Five remain. Who will outlast the others to be the final Survivor?
After a fairly brief (compared to some) season recap, the show opened on Day 37 with Adam contemplating his fate. He knew that unless he wins Immunity, he's sure to be a goner at the next Tribal Council. No one would sleep with him; he's all alone - a dead man walking, so to speak. He tried to plant the seeds of betrayal in Ozzy, pointing out what a huge target Ozzy carries due to his performance in challenges. Yeah, it worried Ozzy some, but was it enough to sway him?
When treemail came, it indicated a spider web and the chance to slither, run, balance, and know directions. Okay, it sure did. Jeff Probst said it was one of the toughest puzzles ever in this often much too puzzling puzzler of a season. Okay, I said the last part - Jeff just said toughest puzzle ever. I just feel there have been way too many puzzle challenges this season.
This one had them going through a heck of an obstacle course to retrieve eight bags of puzzle parts, one at a time. Once all the bags were retrieved, they had to correctly make an eight-point compass rose. For a while I thought Yul would get it as he seems very intelligent and possibly a Puzzlemaster. But, no. Ozzy won Immunity once again. He's unbelievable!
Adam tried to kick his plan to get the hidden Immunity Idol out of Yul's hands into high gear. He pleaded his case with Ozzy. He pleaded with the girls, Sundra and Becky. In confession, he said that if he can't get Yul to use the idol, he knows he'll be voted off.
And, at Tribal Council, Aitu once again stuck together and voted Adam out. They had a dream of being the Final Four and it came to fruition despite Adam's calling Becky and Sundra out for riding coat-tails. He was a gentleman as he left, though. As some might have said on Big Brother 7: All Stars, a true class act as he left.
The final Immunity Challenge had the ex-Aitu folks standing on small platforms in water. In 15-minute intervals, parts of the platforms were removed. The platforms were made according to the foot size of each so that no one had an advantage. As the platforms dwindled, my own feet hurt just watching them. The final platform was a half the size of a postcard. Yipes!
Becky was the first to fall, followed much later by Yul. Then it was between Sundra and Ozzy on the teensiest platform. Sundra put up a good fight, but Ozzy outlasted her and won the final Immunity. Woohoo! (Yes, he's one of my two favorites I've been cheering on each week.)
Yul, as owner of the hidden Exile Island Immunity Idol, was as immune as Ozzy, so it had to be one of the women. As he came through the whole game close to Becky, Yul offered her the idol. She seemed to consider it, but did she really? Would she?
At Tribal Council the idol went unused and, sure enough, it went to a tiebreaker. Now, this was amazing. After trying to do the fire-making challenge with a flint, machete, and flammable kindling for 90 minutes, Jeff gave them matches. And they still couldn't light a fire! Really! As the jury napped, rolled their eyes, and giggled and Yul and Ozzy cringed, Sundra finally ran out of matches. Becky eventually got a fire going and won. Buh-bye, Sundra.
Back at camp, Yul and Ozzy were together when a boat arrived with a feast for them. Becky was nowhere around. Ozzy thought it symbolic - it should be Yul and himself as he felt Becky did nothing to be there. Prophet Ozzy also predicted Becky wouldn't get any votes from the jury.
At the final Tribal Council, the jury wasn't anywhere near as rough as in previous years. For the most part, the constestants this season basically liked and respected each other. Yul and Ozzy were both such superb players that no one begrudged them being there. Becky, on the other hand, seemed a bit of a nonentity to the jury.
The speeches the three gave were pretty much what I expected. Yul said he was loyal to those loyal to him, brought his whole team forward, and felt he had affected the game. Ozzy talked about being the underdog and working so hard to provide food and win challenges. Becky tried to defend her actions and claimed to be working with Yul all along, not following him. She was playing a social game strategy. Um, okay.
Although I'm contemplating breaking down the questions by the jury in a separate article, a few things need to be mentioned. First, Becky made a point of telling the jury that Yul had offered her the Immunity Idol and she turned him down. Second, Brad told Ozzy he didn't think he talked 15 seconds to him while on the island. He asked him to tell him something about himself. What Ozzy told was a tearjerker - the story of a boy abandoned by his father. Tears came to his eyes, the eyes of his fellow castaways, and to my own. Jonathan was the only one a bit rough on the three and he was no Sue Hawk. He was more like Alan Alda picking on Major Winchester III.
With no cheesy (and I do miss the cheese) jet-skis or anything, Jeff ended up in Hollywood for the tally of the votes. Hey, no NYC this year? In a close vote, with no votes for Becky, it ended up going to Yul five votes to four. Since my favorites all season have been Yul and Ozzy, I was satisfied. I personally would have voted for Ozzy, but at least he won the SUV voted on by the show's fans as well as his $100,000 for second place. And, that kept the Survivor Car Curse intact, too. Even though they didn't give a car away during the season, one was won. And, no one winning the Survivor car has ever won the million. Becky, if web rumors are correct as CBS doesn't tell, won $85,000 for third place.
Jeff gave a few hints about Survivor 14: Fiji. Nineteen castaways, one tribe will have it easy, one will not, there will be an Exile Island with two hidden Immunity Idols, and something about a shocking decision one person will make. Again, it looks like the cast is diverse. Cool, I say.
Jonathan is nothng if not eloquent, and by not even addressing a question to Becky he underscored that she did not belong in the final three of Survivor. The fire making was soooo much fun to watch as both of those helpless girls, who learned nothing about surivval because they did next to nothing around camp, couldn't make fire even with matches. What a hoot. They said Jonathan didn't deserve to be in the final six...please. He fished, built fire, competed at challenges, stratigized and unfortunately trusted Candace. As far as I'm concerned it would have been better to see Yul, Ozzie and Jonathan. I personally would have given the prize to Ozzie who had to work the hardest, basically on his own knowing Becky was gunning for him. Yul was safe from the earlist days and could afford to sit back and relax. Ozzie worked and I would have rewarded that work. Of course you can be strategic with an immunity idol in your pocket...and in fact, he did offer it to Becky thereby going back on his pact with Ozzie to let it be a tie. Nice of Becky to call him out that way for her own benefit. Wonder how Yul feels about her now. Of course he has a million dollars so maybe he won't be pissed off about it. But if he had lost to Ozzie, I doubt if his "lifelong" friendship with Becky would have withstood her telling the jury he offered immunity to her. But Yul would have been my second choice so I go to bed satisfied if not totally happy.
Does anyone know how each of them voted? I only picked up on Adam's vote from the live show? What a great season!!!
This was a good season. I would have to say that Oscar should have won. He won every individual immunity. Ozzie also provided which is one of the most important aspects of the game. Yul found the idol so he was always safe. I personally think that Survivor is more physical than strategic, hence the name Survivor. Ozzie fulfilled the traits of a Surviver in my mind.
Is there any way to tell who voted for who? Didn't see anything about that.
WAH.......I missed the whole show and finale,due to a Christmas exchange with a group that just don't understand my addiction to Survivor......LOL. As always...thank you,JACKIE,for an accurate picture of what happened. Trying to figure it all out from my hubby's explanation....well,let's just say...he's NO Jackie......LOL!!
It's okay with me that YUL won,although,like most of you,I thought OZZY was the real winner. He had so much more to overcome and he did what he had to do to survive. I am glad all of them realized what BECKY contributed....nothing...and rewarded her for that. I am sooo angry I missed that fire building challenge though!!She won $85,000 for sitting on her behind and letting YUL take care of her!Glad OZZY won the car,I know I was voting for him!
I also agree that JONATHON should have been in the top three,not BECKY.Too bad he hung around with Candice too much and thought he could trust her.
OZZY was so cute on The Early Show this morning. He caressed the check for a mil while Julie rattled on and on and pretended to wipe away tears!
Glad that he won his money and he said it would make a difference in his life.I really liked this season,even after the slow,bad start and hope they keep up the diversity.
Once again......kudos,JACKIE!!
After the girls couldn't start fire with matches Jeff should have flapped his arms and said You're both out...I have spoken!
Has anyone heard if there is some medical reason for Ozzy's weight gain? He looks so puffy...hope he's ok!
I personally don't think that Ozzie deserved to win over yul. They were both awesome but lets not forget Yul's efforts to control the game. Managing to have the idol and no one force him to use it. It feels like some are slighting him because he won the idol. Had Ozzie won it how would he have used it? Also, How would we have felt about Yul if he hadn't offered his alliance the idol? He was standing by his word and his alliance to Becky all along. Kudo's for him offering it to her and to her for not accepting it. (Although I think she shouldn't have revealed the fact at council).
I too ntoiced Ozzy didnt look as healthy as he did on the island. And giving kudos to his step dad was great. BUT HOW MUCH MONEY DID HE GET?? He certainly deserves college money so I am hoping that he did get a check. I heard Twila got $100 M so maybe thats what he got?
Thanks again Jackie for the great ride...and I think Yul did deserve to win with his OUTWIT factor. But Ozzy went from annoying to so adorable,loveable and Mowgli type actions...I say someone out there has plans for that boy...the camera loved him.
Ozzy got $100,000 for 2nd place. Yes I agree Terry in CA...DNA does not make a parent!
I was so disappointed that Ozzie didn't win. Yul played that immunity idol for way too long. There should've been a shorter limit on the time to use it. His luck in finding it distorted the whole rest of the game by giving him way too much power. I realize Aitu could've turned on him earlier, but it so happened that the other team's members were all so vile...
It agitates me that everyone comes into Survivor saying they're "going to play the game" and then half of them turn it into a contest for Miss Congeniality. They don't give the proper credit to the ones that really played it, and admire anyone who outfoxed them, they just want revenge on those who "got them" or to keep promises to friends, whether they are the most deserving people or not. You don't have to necessarily sell your soul to win, but I don't expect anyone to be Mother Teresa either.
I think it hinders the play, because you do have to keep this in mind when realizing you will have a jury full of people who feel this way.
I was really surprised at Yul for offering the idol to Becky. It had the potential to hurt him at least twice....making Sundra, a jury vote, mad, and leaving his "good pal" Becky in the game, thereby keeping her from being a vote in his favor on the jury.
That said, I think that Yul deserved to win due to the best stratety. Ozzy was physically stronger, but it isn't necessarily a game of just strength - strategy and working the game plays a part.
Jackie, thank you for your intelligent and interesting blogs. I have been following your blogs for two years now, starting with BB6. I too was greatly disappointed in the finale on AR this season. I didn't really cared who won at that point and the last race leg was quite a dud. But, holy geez, did this finale of Survivor make up for it! As a person who values human kindness and thoughtfullness, this was the best cast ever on survivor. I loved how they all bonded, loved and respected each other. I went to bed with a glow in my heart last night. Thank you Mark Burnett for the best cast ever. Congratulations to all of them!!!!!!!! Yul and Ozzie both deserved to win. What a great feeling for us fans after so many years where we don't want either one to win at the end. Greetings from Ca.
I was just curious. What if someone had thrown a vote Becky's way just for friendship's sake. Then Yul and Ozzie would have tied for the million. What do you think the producers would do in that scenario? Would the one person who voted for Becky have to cast the tie breaker? Would they have split the million?
I'm betting they wouldn't have done a fire making challenge. As it was a live show, we might still be watching! ha ha ha
In the case of a Yul/Ozzy tie, I bet the tie breaker would have been a BB style question like how many natives attended the welcome feast? LOL
As long as Yul or Ozzy won I felt satisfied. But, wanted Ozzy.
Becky, made me ill. First, her comment that SHE and the trible LET OZZY win immunity for the sake of the tribe! Bull****! Didn't anyone catch that crap! And, wasn't she the one to cry about having to get rid of him because he was so strong and needed to go soon! Then, trying to "call out" Yul about his offering the Idol for her after he said he didn't..........I am so glad she didn't get a vote, other than the million would have been properly divided possibly between Yul and Ozzy and that would have been the most just outcome to this the best Survior ever!
Becky tried to screw everybody at the last tribal council but when Jonathan, the last questioner, didn't even address a question to really highlighted that she "hadn't been there all season." The gal who couldn't make fire with a flint says they "let" Ozzy win the immunity challenges. Pleez. If she had had to make a fire she'd be an ice pop by now. She always let everyone else do the work and the jury knew it. Sundra didn't start playing until the final immunity and then she did a good job. Wonder what she would have been like if she had worked and/or contributed during the season. I was happy with either Oz or Yul but neither of the girls deserved to be in final four...
I am sad that Yul won, I think Ozzy played the game to the ultimate....Yul never won anything, he just hung unto that immunity think and they all left him. Would love to see who voted for who! Watching Ozzy you could tell he was not happy....I just hope he uses his $ to go back to school, like he said. Hey new team for AR Yul and Ozzy!!!! Jackie THANK YOU for the recaps and all you have done thru the "Fall Season"....I guess on to the "Winter Season" please!!!!!!! Networks have a cork up their (????) @@. Stop the fall finales, what garbage!
PS I hate the "Final 3" WHY...was so worthless...go back to the Final 2. Fiji will have 2 immunity idols...make them play them. We have had them 2 times now and never used. Why offer them and not get them in play. Wake up players....force them to use em.
Congrats to Yul for winning! He deserved it bc he managed to get Adam to vote for him the winning vote. Adam is a good guy for keeping his promise. Ozzie relied on his winning the challenges only, but he's a good guy and good for him in winning the car and $100k. Becky though more behind the scene deserved 3rd place, bc even though both her and Sundra sucked at making fire...she did complete it and that entitles her to 3rd spot.
The prior comment from Petals calling her names and be hater is not nice. Remember this is just a game and the social experiment is to hopefully get people aware of others and get pass a person's color. Slowly, one day Americans will see people as humans and stop the hating.
A great Suvivor season!!!
Terry in CA - I totally agree, I thought that someone would scarf up Ozzy for his own something on TV-- Jungle Boy the series? Hot Guy who can do anything? A Jeff Probst type of role on some new outdoor show? Hosting a VH-1 or MTV type of show about travels all around the world? Nat Geographic host? Discovery Channel? Any of these.
Holly -- people do look so different when they come back and I think Ozzy just gained back his normal weight in his face and not so much his body. I too said wow, he looks different, but I don't think it was more than regular weight. Maybe I'm wrong. Wish he'd have won.
I thought Jonathan won the award for the best looking guy in his real life after Survivor.
THANK YOU JACKIE for a great season. DO you blog on ROME from HBO? It's starting up again in January.
I am glad Yul won. He was an extremely strong competitor in all aspects of the game. So, he couldn't beat Ozzie in the challenges. Who could?!? Don't get me wrong, I love Ozzie he was the coolest guy. What woman doesn't fantasize about earthy men? The guy is jungle boy! I thought finally here are two guys you can't help but root for in the end. Becky was smart and she did work, obviously not with the building of fires. But there are lots of other things she did do that were important contributions, unlike Adam and Parvati who laid around all day. In a situation like the Survivors are in the ones with certain strengths use them to keep the camp going. Ozzy is an amazing fisherman and climbed trees like a monkey, but someone prepared the food and others cleaned up and no one ever made the comment during tribal that Becky or Sundra were lazy.
Thanks again to Jackie! Long time reader from the early days of BB, but first time poster.
I am already excited about the next season of Survivor because someone here at work just got back from Fiji very tan and lean if you get my drift!!
So any word when the next versions of TAR and Survivor will actually air?
Belle from the bay area
Has anyone else noticed how much Jonathan sounds like Alan Alda, especially the Mash days?
I doubt Yul would do as well on Amazing Race because the challenges are pretty daring, and he's not a daring kind of guy. Without the imunity idol from early on he wouldn't have done as well. He had a winning hand in his back pocket from the get go. But the Oz man would be great on AR...maybe with Janelle from Big Brother. What a team! The tall and the short.
maybe i took it hard because like ozzy i am a latin american, but at the same time i have to say, ozzy i am so proud of you, you worked hard, you never back stabbed anyone, you offered the best solution for your two tribemates becky and sundra at the end, i have to note people please appreciate the greatness of this guy, singlehanded he saved his tribe without him the would have being eliminated, they won about four or five challenges and after the merge i think he won almost all and thus saving himself from elimination they were all gunning for him, ozzy felicidades, you behave like a man and at the end like a gentleman.
Ozzy masterminded ousting Bobby early on. He asked his tribe to throw the competition so they could go to council and get rid of him....
I liked Ozzy too, but he didn't play a perfect game.
Billy, not Bobby. Sorry. He was so long ago, I forgot his name. LOL.
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