I knew it! I knew it! Once an Other, always an Other! And, most certainly, you definitely can never trust an Other. Not that I'm the sort of person who'd say, "I told you so."
I told you so.
This episode was great for advancing the story. It was Juliet-centric and clued us in on at least some of the "experiments" on the island and why she was there.
In Flashbacks:
Juliet's story began where her last flashbacks ended in a previous episode. Juliet and her sister Rachel, the one whose pregnancy despite her cancer was due to Juliet's efforts, were headed to Mittelos BioScience where Juliet agreed to a six-month work contract. Of course, it was all mysterious and no sane person would go for it, but Juliet did. I find it interesting if you play with "Mittelos" you can get "lost time" or "time lost." A clue? Who knows?
After being told that she would be "there" for six months, Juliet asked where "there" was to no avail. They gave her a glass of orange juice and tranquilizers so she would sleep for the trip and all they'd tell her is that she was going to a special place unlike she's ever imagined.
She awoke in the submarine, bound because "the last leg is a bit rough." She went up the hatch, met Ben who told her that he'd be working with her.
What sort of work? Well, there's a problem on the island. Every woman who becomes pregnant dies. Since Juliet's expertise is in that area, we now know why they recruited her.
But Juliet wanted to give up. She couldn't save the lives of the pregnant women and, after so long (when she had been told six months), she wanted to go home. She was worried about her sister. Ben (remember, he likes mind games) told her that Rachel's cancer had returned. But if she stayed, Jacob could cure her. If she goes home, her sister would surely die.
After three years on the island, she was awakening with her boyfriend Goodwin. (Goodwin was a boyfriend, too? I thought Ben was!) Then she saw the x-ray of Ben's tumor and freaked. She went to Ben with it and he freaked, too. She referred to it as cancer. She confronted Ben with the fact that he said Jacob could cure Rachel's cancer. She accused him of lying to her. If they had the cure for cancer, why would Ben have or worry about cancer? She wanted to go home, but Ben told her Rachel was fine. No, she can't go home.
Then the flashbacks became like deja vu all over again. Juliet was once again playing Petula Clark's "Downtown" with the book club gathered in her living room. The plane crashed. Ethan was dispatched to play a crash survivor, etc.
Ben took Juliet to the Flame Station where Mikhail showed her images on the screen of a very live Rachel with her toddler, Julian. A newspaper was shown to reflect the date of September 22, 2004 -- thus proving it was current. Mikhail was studying the plane crash and Ben was hoping there would be a pregnant woman on the plane to further their experiments. "I'm not a liar," Ben said.
The last part of the flashback sequences was almost current news. Ben and Juliet planned it all. Well, more specifically, they planned that they would leave Juliet behind, the handcuffed to Kate bit, and Juliet would infiltrate the crash survivors. See! I told you! I don't trust them! Although the ending of the flashback won't make sense without what's happening on the island in this episode... she activated the implant in Claire. Evil, I say! Ben also told her he'd see her in a week.
On the Island:
Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Juliet were still heading to the beach camp after they left the Barracks. When they made camp, Kate went with Jack to get wood. He told her he trusts Juliet. He also told her of his deal with Ben. Meanwhile, that left Sayid and Juliet together. Sayid told her he wants to know everything. "Who are you?" Juliet told him that if she told him, he'd kill her. Then Jack interrupted their talk claiming that Juliet was under his protection.
Back at the beach camp, Claire wasn't feeling well. She even slept through Aaron's crying, so Charlie volunteered to take the baby so she could rest. Then, as if by magic, the three (Sayid, Jack, and Kate) arrived at the camp. All was hunky-dory with Kate and Sawyer hugging like there was no tomorrow and folks tickled pink to see Jack again.
Until, that is, Juliet arrived. Sawyer flipped out. Juliet pretty much exiled herself away from the crowd. When Hurley sat to talk to her, he mentioned that she was one of "them" but wasn't on the dock when he and others were accosted. She told him that happened to be her day off.
Sayid, Sawyer, and most of the camp held a meeting because of their concern about Juliet. Unlike gullible (and very annoying) Jack, they don't trust her at all. They don't think it's enough that Jack trusts her. Good thinking, folks! They also talked about Locke going with the Others. They have no idea what he's doing or why.
At the meeting, Claire took a turn for the worse, vomiting blood. Jack tried to help her, but Juliet asked Kate to bring him over to her. When questioned why, she said, "I think I did it to her." She wanted to retrieve some serum placed by Ethan.
As she got it, Sayid and Sawyer snagged her. She told them a convoluted story about Ethan getting blood samples, the pregnancy bit, Claire was a "control case" and more. She also claimed that Ethan kidnapped Claire on his own -- nothing to do with her. But, without the injections of serum, she would die. "I can fix this."
She also told them that she doesn't understand how they became the "moral police." She brought up that Sayid never told the other crash victims the extent of his torture days, nor did James (Sawyer) tell about killing a man before getting on the plane. They looked stunned. She told them to skip the righteousness -- she needed to get the serum to Claire or there would be more blood on their hands. Wow, Juliet. I've gotta say, she is good!
After returning to the camp, Jack told Juliet that if the serum didn't work he couldn't protect her anymore. Oh, but of course it worked. Heck, we know it was a plan and Jack's a doofus to believe Juliet. Jack gave her supplies and pointed out an area for her to set up camp a bit away from the others.
"You want to get off the island as much as we do. You're one of us," Jack told Juliet.
LOST [clunk]
Now, I think the plan to save Claire is definitely a ploy to gain trust for Juliet. But I wonder about Sun's pregnancy. She obviously hasn't died. Juliet had told Ben that she thought whatever was killing the women happened at conception. Does this mean that Sun's baby is her dead lover's from previous to the flight?
And, what is that darn Locke up to?
Oh... and why the hell is Jack so gullible and trusting?
What is going to happen in a week when Ben sees Juliet again?
It was a great episode and I must admit I am leary of Juliet and the "Others", but lately she had me convinced that she no longer was one of them and wanted off the island. Maybe, she really does and is just playing Ben & the others... Who knows...
Great thinking on the "Mittelos" word scramble Jackie, I think you are defintely onto something there.
All in all a great episode that kinda cleared up a few mysteries... Im SOOOO anxious for the remaining 5 episodes... :)
Ben said the plan was for Juliet to handle the "crisis" of Claire's illness, knowing they would then be grateful and more trusting of her. I don't think Juliet is playing Ben at the moment (that could change), But she believes he cured her sister and that he is the one who will w eventually let her go home again. With the sub gone, not even Jack can really do anything for her. Sun is their new target and she 9( (Juliet) is the one with the serum and the knowhow. I knew, too, that she should never be trusted. This was a great episode!
Did you see the look on Sawyer's face when he held on to Kate? HE REALLY LOVES HER. I think Jack is great but trusting Juliet is putting all the plane people in danger and he is truly being an idiot right now. If I were Kate, I'd stay with the bad boy. The passion I saw on his face made me shiver. Ooh, the sweet dreams I'll have tonight!
I think this whole ruse is designed to get Jack to willingly go back with Juliet to the Others. The girl Alex said repeatedly that her "Dad" manipulates people. Look at the whole ridiculous thing they cooked up to get Jack to willingly operate on Ben. I think the reason they captured Sawyer and Kate at the same time and imprisoned them and were mean to them was because it would make Kate and Sawyer closer (that worked). Then they made sure Jack saw the video, and then they threated Juliet, then Jack finishes the operation to save her (he likes to save women).
So, poor "left-behind" Juliet is now on the beach with everybody, she's getting Jack to trust her (she "saves" Claire) and she's getting him to defend her against "them". So Kate runs back to Sawyer, everybody else starts to distrust Jack for being so attentive to Juliet and eventually I predict Jack says screw you guys and goes off with Juliet who leads her prize back to Ben who's fondest wish seems to be to have Jack as his willing and attentive personal physician. I predict he got Juliet to do all this because he promised her she could go home if she replaces herself with Jack AND I predict the sub John blew up was a decoy, not the real sub.
ok so for me this episode actually gave me more questions... god I hate that!!!
Russo said her daughter was born on the island, Ben said he was born on the island (like we believe him but I do believe her) then Juliet said that Clair was the first women to give birth on the island because all other women died before the baby was born....well what about Russo and then why was Ben around???
My theory is its all about Ben... Ben was born on the island Ben can cure Cancer now all the women that get pregnant die and Ben has a large tumor and is in a wheel chair. Why do I get a feeling that what ever gets cured on the island happens to Ben? John was in a wheel chair now Ben is, Ben cured cancer now he has it, Ben was born and now nobody else can be...
Now it also seems that for some reason Ben sent 2 of his key players to pose as decoys when the plane crashed one was Juliet's boyfriend and of course they were both killed. Now Juliet is there is she going to die too now???
ok enough ramblings... I loved it with Kate and Sawyer they do really care for one another and I think that scares Kate. It also sort of surprised me that they have started to call Sawyer James, sort of makes me wonder if its leading up to something....
Yes Sun is going to be the new target for the others and I think that we will see allot of that in the next episode. And I think that its going to come up that Sun was pregnant BEFORE the crash...
am I rambling again??
Another good episode! What intrigues me is how the Others know so much about the backgrounds of the survivors. There's no way Mikhail could come up with that stuff using his communication command post. It's almost as though the Others have mind reading capability.
I read a Lost board that has some die hard fact keeping fans. It was said there that Roussou was already several months pregnant when she got to the island so if that is the case she did not concieve on the island, which is what Juliet said, the problem is at conception. And if Alex age is the same as the number of years Roussou has been there it stands to reason she was pregnant before arriving. As for Ben, who knows. Maybe we are due for a Ben flashback soon. That one should be interesting.
Also, in regards to the "Mittelos", I'm surprised that hasn't come up over on that board. Good catch! They did mention something about the airline, it was something like Herarat which equates to "her a rat", as in Juliet. It also sounds a lot like Mt. Ararat, where Noah's Arc landed after the flood. And it's an anogram for Earhart, another person lost in a plane crash.
Another interesting FYI - someone did a screen capture of the medical report Ben showed Juliet as proof her sister's cancer was back, it said it was a "187 pound male" at the top.
I think the reason why the Others know so much about the plane crash people is simple: the Internet. They had computers and satellites. They got the names and then they simply researched them online. It would be easy: Hugo was already famous because of the lottery, Charlie because of the band, Kate because of her wanted status. There are scads of databases out there unfortunately with info on all of us including our social security numbers so I don't think it would be too hard especially since they obviously had some sort of "front" business back in the states that could easily use it's business status to run background checks on every single one of the plane people. What I want to know is what the heck is the noisy, scary black smoke stuff that eats people ??? I thought it was part of the Others security system (tho Juliet, who's a giant liar, claims it not theirs) but now maybe it is maybe it isn't. And I want to see the statue of the foot with only 4 toes again, can't wait to hear the story about that. This season is good, the story is advancing finally. Yea!
How's it going over there? It's so good to read and post on your blog again. Sure hope the Noreaster (sp?) forecasted this weekend doesn't cause you any power problems.
I really enjoyed this episode. Now, I'm not quite so "lost". I have to admit I got taken in by Juliet and the last few minutes of the show had me saying, "Whoa!" Jack was as naive as I was to think he could trust Juliet. It seems as if he's attracted to her in a romantic way. Kate had better stay with Sawyer as it appears he really cares for her. What the heck is Locke up to? Can't wait for the next episode. There are still many questions to be answered and you asked them.
Thanks once again for the detailed recap and your great TV blog.
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