Sunday, March 05, 2006

TV Newsy Bits Weekend Edition - March 4-5, 2006

Here they are! Bits for the soul! Or, maybe they're bits for inquiring minds who want to know!

Yep, it's the television/entertainment related newsy bits links I found over the weekend. Of course, the big story is the Oscars and I only have a wee bit on that.


dawn said...

I know you've been busy but you haven't commented on Lost this week. It was one of the better episodes this season. I know I've been going crazy flicking back and forth. How about you did you see it?

dawn said...

I know you've been busy but you haven't commented on Lost this week. It was one of the better episodes this season. I know I've been going crazy flicking back and forth. How about you did you see it?