Seven are left. Who will be voted out tonight?
The show opened with Jonathan listing the names he was called at the recent Tribal Council. You know - rat, weasel, a cancer. He's not a happy rat.
The sore thumb didn't hold her back during the Reward Challenge, though. Jeff surprised the castaways with family members who ended up participating in the challenge. It was a water relay where the castaways, blindfolded, had to fill up a small bucket from the ocean. Their respective loved ones, not blindfolded, would guide them to throw the water into a bucket they each held. Then the loved ones would dump the contents into a larger bucket which, when filled, would raise a flag. It ended up looking more like a water fight that a bucket brigade. And, Parvati won it with her father as her partner.
"I call him George because he's my best friend," said Adam of his father. Um, okay. If that makes you happy, Adam, go for it.
With Jonathan off at Exile Island, the group remaining at camp -- Yul, Becky, Ozzy -- found it was very peaceful. They decided that they should hide the food from Adam and Parvati. Since Ozzy is the main food provider from fish to coconuts, he resented those two winning anything when he's feeding them. So they threw all the fruit into the woods.
At the feast, Sundra did her best to fit in, make friends, and influence people even though she was eating with the enemy. Of course, Adam and Parvati were working on their own influencing pushing their anti-Jonathan agenda. It looked like Sundra was liking them more and more, but would her allies take them under their wing?
Sure enough, they did! It was the food. Adam and Parvati brought back a feast for those who remained at camp. Now, I found this a bit odd. In previous seasons, they had to smuggle smidgens from a Rewards feast back to those who remained at camp. Adam and Parvati brought full meals for everyone including themselves. And, it was all eaten without Jonathan. Becky, in a confessional, commented on how peaceful everything was without Jonathan, but with Parvati and Adam.
The seeds have been planted.
The Immunity Challenge was a Built For Ozzy water obstacle course that the castaways had to run through twice collecting bundles of sticks. Then they had to form a pole with the retrieved sticks and hook two rings way up high. First in with the rings won. Ozzy ran over the barrels which knocked others out; folks were slip-sliding all over the course. The only one who was anywhere near Ozzy was Yul and he took some good falls. But, in the end, Ozzy won Immunity, so he's safe from Tribal Council. And, since Yul has the Immunity Idol from Exile Island, we know he's safe, too.
Jonathan worked the girls. "Are we still cool? Are we voting Adam out tonight?" They mumbled some sort of affirmative mumble. Then Jonathan went for Yul. "I saved you! I was loyal." Yul mumbled a bit, too. Adam also approached Yul and pleaded his case. Yul talked to Becky and they thought that Adam and Jonathan should go away as soon as possible and then they would need to think about Ozzy as he's way too strong a competitor. In a confessional spot, Yul likened his own position to a "Godfather ordering a hit."
At Tribal Council, there was more finger-pointing and weasel-calling of Jonathan, more smug replies from Jonathan, and not as much camera-mugging from Nathan. In the end, all voted out Jonathan except for Jonathan himself. He voted for Adam.
I think Jonathan's demeanor at Tribal Council didn't help his cause any. He acted like ex-Aitu owed him. I'm personal wary of the vote. Adam can win challenges; Jonathan couldn't (or hasn't). Adam has plenty of friends on the jury who would vote for him in a Final Two situation; Jonathan has no friends on the jury. The only reasoning in keeping Adam over Jonathan would be a peer pressure kind of thing -- "Look, we voted out Jonathan for peace." I don't know. I think it wasn't the best choice. Adam while they could get him gone would be better for Yul, Becky, Ozzy, and Sundra.
Big Mistake getting rid of Jonathan instead of Adam. They could have gotten rid of Adam first, since he does win immunity challenges... besides Jonathan was part of the current alliance, whether they liked him or not. I couldn't believe Yul voted him out too.
Ozzie is my pick for winner. Or at least he's who I want to win. It was Yul, but he has suddenly started letting others make up his mind for him. He needed to stay strong. I understand getting rid of competition if you can, but keeping votes is as important.
How bad do I want somebody to wipe that smarmy smirk from Adam's face!!
I can't believe how easy it was to turn those people from their alliance and throw sanity to the wind and let those two snakes call the shots.
And hurt thumb or not,I was so disappointed PARVO won the reward.Of course,you can't bank on the previews showing anything that is probably real,but I think they are going to regret leaving ADAM and PARVO together to plot. Poor JON,he never got to go on any time away from camp.
Now,I have to change my vote for sole survivor too. I had liked YUL but he's way to cautious and worried about his "image". He's like the CHO BOYS,nice guys don't do too well in a pit of vipers. I have to agree with MEB and others,I think OZZIE is very deserving or SUNDRA,even. True,she hasn't done much,but then ,that's the way to win sometimes,kind of like VECEPIA,they just slide in under the radar.
And what was with that food thing from the reward. It has always been a strict rule that no food is brought back to camp. Can we say influence peddling??AND what's with all the mugging and eye stretching and all with the jury members. I think CANDICE needs a mask on her face,as well as NATE.For "just observers" they sure make their feelings known.
I don't have a clue how they are going to get down to the final two(or three) by the finale. One next Thursday and then two in the first hour?? Should be interesting. And just how long can YUL sit on that immunity idol again?? Jackie????
Jonathan had the perfect opportunity to plead his case at TC and missed it. When Adam and pals brought up loyalty, Jon should have responded that they made his point for him. They will remain loyal to their own and oust Yul and his. Yul, in the past, told Jon that since Jon was seen as a Rat, he was the one to take to the end, since no one would vote for him. I always dislike it when the 'cool club' popularity wins out over good game playing. In the same vein, Pav sent Jon to Exile. If she sent Ozzie, he might not have played as well in Imminuty. She chose emotion over game playing. But, if Jonathan had stayed and her dad picked by 'loved ones', it would be possible Jon had gone on Pav's feast and that would have been fun to watch. Thank you Jackie, Sue
Nexts weeks TV Guide has an article on Survivor in which Mark Burnett says that the final tribal council will have three survivors, and the jury will have 9 members
I so agree with all who think the Jonathan ouster was a mistake! Adamvarti can, and may already have swayed Sundra which makes it a three to three. I'm sure they told Sundra with them you are #4, with us you're #3, you do the math.
I thought the idol had to be used or losed before the end, but maybe since there are so many still left that's why it's still active.
My prediction for next Thursday, Ozzy gets immunity again; Adamvarti + Sundra vote for Becky; Yul, Ozzy and Becky vote for Adam; Yul uses the idol to save Becky as he promised...or does he!!! Duhn Duhn Duhnnnn!
Well folks its going to get very interesting from here on out isn't it?
I think as well a big mistake getting rid of Jonathan..........and now to wiggle a way to vote Yul off and get second highest votes to Becky..... and there goes those two!!! Seems from the previews they are ready to toss Ozzie, and if he gets wind, then the numbers shift and munity begins!!!! At the end everyone has to turn on each other, ideal situations just don't pan out. Yul and Becky screwed themeselves last night by getting rid of Jon and letting the numbers balance possibly shift against them......for they are so a pair.........and need to both go will soon be the talk.
Adam wins I puke! And with him still in the game, big mistake, its anyone's game. Idiots for their so called logic in voting?
I agree, Jon would have been perfect to take to the jury......... most of jury hates him!!!! Duh!!!!
Survior is too lax in letting jury make facial expressions as well, unless they have in the past and the camera hasn't shown it?
So, possibly 3 in the finals? Hummmmmmmm.............will making the voting easier and possibly not give the least 2 horrors left?
Must be some reason for this choice other than air time and ratings? Who knows? I have enjoyed this season more than I thought I would from the start.
Ozzie is incredible......and fun to watch. Think his downfall will be in the "remembering skills", for there isn't a challenge is can't seem to conquer and do it very very well! Go Ozzie!
Yul must have been channeling Jani in last night’s episode! Big disappointment, and he, like Jani, will regret it in the end!
oh my oh my....Jonathan couldnt keep his yap shut could he? even when he was having his say at the end they cut him off...yada,yada yada. I know Adam should have gone, but my ears were tired of ringing from his ranting and raving....peace at a price I guess.
I love it when the family members come, the way the faces light up..they all seem wonderful...not schemers anymore...
Jackie...did you get my letter?
I wonder how Pav and Adam snuggling at AT went over with jury Candace? I saw her on the Morning Show and she said they (she & Adam) weren't together, but she seemed to stammer about it, so was she just nervous? or did they have a falling out? or was she being coy? Thanks Jackie, Sue
vote for ozzy on to win the mercury mariner!!
I hope he wins the entire thing but the previews lead us to believe he may be gone so...
vote for him to win a car!
Terry - Yes, I did... that was such a cool card - I got a kick out of it! And, thank you! :-)
Sharon - If I recall right, the wording was "through the final four" or maybe "through to the final four."
I'm so sorry for your loss Penny and will say a prayer for you and your family
Penny - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost both my parents five months apart when I was a teenager, so I have an idea of the sort of thing you're going through. Hang in there. I've missed your comments here, although I totally understand.
Per this weeks TV Guide:
There will be 3 finalists mostly with the higher IQ's., mostly because of the last competition took 25 minutes for the winner to solve a difficult puzzel.
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