Now, this is edge-of-your-seat excitement in a television show. Tonight's episode flew by as if Peter was flying over the Empire State Building carrying Claude (Invisible Man). Oh, wait. That happened.
Here's the lowdown and dirty on the latest:
- Lionel Sprague (Radioactive Dude) met up with the newest hero, Hannah. She's called "Wireless." She can send transmissions such as emails, phone calls and such through her mind. She told him that "they" got to her, too. They decide she could wire them, he can nuke 'em and they team up together to save themselves and save the world.
- Mrs. Bennet recognizes Claire again.
- Isaac Mendez (Future Painter) called Mr. Bennet. Bennet arrives in NYC and sees Isaac's paintings of Peter Petrelli's footprints. "He's invisible!" Isaac, whether driven by jealousy or under Bennet's influence, believes that Peter will indeed blow up the city (by blowing up himself).
- Matt Parkman (Mind Reading Suspended Cop) gave his wife one of the rings from last week's Malsky incident. As she called him on the fact that it's worth 40 grand, he got a call to meet Sprague and Wireless. He teams up with them to save themselves and, of course, save the world.
- Sylar is still pretending to be Zane Taylor with Mohinder Suresh. They travel
to meet a new hero, a woman named Dale who has super-hearing. She became uneasy around Sylar/Zane because of something she heard in his heartbeat. He did the metal-melting bit to show others have powers. Mohinder himself seemed a bit uneasy with Sylar as he talked about his father being killed by um... Sylar. Yes, of course, Sylar sneaked back to Dale in the evening and stole her brain and, thus stole her power. "What's that I hear in your heart?" "Murder." The power didn't set well with him. She had mentioned headaches and he had severe ones after stealing the brain.
- Meanwhile, back in Las Vegas, Hiro's Vulcan hand greeting was re-shown and I snagged a shot. Yay.
- Hiro teamed up with a reluctant Gaming Commission man to go find Ando and what's-her-name who roughly kidnapped Ando. The man lectured Hiro about how partners will always bring you down - if something happens, their blood is on your hands. They find them and a shootout ensues between the woman (Hope, was she?) and the Gaming Commission man. The pink bag
was full of casino chips. Ando got grazed by a bullet and Hiro managed to stop a bullet. So his power is back.
- Alas, Hiro decides he has to be a hero on his own. Ando wasn't happy. He had gotten into thinking it was his destiny as well as Hiro's. (And I'd like it to be - I love the team of Hiro and Ando!)
- Ando takes the Versa and Hiro boards a bus all alone.
- The kicker to that scene was that the bus driver was none other than Stan Lee, the creator of Spider-Man and many Marvel Comics. I love it! I saw his name in the beginning credits and was watching for him. Perfect!
- Back at the Bennet's home, Claire's "mother" (Mrs. Bennet, not her real one) collapsed in the kitchen.
- Back in NYC, Peter and Claude (Invisible Dude) were wrassling on
the roof of the DeVeaux Building (where the pigeons are). Okay, Claude claimed he wanted Peter to call on his powers. He's trying to make him use them to save himself and... the world. All of a sudden, Bennet and his henchmen are there with some special vision guns which can see invisible people. Who woulda thunk it? When they started to shoot, Peter grabbed Claude and flew away to safety. Oh, wait... Peter also showed that he has telekinesis and remembered that may have came from Sylar (he said the man who killed the cheerleader). Claude got ticked that Peter brought attention to him and vanished again.
- Claire called Bennet before he could go after Peter and Claude. She told him that her mother was in the hospital. The nurse told her that her mother had a subdural hemorrhage or bruise on the brain. Claire was sure the Haitian did it to her. She told the nurse, who probably thought she was whacked. When Mr. Bennet arrived, Claire went off on him. She doesn't trust him and thinks that he's going to be the ruin of the family. She must protect the family. She thinks he's evil.
- When the Bennet family arrives home, who's there? It's a confrontation by Sprague, Wireless, and Matt Parkman! With weapons and powers.
- Back in NYC, Peter confronted Isaac and they got into a bit of a battle. Bennet had given Isaac a gun to protect himself from Peter. But Peter turned invisible, used other powers and dodged the bullets. Remember, though, the promos for the show kept saying, "Someone dies." They didn't mean Dale.
- As Isaac tried to shoot the Invisible Peter, Simone came through the door. Twice to the chest, someone dies. Rest in peace, Simone. You can join your father.
Yo yo yo! Nice blog. Not that my opinion is ever taken seriously. I am an evil vacuum afterall...
Hi Jackie,
Great recap, of course! OMG, I'm going campaign big time if they don't bring the Ando-Hiro back together again -- where's our comic relief?
I love how Peter's actually growing up and becoming more of a man where I think his brother is becoming more weaselly (is that a word)... but I still like following the two of them. I could never understand him or Simone -- or Isaac and Simone -- sorry, I guess I just didn't like Simone! I'm glad she's gone... let's just concentrate on the two fellas. (I liked Matt-the cop's female partner better than her... ANYBODY better than her.)
I hope they really start wrapping stuff up here because I don't want to meet anybody else new or more powers, even though Dale the mechanic lady who lost her wrench (then her life) to Sylar was cool.
I agree with you -- I LOVE THIS SHOW! It's my only "appointment TV"...
I have to think that Ando is going to show up again just when we need him the most. You don't get true words of wisdom from a Gaming Commission guy.
Don't watch the show,but could not believe that HRG is the same guy from DYNASTY who played the blond hottie who was gay!! Never in a million years would I have seen the resemblance until I saw him on The View the other day!! I soo wish I could get into this show,but no,sorry!
Could we refrain from calling Mrs. Bennet Not Claire's "real" mother. As a person who was adopted, my parents are those who raised me, not the woman who bore me....thank you
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