Friday, January 13, 2006

Last Night: 'Will and Grace', 'The Four Kings' and 'C.S.I.' (repeat)

Well, I gave 'The Four Kings' another shot last night. Yawn. It was okay, but it doesn't rock my world, so to speak. I had a couple of small giggles. What I want from a sitcom is very clever writing, good characterization, decent storylines and at least one full blown chuckle. Last night's show missed the point on the first three and only garnered a few small giggles -- not a chuckle and most certainly not a guffaw. I found the storyline a bit sophomoric. Yeah, I know sex is supposed to sell, but the approach was ho-hum and predictable. At least one giggle came from the twins getting over on the character played by Seth Green. I dunno. Am I getting old? Is this show something fresh? Am I just not getting the oh-so-witty zinging lines or what? Is anyone watching it?

I missed the first ten minutes of the live 'Will and Grace' show and I'm kicking myself over it. I'm not a huge 'W&G' fan, but I do so enjoy watching TV actors try to perform live. Alas, I missed Matt Lauer's part. Ack. I caught enough to see the cast go into giggles. Forget the Broadway dreams, guys! Can't crack up on the stage!

Oh... and I somehow missed the first showing of last night's 'C.S.I.' repeat episode. Now, I ask you... how could I miss a show focused on middle-aged men whose fetish is being babies. You know, diapers and all. Sheesh! I caught the ep on the Furries (twice, mind you), but never saw or even heard of this one the first time 'round. As always, I was entertained. I think this is a show in which the storylines are usually well-written. Odd, at times. But well-written nonetheless. It pushes the edge with episodes like this one (sex sells, even kinky), but it's not written as if an adolescent boy wrote it (see 'The Four Kings'). And, with all the kinkiness in the world, my life is so sedate and boring. I like it like that.

What did you watch last night?

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