Well, we can't trust Phil Keoghan, we just can't. Last week I mentioned how he opened the show with "who will be eliminated tonight?" This week, it was phrased differently leading me to believe it would probably be a non-elimination leg. After all, we're due one. Ah, but not this week and it was a shocker indeed.
"Eight teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?" (See the difference?)
Rob and Amber, the first-place finishers for the first three legs we've seen so far this season, left the Pit Stop at 6:11am. The last team to arrive at that Pit Stop, Charla and Mirna, left at 8:11am, thus a perfect two hour between first and last place at the starting gate for the new leg.
The teams had to fly to Punta Arenas, Chile, then travel by taxi to find the Lord Lonsdale shipwreck. As they arrived early and had tickets for the earliest flight, Rob and Amber thought to do an online search for the site of the wreck thinking that would give them a head start.
Although the airport scene seemed a bit less than other weeks, we still had to waddle through some drama and trauma. The ChaChas (Oswald and Danny) are determined not to leave their sense of style behind. Mirna thinks she constantly has to "make up for the shortcomings" of her team and that she's the hardest working person running the race. (Can I get an eyeroll here, please?) Mirna doesn't trust the Team Guido (Joe and Bill). Well, duh. They were one of the sneakiest teams ever in their season. Why would anyone trust them? It's just common sense! Silly (and annoying) Mirna.
Although the Guidos tried to get the airport to hold the plane, they didn't make it on the first plane. But, in the end, it didn't really matter as it often doesn't matter in the grand scheme of a leg. However, Uchenna and Joyce were on the same plane as Rob and Amber. Now, Uchenna asked the stewardess to write him directions to the shipwreck. Rob claims the woman gave it to him while Uchenna insists Rob "stole" the note from her. Who's right? I just don't know. But it was Rob who ended up with the note in question and was giggling about it.
The Detour was Magellan-related as he's important to the history of the area. The teams could either Detour It or Sign It. In Detour It teams had to navigate the city by map and compass to find the Nautilus Building where they would receive the next clue. In Sign It teams had to erect a sign post with all of Magellan's stops. The cities didn't have to point the right direction, but all must be spelled right.
That was the beginning of the end for a fan favorite team or one that folks loved to hate. Either way, a team who maked this race more interesting started what would do them in at the end by choosing the wrong task. The teams who chose Navigate It seemed to sail through while the teams choosing Sign It fell further and further behind.
While Uchenna and Joyce, Rob and Amber, and later Charla and Mirna, struggled with the sign task, the ChaChas, Eric and Danielle, and Teri and Ian made it to the next point on the race. They snagged the first charter plane of three leaving three hours apart on their way to Playa Larga in Ushuiai, Argentina. Amber tried to convince Rob to go to the other task, but he was determined. Finally, Romber teamed up with the Beauty Queens (Dustin and Kandice) to do Navigate It. Even Charla and Mirna switched to that after horribly trailing the other teams.
I have to mention how nasty Mirna's treatment of Charla was tonight. That woman is condescending, mean, evil and outright mean to her very own cousin. She creeps me out. I so want her gone.
But, back to the race at hand... Rob, continuing his streak of bad decisions, led the BQ to the wrong building, thus increasing the lead the other teams had on them. As one of the Beauty Queens later said, "Rob and Amber weren't very helpful." Amber teased Rob to admit he was upset because he wanted to come in first again. Rob sheepishly turned to the camera in the cab, "I want to be in first." Aw. They later lied to Charla and Mirna and had all the other teams laughing about it. Alas, the cousins caught up.
After the charter flight, teams had to take boats which left every 20 minutes to the Isle of Redonda or, as it's known, the end of the world. It's a longitudinal thing. After they got to that point, they faced a Roadblock at the local post office. One member of each team had to search through a huge bag of letters for one addressed to their team. The letters were from a team which had raced the race with them in their own seasons.
Blake and Paige wrote a nice note to the ChaChas. Jeremy and Dani, the previous partners of Eric and Danielle, wrote to them. Ian and Teri got a note from Flo and Zach. Frank, who hated the Guidos in their season, wrote to them. Lyn from Bama actually wrote a nice note to the BQ. Susan and Patrick wrote a nice note to Uchenna and Joyce while writing a nasty letter to Rob and Amber. Lance and Marshall wrote to Mirna and Charla.
After the teams found and read out loud their letter to their team mate, they had to find the Pit Stop on foot. It's not a big island, of course. Here's where things got worse for Rob and Amber. Why the heck was he so lackadaisical while going through the mail? He was so sure they could beat Mirna and Charla in a footrace that he didn't even seem concerned. ACK. Sure enough, Mirna and Shmirna found their letter and made it to the Pit Stop before Romber. I repeat... ACK.
Here's the order of arrival to the Pit Stop:
- Oswald and Danny - they won a trip for two to Maui
- Eric and Danielle
- Teri and Ian
- Team Guido, Joe and Bill
- Dustin and Kandice
- Uchennal and Joyce
- Charla and Mirna
- Rob and Amber -- Philiminated (sigh)
I'm going to miss Rob and Amber on the race. I've mentioned that neither thrilled me on Survivor, but I liked them as a team on The Amazing Race. I really would like to see Mirna and Charla out of the show. While Rob is entertaining, they're annoying.
Oh, well... it's back to cheering on Oswald and Danny... or even the Guidos. Heck, Teri and Ian. Anyone but Charla and Mirna, mainly due to Mirna.
I'm beginning to think nobody in the whole world likes Mirna. She must be a terrible lawyer. She's so objectionable she could easily get plainly innocent people convicted of heinous crimes just by representing them.
Nice site, by the way. I love the detail in your recaps.
Aaaagggghhhhh!!! I have NEVER liked her, but I learned to really, really dislike her tonight.
I am so sad to see Rob and Amber get eliminated...esp. since the show "helped" Joyce and Uchenna get a plane to return to the gate which enabled them to win last time. This usually is, and should have been, an non-elimination race. I think there were more people enterained by Romber than disliked them. I don't care how much money they win...I enjoy them. Sorry Rob was off his game tonight...one bad leg can really cost you. But he should have checked and double checked the spelling...that was his downfall...that and not choosing the right task. C'est la vie. Hope the Cha Cha's can continue to do well. Hate Mirna and Charla...they are annoying, self righteous and unpleasant to watch.
I agree with you, Jackie - I didn't like Rob on Survivor, but I love him on amazing race - They are one of the few teams who never fight, & seem to at least respect each other. Rob & Amber seem to work really well as a team, & are fun to watch - I'll really miss them
Can't stand mirna & schmirna, and i also don't like the old couple - he's got a nasty streak to him, & she seems to be under his thumb !!
Joyce & Uchenna are the only ones left that i would like to see win !!
I am so blown away that Rob and Amber are gone. Mirna is such an immature drama queen, I can't stand watching her or listening to her. I don't know how Charla puts up with her, or her husband for that matter! I am all for Danny and Oswald taking the race to the finish now that my favorites are gone. I agreee with you Jackie, Rob is very entertaining on the race, I liked to see what he was going to do next. So disappointed!
Just watched ROMBER on The Early Show. I think they were as surprised as anybody that they couldn't pull it off. BUT,they made no excuses and were upbeat about it all. Said they got to lay on a beach in Acapulco for three weeks...not bad!
But,I think Amber should have had Rob's back on that sign challenge,she seemed to lay it all in his lap.that it was "his" challenge,and he even mentioned it might be a "spelling thing". How unlike them not to cover all their bases. And they seemed tired or "off" their game that leg,and that's all it took. I will be watching,mostly to see Charla/Mirna get what they have been heading for all along. AND I agree about Terry/Ian,Barb,something about them just makes me want to root against them.I'm with Jackie,I'm pulling for the CHACHA's now!
I am thinking conspiracy here folks! Rob and Amber left the pit stop walking to their car, knowing Joyce and Uchenna were minutes behind. Walking?
Yes, they looked up stuff online...but for Amber to actually make a dumb comment about the ship being a portrait only? Huh?
And when have they ever chosen the physical of the 2 tasks? And even though he knew Magellan began and ended in Seville, he couldn't spell 'Philippines? Then to not even heed the second clue and use the compass but say, 'I know where it is'... and then to casually walk there,just to be proven wrong?
And even though Amber made a fuss that Rob was upset, did he really seem all that upset at the airport knowing he was a full 3 hours behind some other teams? I don't think so. And when are they one of the last teams out of an airport and into a taxi?
And then to miss the path to the clue box...then to seem so nonchalant while going thru the mail...and then walking to the final pit stop.
He seemed defeated the entire time, she just kept smiling and laughing as if knowing the end was a done deal.
I don't get it. I just don't. But I smell a rat.
Maybe I need another cup of coffee...lol.
I say one word for Romber. "Karma" I can't stand Mirna either but was so rooting them on to get to the pit stop before Romber. I just love Uchena and Joyce but want the cha chas to take it all!
I am so with Anon 3;12 rob and Amber may make good TV, but HE is disgusting. Amber is a doll to put up with him. I love Uchenna and Joyce and they won last time because they are good people, loving couple, hard working and adorable..I say it again, ADORABLE. I want them to win again..and go adopt 5 of those kids in the orphanage.
Karma is a bizzle Romber!
I heard a rumor that rob and amber
are going to have a reality show,
anyone know anything?
They made the race fun for me.
Yes, Rob and Amber have a reality show on right now. It's called "Rob and Amber, Against The Odds". The show is on the Fox Reality Network and it's located on channel 250 on Directv. The couple move to Las Vegas to see if Rob can make it as a professional poker player. It's not very entertaining, however, I must give Rob kudos and he is no dummy. He's the executive producer of their own reality show. He knows how to extend their 15 minutes of fame. One of my friends was on Survivor Allstars with Rob and Amber and he said that although Amber seems sweet, she's ANYTHING but nice. I'll leave it at that.
Stacey -- I'm totally with you 100%!!!! All those things you listed were exactly on my mind as REALLY out of character for ROMBER, and as they began to add up on the ep, I wondered myself if there was some behind the scenes reason they were manufacturing going home early -- like they had a better TV gig waiting...
Anon 11:15 --Cool that you got some inside stories. I figure Amber has to be a bit not as nice as she seems to be able to be that competitive, but they are a genuine match and respectful of eachother, and smart and deserve their wins.
I don't think of these two as having 15 minutes. I don't always have to LIKE them all the time, but they have EARNED their time in the spolight and whatever they have won.
PS: Arrgh Jackie -- whast's up wtih the word verification? For the last 3 weeks it's made me do it 3+ times for each post!!
I think Uchenna's gesture of a helping hand to Charla was simply symbolic. Lets get you on the mat and, on camera, and say a few encouraging words, but make sure our biggest competitors are out of this game. They laughed just as hard as everyone else at ROMBER's lie to mean old Mirna. I also noticed how cocky they were this week. You're right, Karma is a bitch. Unless they get help again, they're outta here.
Amazing won't be nearly as much fun without Romer...they were great to watch. I can't believe how they fell down on the job on this leg...so unlike their previous performances...esp. not going over the spelling. Let's hope the ChaChas continue to do well even in countries where they can't use their Spanish.
Sorry to see the frontrunners lose out to a team like Mirna and Charla who have zero possibility of winning. I wish another team had been given the opportunity to participate in All Stars. Mirna and Charla are using a space that a really competitive team could have filled for a more exciting race. Romber certainly brought fun to the show and I'm sorry to see them go. Wish AR had thought to give them a helping hand the way the did Joyce and Uchenna...at the very least make it a non elimination pit stop. Boo hoo.
Well with Rob and Amber gone...so am I. I just can't get excited about any of the other teams. I dislike Mirna and Charla the most, but T & I, the Guidos and U & J are very close to them. And the other teams, well I just don't care. The casting on the 'All Stars' leaves a lot to be desired.
This leg really should have been a non-elimination and I am not sure why it wasn't, but it is TAR loss, because with the elimination of Romber, they have lost a good amount of the audience.
Well now that Rob & Amber are gone and David & Mary, will I watch the show? I really do NOT care who wins it now, but I do think I want to know what "Sucky" team left will annoy their way to the final pit stop.
Rob & Amber played a good game and work better with eachother than any other team that has ever played the game. They don't bicker and they are very competitive and strong. The other teams bash them for their unwillingness to help others and such, but each faced with the chance to win or not would do the same and have.
David & Mary aren't made for the competitive game, but what a pleasure it was to watch them. They don't win this game, but they do win at the game of life.
Also, for those that haven't read the interview w/ Rob & Amber, it was never conveyed clearly to the All stars that spelling was important. He said he mentioned "Spelling", but never actually thought it was necessary and said that some signs of the others were barely readable.
As for Uchenna & Joyce, I liked them in their original season, but do not anymore. They used to seem sweet and kind and now appear mean and somewhat rude. I guess it is true that money changes people.
Now I cant wait for a new season, cuz frankly this season is lousy.
Rob & Amber kept it fun and watchable...
Don't know what (almost) everyone is whining about, I hated in both Rob and Amber. I always have found them to be cocky, disrepectful, lying, backstabbing jerks. Whoever thought that lying and disrecting people is the way to live sure doesn't live a good life. I am totally rooting for U and J this time. Even Charla and Mirna. I don't think for a second that the only reason they won last time was because it was rigged. And yes, Charla is abrasive sometimes, but my gosh, she's tame compaired to many people who are playing and have played this game before. Namely, Rob and Amber. I'm totally excited to see them gone. Woo Hoo.
To anon - 4:25 ---- What planet do you live on? IT'S A GAME!!! Unless you know them personally, how do you know what Rob an Amber are like in their personal lives?On TAR, they are playing a game and playing it better and not much differently than some others. And defending Charla who uses her handicap every chance she gets, not to mention hers and Mirna's blind self-righteousness and pure meanness and poor-little us attitude is very unpleasant to listen to week after week after week. Give me a break. I'd take the smiles, the friendly chatter and the obvious love and caring going on between Rob and Amber any day.
Well put Anon: 8:17.... I agree!
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