After last week's entire recap show, we saw an extended recap of the previous week. They must think our memories fail us, eh?
The show opened with the Aitu tribe on Day 16 and with JessFlicka feeling blindsided by the vote to boot Cao Boi in the last Tribal Council. "No one ever tells me anything, fuss, fuss." And, of course, she was saying it all in front of Nathan, the kidnapped Raro member spending some time with the Aitu tribe. Not too cool; Nathan was all but taking notes and the other tribe members caught onto issues with her loose lips, as well.
In strategy talks at the tribe (most not around Nathan), it looks like the tribe members are having trouble trusting Jonathan. Fueled mainly by JessFlicka, but even his alliance members (Yul, Becky, Candice) expressed increasing doubts about him.
In the tree mail, the castaways received a Survivor's Catalogue and were instructed to pick two items. If they win Reward, they will receive the chosen items and the opportunity to send a member of the opposing tribe to Exile Island. The hidden Immunity Idol was found long ago by Yul and, while only Becky and Yul know it, the rest are pretty sure someone has it.
On Raro, Brad was pushing for potatoes as they'd stay fresh longer than bread, the item which the rest wanted. Peanut butter was a hit for both tribes and chosen without argument. No one listened to him, so their choice was bread and peanut butter. Aitu, on the other hand, went along Brad's school of thought and chose potatoes and peanut butter. There were spices, sewing kits and more in the catalogue, but the peanut butter had cast its spell.
The Reward Challenge had the tribe members grabbing a club, swimming a distance, climbing to a platform, and then jumping off swinging the club at a wooden box to break it. A key within the box then falls in the water. They must dive down and retrieve it, then return to shore. Then it's repeated by others. The keys open chests to puzzle pieces and the tribe who completes the puzzle first wins.
It was very rigorous, especially diving down to retrieve the key. The girls, in particular, were spent. Although Aitu had Nathan (a good swimmer) through the challenge, they didn't quite trust him and had to sit a member out. So, he sat. For Raro, Brad wanted to do the puzzle solving instead of the physical part of the challenge. Oops, Raro lost. Aitu chose Adam to be the Exile Island exile.
Back at the Raro camp, they were all up in arms about Brad choosing to put together the puzzle. Nathan, in a confessional spot, called him "puzzle boy" and "such a Nancy boy." Ouch. Then Nathan went fishing and providing so the women could rest.
Adam didn't even search for the Immunity Idol on Exile Island. A nasty storm moved in and he spent the night huddled in the broken hull of the abandoned ship on the island.
Returning to Aitu, the tribe members awakened to Ozzy carrying a bird he had caught in his hands. Although Jonathan was a bit reluctant, it was decided that the bird was food. They seemed very respectful about it, but I'm sure that someone will be upset. I couldn't kill a bird unless I was starving, but Yul can. Finger-licking good!
Ozzy's "Jungle Boy" abilities continue and the tribe members appreciate them more and more. Ozzy himself seems to have changed a bit and I don't see that huge chip on his shoulder he was carrying in the past. Oh, yeah, there's still a chip on his shoulder, but he's wise enough to put it in his pocket when talking to the others.
The Immunity Challenge had tribe members building a staircase with
In a shocking conclusion to the challenge, Raro actually won. Yes, you heard me right. Raro won something. So, they're safe until the next Tribal Council and Aitu must lose a member.
Once again, the discussion was regarding trust issues with Jonathan and flaky issues with JessFlicka. Ozzy thought he was pretty safe this time around. He called it right. At the Tribal Council, despite editing to make it look like Jonathan would leave, it was JessFlicka. All votes except for her own vote (Jonathan) were for her exit. Another performance artist bites the dust.
I also knew the vote was almost unanimous when they showed JessFlicka's vote for Jonathan first. I didn't have to see any more votes. I recognized the handwriting and knew that since they showed her casting the vote for him and then pulled that vote first, it had to be the only one for him.
I'm not all that sorry to see her go, although she's strong in challenges. If I had to hear how "left out" she was one more time again, I was planning to sneer at her. I'm liking Ozzy and Nathan more each week, while waning my cheering on of Jonathan. I'm ambivalent about Adam and most of the women. Yul is still the one I like for the win.
I think I want to see more sneakiness. I need more. It's Survivor, right?
I'm glad FLICKA was the one to go,she annoyed me and I'm not stuck on an island with her....LOL.I do think when you have watched the show from day 1,you really can almost predict that the vote or win/loss will not go the way they are skewing it.I,also,would not be sad to see JONATHON go,but am a little disappointed that his alliance is not fighting harder for him. I like OZZIE more now than before and he is a good provider,and their best swimmer.So the Caucasian team loses their first and that leaves them and the Asian/Americans tied.
My TV GUIDE says that next week is a double elimination going into the merge. So maybe next week,we will see some of the powerhouse players get the ax to thin the herd somewhat.I sure would rather be left with weak players if I was among the strong.....NO????
What is with Survivor? Have I become jaded wanting more agruments, under-handedness, and just plain anything. This season is like watching glue dry!!!! @@ Challenges dull..people dull...dull, dull, dull. I thought Ozzy with the bird would stir something up, but except for a few looks of mini-horror....nada!!!! See so dull....I am done!!!! IMAO
I agree this is one of the more boring seasons. I do hope the finals come down to yul and Ozzy they are the best of the worst.
With all the furor that this was going to be the most controversial season of Survivor, it seems that Burnett and Co. have come up short! The way it’s going, I would almost predict these people are going to come off the island having gained weight. There is almost NO surviving, other than the eliminations. No challenge for food, water, shelter, fire, it’s all been, for the most part handed to them.
Wasn’t Jesslika the one who told Jonathan that she wasn’t interested in scheming when they tried to pull her into their alliance? That she just wanted to enjoy her vacation there? Then she gets all boo hooey about not being included! Sour grapes that her buddy Cao Boi was gone…oops should have paid attention to the Alltel commercials and widened her circle of friends…in the words of N’Sync…BYE BYE BYE!
I’m not sure what to make of Ozzy! Dang if the manboy can pee without alerting a sleeping bird then I wouldn’t mind bringing him home overnight! Dang, there’s that drooling again.
I also noticed the camera does a lot of back and forth if something is going on between Candace or Adam. It will be real interesting when the tribes merge if both those two are still on the island. Of course, once they are thrown back together it could spell their demise.
I agree this season isn’t near as exciting as previous seasons, and I sure the H E double hockey sticks don’t like the “recap” episodes! Spare me…if I want a recap, I can go to their site and watch the episodes again. They did it on ANTM Wednesday also! Poopy!
I hope Jonathan's alliance doesn't turn on's at least verbal and can communicate and he pulls his own weight. Too many of the survivors this year look like they really are on a island vacation. Flika had her chance to be in an alliance and blew them what should she have expected.
Maybe the man that had to drop out with the colon problems last time put an end to the scanty water and food of previous seasons. Perhaps that man sued them or threatened to or their liability insurance went up to cover the possibility of suit.
I never thought of that Susan, but I'll bet you're right. I often wondered how they could live like that without getting sick. Even with more food than there has been in the past, it's still no bed of roses.
Hi Holly-- it's been a little while, good to see your heart shaped O! Also, if you are watching ANTM and want comment, we unofficially added it to the Bachelor/Tip Tuck meet up that Jackie made, so it's
another place to read about it or comment as well.
Anon 1;19 -- I really like Jonathan more and more, would like him to stay in the show a little longer. I don't see how he's so not trust worthy. Yes he is thinking game, but he's no Johnny Fairplay (HATED him), or Richard Hatch... not a backstabbing snake...
I agree MEB -- it looks like it's still got it's challenges. I see even the guys shivering a lot, with rain or without it, for one thing... I like watching in my cozy clothes in my warm house, with lots of stuff to eat in my cupboards!
In the early series they showed people complaining about their digestive system a lot more than they do now, but they may still be having all those problems and leave it on the editing room floow. Tough call... It was no fun to watch anyone Starve in Australia either.
Thanks Sydney, I'll have to get over there and read up on ANTM!
I have always liked Ozzy since day one, but I really believe he is finally showing how he earns his keep. I dont' see him winnning, but I hope he at least makes it to the jury so we can see him every week
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