Thursday, January 26, 2006

'Survivor: Panama - Exile Island' Spoilers Links & Info

One week from tonight...

Survivors ready?

Survivor Fever - News Article - Survivor: Panama has a spiffy write up with some photos of the first episode -- very mild spoilers exist, beware (no "booted" spoilers).

An excerpt: For the first time, the battle for a million bucks begins with four tribes of four, separated into decidedly un-PC categories by age and gender: Older Men, Older Women, Younger Men and Younger Women. Then things get really interesting. Each episode, at least one castaway will be banished to a separate island, miles away from any group's camp, and forced to fend for himself or herself. It's a wrinkle inspired by Survivor: Palau's Janu, the Vegas showgirl whom producers briefly exiled from her tribe during the show's 10th season. "The idea of expanding on that was really interesting," says executive producer Tom Shelly. "We wondered, if that happened again and again, how would it play into the strategy." have released the odds which you can find in this article. Beware -- these could be major spoilers. Then again, they could be totally off. ;-)

The Survivor Sucks forum has a Spoilers Thread up and running, look at it or not. Ignore them discussing who will compile the spoilers.

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