But what about tonight? Can Ozzy be stopped? Is Yul really a puppetmaster? How about that Becky - is she really sneaky? Is Parvati really Shallow? (Yes, that's her last name, so she is.)
Six remain. Who will be voted out tonight?
Well, the show didn't dilly-dally too long and pretty much jumped right into action (after a brief recap, that is) with treemail. Yes, it was the Reward Challenge and from the verse within the treemail, the castaways guessed mud wrestling - a fun sport indeed.
They were sort of close. It was mud. They had to go into a mudpit, gather as much mud as they could on their bodies, then go through a wooden fence and dump it into their designated buckets. They couldn't use their hands to carry the mud. Ozzy got inventive and gathered a pile in his hair and on the back of his neck. He was driven. Adam really didn't look as muddy as the rest. For the longest time he was the only one not using his hair to gather mud. Yul was gathering the mud on the small of his back and walking hunched over.
Ozzy, in his typical Ozzy fashion, worked it. He easily won with 45 pounds of mud in his bucket after the ten minutes they were allowed. That's about twice as much as anyone else had. Second was Parvati with 24 pounds, third Yul with 22½ pounds. Adam gathered 22 pounds while Sundra and Becky only got 20 pounds each. The funniest part of the challenge was when they all stopped competing and actually looked at each other - Revenge of the Mud Thing!
The reward? The winner and the two highest mud-packers won an overnight trip to a luxury spa, a feast which included alcohol, and lots of festivities. As the winner, Ozzy also chose someone to go to Exhile Island. Since his likely choices would be non-ex-Aitu tribe members, it was a given he'd choose Adam as Parvati was going on Reward. And, so he did.
Becky and Sundra went back to camp, mud and all. While there Becky couldn't get over how much Ozzy beat them by with the mud. She went on another "better get him out sooner rather than later" diatribe. Sundra seemed to agree. They all like Ozzy, but he's unstoppable. He throws himself into each challenge like some kind of winning machine.
Adam thought he'd spend his time in Exile just resting up for the Immunity Challenge, but the weather had another plan. A storm rolled in and he spent most of the night awake, wet, and cold. But, before the storm, at least he ate something. "Who needs fire when you can eat food raw?" Blech, I think it was a crab he was eating.
At the luxury spa, they showered off the mud - Ozzy had "I "heart" it" carved in the drying mud on his chest. He "hearted" a shower a lot more, though. They feasted and partied, then the power went out in the storm. But did it stop the party? Nope! Native dancers danced by candlelight and the good times went on. Then Yul, Ozzy, and Parvati went skinnydipping in the hot tub. Parvati and Ozzy flirted a lot, much to Yul's dismay. He observed it and said in confessional that he was worried she was trying to use Ozzy.
Reunited back at camp, Yul and Becky discussed their concerns about Ozzy. Both are very wary, but Yul doesn't seem to want to take the leap to actively get him out. Yul said in a confessional that no one has a chance against Ozzy with the jury. I think he's right. I had some qualms about Ozzy's attitude in the beginning of the show - he had a chip on his shoulder. But, dang... he's giving it his all. If he wins it all, he deserves it.
Of course, Ozzy just zipped through the retrievals and his only opposition was Yul. Yul wasn't as quick on the balance beams, but at least he was making his puzzle table at the same time as Ozzy. Parvati was in running for third while Becky took one really painful-looking fall, but kept at it. Sundra and Adam looked like comedy routines falling all over the place. Both were totally off the map as far as winning goes.
Adam then approached Yul, the Survivor Godfather Puppetmaster Dude. pleading his case. Yul assured him that he "thought" he'd be okay. When talking to Parvati, Yul told her that he personally thought Adam was a bigger threat while "the others" may consider her the biggest threat. He "thought" she'd be okay. I guess he's the Diplomatic Survivor Godfather Puppetmaster Dude.
When Sundra, Yul, and Becky noticed that Parvati and Adam were working on Ozzy, they put an end to that by casually joining them. They thought Ozzy was still with them, but were worried.
As it turned out, no need to worry. There was no rat or weasel calling at Tribal Council, although many (including Jeff) questioned Yul's motives for returning Jonathan's hat. But the vote went by Aitu clockwork. Adam and Parvati voted for Sundra while all of the ex-Aitu voted for Parvati. Buh-bye, Parvati.
Jeff mentioned that on the finale there would be three Tribal Councils and a surprise. Too bad the twists have hit the fan already, or something to that effect.
Excited and sad at the same time! Can not wait for the finale, but then Survivor is over.
Ozzy, how do you describe him, whatever the challenge is he zooms thru it. Becky and Sundra sure were sour grapes last night. All of them could have done what Ozzy did. Pile up in places, he did it a few times before they were copying him. He just thought of it 1st.
Pop the corn, order the pizza, chill the beverages, Sunday will be full of twists. Jackie, read the twists you underlined in blog. This should be one of the better finales.
I think Yul may have over-commented on the whole hat thing. He's was just fine until he raised his hand and made the comment about it being a twofold action. He may have added a nail to his coffin.
You're right Jackie about Ozzy, lost favor with a lot of us with the whole throwing a competition, but has done it all in coming back into everyone’s graces. Everyone except Becky that is! What a little snot she has turned out to be, talk about a rat!
I think they may have kept Adam to keep him and Candace separated. Although did you see Candace's face...looks like she's not too happy about Adam and Parvo’s snuggling. Man I wish they would show sequester for Survivor!!! I’m thinking it may have been a cold welcoming for Parvo! And I’m so happy they quit showing Nate the ham…whoever coined him as an 80’s sitcom personality nailed it!
I'm gonna miss Survivor dang it!!
Yep....I'm in OZZY'S corner now and hope he does win IC right to the finish and, I do think he will be hard to beat in the end.YUL has kind of shot himself in the foot,he's tried TOO hard to control everything and now it's going to come back to bite him.And do I think those two girls deserve to win this thing...NO.
BUT....does anybody else think that ADAM may have just been laying back and letting PARVO do better in these challenges and now will really step it up? I think he may have been pulling his punches these last couple,cause when he won his last one,I think he felt it marked him and he felt the timing wasn't right to show what he can do. He may come on like gangbusters now,and OZZY had better be prepared. I hope with every part of my being that doesn't happen and that those girls don't convince YUL to oust OZZY if he doesn't win immunity.
Bring on the finale...nobody better call me on Sunday night....LOL.
Jackie...I agree with whomever suggested you catch TOP CHEF on BRAVO at 10PM on WED. There are some characters on it and the challenges are hard!!They have a slscker,two that dislike each other,and a couple that really think they know it all. It's full of drama!!
I think Jeff was just stirring the pot bringing up the issue of Jonathan's hat.
Regardless of Yul's motivations to bring it, he put it on the bench BEFORE the jury had come in.
If Jeff hadn't identified him as the one who brought it, no one would have known how it got there.
Anonymous said...
If Jeff hadn't identified him as the one who brought it, no one would have known how it got there.
12/15/2006 9:54 AM
As far as we know via editing ;0)
Sharon, Here is the addy (2 lines) for Top Chef recaps:
They have all the episodes available there
Top Chef can be caught at other times, just need to go to Bravo Top Chef....there will be a marathon for season one/season two and for some who may have missed it.....think dates are the 25th for one and 27th for the other. Check out Bravo. When it returns on 3 Jan will be one hour 15 minutes so if program or tivo beware!!! Plus blogs say Steven will be back...him and Marcel are a matching pair. LOL
I am so for Ozzy....girls are riding Yul's coattails....and from a link Jackie gave us one of the challenges will be an ever-smaller-growing metal perch...doubt if that is Adam's forte. His feet are too big, @@!!!! They are worrying about Ozzy, but they need to worry about Yul, with the immunity thingy, he can go further, and I think too late to vote him out and have him use it, without him getting to the finals. If it had been me would have forced him to use it long ago!!!!
OK...and speaking of feet (this must be the West Virginia girl in me) but why do people insist on wearing their shoes for challenges require balancing/traversing narrow widths, like rope bridges or balance beams like last night? Soooo much easier to keep your balance in bare feet. Notice both Ozzy and Parvati had theirs off? Of course, they're both very agile and balanced anyhow, but still - there's a reason why they didn't have their shoes on.
Otherwise, for some people (like Adam), it's like having boards strapped to your feet, then trying to balance on a beam. Much harder. Must be the city-slickers in some of them.
Go Ozzy!
I hope they don't get a chance to vote him off, for given one chance, they will. He really does deserve to at least get to the finales and duke it out for an honest go for the million. I will puke it Adam even gets 2nd place!
I tend to see Yul as a better strategist. You vote off Parvati and keep Adam in hopes that either Yul or Adam can win an immunity, at which point Ozzy is toast. Then "all" you have to do is get rid of Adam and yul goes to th jury with one of the girls. And everyone on the jury knows that the girls have been riding Ozzy's and Yul's coat tails since before the merge.
I agree delee that they should have forced Yul to use the idol long before now...but it seemed to stun them when he acknowledged he had it, and it was as if their thinking ability had vanished ...
I've also been waiting to hear Jeff say it's no longer in play, and maybe that's another "twist" for next week.
At any rate, Sunday is going to be GOOD!
Thanks for the blog. I enjoy your site. Everyone at other survivor sites are plain mean!
I think Ozzy deserves to win. He managed to outlast others despite him being the target from week 1. He is responsible for keeping aitu 4 alive, so I hope they don't bite the hand that fed them :(
Yul, like many intelligent men, seems to overthink and then talk of his prowess of being a thinker. Don't get me wrong, I like Yul, but he was busting at the seams to talk about having the idol, and wanted to be 'honest' about knowing the hat could help him. Just be still and listen, Yul. I wondered, too, about Adam holding back. I did notice that being barefoot on the balance beams seemed to help. That isn't always the case, but the shoes seemed to be catching on the beam. Thanks Jackie, Sue
Anyone who Googles saw the picture of The Scream earlier this week...well that's H♥lly's face just knowing Survivor ends tomorrow!
Ozzy needs to keep winning or else they will all gang up on him...everybody always wants to vote off the strongest players. I think final two should be Yul and Ozzy...Jonathan should have been the final of the three but Yul betrayed their alliance in such a wussy way. None of the others even deserve a chance. Adam has slept and/or necked through most of the show...Becky and Sundra have done virtually nothing and are poor at comps. Jonathan at least contributed to camp life. I think Becky and Sundra and two of the worst to make it this far.
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