The Boston auditions were held on a rainy day; the Boston cops think they'll have the next Idol because all the "great sports teams" are in town. Yeah, right.
James Yokley, Jr. is doing some sort of odd, but patriotic, hip hop. He's no Eminem. Randy likes the lyrical content; Randy likes his clothes. Simon asked him to actually sing. Not so hot. Randy and Simon say he can't sing, Paula says work on it. Lots of work needed in my opinion -- perhaps a voice transplant?
Father senator, local TV personality mom and she's a top ranked basketball up and coming star, Ayla Brown age 17. Well, she can sing okay -- not exciting to me, though. She's not anyone whose records I'd buy, but... the judges agree with me. Something's missing a bit. Randy's a yes. Simon's a no. Up to Paula. She's onto Hollywood. They think stage presence needs to be worked on. I doubt she'll make it through Hollywood's first cut. Too much work to be done. Stick to basketball for the time being and practice. Oh, wait. No one asked me.
The immigrant, classically trained, the next up is Irada Jaforova (sp). Eep. Her voice is cracking. Not good. Randy is hiding his face giggling and Simon is wide-eyed with his frightened frog look. ACK. Now she's doing Chain of Fools even worse, switched into some other song. Dang, she seems stoned or something. It seemed to break 'AI' for a moment, just silent freeze frames with no sound for about five seconds. Simon said not one note was in tune. She left mad.
Laurence Soarles... bad
Alison L. worse
Katherine H. even worse.
"They kept coming and they kept sucking."
Lots of crying and mad segments...
Simon was grouchy.
The O'Donahue twins are being interviewed. One had an operation affecting her vocal chords and can't sing. They are pretty. Simon says commercial looking. Rebecca is singing. The other is lip synching in the corner. I find it unsettling. Paula says she's beautiful, but her voice isn't as pretty. Simon says no. Paula and Randy say yes. Onto Hollywood.
Tatiana Ward, whose mother married a black man and she has to prove something to her grandmother. Not horrible, but not for me. I personally don't think Idol. Simon says, "I'm not being rude but you remind me of a pet poodle I had." (Her hair.) Randy is a yes, Simon a no, Paula a yes. I'm a no. She sucked up to both Paula and Randy. She didn't suck up to me. Or Simon.
Several women got through to Hollywood, but no auditions shown.
A bit on the jobs of the wannabees. It looks like quite the array of professions.
They're focusing on one who works in rehab with the elderly and uses music and song - Holly Corrente. She's okay. They're reminded of Doris Day. Randy and Paula say no, so does Simon. She was upset, but is mature about it. She says she'll try again.
Huh. Now Ryan is saying the sun is going down. Wasn't it pouring before?
Kenneth Maccarone is singing "I Believe" by Cher. Very odd. Weird. Simon tells him to be a female impersonator. Kenneth says no. Ah, now he goes for Simon, verbally. No Hollywood for you! Bicker. Stand his ground. Heck, I didn't think he even sounded like Cher! He has that evil vindictive look about him. I hope he doesn't own an AK-47.
Now they're talking about the poor showing of males.
Kevin Covais, singing "You Raise Me up." He can sing, but I wonder if he looks the part. He has that strange military brush haircut. Simon says anyone over the age of 80 will like him., Paula says he doesn't look it, but he's a yes. Randy says yes. Simon says no.
A segment of bad "Joy to the World' renditions. Including some sort of dragon armor on one. I'm surprised some know the words... a few sing the Chrismas one, but it's supposed to be the Three Dog Night Jeremiah was a bullfrog one.
Michael Sendecki -- Clay Aiken lookalike (before polishing) - "I really can sing, but I'm nervous as hell and I gotta pee." and "Clay Aiuken's love child." Oh my gosh, the faces he makes while singing. Simon said at least Clay can sing. Paula says no. Now the pee line. They tell him to go, then come back. He runs. I still think he shouldn't go... to Hollywood. He can go to the bathroom. He's back. Still the same. "It made you worse."
28 people from Boston made the Hollywood trip. 175 in all from the auditions will be in Hollywood. Now they're doing a memory lane bit of the auditions. It's hopefully the last time I'll ever see Rhonetta Johnson. Huh... they showed the twins who were uninvited due to their criminal brouhaha. Tomorrow night is the first show from Hollywood... against the Grammy Awards. Ack -- Hell Week. I'll tape the awards and blog 'American Idol.'
i thought michael sendecki was the BEST part of the ai finale. his performance with clay was so cute genuine and memorable... i loved watching him~
Anyone know where I can find a video of this performance on the web? Thanks!
I'm an old grandmother, not into contemporary or pop music, but I'd like to know who the wonderful singer is who sang with Michael Sendecki on the American Idol program Wednesday night. He's terrific! By the way, I watched the whole Idol series this time around and was pleased to see the talent these young people have. I can't wait for another season!
Well, you can now see what I know about contemporary music and it's obvious that I haven't watched previous American Idols. It just dawned on me that the fellow singing with Michael Sendecki was CLAY AIKEN. The dark mop of hair really fooled me! No need to answer my previous post, but thanks!
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