Sigh. Sometimes even my favorite teams make some incredibly stupid moves on the show. Now, I know I couldn't do any better; I might even do worse. But it's still frustrating for a viewer. I may have to go drown my sorrows and disappointment in chocolate ice cream or something.
Four teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?
The teams left in the order of arrival from the last Pit Stop, the Hong Kong Jockey Club. That was the tenth Pit Stop of the race and time is dwindling down. The season finale is set for Sunday, May 6th. Of course, that gave me a bit of a clue about tonight's finish before it even aired. Can anyone tell me how many teams go into the season finale night? Heh.
Oswald and Danny, Team ChaCha, left first while the last team, Danielle and Eric, left last while having the thought that they were marked for elimination hanging over their heads. Since they were saved in the non-Philimination leg last week, they have to come in first place on this leg or suffer a thirty-minute penalty.
Oswald and Danny had their own problems, though. In the previous leg, they spent almost every last penny they had. The show gave each of the teams $73 for this leg of the race. That money may not cover the cost of the leg as the producers might expect teams to have some money saved up by this late in the race.
Teams had to take the TurboJet Ferry to Macau, China. That costs money. From there, they had to figure out what the tallest structure in Macau is and take a taxi to that location. Taxis cost money. Just getting from there to anywhere... costs money. Oh, and caution -- there's a Yield ahead. This is the last Yield in the race and Danielle/Eric are still mighty miffed about the Beauty Queens, Dustin and Kandice, using the Yield on them.
Desperate for money, Oswald and Danny sold their souls. Well, perhaps not their souls themselves, but they sold their Yield rights to the Beauty Queens. Yipes. They told them that they would Yield the team of their choice for money. Ack! Team ChaCha was in first place at the time, and Dustin/Kandice had caught up with them. The latter can't use the Yield for a second time.
But do the girls use it the way I would like them to for their Oswald/Danny Yield Buy-Out? Do they use it on Charla and Mirna? (It would be interesting to see how the ChaChas would have reacted to that choice.) Nope, the BQs wanted Danielle and Eric Yielded again!
I don't want Danielle and Eric to win the race and don't think all that highly of them as a team, but that's kind of nasty to Yield them again when they're already marked for elimination. Oh, well. It's the love of money that's the root of all evil, not the money itself.
Teams found out easily that the highest structure in Macau is the Macau Tower. Once Mirna and Charla caught up to the ChaChas, Charla offered them money. But it was too late. Oswald and Danny told them what they had done. Mirna, right for once, said they made a deal with the Devil.
It looks like we don't have many fear-of-heights teams left. The Roadblock teams encountered at the Macau Tower had them walking the perimeter of the top, then doing a sky jump guided by cables. It actually didn't look too tough, but would have been horrible
When Danielle and Eric arrived at the Yield, Eric made obscene gestures, talked in bleeped expressions, and were definitely displeased with the ChaChas. I don't think it crossed their minds that any sort of deal was made and they took it as a personal affront from Oswald and Danny. Meanwhile, Oswald in particular, seems to be very unsettled about their decision to sell the Yield rights. A bit late now, ChaCha Boy.
From the Roadblock, teams had to take a taxi to the Lou Lim Ioc Gardens where they would receive their next clue. It's too bad it was pouring as they arrived -- the gardens looked stunning even in the rain. Once there, the clue led to a Detour. They could Noodle or Dragon.
In Noodle, teams had to make two bundles of noodles to be approved by Official Noodle Dudes. In Dragon, teams had to pick up a dragon head (not a real one) and drum, then carry it less than a mile to fit the head to a specific boat. The ChaChas were first to the task and for odd sentimental reasons, chose the Dragon task. In their season there was a neat dragon head task, but this certainly didn't compare. Dustin and Kandice immediately went for Noodles, as did Charla and Mirna when they arrived.
While Oswald and Danny's driver took them to the end of their destination (where the boats were) instead of where they needed to go first to pick up the head, the noodle-making was going on and very bizarre. I don't think I'll ever eat any noodles made in Macau. Charla was climbing all over the food, the girls were doing a teeter-totter odd horizontal pole dance move. I don't know. It all frightened me. I may now have noodle-phobia.
The Beauty Queens finished first and were off to find their mini-moto cars, retrieve the clue from the windshields, then drive off to the Pit Stop. Back at Noodle, Charla and Mirna were struggling. Danielle and Eric finished their Yield time, did the Roadblock and then chose Noodle. Mirna told them that Dustin and Kandice offered the ChaChas money to Yield them. That was a bit away from the real story, but it doesn't really matter. Danielle and Eric are mad at both teams. But their anger made quick work of Noodle and they finished before the girls.
But where were the ChaChas? Still wandering around lost! Argh! Maybe there is something to the karma thing. They thought about good karma when they were nice to another team, perhaps they should have thought of the bad karma their latest actions may bring.
The show tried to make it look like it was close between Charla and Mirna and the ChaChas, but it wasn't. Although Mirna was a hoot with not being able to drive the cheap car, they were minutes ahead of the ChaChas.
At the Pit Stop in Taipa, this was the arrival order:
1. Dustin and Kandice - each won a Waverunner
2. Originally Eric and Danielle, but in waiting out their 30-minute penalty, Charla and Mirna took their place.
3. Danielle and Eric
4. Oswald and Danny
Oswald and Danny were saved by the non-elimination leg, but they're now marked for elimination and will suffer a 30-minute penalty if they don't arrive in first place next week. Since it's always been three teams heading into the finale, non-Philimination won't save any team from now on. The race is on!
I think Eric and Danielle made incredible time this week even though I don't care for them as a team. I think my favorite team, Oswald and Danny, made some really bad decisions this week ranging from the choice to sell their Yield to Dustin and Kandice to not verifying directions. While the Beauty Queens are playing a bit evil, they're running the race well. Once again, we saw a toned-down Mirna and Charla stepped up to the plate for tasks.
I still want the ChaChas to win. Of course, I might not get what I want.
Mirna was in fine form. They screwed up the Noodle task because Charla "observed" Mirna wrong.
Charla earned my respect again this week by not responding to Mirna's snide comments. You know that relative that traps you in the corner at every family gathering and spews negativity in your ear until you're crawling over furniture to get away? Well, imagine taking a trip around the world with her.
Great recap,as usual,Jackie! We just have to get our mojo working and send the ChaChas good thoughts and good karma for next week. I will be so sad if they get Philiminated! Knowing that they didn't do this out of spite but out of neccesity,maybe the bad karma is now off their backs and they can catch a break. I hope they rest up and are not too far behind. GO CHACHAS!!!!!!!
Danny and ozzie arrived at the tower first, right? then the yield first, right?
then how did the beauty queens end up jumping first? Either I missed it or the beauty queens are meanies.....geesh they did the dirty work for them, but still they cut in front of them....then lied about it saying that they gave them money not to yield them but to yield anyone else....they really gave them money to yeild dani and eric
I hated Mirna ragging on Charla when it was Charla who went off the tower...all the scary challenges Mirna has Charla do...it it was up to Mirna, they'd still be at the tower waiting for her to descend. She had some nerve and doesn't seem to realize that little though she is Charla pulls her own weight and does so with a better attitude than her nasty cousin. Love the Cha Cha's but was disappointed in their behavior and I think they were too...and karma did get them. Big time. Hope they have paid and can now move forward in the way they were previously. I do think it was the panic of not having enought money that caused them to sell out...and I was surprised that the Beauty Queens picked the same team to yield...that's pretty bad..would have been okay with me if Mirna and Charla were the ones yielded.
Dried - Danny and Ozzy made it to the tower first, but once they got out of the elevator the BQs were first to take jump order number off the rack.
"Charla earned my respect again this week by not responding to Mirna's snide comments." You missed the "confessional" where Charla said that "some of us aren't perfect like other people" and was looking straight at Mirna. Mirna's lucky to have Charla around because no one else would stand her. Well maybe "Mr. Patience of a Saint" Zach.
Charla is the "Yau Man" of AR. Two people that you discount and then they do amazing things. I checked next week's schedule and alot will happen in one hour. Darn I want the 2 hr finale.
I am with you Jackie, no noodles for me in Macao for me either. LOL
At this point BQ's need to fall and let others race to the finish! Any guesses where the finish will be??? I think Hawaii or West Coast.
Thank you again Jackie....you are the mostest!!!
Thanks for the recap, Jackie. The noodle-making was scaring me, too! All these years I've been using a rolling pin, when I should have been riding a 10-foot bamboo pole side-saddle.
I'm so scared for the ChaChas! I just knew that deal was gonna backfire on them and boy did it ever. Karma is not to be played with! They just have to make it to the top 3, I can't stand the thought of any of those other teams winning. As far as Charla & Mirna go, I think Mirna's harping bothers us alot more than it does Charla. I also think Charla likes to do the more difficult challenges to prove the point that little people can do anything. A point which she has proven very well. If the ChaChas are philiminated, I'd rather see Charla & Mirna win over BQ and E&D.
I think that after last night, the BQ's definitely deserve to win. They were presented an opportunity (not the other way around as the story was told to others), and they took it. I think that yielding the team that already had a penalty was by far the smartest choice. This is a game of elimination and I saw their choice of Danielle and Eric as the smartest one, not as a vindictive move. Besides, everyone else given the opportunity would have yielded the BQ's based on the fact that they don't like them and nothing else.
As for the Cha-Cha's, why didn't they dump that cabby that got them lost? It seemed that they kept relying on him, and with a better driver, they could have made up the time and beat Eric and Danielle's time limit.
Would Eric and Danielle would have been marked again or would they have eliminated them?
That's a great question, mrstito. If Eric and Danielle had arrived last to the mat, I don't think it would be fair to let them race another leg "marked for elimination."
I think the ChaChas are tired and lost some focus. Hope they get their mojo back and make it to the finale!
Eric has such a nasty reaction when things don't go his way; I hope E/D don't make final three.
Why is everyone so sanctimonious about teams using the Yield? It is a legitimate part of the game. I had only wished that Schmirna had been yielded instead of the Cha-Chas.
I completely agree with those of you who think the BQ's were right in their choice. If Danielle/Eric had an opportunity to use the Yield, they would have...yet they get all upset when someone uses it on them. This is a race around the world for a million dollars. If you don't use the tools given to you then you're not running the race. Why race if not to win? I would have made the same decision. They decided to Yield D&E because they don't want them in the finale because they're a strong team. You have to take the strong ones out to give yourself a better chance.
I had taped the show and re-watched it this afternoon. I was wrong about D&K lying to Phil. It was E&D they omitted telling the whole story to. I'm blaming it on my hubby who's not a fan of reality shows (silly man) and he drove me nuts Sunday night (snack requests) and my attention wavered a few times. From now on. I will wait a bit before putting my two cents in on the blog. He can get his own snacks next Sunday. Anyway, I still hope the Cha-chas pull it off, but if not.. then I hope the BQ's do. They've played the game well. And from what I've seen (on this show. particularly) despite Mirna's rants about their phony smiles, their smiles seemed very genuine to me when congratulating the Cha-Chas on their trip and when Charla laughed about her sleeves being long sleeved when they were short-sleeved for everyone else. But then., if anyone would know about phony smiles, it would be Mirna.
First off, I hope the gay guys lose! I want Mirna and Charla to win.
Jackie: Did you notice at the pitstop Dustin/Kandice LIED to Eric/Danielle?
Dustin/Kandice made it sound like they paid Oswald/Danny to yield anyone but them, BUT in reality Dustin/Kandice gave Oswald/Danny money specifically to yield Eric/Danielle.
Go back and re-watch the episode. You'll hear the girls say "$45 to yield Eric and Danielle."
It's funny how they lied to the face of Eric/Danielle.
Re-watch the episode. Oswald and Danny were very rude to a certain taxi cab driver for not understanding them.
Excuse him for not speaking english, jeez.
Oswald and Danny are ridiculous jerks that hopefully get eliminated next show.
You are right, as the BQ's absolutely paid The Cha Cha's to yield E&D. They discussed saying "use it on anyone but us", but then were much more specific when they handed over the cash.
I strongly disliked the BQ's during their season, and I am still rooting for The Cha Cha's, but I would much prefer to see the BQ's win over Shmirna or E&D. So I guess that 'splains how much I really really don't appreciate those two teams! lol
I sure hope that Danny and Oswald bounce back to their normal lively selves for the next leg.
And, really, what up with that noodle task??? Save a Horse, Ride a Noodle Maker!! ha
dla - funny!!
The BQ's did pay the ChaCha's, but only after the ChaCha's offered the deal. They offered the Yield power to the BQ's for money because they were broke! I would have done the same thing...it's a game! I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you're not gonna play to win, then why play?
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