Each episode I see of this show has me liking it more and more. In last night's episode, Tom Farrell set out to create a music video for Wayne. Now, of course, his "Wayneness" is as much a part of him as his songs. In trying to do the right thing, Tom foolishly invested tons of funds into a "professional" video producer who, in the end, was just making it as a step to Hollywood. He didn't care about Wayne or Wayne's er... Wayneness. Tom blew up, fired him and made the video himself.
I'm still getting to know the characters in the show. I loved Mike (Jason Priestly's character) with the dog. His wife was testing herself as a mom by taking on dogsitting duties, but Mike thought she was testing him as a possible father. Of course, his friends put that idea in his head. It was a funny little subplot.
I think what I enjoy the most about this show is that it's cleverly written, the characters come across as real people and that it's so much lighter in tone than most hour long shows I tend to watch. I'm a crime buff fan, so this is refreshingly different from my normal drama watching. I like the way the characters interact with each other on the show. I like the city bits actually filmed in the city -- I'm seeing places I can say "I know that place!" I like the basketball comraderie betwixt the four men. The show isn't trying to be way out there or controversial like a 'Desperate Housewives' kind of thing. It's entertaining, witty and has enough small quirky stuff aboard to keep my interest. I don't know much about the music business at all, but I'm enjoying the music on the whole.
I still think that Wayne, played by Teddy Geiger, sounds like John Mayer and looks like Robby Benson (when he was that age). Apparently, he's quite the talent -- CBS has a bio on him here. Huh. He was discovered in that "Search for the Next Partridge Family" show. I suppose he was Keith, not Danny. He's only 17 years old.
What do I not like about the show? Well, the narration I can take or leave. I personally don't think it's needed so much. I'm also wondering a bit about Tom's neverending talents. It seems the only area where he doesn't save the day is in the romance department. So far, he's lost his job at a big record label, snagged an indie label job and snagged the "star" he was courting at the big company (Wayne). He's also produced a better music video than the pro for his client. What can't Tom do? Apparently, he just can't find the right love for the love monkey on his back. Nothing to do with the show itself, but the time slot is a tad off for me. I end up taping 'Law & Order: SVU' to watch 'LM' in real time. I'd prefer the networks confer with me on scheduling. Thank you. :::grin:::
Are you watching 'Love Monkey'? Like it? Didn't catch your interest? Got a crush on Tom Cavanagh (like me)? Think it's 'Ed' done NYC? Let me know!
I saw the very end of Love Monkey last week it looked good but I'll let you know. Did you watch House last night? I thought it was really good , Let me know what you think
I didn't watch 'House.' I watched 'Criminal Minds' instesd. I watched one 'House' episode last season and it didn't snag me. Should I be watching it?
House has come into there own over the year. It is well written . I don't watch criminal minds because I read an author named Kay Hooper who writes The Bishop Series and it is about a psychic rbi unit who hunts down serial killers. Great Book. I guess I liked reading the books more than watching them on Tv (it seemed the same premise). but I love Mandy Patinkin in anything
Hi Jackie --
I used to read your Big Brother blog, and have been poking in on your others...
Am a Jersey Girl here too! :)
Anyway, I TIVO'ed Love Monkey last week and haven't watched it yet... Going to check it out this weekend, when we get the possible "snow storm." @@ :)
Hey Jackie!
I've been watching Love Monkey too and I have to admit that I absolutely love it! And to have Jason Priestly back and that hot, hot man Christopher Wiehl...Yum!! I don't really know how much I like Wayne's music though. I've never been a fan of John Mayer and like you said, he kind of sounds like John Mayer and looks like Robbie Benson. Thank Gawd that he doesn't look like John Mayer, when JM sings! That man can pull some ugly faces! ;)
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