Sunday, March 09, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds After the Aftermath of POV Use

Joshuah is actually being quiet listening to Sheila ramble on (and on and on) about how she respects gay people, people shouldn't be mean, Allison was highly intelligent and probably didn't fit in with the house, etc.

Once again I was asked to review/recap tonight's episode for TV Squad -- you can check that out at this link.

Have there been fisticuffs? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Very Weird Folk:
  • Ryan told James that throwing pickle juice on Natalie probably won't bode well for him to stay in the house.
  • James thinks Adam threw him under the bus.
  • James told Chelsia he heard Matt and Adam saying today would be tragic, then laughing. He thinks they set him up.
  • James just wants to go home if evicted, not to sequester. (He should stay for the $750 a week more than he usually earns!)
  • Matt says he wanted Joshuah on the block, not James. (True -- he's been campaigning against Joshuah.)
  • Chelsia thinks America loves her and James as a couple and won't want him voted out.
  • James and Chelsia smooched. He comforted her as she cried.
  • Sheila is mad that the other slop eaters blame her for losing. Well, we saw on the show tonight -- she did horribly!
  • Now Chelsia whines about the couples being split apart. "You're put with someone, have to trust them, then they rip you apart."
  • Matt again told Josh he wasn't raised right. I don't think anyone in this house was raised right!
  • Matt told Sharon she shouldn't bother to pack, she's not leaving this week.
  • Matt now claims in his new "raised better than Josh" persona that he didn't realize how rough Natalie's life has been and he doesn't want to make it any tougher for her.
  • Matt told Sharon that if they wanted Josh gone, he'd be on the block now. (But MATT did want him gone, RYAN made a deal with him.)
  • Sharon thinks however the house goes with the vote, Adam will go. (She's right. He won't make waves.)
  • Chelsia and Joshuah both told Sharon they think she's safe. (it would probably be in their best interest to follow the Ryan crowd this vote.)
  • Joshuah apologized to Matt for his actions earlier after the POV ceremony. He said he just went off.
  • Sharon told James, Chelsia, and Joshuah that Sheila is scared Joshuah will go off on her.
  • James, pretty sure he's going home, told Sharon and Chelsia that they should stick together.
  • Sheila told James she knew nothing about what was going to happen at the POV ceremony.
  • Sheila told Joshuah that Sharon has her vote. She doesn't like Chelsia.
  • Chelsia says that she and Joshuah have more to offer Sheila than Sharon does.
  • James thinks that Sheila hasn't made up her mind, but Chelsia thinks she has and will vote to evict him.
  • Joshuah told James that he thinks he can get a 4-2 vote for him to stay, but Sheila might flip.
  • James now thinks he didn't think about the game enough. If he stays, he will "retool" his whole game.
  • James asked Joshuah not to go off on Sheila (as a bargaining tip) if he can get her to vote for him to stay.
  • Remember, Sharon is Joshuah's partner. James is still not thinking.
  • The HG planned a boxing match for next Saturday's ShoToo.
Tonight's BBAD will probably be quiet. It was the early evening (ET) which had the brouhaha. And, you know how I love that word. I just couldn't bring myself to write about the sniffing crotches business earlier. Low class, that's all I can say. Maybe no class. What's wrong with these people?


Anonymous said...

Even Matty's shorts are capri length. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie for saving us all the details of the crotch sniffing....if someone wants to see it they can go to Youtube(yes, there's a video)! All I can say is Chelsia's behavior is not new since she got in the BB house. It's disgusting!!! I can see why her and James were picked as soulmates.

Nat. interpeting the Bible?! Oh please help the HG. Let's see how many colors are there?? Red, blue, green and yellow...3.
LOL How many letters in the alphabet...."and" isn't a letter?? Well, in the Beaver state it is!!!!!(Just kidding Granny in Portland). ROTFL

After reading Joker's , watching Youtube and trying to keep up with Jackie I feel like I need to detox my body, take a shower,eat some chocolate(my comfort food) and read MY Bible!!! See you in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Jackie-I must be getting very tired tonight. Your post on have me giggling about the HG and their behaviors.

Natilie is thinking there is 27 letters in the alphabet and is such a "spelling bee" she had troubles spelling "cereal". I just don't know how much more one can help her out. I was surprise that she did not have troubles climbing the ladder!

Josh must have been abused is so many ways...his behavior is not normal. He has said so many hurtful things. Plus he beats everything to death and keep beating it once it is dead. I think if I was in the house with him, I would have to find a way to sleep with one eye open. What will he do when he is evicted?

I better get some sleep.

monty924 said...

Natalie spelling bee going on now in kitchen with Matt and Ryan. She spells vegetables - VEGTABLES, refrigerator - REFRIDGERATOR, barbeque - BARBQUE, polyunsaturated -, nice she got that one correct! Some more... supplement, good again... synthesis - well dang SHO2 cut to another shot.

Okay, that's all for me. Goodnight!

Anonymous said...

Sharon thinks Adam will he even on the block??? Lost and confused in a box on the beach in FL...

Anonymous said...

oh yes, I forgot... Matt only 26 letters in the English alphabet.


Anonymous said...

Should have mentioned, on the show I heard Matt say there were 27 letters first, seems to me Natalie would take that as gospel from her Matty.


Anonymous said...

The Bible Chelsia was reading for quotes to use against Natalie is a Precious Moments version. Josh handed it to her. Whose is it? Is that one Sharon's copy? Or is it the one Josh took from Natalie and then hid after the Veto?

Josh seems to think that might makes right in shouting matches and that he is getting some kind of points for tossing insults at people. He acts as if he should be congratulated for his wit, when there is nothing funny about the insults he delivers.

Matt loves the thought of being macho. With Natalie as the victim, he can like her because stepping up to protect her puts him in the spotlight and makes him feel like the man. Hollow victory imo.

Natalie became the Post Veto Dart Board because someone told James and his group that she was the brains behind changing the nomination from Matt to James. Got to love that she was the brain power in it, right? Why would any of them pick on the big guy Ryan when they could target a female. With the Veto ceremony, over all the animosity went straight to Natalie and everyone else (Sheila/Adam esp) laid low and claimed to be as shocked as James.

Sharon never moved from the by sofa, but people came to her. Josh told her if Sheila didn't behave he would 'go after her son'. Sharon said, please don't, that is wrong. Josh said that he asked BB to make an announcement that no one can touch hgs private belongings and she said, but what about you taking N's bible. The dynamic between Sharon and Josh is interesting to watch.

Thank you Jackie, another long day here for me and it is good to wake up to read your account of the frightful follies. Sue