Thursday, April 10, 2008

'Survivor Micronesia' - 4/10 Show East Coast Updates

jackie's tv blog, survivor

The show has started here on the east coast. I'll update this post as important events (immunity, boot, and such) happen.

My full show review will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.

As always, comments are a joy! :-)

Looks like the merge is going down. Yup, with a feast!

Jason won the first individual immunity. Let's see if Eliza uses the fake idol he plans to give to her!

Eliza used the fake idol and it didn't work, but now it's outed that Ozzy has it. Eliza was voted out. Eliza and Jason voted Ozzy, but the rest voted Eliza.


monty924 said...

Parvati getting a little worried, LOL.

Tessa said...

It's merge time.

monty924 said...

Where is everybody tonight?

Zoetawny said...

West Coasters, the East Coast live feeds is working but the audio isn't very good. How the heck am I going to cook dinner now that I have this site? LOL

monty924 said...

Gross... I just lost my dinner. Thanks James. Ewwwwwwwww

joy n said...

Alexis is very gaga about Ozzie.

monty924 said...

Bring on the jealousy. Yeah!!! Amand is not going to stand for anyone taking her Ozzy away. :)

Gayle said...

Jealousy over Ozzy is brewing between the 2 girls.

Donna in Alabama said...

Yup, that was awful.

Zoetawny said...

joy n said...
Alexis is very gaga about Ozzie.

Aren't we all? LOL Wait until Petals and Terry find out. ;)

joy n said...

My goodness! Rats and now bats! Don't think I'd ever survive Survivor.

Gayle said...

Wait until Jason finds out his immunity idol is fake!

Terry is a Texan! said...

NO WAY!!!! Petals, hurry up, we gotta get down there!!!
How could he? Havent we been faithful?
How will I sleep now that I know this?
Jealousy can be a wicked,wicked tool.......I forget who is Alexis? fan or fave?

joy n said...

I wouldn't miss Eliza, but Parvatiis playing with fire.

Zoetawny said...

joy n said...
My goodness! Rats and now bats! Don't think I'd ever survive Survivor.

I'd have to eat tree leaves before I could eat a rat or a bat. What if cooking them doesn't kill all the germs and diseases? Remember, I'm a Virgo.

The dogs and hub are asking what's for dinner. SHOOT! Guess I have to get my butt in the kitchen. I'll have to check back later. :)

Enjoy the show!

joy n said...

Alexis is fan.

joy n said...

How dare she mess with "our" Ozzie?

Gayle said...

I'm a Virgo too Zoetawny and we are very particular about our food!

joy n said...

Oh, Eliza, your well-laid plans are for naught.

Gayle said...

Cirie will be out first!

joy n said...

Cirie's not so good in the water, which is a good thing.

Gayle said...

I was wrong - Amanda was out first!

Gayle said...

oh no! Jason wins immunity! No fake immunity idol tonight!

joy n said...

OMG! It must be Alexis' fault! LOL!

Jackie S. said...

Gayle -- He's going to give it to Eliza

Gayle said...

Poor Eliza! Jackie did you receive the ecard I sent you?

joy n said...

Eliza is about to feel like she's on her own again! It's just a stick!

Gayle said...

Eliza will play the fake immunity idol and be embarrassed!

joy n said...

Jason's definitely on my s**t list!

joy n said...

Panic is setting in BIG TIME!

joy n said...

YEAH, That's a bummer! Hee Hee!

Anonymous said...

i hope eliza uses it, that would be a riot!! hey is american idol on tonite?
debi in calif

Tessa said...

So who is headed home???

joy n said...

Looking like it's gonna be Eliza.

monty924 said...

Thanks to a phone call from my brother, I missed the entire immunity challenge. How in the world did Ozzy lose that challenge?

Tessa said...

Is she really going to play that stick???

Tessa said...


Gayle said...

LOL Eliza played the fake immunity idol!

Anonymous said...

oh that makes my day!! i cant wait to see that tonite.. and im going to tape it just incase I get interrupted by a phone call as well!!
debi in calif

joy n said...

Loved Ozzie's reaction!
"That took me hours to make" with a BIG smile on his face!

Bye, bye, Eliza!

Anonymous said...

i think it's kind of crappy that eliza called ozzie out on having the real idol. talk about a sore loser.

monty924 said...

That was good but not as good as last year when Jeff flung it into the fire like a frisbee! Eliza... what a biotch. Now everyone knows Ozzy has it. Grrrrrrr

joy n said...

Monty, we're probably all in shock that Ozzie lost a water challenge. Jason hung in a few seconds more.

Jackie S. said...

Gayle - I haven't made it to my AOL mail yet today. I went from writing to work to writing. I will before bed, though! I thank you in advance.

joy n said...

Well. I see Cirie will be up to her old tricks again next week trying to get Ozzie out of there. The nerve of that biotch!

Anonymous said...

Jason wom immunity by a nose...literally.

Anonymous said...

michael went home on idol!!

Sydney said...

I think Ozzy's ego is showing a little too much for my liking these last two eps. I hoped that how he looked after that water comp, and the fact that he lost to the younger guy gave him a little dose of humble pie but it looked like not by the time of tribal counsel.

I wished Eliza would have saved her dignity a little by saying to Jeff as she handed the fake idol to him "I think this may be a dummy, but I'd be stupid not to hand it over right now"

And Pavarti. Never liked her. Still don't.

Sydney said...

Monty-- my internet went out so I could not comment for the entire show.

Zoetawny said...

Just checking in for a second. I'm glad Eliza is gone. I've never liked Eliza in her season (?) and didn't like her this season. Can't wait to see the fake idol scenes.


Sydney said...

Monty-- Ozzy not only lost, his eyes were all puffy, and he kind of threw up.

And I think it was great that Eliza outed Ozzy for having the idol. She might as well. He had no problem mocking her when she handed in the fake one, as did some of the other. or voting her out. She has every right to do what she could to affect the game if she was headed out. And she did make the jury, so that's a vote none of them seemed to worry about much.

Sydney said...

Don't hate me for saying anything against Ozzy, lol!!!

Doesn't anyone think he was a little bit of an egoist this show? Why would he lay with another girl in his arms when he and Amanda have made out and slept curled up together the entire time? You could tell they both were tipsy, but that was not nice. He knows Amanda would see that, and be upset by it. Just sayin'

lynn1 said...

I thought both Eliza and Jason were arrogant.
The next three I would most like to see leave in no special order are Alexis, Cirie & Jason.
It won't happen but a girl can dream!

Donna in Alabama said...

Oh Sydney, finally someone has noticed what I did. I loved Ozzie in the first one he did but you are right IMO. He is too cocky, but I also like Ciree. So I don't comment much on Survivor.

Sydney said...

Lynn 1 --I always rooted a little for Eliza, because she at least does really try to play the game. She tries her hardest at the comps and is always thinking, but we don't see everything. When she went stomping up to Jason with that WTF attitude after he was the only friend she had there and was willing to give her his idol, I said, OK, maybe that's why she isn't so popular... that kind of stuff.

And Donna, I used to like Cirie on her season, and started this season glad she was back. But it's I found myself being upset with her for scheming to get ppl out that I didn't want to be out, lol.

monty924 said...

Glad to see you back on Sydney. I can catch up on what I missed on Survivor (trying to now), but I didn't want to miss the live action, so to speak going on. Sounds like Ozzy really lost it. I wouldn't have thought that, ever.

I'm in for a rough day tomorrow. It's all headed my way, so I pretty much will hunker down in a house with no basement and try to coax my cat from under the bed or couch whenever I can. I HATE storms. God bless all of you who weathered them so far this week. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)

Sydney said...

Monty, where are you again? Hopefully it will have dwindled by the time it makes it to you.

Sending you good vibes none the less.

Anonymous said...

I only got to watch a few minutes of the show tonight, but taped it so will see it tomorrow. I heard Jason tell Eliza if he won immunity, he would give her the Exile Island one. That made no sense to me. The Exile Island one is worth more than the one time use one, isn't it? If he wanted to give immunity away, wouldn't he give the one time one? I know it was fake..but the thought was there. Did he suspect it was fake? Maybe watching will explain it to me.

monty924 said...

Yep he lost it big time. I think he must have swallowed a bunch of water trying to get that last big breath. Jason looked like he had a little bit left to go. Like I said... they need to get rid of Jason.

Now back to catch up on BB. See you all later.

Donna in Alabama said...

Monty, I HATE storms too. They are saying they may weaken before they get to me. I sure hope so, I am supposed to go to a friends tomorrow, but not basement there. I think I may wait until Sat.moring to go.

Donna in Alabama said...

Sorry about the hiccups in my spelling

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all have weathered those bad storms so far. Hope all the rest of you will have good luck too. Here it's just raining this AM,but expect to get bad storms tonight and into Sat.. This is just a very scary and tense time of year for weather.

I kinda rooted for Eliza ,too. She's always the outsider,maybe it's her "lawyer" mindset,kinda confrontational at times. But she set herself up for the big goof at tribal. Myself I'd much rather have seen Parvati go,I cannot stand that girl.

Yeah,maybe Ozzy was a little full of himself,but then,look at Jason. What a cocky little dude!I also didn't like Ozzy cozying up with Alexis,was he out of his mind??? In front of Amanda,but also everybody else who knows the way they have been from the get go! The guy doesn't know about "a woman scorned"?? And I knew it wouldn't take long for Cirie to be back to her old scheming ways,her team loyalty only goes so far,cause she plays for Team Cirie,don't ya know. And,at this point in the game,that's what it's all about,everybody for themselves.

Caroline said...

Sydney & Donna...I was just saying that last night, that Ozzie has much more of an ego this season than last. I still like him, just not as much, and since I like Amanda, I think it's really crappy the way he treated her last night. I just hope she wises up and realizes this is Survivor and not the Bachelor.

I think it was very smart of Eliza to out Ozzy about the Idol, it's part of playing this game. And she was right that no one (except Cirie) is looking more than a few steps one is thinking F3 and they should be at this point.

Best lines of the night were:
"Well it looks like I'm in a hot pickle."-Parvati
"It's just a f***** stick, Jason, it's not the Immunity Idol."
"But it has a face." - Eliza & Jason

Caroline said...

Oh, and also Ozzie's line about working on the Idol for 3 hrs...but that was already mentioned.