These blog notes are typed (or typo'd) as I watch the show and quickly put up after the show ends here on the East Coast. Please forgive any spelling errors, punctuation woes, fits of frustration, whatever! Thank you!
175 started, only 99 remain. Tonight is the group performance.
Orpheum, downtown Los Angeles. Personality clashes, someone named Marcie wants to cry. Ack. Terrell Brittenum. Sway went to bed. Terrell wants to rehearse. Fuss, fight 3 AM, Terrell goes for Sway. Marcie, Nick practice moves without Brenna. Dang, back to Terrell. I thought the Brittenum twins were supposed to be bye-bye. Why are they (or one of them) trying to run the show?
Now, Terrell is STILL upset come morning. Now Brenna is complaining that no one from her group called her to practice. There's no drama in some groups. Back to Terrell. Now he's arguing with his own brother. I really don't like their attitudes. Commercial break and then performances.
10 AM, crunch time. Judges settle in. First group -- Paris, Hannah Freeman. Paris makes it, Stephanie Scott goes on, Hannah is bye-bye. Not so so great. The 'Idolphonics' - Terrell's group up next. Anthony Hansen, Terrell, Sway (Panella?) and Elliot Yamin are up -- Better than the girls overall. Terrell is whining. Simon tells him he was terrible. Anthony is cut. Terrell goes through. Sway and Elliott go on. Now Terrell is dissing Anothony. @@
Apparently the drama will continue with Derrell after the commercial break. They can sing, but their people skills suck!
Now 3 PM? A lot not shown! Rat Pack - Kevin Covais, Josh Jordan, David Radford, William Makur are singing Take Me to the Moon. They did well -- all four made it through.
Derrell Brittenum up with others -- now he fusses when he got through. "My spirit has been broken." He's saying it wasn't the place for him and his brother. He quits the show and tells the judges he's taking his brother with him and they will finish cutting their record. He thought he was being cut? Terrell tells him to apologize. These guys are unreal. @@ <--- rolling my eyes at anyone in the world named Brittenum, guilty by association.
Brooke Barretsmith, Sarah Enquen and Mandisa are up, do well. Singing Band of Gold. All three go on to the next round.
4 PM -- lyrics written on arms. Mess ups... flubs and follies. They're not giving names, just misheard lyrics.
Now Tyra who quit one group wants to go back to the original one. The Try Hards - Lauren, Meredith Bandas, Leah Barretsmith and another... horrible. All sent packing.
Now a Barretsmith sister fuss cry.
Derrell and Terrell. Simon asks the crowd whether to keep him in. I'm fed up of your hissy attitude. I think this lot here is sick to death of you. I'll decide in thirty minutes." TELL THEM NO, do it for America, Simon. Please!
Celeste Scalone, Shontai K Sky, Tyra Schwartz , Nicole Turk UP. All make it.
Marcy Smith, Brenna Gethers, Brenna overdoing it. Nick Whitten. Cute ending. They're talking about the personality clashes. Nick goes on to next round. Both girls go to the next round, too. Then Brenna.
Cowboy group - Brokenote Mountain parody. Garet Layne Johnson, Matthew Buckstein, Michael Evans.. cute little film, all seem very nice. After the commercial we'll see the performance.
Brittenums. Ack. One twin apologizes. Both will stay. Grr.
Cowboys up. Not great, but funny. Garet keeps forgetting his lines. Simon says it was ridiculous. All three go home, not moved on. Aww. I know they didn't have the talent in the performance to go on, but they seem like a good bunch of guys. Garet will keep trying.
Day 4, 6:30 AM.
Singing alone accapella.
The judges meet alone to decide who stays and who goes. "Yes, no, maybe and weird."
Going to go tell them -- four rooms. No Brittenums! That room goes home. Simon tells them.
Room 2 - made it through - I see Sway and Mandisa.
Simon has to leave. Next two rooms.
A Brittenum Derrelland our gray haired dude - Taylor - they move on. Not sure which Brittenum.
Room 4 makes it. Both Brittenums. Argh.
44 make it through.
Eek. Brittenums hugging and crying. Tomorrow more drastic cuts.
I'll be here blogging it for you.
Jackie OUT.
I think the Brittenum?(sp????????????) twins need to LEAVE NOW..............I am totally disgusted with their attitudes.
Jackie, I was under the impression that the twins didn't even go to Hollywood but I guess I was wrong we Know that they are in jail now so they can't be in the 24. I don't even think there that good. They can sing but there personality kills their music
Even if the Brittenums twins made it to the final 24, American Idol would have to pick two alternates, cuz the twins are watching from their jail cells. LOL
Hopefully they will get an attitude adjustment while they are put away for a while. What music producer is going to hire them when they get out anyway. They are not team players especially if things do not go their way. The music business is very tough and it is hard and if you can not deal with it on American Idol, then the music business is not for you.
First off, just found and love your blogs on both American Idol and The Amazing Race. I had started a set of posts on the contestants to be, but maybe I'll just refer people to you.
Anyway, about the Brittenums, it was just wonderful to see them shut out of the competition formally last night. I said as much this morning: http://melrose-st.blogspot.com/2006/02/brittenum-twins-throw-away-key-already.html
Keep up the great posts!
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