Well, tonight was the second episode. I'm still not totally into the show, but I rarely am at the second episode. Until I really like like a player or two, dislike a few (rather intensely) and don't stumble on their names... that's when I'm into it. That should be next week, perhaps the week after. But I watched, I learned a bit more about them and now I blog.
15 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
After enduring the inevitable recap, we see a quick peek at each of the four tribes. I noticed the show referred to them as Older Men, Younger Woman, etc. They didn't use the tribe names. I'm glad I didn't work to remember them! During the night it was storming and none of the tribes were doing great at all, but one tribe is doing better than I expected them to do. The Older Men have trouble with their canopy; the Younger Men were having trouble with their shelter on the whole. The women were shown in the daylight of Day 4. The Older Women were just going about work, but the Younger Women found a tree bearing papayas way up high. They managed to knock one (some?) down and feasted. Thus, my title for this episode -- a line from Misty regarding the fruity feast: "Almost orgasmically wonderful!"
Shane fussed and moaned about not seeing his kid, not smoking, not drinking water, wah, wah, wah. The only good part of that segment is when he called himself "Psycho Boy." Yep.
Then it was off to the Rewards Challenge! Woohoo! Before getting into the challenge itself, Jeff announced that the four tribes would become two. (Another reason I'm glad I never really got the four tribe names.) It was a schoolyard pick with Danielle and Terry starting. Each man had to choose a woman and vice versa. The tribe picks went like this:
La Mina Tribe: Terry, Sally, Austin, Misty, Nick, Ruth Marie, Dan
Casaya Tribe: Danielle, Shane, Courtney, Aras, Cirie, Bobby, Melinda
I found it frightening that Danielle, someone I was starting to like, thinks Shane is a "cool guy." Eww.
Bruce was the odd man out, unchosen in this evil childhood nightmare schoolyard pick. He was sent to Exile Island to stay for three days, returning for the next Tribal Council. At Tribal Council, he would be safe, only observing the event, then he would take the place of the ousted person on their tribe.
After he was sent away, the Rewards Challenge went on. The stakes were fishing gear, a raft and four paddles. It was a physical task and La Mina had it in the bag.
The two new tribes set up at the Older Women and Older Men camps -- probably because the Younger Men and Women camps truly sucked. ;-) Once back at the Casaya camp, Shane whined and moaned more. Cirie picked up on Courtney's speech habits (like, yesterday we went to, like, the mall and, like, I saw a cute boy, like...) and imitated her not to her face. Shane started scheming with others to make an alliance with the four - himself, Aras, Courtney and Danielle.
Over at La Mina, things weren't going all that much better. Sally went out on the raft with Nick and managed to lose the fishing spear. It sank waaaay down. Dan just stood there with his mouth gaping open when he heard while Terry was really ticked off. Sally felt bad, but I'm sure her nervous giggle didn't make them feel any better. Will this come back to haunt her? I think it could!
Meanwhile, Bruce was over on Exile Island being Kung Fu Fighter to keep his body and spirit going, making fire and saying he didn't wish this on his worst enemy as it poured overnight once again. I still like him.
Could it be time for the Immunity Challenge? Why, yes it is! Before things started, Shane "Loose Lips Sink Ships" Powers decided to announce how horrible his tribe is doing. @@ What is with that guy? His tribemates all just stared at him. The challenge itself was another very physical one -- untangling and hauling wooden snakes, dragging swimming, lugging heavy box underwater, blah, blah... very similar to many in the past albeit with wooden snakes. Oh. And they had a huge zombie head with them they had to attach to the xombie body to finish. "The zombie head bone's connected to the zombie body bone..." The best line of the challenge belonged to Jeff and was aimed at the Casaya Tribe -- "La Mina is way ahead because Casaya is absolutely inept." La Mina won.
Here comes more bad moves on Shane's part, then a worse one for Aras. Shane announces that he wants to quit, everyone should vote him out, wah, wah. Aras talks him into staying after he told everyone to vote him out. @@ (Need those eyerolls, I do!) So, what does Shane do? He announces he's changed his mind and decides that Cirie and Melinda are the targets! And, then, then... I say... then ARAS goes and tells them! They tell about the alliance, how either way they'll be voted out one after the other! SHEESH! Danielle and Courtney were dumbfounded by it all.
Sure 'nuff, Tribal Council comes and Melinda is ousted. Cirie gave a sad speech about how disappointed in herself she would be, how she was going to help her family with the win, why is someone staying who wanted to leave, weepy weepy. Shane actually looked a bit remorseful, but the vote snagged Melinda. I didn't quite catch it all at the credits, but it looked like everyone voted for Melinda except for Melinda and Cirie who voted for Shane. I'd have to check the tape, but let me know if I'm mistaken.
That's it. Orgasmically wonderful? I think not.
Not enjoying this one as muchbut hating Ciere. I can't believe anyone will fall for her act. As for the men I still like the pilot and astro. you havn't commented on lost what do you think
My nightmare is that Shameful Shane wins!
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