive to others on the show.

Verbal abuse is heresay. Like I said, if they all think he is an abuser go after him in court.

PlaidChick said...

On another note, do we want to place bets in which the next competition will take place from 9 pm-midnight during Sho2?

Tessa said...

Ok people can we just let the Dick abuse crusade come to a screeching halt. They have got rid of a houseguest before when they crossed the line. Obviously Dick hasn't done anything illegal or he would have been gone. I myself would have cracked under one of Dick's tirades but that was his game plan. CBS is ok with it. We need to let it go.

Anonymous said...

joe in ny?

dick was ranting earlier, and dani was talking, that bb had told them that jameka had actually one after they reviewed the tape. dick was using some not nice f words (Imagine that!) about them not finding out sooner. I just wondered if they would do anything about that? (I also read about the rant over on Jokers, but saw it going on as well)


Joe in NY said...

good point Tessa.

I got called a mother-f-er on the last thread, where do I go for some justice?!?!? :)

Steff, honey, where are you?

Holly, baby doll, how's our little bundle of joy?

Orkmommy, you've been AWOL all day!

Joe in NY said...

michellch1, which POV are we talking about?

The one with the balls or the ones with the photos?

In each of them, they had to hit a buzzer, I never saw Jam hit her buzzer.

Does anyone else know about this or is it just another Internet lie?

Anonymous said...

She didn't hit her buzzer because Julie told her she was disqualified because she put a blue ball in and Jam kept saying that she didn't do that. I read about it on Jokers and there is a clip on YouTube with Dani and Dick talking about it (it's a few min into the clip). He also was ranting about it in the round room.


RBennie said...

You guys should head over to Jackie's new post!

RBennie said...

If I remember correctly, even without the blue ball, Jameka didn't have enough green balls in to win anyway. Does anyone else remember?

Chauncey said...

If i was on this years show and ED treated me like he did Zach, he would definately need a lot of security at the wrap party. Not really but i would be very tempted.

Anonymous said...

I thought that, too, rbennie, but the houseguests think otherwise. *shrug*


barbwire said...

joe in ny - i agree with you (and freud) about the id - it is real & true

also, another person posted in the last entry that she was a flight attendant & heard worse from customers than Dick has spewed - i am a truck dispatcher & have been for 14 years; i've also heard worse - i've been called names, blamed for things such as the weather, traffic, detours, etc - i learned a long time ago that i have no control over what someone says, i only have control over how i handle it - so i handle it by not taking it personally, & it very rarely phases me

but... this is all part of my life, & my job - Dick is not living his life or working at a job - he is playing a game - he decided that he would use words to attack people to get them frazzled & be unable to play well, and that is his strategy in the game - he is not out of control, he is very much in control - he knows what he is doing

i also agree with another poster, that if he was really smart, he would use different tirades for different people, the same old stuff doesn't always work, but he isn't able to switch gears when he needs to

i think of it as if they were all sitting around a table playing poker - one guys is swearing & spitting & farting, hoping to distract everyone - another person is praying - still another is flirting, & on & on - it's just a game

last night's comp is the first time Dick actually had to "work" for the money - his verbal tirades didn't help him - and i don't feel sorry for any of them, each of them could have stepped off & gone inside if they felt their health was in danger, they chose to stay in the conditions to win a half million bucks !!

and that's JMO

joy n said...

Plaidchick: 6:27PM: Wasn't much of a surprise with the Zach clip.

Absolutely loved the Dick Tribute! Thanks for posting it. It made me laugh out loud and I'm still smiling about it. It's nice to see a lot of good things about him (and Dani). I LOVED the music too.

Again, thank you.

joy n said...

Britt: 6:50PM: Dick has been at the top or close to the top of every favorite HG poll. I think he will be pleasantly surprised and you will probably be very disappointed to find he is very popular when he goes to the wrap party!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joy, you might want to check out the CBS polls. Z took a huge jump in the popular vote and is second only to ED.


joy n said...

So what! I'm talking about Dick will be pleasantly surprised to find out about HIS popularity and won't need more security than the others.

Anonymous said...

So what, Z jumped 24 points in one week. The polls mean nothing.


joy n said...

Then I guess Zach jumping 24 "points" in one week means nothing. Apparently you don't get what I was saying. Our opinions differ, that's all.

Anonymous said...

Actually Joy, since this is just a game, I won't waste too much time being disappointed over Dick's alleged popularity. I'm like Joe and just like to argue.


Anonymous said...

Verbal abuse is heresay?

That's a new one.

Anonymous said...

That's right. Z jump in 24 points mean nothing. Polls have been used forever by people for everything under the sun. Even for politics. All these polls show is that some people like to take them. Not all people. They are not a true reflection of what people really think. (The Republican party called me once to breathlessly ask me what I thought about Clinton and when I said I had more important problems than worrying about him getting a BJ, they hung up and never called me again...Thank God.) Who knows maybe someone didn't have anything to do and they just sat there for a couple of hours voting for either one of them.

The only one that matters anyway is the AP vote and some people have even figured ways around that. They use different computers or they use their computer and their cell phone.

I do agree on one thing though...ED will not need security at the wrap party. Everyone will be on their best behavior and having a good time and not want to get into a big arguement there.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said @7:59...
*Around the world, at least

Thats very tacky being the day after 911

Anonymous said...

Love the view in your apartment, looks like mine, I have 4 that own me. I look forward to reading what you write more than I do watching the show. Thanks!