My early mornings just aren't the same. Y'see, I'm usually up by 5:30 AM to get ready for my workday. I'm out the door before 6:30. And, more importantly, I'm not really a morning person. Oh, yeah ... I like to see the sunrise at times. But, more often than not, I like to see my bed.
The past three years or so, I've been an addict of the local CBS affiliate's early early morning news show. I've mentioned it before on the blog. The CBS 2 News Crew in its prime featured Dave Price (weather and craziness), Shon Gables, Mario Bosquez, Vanessa Alfano (traffic reports) and Duke Castiglione (sports and the infamous Stump Duke t-shirt giveaways). They made me smile; sometimes I even guffawed early in the morning. Yes, they delivered the news, but it was more than that. The chemistry between the folks on the show, the zaniness of Price Gone Amok, the music choices from Scooter and Dave, the Dance Fridays ... all gone. One by one, the cast has been vanishing.
First I noticed Duke was mysteriously gone. Of course, I miss a bit of the show. Perhaps there was an announcement, but I didn't hear one. Duke, the NYC transplant, whose father was the voice of the Red Sox radio reporting, was always fun to watch in the "Stump Duke" segments where folks would e-mail or call in sports questions. Quite often, he got stumped and the caller would receive a t-shirt. Sometimes celebrities called in. I never did. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching the segment, though.
Then, one day, I heard Vanessa Alfano say something about not being there next week in regard to something going on with Dave Price. I assumed she would be on vacation. She and Dave had a flirting fun thing going on -- Dave acted like it was a case of unrequited love, while in reality it looked like just a good friendship hammed up for the cameras. Alas, she never got her Muppet and poof ... gone. I know anyone can do traffic; it doesn't require a lot of personality or anything. But I enjoyed her.
I've had my secret crush (okay, not so secret I guess) on Mario Bosquez for a while. He just seems like such a nice guy. He has a pleasant announcer's voice and comes across as an intriguing intelligent man. Although he's off the early morning show, he's apparently staying in some capacity at the station. In the past, he's often filled in on anchor slots when folks are away. I'll be looking for him! Well, not literally stalking or anything. I'll be looking for his appearances on newscasts.
Then there's Shon Gables. I like her. She's quick-witted, personable, attractive and intelligent. She's involved with so many community things as a representative of the station that I hope she'll be around in some capacity somehow. I'd rather see her than Roz Abrams who seems to be intent on posing cute or something to that effect. She, Mario and Dave all had their 2 Crew Muppets. Sigh.
Of course, I feel the heart of the show was Dave Price. He was the magic which inspired the rest. Recently, his mentor in the business, the retired Jim Ryan joined the Crew. I saw his announcement last week that it would be his last day as a regular anchor but that he would be a contributing reporter or such. But, when Price went, I figured Jim would go. I think he came aboard due to Price. And, Dave Price ... the last year or so I was wondering how he could keep up such a hectic pace traveling here and there for The Early Show, yet always getting up even earlier on location to transmit the local NYC stuff via satellite. He's cut back his duties to just the national show. While I understand on a human exhausting point of view kind of way, his departure made my early morning routine less happy and more ... well, routine.
Oh, why couldn't they have at least kept Mario and Shon in the early morning slot? Instead, WCBS 2 changed absolutely every little thing about the show so many of us dedicated viewers loved. Nothing against Maurice DuBois - he's professional, attractive, well-spoken and all. But his strictly news, no fun, no bits of personality shining through just doesn't cut it in the morning. I'm still not sure of the imported from the Midwest co-anchor's name. I just know it isn't Shon. Of course, I wish her luck in her new endeavor. I know that getting aboard the NYC viewing market is a big thing for a TV news person. The set has changed; the attitude and fun is gone out of the show. What the heck is WCBS doing? Trying to culture shock us by going from one extreme to the other? Heck, if I want just straightlaced news in the morning, I can turn to any station.
Maybe I'll just go back to listening to New Jersey 101.5 in the mornings as I did before discovering the the ultimate morning news show which is now history. Sigh...
I agree with you 100%. I quit watching now that I see that Jim, Shon and Mario are gone. Vanessa and Duke are missed as well. I thought I would be able to deal with Dave being gone, but this is too much change and is way too fast.
I totally agree. What a shock - where did they go??? The last thing I NEED in the am is shock. Ba-Bye CBS in my home!!
I was so happy to find this article. You said everything that I was thinking!!! I have been searching the net to find out what was going on with this show. What was CBS thinking? Did they hire someone new who decided to make these rediculous changes? How could they take off person by person without so much as a word. They certainly had little respect for the viewers. Is there anything we can do to try to get things back to the way they were? My mornings are just not the same....can't seem to wake myself up...watching other boring news in the A.M.? I stopped watching CBS to make a point, but what does one person matter? How about starting a campaign to save the show or bring back that kind of chemistry and entertainment, or maybe the person they need to get rid of is the idiot who made all these changes in the first place?
Guess the saying "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it" doesn't apply to ego-maniacal execs, and bean counters. You might as well save some more $$$ WCBS by replacing "Doppler 2 Million” with WeatherBug.
I cannot understand why CBS is doing this! It's horrible! No offense meant for the new anchors, it's not as fun as when the real crew was there. Everything sounds so robotic and there's really no one there anymore to make my day! Maybe I'll just have to find another station to watch every morning. How disaapointing!
I totally agree! The Early show just is not right anymore! I have been faithful to 2 for many years and I refuse to watch The "New" Early show anymore. I will suffer with my local news 12 (ugh!) If anyone knows what happened to Vannessa and Duke --will they please post here!
I totally feel the same way. I'm up 5am in the morning and I enjoyed watching the show. Now with everyone gone it is not the same and actually quite boring. Dave, Vanessa and the rest of the crew would get you going in the am. CBS - I don't know what happened but it was a mistake.
..and there's always Imus and Howard...
What a mistake ! I've been watching for 2 years and the show was a joy to wake up to.
oh well just another mistake in TV news....Katie will be next....
I miss the fun. Maurice is polished , but very stiff. Katie has a phony smilre and does not appear to eat enough.
I agree totally. Does anyone know where anyone went? Why was CBS so uncaring not to tell us what was about to happen? If any one knows what happen could they please post?
i feel the same way you do. I am also not a morning person and watch from 5 to 6:30 and I was so upset that they all left. Im hoping they turn up on another station. They were lots of fun. I miss them dearly>
I stopped watching the morning news since Shon, Mario, Dave, and Jim left. I now watch another boring channel just to make a point. I guess you didn't take the viewers opinion into account. You should be fired...Nothing against the new anchors, but they just don't cut it for me. Hope a lot more people boycott the early news.
Fire whoever made the decision to replace the early crew. Now I watch Channel 5, Vannessa is there!
I'm so glad to have found this site. I knew ther was something very strange not seeing the 2 crew after a one week absence. I'll miss them. Channel 2 lost me in the morning.
I'm glad I found this site as well. I've been trying to figure out what the heck happened to my morning show. I switched when Dave Price went from channel 5 to channel 2. The 2 crew always left me smiling in the mornings. I will miss them and I won't watch the news on CBS anymore!
I guess CBS hates good ratings
Boy ..... What a Bad Move by CBS. Here they were , having New Yorkers wake up to a lot of fun and enjoyment and now ...... my bedroom TV has now changed the channel for morning News. I Haven't found it's replacement as yet,but I know for sure CBS is now gone. Hey CBS - Why don't you fill us New Yorkers in before hand so We can give You a little info 1st !!
who's running cbs ? former enron execs ? what a poor decision to change the morning news show. as far as i know, there's no award for last place in the ratings !!
what happened to the needs of the many (us) outweighing the needs of the few ( moronic cbs execs)?
Vanessa Alfano is on Fox 5 Good Day New York now as a features reporter. She is not doing traffic anymore... she is doing great on Fox 5. I also read in the newspaper that Shon Gables left Channel 2 News after being offered a weekend anchor slot which she refused. Apparently Mario Bosquez and Jim Ryan are still there as reporters, but I have not seen either one on the air yet.
I also do not like the changes that Channel 2 News made at noon and 5PM. They took Cindy Hsu off at noon when she was the anchor of the noon news for about 10 years and replaced her with Roz Abrams and Mary Calvie, who I don't like at all. Cindy Hsu should be back on at noon... we don't like Mary Calvie or Roz Abrams!
Every morning my 15 year old son have a ritual before school. Coffee and The CBS Early Show. They all had a great chemistry. They made me smile. I have to say that it is just not the same without them all. I will be switching to the radio. cv cornwall ny
I agree totally. CBS made a huge mistake, the new morning show is totally boring. I seen Vanessa on channel 5 news in the morning. She is not doing traffic anymore. I am just very upset with these changes.
CBS made a huge mistake.. I will never watch them again.. they totally ruined a great thing.. they obviously did not care about their viewers...or our strong opinion.
without dave price and all the other crew i will never watch channel 2 news again. i looked at dave price every morning and so did all of my workers, it gave us a great start of the day especially when working in a hospital and seeing so much sadness, what is wrong with you guys......
I agree with all the comments. CBS made a big mistake in making such a drastic change and and also for not even having the courtesy in letting their viewers know. I am going back to Fox 5. I switched when Jim and Dave hooked up on CBS. Fox 5 will be much more fun.
I agree with all the comments, I loved turning on the TV in the mornings to see the morning crew, mornings are not the same as the other stations are just not "cutting it" for me. BRING THEM BACK PLEASE
Where are they gone?
I am extremely upset about the change and resent the station for not even giving them some sort of announcement---especially, Shon. I looked and looked on the internet for the crew and could hardly find anything....disgusting. They really have no concerns for their viewers AND for someone who does so much in the community. What a mistake for the station. No music in the mornings and all that e-mail....cbanks2@msn.com
How can we do something????????????????????????
i am so happy to have found the site as well....i am totally upset that my morning crew is not around...my mornings will not be the same....i was often late in the am because i was watching the crazy antics of the morning crew...thanks for the info about vanessa....i guess i'll be switching to fox-5
Was there any announcements made about the demise of the crew? If there was, I too missed it. I can usually cope with change, but not with the new format of the show. I too miss Dave, Shon, Mario, Jim, Vanessa & Duke in the early morning hours. They had chemistry together, and a way of making even the worst current event more bearable. I saw Vanessa on Fox5, but where did everyone else go?
I too wish the crew was back. I used to get up around 5am everyday with my newborn son. I would feed him while I watched these witty characters and they made my early early morning feeding times fun.
I too was shocked and confused when the "2Crew" was gone. I do think it had gotten a bit crowded when Jim Ryan was added but the casual fun air lent a different feel to the news and I would watch from 5:15-6:00 with no channel change. Now I'm searching from channel to channel and happy to hear Vanessa is on Fox though I haven't seen her. So far Fox seems like to best pick for me. I think the news management made too great a change. It's like going to your favorite pizza place and finding out they no longer serve pizza.
the chemistry between these folks was unmatched by any other morning show. Loved Dance Fridays and the good natured teasing. CBS made a huge mistake. I don't watch anymore.
I wholly agree. Maurice Dubois adds nothing to my morning, and Kate Jackson is utterly forgettable. No other cast can have the same chemistry as the originals. So what is there to watch now?
back to channel 5
I'd rather have a root canal than watch Maurice and Kate in the morning! B - O - R - I - N - G!!!!!! Please bring the old crew back! Dave, Jim, Shon, Mario, Vanessa and Duke - - you are truly missed! Surfing the channels for a new morning crew - thanks CHANNEL 2 for nothing!
Maurice and Kate = DRY TOAST!
I get up for work at 5am and the Ch2 news crew made it a lot easier to cope with the time. Why did the execs. get rid of the best they had? I now watch Ch 5 since I heard Vanessa is on that channel. I hope they all return to Ch 5.
Upset in NJ
I really miss the Ch 2 Early Morning "gang" - Mario, Jim, Dave, Vanessa and Chon. Can't quite get used to starting the day without them. I think Ch 2 made a big mistake with this "shake-up," just as they did hiring Katie Couric for the evening news.
Oh well, I am now watching Fox & Friends and enjoying that team.
There is nothing that CBS 2 can do to win me back as a viewer. They made the worst mistake ever by replacing the 2 crew. They were the best to watch. My favorite was Vanessa Alfano. She was the most beautiful traffic reporter to watch every morning as well as sweet, loving, and a terrific personality. She is now on FOX 5 Good Day New York and that is the morning show that I now watch. She has also showed up as a weather correspondent on MY 9. I hope someday that the entire 2 crew goes to Fox 5 or some other morning news station and if so I guarantee that CBS 2 will be very sorry. Shame on CBS 2!!!
Back to FOX 5
I too was very happy to see these articles. I can't imagine what CBS was thinking. Now the show is boring and I listen to WPLJ - Scott and Todd in the morning. They are hysterical. I miss the morning crew and would like to know where they went. First I notice Duke was gone and then I got alittle suspicious when Vanessa didn't come back. I was hoping that she was on a long vacation. Then one morning no one was there. What's up CBS? You lose.
Honestly I have a Fullfilling LIFE.. Amazing Husband, baby on the way, GREAT career... So I am
not a LOSER who sits home and watches TV.. BUT the 2 crew started
each day w/ a smile and successfully delivered the news
with personality.. I really felt
like these people were friends..
in a way I would look forward to
have my first cup of Coffee and enjoy a few moments before my commute... NO MORE CBS,, back to
FOX... BIG MISTAKE.. Maurice
good anchor perhaps at noon...
and the out of town woman... BORING.
CBS did not even have the manners enough to inform viewers of the shake up. I am gone for good. Good bye CBS
Thask God for this blog. I actually was searching "Vanessa Alfano", desperate for any crumb of information on my favorite traffic gal. For once in my life, I found myyself LOVING a morning news show. I agree with everything that you wrote - right on the money with the "magic" between Dave and Jim Ryan, Dave and Vanessa....Dave and everyone. Shon and Mario, what a breath of fresh air. I would wake up, bleary-eyed, and turn on CBS instinctively, now I feel lost in the mornings. I actually feel badly that Audrey Puente stayed on board to do the weather, a sad little reminder of the old crew, and the lost opportunities for CBS to actually compete against the other morning shows. Again, the empty suits at a network being too ignorant, or too self-absorbed, to keep a gem of a crew when they have one. I say screw CBS...I tried to watch the morning show once or twice since everyone left, but UGH! Adios morning show. Adios CBS. Now I get up with my five year old Nikita and watch Little Bear re-runs in the DVR. Life goes on, I guess, but I'll keep Googling until I find Vanessa somewhere. Sigh.
shame on you CBS.....when people are doing their jobs WELL!!! YOU KEEP THEM...OKAY. you are so wrong by letting these people.
I started watching channel 2 news when Dave Price switched from channel 5 to channel 2. Now that he's gone along with the rest of the crew I'll never watch channel 2 again. It was the best part of my morning.
What better way to start your day then with lots of laughs. Channel 2 has made a big mistake and will lose lots of watchers.
I really enjoyed the old team. I was an avid fan of years and years of GMA and was introduced to CBS crew and totally enjoyed dave, shon and vanessa and the others. I really cannot watch maurice! what was wrong with a few laughs and a little music with the weather! I totally enjoyed the show. too bad you don't know when you have a good thing!
I could not agree with you more. The news crew were like a group of friends to hang out with in the morning before work. I miss them so. It started when Vanessa wasn't at the desk anymore. Standing up to give the traffic!! She looked so professional yet she wasn't the same. No Duke, what's up with that.
The horrible blue background, i just don't get it. The new anchors seem nice but too stiff. There isn't the camaraderie of the news crew. I will not be watching anymore. It is sad. Who's blasted idea was this anyway?!? Whomever should be emptying the trash while someone gets the crew back together!
I agree!!! Bad move CBS! Bad Move! I no longer watch your morning news.
You lost another viewer! I totally enjoyed Dave, Mario, Jim, Shon and Duke. My early morning ritual consisted of coffee and the cbs crew. I can listen to the news anywhere but the crew had personality. Bring them back! They are missed. The news is not the same anymore. The days of Dave dancing, stumping Duke, Jim's comments on Dave's tie and Mario's smile are gone. I moved from Fox to CBS when they made the move and I was so happy to see Jim finally join them. That completed the family. How could you do this?
...for the past week I am looking for Dave Price and his crew...I found this site and its a shame to find out what happened to them. I cannot stay with CBS, they are boring and will regret what they did.
A disaster. The new show has nice people, no personality, no reason for me to watch. I loved the interplay of the old team, could not find one fault. I need to laugh in the morning or I crawl back into my hole and forget to go to work. I probably will be fired.....boring boring boring boring SO BORING!! How can professional newspeople make interesting news boring? There must be some place for these people, far, far away from EARLY MORNING! I've only seen Dave, the new non tap dancing sedate guy who replaced my weather idol, once since the massacre. IS THERE ANY 5am show that is funny? Personable? Entertaining? What a pleasure it was to leave the sophmoric production style of channel 12 and come to the fresh, breezy, bright Channel 2 News Crew. Was it me? Should I have slavered at the feet of the big bosses? Help me someone...please.....PLEASE!
I agree with everything said here! The crew was happening, even when Shon would try to sing and I would cringe, I kept watching. I hated her singing, but it was the best compared to what we're seeing on CBS 2 these days now! I say, get rid of Maurice and Kate, put Inhale on instead or switch to the Oxygen channel and watch the yoga show there! It is more entertaining then CBS2 news, or I found a show called Becker which is good for a laugh or two. What were they thinking? I want my traffic person Vanessa back, and what about Linda Lopez!? They took her off the Saturday show too! Those idiots.
Agree, agree, agree! Glad to see I wasn't the only channel 2 news morning fan. These guys were the best. Now I just flip around the channels in the morning and can no longer consider myself loyal to channel 2 news. The magic is gone.
Boo Hiss to CBS2. Myself as well as others are looking for the remote now. Bad Move CBS.
I saw Vanessa on Ch 5 Fox a while back. Then, the other night I saw her doing the 10:00 or 11:00 PM Weather on Ch 9........ I think I am confused, but thats what I saw. Maybe she is putting her feelers out elsewhere as well.
How much more boring can a early news program get? If you don't intend on bringing back the old morning news crew - can you at least replace Maurice and Kate with Reid Lamberty and Kirstin Cole? At least they have a personality and a bit of spirit! UGH!
I noticed Linda Lopez was gone from the weekend, and I think now, my defection from CBS2 news is complete. I followed Dave Price to 2 after he left and would have continued to watch after he gave it up for full time Early Show duty, I love Mario, and was glad to find him there. And just to say, I saw Duke doing baseball interviews on the field for ESPN, so It looks like he moved up.
Yeah I miss the Shon / Mario / Jim Ryan crew. They were loose and fun. Maurice DuBois is good but his evening news professionalism has helped turn the early early show into a bore. We liked Shon , Jim , and Mario because they had a fun chemistry that you might see among real friends and they still brought you the news.
P.S.--Vanessa is on the FOX5NY morning show now. I watch FOX5 now. Sometimes WB. CBS screwed up big time.
To the head of Channel 2 - - your viewers deserve a truthful answer to why you had to destroy a "good thing"? The morning news crew (Jim, Mario, Vanessa, Shon, Dave and yes Duke) not only delivered the daily news, weather, sports and events - they delivered a professional and personable morning show that could be watched and enjoyed by all. My children still ask for Dave's music and dancing, Vanessa's shyness with Dave, Jim's joking, Duke's stumping, Shon's singing and Mario's critiques. CHANNEL 2 - WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
If you can not stomach the new Channel 2 morning news crew - - just change the channel! I DID! I have switched to Channel 5 FOX and enjoy seeing Vanessa again, as well as the other morning news crew. At least have a personality and are fun to watch!
I am glad to see Maurice Dubois back in the 5-7am time slot, and think that he and Kate Sullivan are a dynamic duo.
The new morning crew are blah - blah - blah boring! Bring back the old crew, at least they were energetic!
It's good to see that people are still posting, and still bitching about the empty suit pinheads at CBS, who ruined our morning news.
I switched over to Fox 5 in NY for the morning news...mainly to catch Vanessa (who I adore)...and then I started to dig on that crew...but Fox, apparently catching the CBS bug, has totally revamped THEIR format, and ruined that morning show.
Guess I better stick with the radio in the a.m. Good grief.
Hi all. I too was saddened to miss my favorite morning news show. I too followed Dave Price when he left channel 5. Then to watch the CBS news crew was a pleasure. But I look at this. I also noticed that CBS did the same thing years ago when they regrouped and got rid of John Johnson's crew. So rude and abrupt. CBS has something missing. Look at their track record. They aim to disappoint. Now they got us looking elsewhere for the people we truly enjoy. I wonder what their ratings are now!!
i can't beleve this, they took my morning fun away, going back to my grumpy self, thank you for nothing cbs, no more cbs for me.
i also am sick over this. i loved getting up with the morning cbs crew. yur show now is totally boring. it doesn't hold my interet for one minute. also magee hickey is a total bore, she acts as if she is in slow motion. her delivery is poor no animation. i guess she stays because of her father.
again, what were they thinking.everyone loved the morning show. i work for an airline and everyone watched it at airports. we were friends with channel 2 news team. where is shon and dave. the world loves them. no much thought put into this. the other two are boring. maurice came from channel 4 thats when i left for cbs 2. at least we know where vanessa is fox 5. you had a fun news team and now your as interesting as jimmy carter
What a boring mess CBS has brought in. Like the rest of you, both my wife and I arose at 5AM to be entertained and enlightened by the best AM news team around. The chemistry was unsurpassed by any AM news crew the metropolitan area has had in years. So sad that we'll never see them all together again. CBS what were you thinking? Back to Fox 5 with the rest of you. There is nothing else.
CBC what are you doing???? You've change the morning line up again....wow. I've gone back to channel 5 because I miss the original line up of Shon, Mario, Vanessa and Dave. I was never thrilled with the addition of Jim Ryan..he didn't fit at all...I stopped watching channel 5 and came to 2 because of him....I tolerated 2 with him there because I enjoyed the others....now everyone is gone. I guess Fox 5 will be my home again. Another thing, I wasn't really happy with Roz Abrams and Mary Calvi either....they didn't appear to like each other on screen....there was no chemistry there at all....get your act together CBS before you lose more morning and afternoon fans....but you've definately lost me.
I agree 100% this show has gone down hill ever since
please bring back
Shon,Mario and Vanessa
they had the best morning show by far
I am also disapointed with all the changes. I was very happy with Shon,Mario and Dave. I happen to like Maurice, but I'm not quite sure about the lady next to him who said one day that she couldn't find any New Yorker's who were not rude (there was a segment about how nice New Yorker's are)she certainly is entitled to her opinion, time will tell. Now where is Audrey, I really can't seem to warm up to John Elliot. What going on at CBS
What's going on at CBS. Now where is Audrey? All these changes were probably made to accomodate the pay they must give to Katie Couric. Is she really worth millions of dollars a year? Goodbye CBS news!!! I'm going back to NBC.
Yup, I'm going too! I really liked Vanessa and now Audrey is gone and her replacement in not even watchable! bye bye cbs
CBS Executives don't know their Viewers very well!!! They don't care what the viewers want. LISTEN UP CBS EXECS, YOU HAD A GREAT THING AND YOU LET IT GO! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! We want the old crew back. It is just another boring broadcast in the morning.
I used to love to tune into CBS with Dave Price, Vanessa Alfano, Shon Gables and Mario Bosquez and Duke Castiglione. They made my morning! I would get up early just to watch them. Now its ho-hum. And where did they dig up Liz Burke from?? She is like watching paint dry. Vanessa Alfano did the traffic fantastic and you could understand her. Vanessa had gusto. Liz Burke is flat. Maurice DuBois needs a couple of cups of Starbucks in the am. I like the Arkansas transfer anchor, she is nice, but no comparision to the fun old CBS 2 crew. I watch FOX 5 now, CBS had a good thing and they let them all go!
John Elliott stinks!! Where is he from? Katie Holmes doesn't know squat about NY she is from Arkansas, how can CBS put someone else who is not from NY as an anchor. Maurice is boring. WATCH FOX the CBS crew is reappearing one by one. I am glad Audrey Puente is gone. She is boring and only got the job because of who her father was. CBS is boring.
Recently, while watching a movie titled Inside Man, a familiar face and voice appeared as a news reporter. It was Shon Gables! I wondered, "What ever happened to her and the CBS News Crew? Moring news has not been the same."
I never used to watch CBS news (I used to watched Fox 5 with Dave Price). I enjoy my AM news with personality and Dave had the "It" factor. So when I learned he switched to CBS, I was disappointed. However, eventually, I started watching the 5:30 to 7:30 AM Crew, and it became part of my morning routine.
Now, I don't watch ANY AM morning news. All the anchors are dull and boring. They lack the "It" factor. They smile, but they seem plastic. They look uneasy. So, I have substituted live news for the internet's news. It's not as pleasant as seeing the faces of Shon, Mario, and Dave, and watching good professional news people, but it will have to do. Since live news is no longer alive, I'd rather read it.
Funny, now that Katie McGee replaced Burke they allow the traffic person to be upfront w/ the anchors. They kept Burke waaay in the back and limited her awkward interaction.
I like the new weather man; he's full of energy and entertaining but all in all, I miss the fun old crew too I used to drink coffee with in the morning...
I agree. CBS made a HUGE mistake by taking off the most popular and funny morning news team I had ever seen. What was CBS thinking? Obviously not about the viewers that liked this team so much. Shame on you for not listening to us. You really blew it this time!!!
WOW...How many are still interested? CBS is still #1. BUT lost forever is the Magical Magnet they onced possessed. Best of Luck to them all!!!
I don't know what the old crew was like because I started watching with the crew that's on now, Maurice, Kate and the rest. When I'm trying to wake up and just catch some news, sports & weather, I DON'T NEED a bunch of hokey "just-like-friends" with that "edgy, let's just have fun" schlock. These guys are just right in their work; and this is from someone who used to watch Fox & Friends, and turned away from THAT because of the same hokey-factor. I would rather watch a more liberal network that didn't promote any political agenda.
That said, once the Early Show kicks in at 7, there seems to be "an agenda" when it comes to at least 2 of the newspeople, this aloof lib-bag Harry, and the overly-aggressive Hannah Storm, although I believe she has left. The others seem to have more worldly "news class" though.
I'm glad they at least brought back Katie McGee. The other traffic reporters were either not visually appealing or stammered worse than Elmer Fud.
I whole-heartedly agree with you! "The other traffic reporters were not visually appealing or stammered worse than Elmer Fud."
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