Fourteen are left. Who will be voted off tonight?
Now, this was one rockin' and rollin', get down and get dirty, episode! All they would need is some jello (or mud) and it could have been held ringside for the big bucks.
The show opened with Raro on Night 14. Tension, hurt feelings, and verbal jousting were the order of the night. Understandably, Cristina's feelings were hurt because Adam called her out as "annoying" at Tribal Council. So, they argued. Brad thought it was insensitive of Adam, yet let them orally duke it out without his interference. Cristina cried. Adam didn't cry.
Then it was Day 15 and we were plopped into Aitu territory where Ozzy once again was being Poseidon Man, fishing for the troops. Despite his vow a few weeks back, he continues to supply his tribe with food he catches or climbs to get. Jonathan remarked about Ozzy's talents, but noted that Ozzy isn't anyone to be against after the merge. He's right. But, then again, Jonathan himself isn't one to be against after the merge.
The tree mail they received promised a feast to the winning team and talked about a well-balanced team being needed. The mail was in the shape of a mast. It didn't say whether the challenge would be Reward only or Immunity, but since it didn't mention bringing the Idol, it appeared to be Reward only to most of the tribe members.
Except for the Lone Cao Boi, that is. He wants to drag the Idol to everything as a "spiritual" thing, pride, a fellow member of the tribe, and a host of other reasons. Jonathan told him he was against bringing it because it would come across as gloating over their wins. Cao Boi got very abrupt. Fine, just fine. It stayed at camp.
Ah, it was time for the down and dirty at the Reward Challenge. I have no clue what the producers are doing. This one almost begged for injuries and it's lucky no one got hurt besides bruises, scrapes, and scratches. Cao Boi sat out as the odd man over. Then each tribe chose three members to cling onto a pole which was secured to the ground. Two members from the opposing tribe then had to remove them from the poles and drag them across the sand for quite a ways to the finish line.
Cristina fought dirty as they JessFlicka fought her. Chokeholds, hair-pulling, attempts at disrobing were the off-color moves during that battle. When it came time for the guys to move Ozzy, they just snagged him from the pole and carried him by the pants for a ways. He struggled, but couldn't beat them for long.
Oh? The prize? Well, the winners got a feast. But there's a hitch. Jeff told them that both tribes would each vote out a member tonight. The winning tribe would go to Tribal Council first, then feast and sit in the jury box during the losing tribe's Tribal Council. The feast was lamb shanks, bread, and apple cider. He also said there would be one more surprise. Every tribe member of each tribe gave the challenge their all, but in the end it was another win for Aitu.
Jonathan, meanwhile, wants Cao Boi out as the wild card. He has his points, too. Cao Boi has proved a bit bizarre and, though interesting, he can be annoying and problematic. The women seemed to be leaning a bit more towards voting out Jonathan, even Becky who's in the Becky/Candice/Yul/Jonathan alliance. Ozzy seemed a bit iffy about it all. I think he may have just been happy to be off the radar at the moment -- the ex-Latino tribe members have been dropping like flies. Only Ozzy and Cristina remain from that tribe.
Over at Raro, Nathan decided they didn't need lamb and he caught a nice-sized octopus for their own little feast. With tensions they way they are, Cristina was the largest target. She knew it, campaigned, and only had a decent response from Nathan.
Cao Boi, of course, brought the Immunity Idol to Aitu's Tribal Council. When Jeff Probst questioned him about it, he decided it could be another tribe member sitting there. He also told Jeff that people either love or hate him. That got a snicker from his tribemates. He rambled on about his voting choice being a chess game scenario looking down the robe. Deep, man, deep. Or not. He admitted that his plan was to expose the hidden Immunity Idol, something which may have been better left unsaid at Tribal Council, but that's Cao Boi for you.
In the end, it was bad voodoo for the Zen Master. Cao Boi was voted off with the only votes not for him being his own (Candice) and JessFlicka (Jonathan), his Zen Buddy Grasshopper.
Then it was time for Aitu to sit in the jury box and feast and Raro to hold their Tribal Council. The "Cristina annoying" bit was all rehashed; Jeff mentioned how many challenges they've lost (most of them). Then he announced a new twist right before Raro was ready to vote. Aitu would kidnap one of Raro's tribe members. That member wouldn't vote in the Tribal Council, but would also be safe from the vote. He also would quickly feast for a few minutes, then return with Aitu to their camp through the next Reward Challenge. They chose Nate.
Aitu, including the kidnapped Nathan, left before the votes were cast for Raro. Even Nate's vote couldn't have saved her. Cristina was voted out by all but two votes. She voted for Jenny, as did Brad.
A few random thoughts...
- Ozzy is the sole Survivor of the original Latino tribe.
- I didn't know Cao Boi had the sneakiness in him to come up with Plan Voodoo. Had Yul not had the Idol, it probably would have played out. But both Becky and Yul knew Jonathan didn't have it.
- While Cao Boi wanted to break up the original Caucasion tribe, he neglected to include his buddy JessFlicka in there.
- I know some might think it as racist on Cao Boi's part, but the Caucasian tribe is the only one that is still intact. I'd target them, too.
- My personal favorite remains Yul, though I'm also liking Jonathan more each week, too. Ozzy is a tremendous player, but he's so dang moody when things don't go his way. To me, he's a bit of a wild card in his own right. He's actually playing the people end of things much better the past few weeks.
thanks so much Jackie...I watched and I was still a bit ocnfused as to why they voted out Cow Boi, but I see the wisdom in the move...I enjot survivor much more than I so Lost because at least there is some resolution each week one way or the other!!
I'm bored.
The show was great tonight...enoughs twists and turns not to mention pulling and tugging and general manhandling to be entertaining. I thought the two evictees deserved to go and wasn't sorry to see them leave. I like Yul best, but also Jonathan, Ozzie is growing on me...and Roller Blade Girl seems to do pretty well in the challenges. Not too smart to blow kisses to a member of the opposing team at Tribal Council in front of all your "mates"...the name of the game is to outwit, outplay and outsmart...that was not a smart move.
I sooo agree with that,CANDICE was making a bad,bad move with all the googly eyes and mouthing "I love you" to ADAM. Where is that girl's mind! See why CAO BOY wanted to target them? And ADAM was going right along w/it and flirting and making eye contact w/her.Stupid,stupid moves!
Boy,they seemed to really get a lot of their animosity out in that challenge.CHRISTINA was really playing dirty,so no surprise they went after her when they got the chance.She sure had her "cop" persona amped up for it.
Not sorry to see either of them go.CAO BOY was all zen,karma and love,baby and then came out w/both guns blazing. CRISTINA tried the apologizing route,but it just rang false to me.Now don't get me wrong,I really don't like JENNY very much,she seems very mean spirited to me and even BRAD must have thought so,her own old tribemate.
I'm still not loving this season,not because of any racial undertones or anything,but just because I don't find most of these people interesting. CAO BOY was just annoying,YUL wants to be the player w/integrity and the rest just sit back and let things happen or react. JONATHON was the only one plotting any strategy and only because he felt threatened. The Hispanic tribe and the Afro-Americans have to be afraid,very afraid,because they just don't have the numbers and it's getting close to merge time.Sorry to say I am slipping away to "Ugly Betty" more and more this time.
Hi Jackie,
I think you made a mistake when you were talking about the Raro vote. You wrote: "Even Nate's vote couldn't have saved her. Cristina was voted out by all but two votes. She voted for Jenny, as did Yul".
But isn't Yul in the Aitu tribe, who voted Cao Boi out? Did you mean Brad?
Cao Boi tried to expose the idol and it almost worked. At least Aitu now knows that either Yul or Nathan has it, or that it hasen't been found. I doubt anybody thinks that. I wouldn't be to happy at Aitu with having to bring back Nate for awhile. He is going to be able to read these people and take info back to Raro. The show seems to be getting better, but I haven't seen any adverse conditions such as a bad rain storm. Neither shelter looks adequate enough to withstand.
Looking at the posts, I am thinking maybe this is a pathetic season. We just dont have any stand out action yet. I love Yul, because he seems so upright, but this is a dirty game. Its good he has the idol...Cao Boi was at last entertaining if not annoying..Cristina lasted longer than I thought she would..
Hot dang that was by far the most intense challenge in all the Survivor season’s I’ve ever seen! I too thought someone for sure would get hurt, besides cuts and sand burns, like arms or legs being pulled out of socket! That had me huffing and puffing when it was over.
I agree Jonathan “looks” shady but seems to be a team player…so far!
Ozzy is still a cutie, and is redeeming himself (with me) with his people skills. He lost me when he threw the challenge to oust Billy, but now that he’s not the top dog, seems to have settled in.
I’m so glad to see Cao Boi gone, he grated my last nerve each week. And you’re right, Mr. Zen had a shady side just like everyone else. I bet his team slept well after tribal council with their full belly’s and quiet from the Yak Master being gone.
Christine seemed to me to be a typical law enforcement person, very strong personality, but I have the utmost respect for law enforcement personnel.
My hope now is that Candace or Adam are booted after all their ooey gooey stuff at tribal council. Stupid is as stupid does. That would take care of two off the white tribe right away. You can almost see that they, the original white tribe, are still “working” together in anticipation of the merge. I noticed also when the tribes arrived at the challenge and Jeff announced Stephanie was voted off that the camera shot to Sundra’s reaction. So there are still undertones of self inflicted segregation. Hmmm, I don’t think that came out the way I meant it.
So we have left…
5 White
4 Asian
3 Black
1 Hispanic
I’m thinking it’s time to trim some fat from the White or Asian tribes , and with Yul having the immunity idol that evens those two up. At the beginning I would have bet money on someone from the Asian team winning this season just because of their work ethic being so strong.
I’m still enjoying this season, even though it’s not as intense as prior seasons. I think they have it pretty good with an abundance of food and so far no bad weather, those two issues can bring some real interesting episodes. These folks seem to be sitting back fat, dumb and happy, just another day.
LYSS...remember,right from the start when they didn't bother to build any shelter,CANDICE right away hooked up w/ADAM and they "spooned" almost every night.I liked her okay,I think she is a very friendly,outgoing kind of person. BILLY just misread that communication,who knows what was going on inside HIS head.But I do think she has some feelings for ADAM and is looking forward to exploring it further when they merge. Then again,they may have sealed their fate,if the others caught the vibe like we did.
I love your reports except-
they are WAY to long
The point of recapping is to recap, not to write a novel.
Could you please tone down on the length
I am laughing because I can't believe someone ranked the races. Ohmigod, I am still bored.
Anon @ 7:41 - I'll fix that... oops!
Anon @ 11:21 - Feel free to skim.
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