Monday, February 05, 2007

'Heroes' - "Distractions" - A BulletPoint Report

Mr. Muggles for an Emmy!I'll say it right now. This dog needs to be nominated for an Emmy. My personal theory is that Mr. Muggles, the Pomeranian, is secretly Mr. Linderman and possesses superpowers beyond the wildest limits of the imagination.

Or not.
Sylar - Talk to the Hand
Hey, you have to realize that one of my own graphic novel escapades was "Cats in Capes." How anthropomorphic of me, eh?

It was Chapter 14, "Distractions," on Heroes tonight. The happenings in this BulletPoint Report aren't necessarily in order of the appearance on tonight's show, some are by character storylines.
  • In the Niki/Jessica storyline, the shrink was trying to convince Jessica to come out. And, though Niki didn't want to do it, let's just say, "Dead shrink." In a surprising turn of events, Niki got released from jail. A death row inmate confessed to her crimes and that DNA matched. She went home to Micah (didn't see D.L. tonight) and Jessica locked Niki in a mirror. Cue scary music now.
  • In the Sylar/Mr. Bennet happenings, Sylar locked Bennet in his own cell. He threw him against the wall with a flip of his hand, taunted him about Claire once again and escaped. Sylar took Bennet's wallet and used his license to obtain his home address. More later.
  • Isaac and Simone talked. He's jealous of Peter. He doesn't want Simone looking for him, but agreed he would as he must stop "the bomb." He's painting wildly. Simone told him that he makes the future, he doesn't just paint it.
  • Claire and Zach got permission from her mother to skip school for "manatee research" in Lubbock. Instead, they headed to Kermit so Claire could meet her mother. Her mother lives in a trailer park and they shared their secrets -- Claire with her regeneration, Mommy is a firestarter. At the end of the show, it was revealed in a phone call from Mommy to Nathan Petrelli that he's indeed her father. (Okay, I was wrong with my Linderman guess.)Run, Mr. Muggles! Escape!
  • Meanwhile, Sylar broke into the Bennets' home and scared Mr. Muggles. It certainly looked like he was one dead doggie.
  • Mrs. Bennet returned home and got the flip of the hand from Sylar. Ouch. Mr. Bennet and the Haitian arrived to save the doggie... er, the day. Sylar escaped once again and the Haitian made Mrs. Bennet forget once again.
  • In the Hiro/Ando storyline, Hiro's father tried to bribe him into being VP, then CEO of his company. Hiro's sister told him that he brought shame upon the family. Hiro is determined that his destiny must go by his own path. He turns the tables on it all and his sister, more worthy of the company slot, takes over. So much for George Takei. I believe he's heading back to Tokyo.
  • The Invisible Man chided Peter for acting like a kid -- posters on the wall, his hair (good point!). He told him that he has the power he gathers and can use it at anytime. He wants Peter to stop being dependent on people and, they sneak to the roof... well, walk because they're invisible, spy on Simone and Isaac and crush Peter's heart.
  • Learning Lessons
  • The Invisible Man threw Peter off the roof to force him to fly. But he didn't fly. He fell thirty stories onto a cab and regenerated by thinking of Claire.
  • Peter told I.G. that he can't forget people as he needs that to harness his power.
  • Isaac had already painted Peter falling on the cab before it happened (of course). While looking at his painting, he realized that the legs were vanishing. He called Mr. Bennet and told him they can't find Peter because he's invisible.
Isaac's PaintingThose are the major happenings. No Mohinder Suresh this week, no mind-reading cop, either.

I haven't heard anything new from my Primatech Paper application this week.

Is it time for Chapter 15 yet?


Madley said...

Wow, did I love this episode... especially Claire's mom's reveal of her own power ("Some family!") and THEN the reveal of who Claire's dad was! I thought it was HRG... THIS IS EVEN BETTER!

And I also loved the whole Japanese section w/ Hiro and his Dad. In his blog, Greg Beeman, producer, talks to the director of this episode about the style of that scene... I can't wait to watch it again!

Anonymous said...

I kind of thought Claire and Peter would get together somehow, but not after seeing that she is his neice...