The action is getting fast and furious as Lost aired its next to last episode until winter. What is the cost of living? Well, it seems that death is the cost of living, at least on the island.
Oh, and I really think there's only one island despite what we saw last week. I believe Ben showed Sawyer some sort of illusion. Had there been another island that close, how could they have not seen it?
Back to the island and the latest about those kooky fun-loving castaways and their demons...
This episode mainly centered around Eko, in flashbacks and on the island in the present. Last season, we saw a bit of Eko's backstory. Remember, his brother Yemi apparently died in a plane crash of some drug smugglers. When he found the plane on the island, Eko kept the cross that caused the smugglers to think Yemi had been himself. Oh, perhaps you had to be there. Anyway, the flashbacks told more of the story of Yemi, Eko, a bit of their childhood, and the violence which ultimately would be the cost of living.
Cut back to the "now" on the island, Eko's still in grave condition from the hatch blast and Charlie, Hurley, and Sayid are concerned about him. Drifting in and out of consciousness, he has his own flashbacks to the drug running and his brother Yemi appears onto him. Yemi told him it's time to confess, time to be judged. Uh-oh. That doesn't sound so good and I don't think a Jesus stick is going to help him.
Eko came to only briefly enough to mention his brother to Charlie, then he vanished without a trace from the camp. Locke, meanwhile, wanted to gather a group to head to the Pearl Station (hatch) in hopes of finding a clue which would help them find Jack, Sawyer, and Kate who are still in the clutches of the Others. Desmond thought the computers there could communicate with other computers. While others (not THE others) wanted to find Eko, Locke said that he'd be going to the same place. Locke knew Eko would head to where the drug plane crashed right near the Pearl Station. So, two birds, one stone, and all that. "Don't mistake coincidence for fate," warned Locke.
In Eko's Flashback Sequences
After the initial childhood sequence, they focused on Eko after he "took over" for Yemi at his village. Yes, as the "new priest." An altar boy saw him washing his hands in the holy water and Eko told him he was "washing away his sins." Right then and there the kid had to know he wasn't the real deal.
The armed militia men with whom Yemi had a deal to give most of the vaccine supplies in return for protection came around and Eko refused to deal with them. To prove their seriousness (and ruthlessness), they shot a village woman just to make their point.
When the militia thugs returned after the vaccine shipment arrived, Eko still refused to deal with him. Lead Thug said that he was superstitious and couldn't kill a man of God. Thus, he was going to cut off his hands instead. Eko fought back and (seemingly) killed the men. "You do not know who I am," he said.
The last flashback sequence was Eko preparing to go to London as Yemi was set to do. The locals were boarding up the church. The altar boy's mother warned Eko to repent and to start making his peace now.
On the Island With Jack and the Others
Jack got a personal invite from Ben to Colleen's funeral (the one Sun shot). He wasn't told he was going to a funeral, but he did get a nifty gauzy-white flowing shirt. He started asking Ben questions about his health and the tumor in the x-ray he had seen. Ben played dumb and said he felt fine, didn't know what Jack was talking about. Sure, Ben.
The funeral itself was different from your basic funeral. Colleen's body was on a raft set out to sea, then set afire. And, all the while, tinny loudpeakers played a song which I know that I know, but can't place. It's an older jazz/blues tune about an aching heart and holding someone tight. I guess I'll have to wait for the website with Lost Music to reveal it. (It's driving me crazy!)
At the funeral, we found out that the spine tumor x-ray is indeed Ben's. He told Juliet that she wasn't supposed to tell Jack about it.
After Ben left, Juliet went back in to the dolphin tank, this time bearing a video she claimed was To Kill a Mockingbird. But, it definitely wasn't. Jack said he didn't want to watch, yet she insisted on putting it on and leaving the volume off. Hidden from the closed-circuit monitors and microphones, the video itself was a series of messages to Jack. Juliet held up a series of signs which said that Ben was evil, a liar, very dangerous and that some on the island want a change. They want Jack to do the surgery and for Ben to unfortunately die. After all, it's a serious surgery with complications. No one would know. She told him it was up to him. He didn't commit.
The Pearl Station Hatch and Eko on the Island
As Eko headed to the hatch and drug plane crash site, we got glimpses of the black smoke wisps. Oh, no! When he saw a huge smoke more-than-a-wisp, all of a sudden it went away and there was Locke, new dude Paulo, Sayid, and the rest of the party heading to the Pearl Station. Later, Eko would ask Locke what he saw. Locke saw a beautiful bright light. "That's not what I saw," said Eko. Me, neither!
While the rest of the party headed down the hatch, Eko remained above. Down in the hatch, new gal Nikki gave them the idea to try to get the other monitors in the bank going. Nothing was on them until... eep! A man with an eye-patch looked into a camera, then blocked it. Yay, a new mystery! (I say with sarcasm.)
Yemi once again appeared to Eko. Yemi told him he's ready to hear his confession. Eko followed him to a stunningly gorgeous spot where he showed Yemi the cross necklace. When Yemi asked him if he was ready, Eko told him he asked for no forgiveness. He didn't sin. He did what he had to do to survive. "When I was a young boy, I killed a man to save my brother. I didn't not ask for this life. It was given to me and I've done the best I can."
Yemi just turned to him and said, "As if I were your brother."
Eko shouted, "Who are you?" Then the smoke monster grew, snagged and dragged him. The folks in the hatch heard a ruckus and found Eko dying in the woods. He whispered something to John Locke, then died.
What did he say? Well, John said he said, "You're next." Yikes!
Answers? Questions?
- An answer - We now know the tumor x-ray subject is indeed Ben
- A question - Yemi indicated that he wasn't Eko's brother. So I have to think that he's not really Yemi?
- A question - Why did that smoke monster look like an elephant snagging Eko? Was that just my impression or did others see the resemblance?
- A question - Wasn't there a glass eye found in one of the hatches at one point? Is it Patch-Eyed Man's eye?
- A question - I don't think that Jack will botch a surgery to appease Juliet, but what if Juliet gains control of the Others?
- A question - What if the whole Juliet asking Jack (secretly) to off Ben is part of Ben's plan to "test" Jack?
- A question - Why did one of my digital shots taken during the episode superimpose Jack over Juliet (see above)? Was it coincidence or fate? It wasn't on the screen. Oh, don't tell me it was just shutter lag!
As usual, there are more questions than there are answers. They think just because they're Lost, we should be, too.
A help with the song, I know it was by Peggy Lee, title do not know! I use close captions.
To all your ?'s, I need to think and ponder!!!! Alot thrown at us last night.
Basically I am as confused a ever...
I did think the black smoke looked like an elephant or at least the trunk of an elephant.
As to the picture of Jack superimposed on Juliet, I thought it was a reflection of Jack on the glass window in the dolphin tank. Juliet was on one side and Jack on the other side.
Did any one else pick up on the Indian influnece on the show last night?
The funeral with the putting the body on a raft in the water and setting it on fire.
The white gauzey shirts worn by The Others and Jack during the funeral.
The elephant appearence of the smoke.
My Friend tells me I read too much into the show and I probably do.
Guess I need to get a life! LOL
Does anyone else think that the guy that says "previously on Lost" sounds just like Tim Daly?
OK the shirts were Indian, but the burial was true Viking, placed in a ship set on fire and set adrift!
One thing Jackie did not bring up b4 Eko disappeared was when he saw Yemi and he had that lighter flicked! Charlie, Sayid, and Hurley next saw the hut on fire and dragged Eko out!!!! Was that hell and damnation after Eko refused to confess to Yemi?????
I don't know......I am truly "Lost" this season!! The claim of TPTB to start answering questions,well,when does that start? It just gets more convoluted every week,and I cannot see how they will ever tie up all these loose ends. You never know what to believe,like Juliet saying one thing and showing Jack another on the TV. Is she good or is this just another evil plot? And we all know she has a mean streak,is this just a grab for power?So next week,we are supposed to find out what some of this means. Anybody betting we will have more questions than answers when they are done?
Also,I am not impressed with the show they are putting in "Lost's" place,this "Another Day" or whatever it is. Doesn't look like anything I will watch,a "Ground Hog
Day" for the CIA set.......uh,no thanks......I'll watch "Top Chef",there's more than enough drama on that....LOL.
SHaron I hear that, questions and questions. Love Top Chef and that Daybreak looks tedious! Who wants to relive awful things over and over! Marcel is this seasons, Stephen. He has to go. I like Kelly, lets see if she can keep cooking.
i was watching good morning America the other day. they are doing story of the new 7 wonders of the world going on right now. They talked about the ancient wonders of the world. they showed place where they this huge statue. it reminded me of the huge foot they found on the island. maybe they gave us a a clue to where they were?????
Anon, "The Colossus of Rhodes" was a giant statue of the god Helios on the Greek island of Rhodes. It is/was one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. An earthquake broke it at the knees (gee, that sounds familar doesn't it sports fans?). Unlike the foot statue on Lost however, the Colossus had 5 toes.
To see it, check out:
As for the episode my friends, I believe Juliette (and Ben) were playing Jack just as Ben played Sawyer when he showed him the "other island". Ben's little, "we had a great plan to break you" speech was a ploy to lay the foundation for the real con he and Juliette are pulling. The only truth she said was on his card about Ben being dangerous.
Eyepatch on the video screen was no doubt the owner of the eyeball the Tailies found in the Arrow Station in the hollowed out bible. Wonder if he wants it back?
Maybe next week's mini-finale will kill off the 2 new characters whom have been forced onto us. I'd rather have more of the original ones who are departed back in flashbacks or visions than those two.
Sorry, link did not take:
What episode was the foot in. I am almost positive Sayid said that the food did have five toes. Somehting about I am not sure which is more disturbing the size or the fact it has five toes. Anyone else remember that?
love your blogs Jackie!
OK I am soooo sorry bout my last post yes I know we all have five toes and the statue had only four, just ignore my Friday afternoon, quirk!!
I thought Charlie and Eko torched the plane last year, or was that just a dream sequence?
Like susanb, I miss more interaction. I also miss more understanding.
This episode left me kind of blah. I liked Eko and didn't like the twist they put on his Catholicism. I'm not Catholic but Christian. Not confessing what you didn't do wrong is one thing, but attributing it to doing one's best instead of right and wrong (even a personal conviction of right and wrong) is too humanistic... sucks the life right out of the faith factor. Within *believing* we should do our best, not apart from or parallel to believing. You might think I'm splitting hairs, but the way it came off was not, and was not necessary...unless they meant to go humanistic, which they did.
And the black smoke is getting under my skin. I don't like anything about it: the mystery, the place in the story, the instrument of killing. It would be better if they ended-up saying Eko was dying and halucinated black smoke, but they can't because of previous black smoke episodes. Dumb.
To reiterate, the black smoke crosses the "stupid line" in science-fiction, for me.
They torched the plane last year. It should be more charred.
delee. Eko came *through* the fire. That's the way I see it.
Fire destroys *and* purifies. Hell is the Lake of Fire. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is fire.
black smoke --> polar bear... oh, don't get me started...
at least not until next season, semi-season... whatever
i think Locke said "we're next", implying that Eko said to Locke "you're next"
I don't know what to think of it. Stupid black smoke over the Stupid Line.
Remember to vote non-fiction today: vote Republican. They stand for the closest thing to real freedom and security. Otherwise you head for licentiousness and tyranny, where might makes right.
Today's comments. Although I still love Lost, it's moving too slow. Maybe I'm just getting impatient with TV shows, but I think they're out to get me. No, actually, I think the popular Lost has influenced every other show: intrigue, multiple connections, and SLOW MOVING. Give a dog a bone. I'm thinking even more about Heroes. Yes, I kept watching it since the marathon night. It's pretty cool. I like it. But dang, okay, ya give me bone only to tease me. Myself I end up stressed. Heroes doesn't have the depth Lost does; they shouldn't be exploiting the winning techniques of Lost so much. You what it is? It's too much DRAMA. Lost can get away with it, they were first with the winning deep combo. But Heroes (though, yes, done pretty well) can afford to give us MORE something: action, plot, story, interaction, interplay: each and all in a way that MOVES IT ALONG. Or maybe they need to slow down the overall story and fill out the individual stories. There's no need to tie up our minds into enigma all these many interlinkings. Please! Ya got such a cool premise and story: use it... don't complicate it. But hey, this is America and since Lost was successful then the next guy is going to capitalize on the technique... at the expense of quality. Though capitalism is the best, I guess it's not perfect. Hey, the same with Republicans. The perfection of the Dems is fantasy, a utopian worldview that denies that that there are evil people in the world, and denies that those people can't be negotiated with. "Hello, McFly."
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