Thursday, March 20, 2008

BB9 - Nominations In

My latest feeds post is up on TV Squad, but the nominations are in. Adam put Chelsia and James on the block.

Natalie and Sheila are being incredibly annoying ... more so than usual.


Anonymous said...

"Natalie and Sheila are being incredibly annoying ... more so than usual."

I don't doubt you, Jackie...but how is that even possible?? ;)

Thanks for the update!!

Laurie said...

"Natalie and Sheila are being incredibly annoying ... more so than usual."

This boggles the mind. Can we back door one of them?

Anonymous said...

I so hope James is gone! Although Chelsia is no loss to the tv world. But, wouldn't it be nice to see Joshua backdoored???

Tom`S said...

Thank you greatly Jackie, I agree Nat/Shelia are annoying chatter boxes non-stop, Jackie I have a question, I sent you an email, its in regards to your photos, also have you ever co-written a novel? I know your a busy lady, Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

YEA!!!! i am so glad they are on the block. they make me think of ED and danielle last year...people knowing they are really strong, yet no one doing anything about them. same as will and boogie too......its like one or two people decide to "run" the house and everyone else just scrambles always trying to protect themselves. i have always loved janelle, but was amazed that in bb allstars she was not the first one targeted for eviction. i think people like to have someone step up to lead them...then they just follow the leader down the path. human nature. go figure.

gnat and sheila..oh my word....SO annoying! if sheila was so remorseful about treating adam like crap earlier in the game, why did she wait till she was on the block and needed his vote to stay in the house to have such a "heartfelt" apology? sharon...not sure about her....i guess her and adam both chose to use ...under the radar..strategy like zach did last season. i just can't even get a handle on who MIGHT win this. anyone have a prediction?

Anonymous said...

Any one of the three........James would be my #1, followed by Josh, and lastly Chelsia...... or any order, as long as they all go .... and soon!

Anonymous said...

ca2pa......i agree TOTALLY!! get rid of james, chelsia AND josh!!! gee, that would leave who left to win? man!! not a ONE is worthy!!

monty924 said...

I think Natalie, Sharon and Josh stand a good chance at the end. I don't like it, still rooting for James, but Josh has escaped even being nominated so far.


Anonymous said...

im a fan of james..not bc he is particularly good person but bc he ISNT sheila, gnat, or ryan. actually, dont give a @#$% about any of them. i think putting j/c on the block is a good idea for adam, right now. the girls will turn on him as soon as they let all guys pick each other off. keeping james could keep their eye off of him. just a thought.

Nancy said...

I kind of like James and Sharon there the best out of this bunch. He is playing the game and she floats but quietly. I would have liked to see natalie and shelia nominated because they drive me crazy Nat more so because she was so up Matt's ass I couldn't even watch it anymore. On a side note what's up with these people quiting on survivor it's chance of a life time. I love Ozzy but If your talking about game play last night and the week before they had the perfect opportunity to get rid of him. He is so cute and I would marry him but as far as the game goes I would have to vote his ass out. If they lose next week I think they will vote out cirie and keep Eric because she is a pain in the ass. You can't be too mad at Tracy at least she tried to play the game to win. All of those people can win against each other but not against Ozzy she was smart enough to see that and had he gone it would have been considered a great power play just an unpopulare one.

Jackie S. said...

Tom's - I'm not finding that email. I've been running a bit behind trying to keep up with comments and other emails. But I looked and I'm not seeing yours. Could you resend?

Zoetawny said...


Now that Mattie's gone maybe Gnat and Shewitch can hook up.
Sheila has already toyed with the pretend lesbian bit. ::::shudder the thought::::

So, it's the lovebirds on the block together. POV will be of utmost importance now. If Chelsia won would she take herself off or James? If James won, then who? I think they would both take themselves off. Who's getting backdoored?

I'm reading the commenters' views about who they want to be evicted next. Heck, I want any of them to go, except maybe Sharon. I think she's been the least offensive and wouldn't mind if she won. I'm not exactly rooting for her but I'll be screaming all the way from CA to NY if any of the others win.

PlaidChick said...

I still like the J/C J/S 4-some

If Adam is responsible for sending James or Chelsia out this week, I will throw up. He's done very well with being a floater and playing both sides, but I have never been a fan of the one or two players who are floaters.

Ryan is nothing without Jen, Alex and now Matt gone.

Natalie and Shiela will drop Adam as soon as his week is over.

Seeing that the final episode is at the end of April, a double eviction should be coming soon.

Sydney said...

James fan that I am, this was a very good move, as long as no one back doors anyone and the noms are left that same. That said, it would be great TV if James or Chelsia themselves won the POV, so I'd look forward to either of those two scenarios.

Am I actually going to say this...(?): Good job Adam!

Apparently he keep checking to be sure he has his balls, when in fact all it took was his being HOH to prove it. (Sounds like kind of a whacked-out story line from Wizard of Oz)

joy n said...

So Adam is just another brainless twit letting Sheila and Gnat decide for him who should be on the block this week. Three more floaters trying to get the real gamers out of the house before anyone notices their weakness in the game. And YES, Sheila's lame apology to Adam was so obvious to everyone but him. You could see on his face how much he ate it up. Too bad he doesn't know of Sheila's backstabbing speech about him to James in the days before the eviction.

I certainly hope that James wins POV again, takes himself off and then puts up one of those two bimbos. The peace and quiet in the house would be enough reason to get one of them out.

I don't want one of the floaters to win this. I don't want Gnat to win this just to score points with Mattie-boy in the "outside" world. I don't want Sheila to win this after pulling every pity card she can think of.

Finally, I agree that Gnat and Sheila will be the first in line to backdoor wimp Adam when he's no longer useful.

Anonymous said...

So much can happen between now and eviction. Sheila and Adam are supposed to be having a fake fight to throw the others off. I have no idea how they came up with that idea.

Adam says he wants the noms to stay the same (but he also said lots of other things, so who knows what he wants). It did remind me that in past seasons one group would make sure the veto wasn't won by someone in the other group. I haven't seen that kind of team work this season on anything...except maybe making a meal.

Any one of the hgs can go and I will be happy. I think I will take my leaning toward James back, though. I was only for him because he was playing a good game. I like mind games and that sort of play. When James is angry he tends to move away from the good game playing and resort to crudeness. Evidentally DR told him he couldn't make a gift of his, uh extra hair.

I do think it will be interesting to watch him and Chelsia campaign against each other. They have already made lots of sarcastic 'jokes' about selling out her vagina (James words not mine) and her saying what she would do for a vote. As I say, they were doing it while kidding around with everyone in the back yard. And they all (Ryan, I think said it first) came up with theory that one of the posters here mentioned. Tell Nat that Chel wants to be with Matt in Jury and Nat won't vote her out or will ask to take her place. Earlier (before noms) Adam thought James threatened him, if James was put up. I didn't hear it,so don't know. But, Adam did ask Nat to stay near him. How is that for a body guard? All that happened a few hours ago, so by now I am sure they have all moved on to a new (probably even lower) level.

Anonymous said...

Apparently he keep checking to be sure he has his balls, when in fact all it took was his being HOH to prove it. (Sounds like kind of a whacked-out story line from Wizard of Oz)
Funny Sydney. I was thinking along those lines, but couldn't quite get it right. You did, though.
James talked of Julie not liking him. He thinks it is because he 'made fun of her acne'. Oh my, it is never a good idea to insult the host. I guess he did notice he didn't get any one on one time with her. Well, maybe next week.

meb said...

Now it's: Natalie AND Shiela... SHUT UP! I have never seen two people talk so much. When they are talking to each other, they both talk at the same time. How do they even know what the other one is saying.

On BBAD last night, Adam, Ryan and Natalie were in the HOH. Ryan and Natalie trying to convince Adam who he should put on the block. Every time Ryan said something, Natalie would start to repeat him even before he could finish his sentence. Annoying isn't even the word for her incessant chatter. Please... make them stop!

It was obvious who Adam was going to nominate... just hope one of them, preferably James, wins the HOH.

Anonymous said...

During Matt's time next to Julie, he said that Nat was an NFL cheerleader. I don't think she is, is she? I thought that was one of the practical jokes they made up, like Amanda being a man and Nat just went along with it for fun. Wasn't it? Although, Josh keeps doing cheerleader arm moves and that always catches my eye. I wonder if he cheered in high school or college?


Anonymous said... and aren't you getting creative with your "coupling" ideas :)

I'm having a hard time with Chelsia's and James' crudeness. They really are trashy, IMO. None of these folks is exactly shy or retiring but I'm really finding Chelsia and James especially hard to listen to. The edited show doesn't BEGIN to capture the low level talk in the house this year. UGH.

Oh well, guess my age is showing. As others before me have they not remember they're on TV and observable 24/7? Or, as I suspect, do they just not care??

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Gnat and Shelia have Adam right where they want him...Gnat has a hold of one of Adam's balls and Shelia on the other, with Adam taking cover in the middle. What a whimp!

I will give Adam credit for trying to break up the couple deal. Therefore, he better be careful with it, as people will catch on to him following Shelia like a "mama's boy" and send him packing.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I think would be fun. James wins POV and takes himself off the block. Adam backdoors Natalie. Natalie goes to the sequester house and annoys the HECK out of Matt. Just think of it, the two of them alone for a whole week. Ahhhh, Nat's idea of heaven and Matt's nightmare that is even worse than being alone on his birthday. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to finally start hearing some real criticism of Chelsia and James. I was starting to think that no one was watching. I think that they are all pretty annoying especially Sheila and Natalie. But I think Sheila is playing a pretty good game of manipulation. I hope James goes this week followed by Chelsia.