Saturday, October 28, 2006

TV Newsy Bits - Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's rainy and windy here in the Northeast, so it's a perfect day to rent movies, stay inside and quaff hot chocolate! And, of course, remember to set the clocks back an hour tonight. Spring forward and fall back, y'know.

What kind of TV related newsy bits have I found peeking around this morning on the Internet? Well, here ya go:


Anonymous said...

Here too, Jackie, winds just started blowing. College football, hot food and snuggling in order for today. My game is on at noon...GO PSU! I hope all my leaves blow away, let the neighbors deal with them...IMAO Looking forward to House, love that show and it got a bum deal with MLB on FOX. Can I say "SPORTS" again. What about US!

Jackie S. said...

SusanB - I'm aware of what you mean, but I haven't had an issue. What probably is happening is that it's shooting down below the last of the text for the blog. That happens when I post something too wide for the boundaries (like a photo) or, more often, on individual entry pages where someone has pasted a comment which doesn't really physically fit or repeated a letter or character like thissssssssss (but more).

I don't know if your computer settings are what's triggering it. As I said, all has been okay on this end. Anyone else having problems?

Anonymous said...

I was. Only was seeing the first entry with no comment area to click or now right side info. I just cleaned java and temp files and it is all back.