Well, it was the big season finale tonight. In retrospect, I think this is one of the few shows which hooked me right off the bat.
Each week I sat mesmerized by the happenings with nary a moment to relax in between the thrills and chills. I'm going to miss this show.
I thought the ending of tonight's show was a bit different from what I had expected, but it was fitting. Ah, but that's later. Here's what happened on the show...
- The voice of Mohinder Suresh opened the show saying wise, pithy, and prophetic kinds of things. Make him shut up, please.
- The show started by tying up the loose ends on the dead folks from the last chapter.
- DL regained conciousness.
- Nikki asked why he took the bullet as he could have just allowed it to phase through him.
- We asked the same question.
- No on got an answer.
- Linderman remains dead.
- Thompson, Bennet's ex-boss from Primatech, also remains dead.
- Mohinder, Bennet, and Parkman are still in the Kirby Plaza Tower.
- Molly reminded Parkman he once promised to keep her safe from the Boogeyman (Sylar).
- Parkman told her that no one would hurt her.
- Bennet, with some persuasion from Parkman and Mohinder, decided that she could remain alive and actually help them by finding Sylar.
- Bennet told Mohinder about Thompson, the corrupt organization he was
working for, and how he (Bennet) is a good guy.
- They kiss (not literally) and become buddies once again.
- Meanwhile, Hiro talked with his father.
- Hiro wants to find Ando; his father thinks his destiny, his mission, is more important.
- Hiro respectfully refuses - "I won't abandon my friend." He goes off looking for Ando.
- Sylar is still at Isaac Mendez's studio. He's not happy with Peter Petrelli paintings.
- Nathan's mother told him that Linderman is dead.
- When Nathan seemed to waver, she reminded him the plan wasn't just Linderman's.
- "The world will need me after the explosion. This changes nothing," said Nathan.
- Back at the Kirby, DL doesn't think he can make it and told Nikki to go find Micah and return.
- Claire and Peter called Bennet to tell him that Ted (Nuclear Hands Dude)
Sprague was dead.
- Bennet and Peter both agree that Sylar, in addition to Peter, absorbed Sprague's power.
- Bennet told Peter that he would locate Sylar as soon as they fix the tracking system (Molly).
- Molly had a bit of a relapse, but was "fixed."
- She pinpointed Sylar's location on a map. Bennet recognized it as Isaac's studio.
- But he couldn't tell Peter that because...
- Peter led Claire to Nathan and his Mom, telling her he trusts Nathan.
- Claire ends up going off with Nathan and his Mom.
- Peter passed out on the street.
- He awakened watching himself back nursing Mr. Deveaux.
- And... his mother is talking to Charles Deveaux!
- Deveaux is in on the whole thing. They're discussing which son to use to save the world.
- Mom Petrelli thinks Nathan is the one because Peter was so iffy.
- Deveaux told her that Peter had heart, compassion and hope -- he was the one.
- It turns out that Deveaux can see the invisible Peter and talks to him once they're alone.
- "You had the power all along," Deveaux told Peter (sounding a lot like the Wizard of Oz). "You just needed to know how to use it.
- Back at Isaac's loft, Ando arrived with the sword to kill Sylar.
- Sylar sneaked up on him and stuck him on a wall, telling him he didn't want his brain.
- But then Hiro arrived to save the day! Or, at least, to save his best friend.
- Sylar taunted Hiro about freezing time.
- "Can you do your little trick quicker than I can do mine?"
- ZOOM - Hiro did it. He and Ando are back in Japan at their workplace.
- Hiro told Ando that he taught him the meaning of bravery, but he (Ando) must remain behind.
- Back at the Kirby, Candice is playing her illusion tricks.
- Nikki found the right room, but Candice is done up like Jessica and Micah is laying dead on the floor.
- Then it was Jessica's turn to save the day.
- She appeared in broken glass and told Nikki that she was stronger and it wasn't Jessica (Candice).
- Nikki went a bit Jessica on Candice and rescued the alive Micah.
- Back to Claire -- she jumped out of a tall building to escape from Mom Petrelli and Nathan.
- "Let her go," said Mrs. Petrelli.
- Bennet came across Peter who was still down on the street.
- He told Peter he'd take Claire's place with the gun if Peter can't control the radioactive hands.
- Bennet said he owe Pete. And, more importantly, he told him to call him Noah. Noah, eh?
- All of the heroes are working their way towards Kirby Plaza.
- Peter and Sylar face off.
- "Didn't I kill you once before?"
- "Didn't take," said Peter.
And, we're not even sure Sylar is really dead. One of the last scenes had his blood (no body) running into a drain with a cockroach scurrying in it.
What about the explosion? Well, Peter's hands did go crazy and he couldn't control the power. Claire tried to shoot him as planned, but couldn't do it. Then Nathan saved the day. He arrived and flew Peter away and we saw an explosion. Why couldn't Peter fly himself away? Maybe he can't concentrate on flying when he's exploding? Can't Peter live through the explosion? Ted Sprague couldn't blow himself up, after all.
And, what of Hiro? After running Sylar through with the sword, it seems Sylar slung him back into the past where he's surrounded by armored men on horses.
Um. Okay.
I have never loved a show as much as I love Heroes... Tonights show was awesome. Im heart broken that Peter is gone and can only hope that he isnt truly gone(he's my fav) As for the other "Boogie Man" who the girl cant think of or he will see her? How creepy and great is that? Cannot wait to see that character. The Finale was well done and I love how HRG revealed his name "Noah", I only wish Mrs. Petrelli would have revealed her power. Was it just me, or did it appear as if she looked at Peter out of the corner of her eye when she was talking to Simones father on the rooftop? Also enjoyed seeing all the heroes in one place fighting for one purpose... A great way to end Volume One.... Cant wait for next season!!
OK here's my question(s) didn't peter take on clairs healing power? could he survivor the blast? could nathan? ( i agree w/deanna, he's my fav and i dont want him gone either) how did syler survive the blade through the chest? that's a lil freaky right there..when i saw the blood leading into the drain...freaky...i can't wait till the next chapter..
Have only seen the 1st show....found out too late that SciFi channel ran all episodes on Sat too late to see them. Will have to purchase when they release on DVD. Sad Sad Sad !!!
Can someone please tell me what Peter heard in Nathan's head that made him realize not to trust him?
I missed it.
Lyss-- Yes, Peter could survive... I know the spoilers said we'd lose some heroes for good, so maybe we lost Nathan. Heroes would not be Heroes without Sylar I thought the second he appeared slain, so he has to survive...though it looks like we're going to start next season with the 1600's... a few centruies before sylar was born, lol... maybe that's their solution!
Deanna, you may be right about Mrs. Petrelli seeing Peter as well... hmmm.
The cockroach crawling on the drain... besides that they may be calling Sylar a cockroach... remember they say only cockroaches would survive atomic blasts or nuclear fallout?
I just died when there was Claire about to shoot Peter -- I thought, I can't believe how great a wrap up this is, to finally understand how the cheerleader IS going to save the world. There have been so many twists and turns in this show that by the end I was getting a little ADD (or like I was watching Lost), so that was a nice moment.
PS: Here I was so glad that Eric Roberts got a great gig finally, and they killed him off... though if there is a Heroes Origins, maybe they will tell the back story with him sans grey hair. I also want them to bring back Malcom McDowell. BOO HOO, my two fave evil characters.
I had the same response to Peter blowing up, "why doesn't he just fly himself". After thinking on it for the night I realized what he said when he was training with the invisible man. When he fell off the building and regenrated after the splat on the car, he said "I thought of this girl I saved" and he was able to regenerate. I figure he is only able to recreate peoples abilities when he thinks about them and it's a very hard trick to think of two things at the exact same time. Peter was filled with rage which is what sets nuclear man off and like Ted, he can't stop it once it starts. He definately has a lot of training to do before he can master this power. I imagine he will wander some desert for some time.
Just my two cents. I am a comic book geek and erally enjoyed the whole season (except for Niki, she can fly into the sun for all I care). I can see this show hanging around for a long time if they are consistant with the writing and get decent ratings.
Another note: I really hope they bring the invisible man back next season. He was by far my favorite character and was a great anti-hero. In my mind, he is the Han Solo of the show and you can never have enough Han!
Another note: I kinda felt as if Mrs. Petrelli's power was to create a false sense of what was around you. When Peter collapsed in the street and then had awoken on the rooftop to witness his mothers conversation, I thought he had used Hiro's powers and teleported. But when HRG/Noah shook him awake, I began to think he never teleported(or why would his body still be there for HRG to awake?). It almost felt as if that convo between Mrs. Petrelli and Simones father was staged to make Peter fight more to become the man his mother thought he could never be. At one point, Mrs. Petrelli was speaking and looking at Simones father and then she glanced out of the corner of her eye as if she knew Peter was standing directly behind her shoulder in the direction she looked. Did anyone else see this? Im wondering if she had anything to do w/ his vision. He didnt teleport in time and he wasnt like Isaac, seeing the future, so what and who's power was that? OMG, I cant wait for the new season!!!LOL!
So many things keep going through my mind.... :)
It's me again..lol
after reading through the comments i just remember'd when momma Petrelli was talkin about peter she said "i like the boy, but he's too ..." why would she say that she likes the boy if he was her son..is he not her son?? is nathan her son?? did she just pull a HRG guy thing and take them in to protect them??
Sydney- I hope that peter can survive the blast but, i'm not too worried about Nathan..while i am a fan of the guy that plays him, not so much of Nathan Petrelli..
I guess i miss'd the looking at invisible Peter on the roof thing..i don't remember seeing that at all..wonder what it means?? did she see him or was it just to keep us guessing??
I don't know if i have said this latly but I HATE SUMMER RERUNS!!!!!!I DON'T WANT TO WAIT THIS AUGUST/SEPTEMBERISH FOR NEW HEROS!!!!!
ok i got that out of my system..lol
DL could not have let the bullet phase thru him, it would have hit Nikki/Jessica whichever one she is. Delee, all of the episodes (1-23) are available on NBC.com. I don't know how long they will all be there, but they are there for now. Heroes withdrawal may be just about as bad as giving up smoking, but only a few more weeks til Big Brother!
Hey, kung fu joe, great comments about Peter wandering the desert to learn to control his powers :) and invisible man being the Han Solo of Heroes (although maybe more like Obi-Wan, a teacher for Peter).
Other than the ending, which left me speechless (where are they going with that storyline?), my question is, why didn't anyone seem concerned that Sylar's body was missing?? You would think HRG would be all over that! It looked like Sylar dragged himself down the manhole?
And now onto my secret shame, is Sylar getting hotter, or what? Maybe it's just the lighting, but I'm finding him very attractive (in a psychopathic, mass-murderer kind of way :))
LOVE THIS SHOW! I'm sure I'll watch my tape a few times before next season starts. :) It was cool that we got some satisfaction that good vs. evil prevails but tantalizing as well because we're still hanging on for what happens next. I can't imagine that Peter won't be back. He's too important to the script, not to mention how good looking he is. ;) I'm glad that Hiro will definitely be back.
He always inspires me with his joy and positive outlook in life. I could go on and on about this show but our bloggers have said so much of what I think about this show. See you all next season for more Heroes.
Thanks Jackie for putting it all in order for us, once again.
And another thing..(lol)
did no one say "hey there's a blood trail leading to this manhole cover and it has blood on it as well"..not just the other "heros" but the cops, the emt's..ne one?? i know there is a lot more things that happen in NY then here in po-dunk Okla, but you'd think that someone would see the blood and think, "maybe someone is down there, we should check it out"..
Just a thought..
Just some late thoughts. I won't even attempt to convey what I think about who lives/dies, etc. for next season. My one comment is I believe that Syler's body was removed by EMTs, but we saw his blood running into the sewer. Therefore, I'm guessing Syler will regenerate or something to that effect. Like a cockroach .. can't get rid of him. Also, I've noticed before that Adrian Pasdar is such a wonderful actor that when Nathan was in his most "villainous" (as per Hiro) state, he would actually look evil. His eyes are so expressive. So when he was with Peter, about to save the world, he looked so heroic and beautiful. Truly good. What an amazing scene, amazing actor. I'll be sad if he is indeed gone for good, which I'm assuming is the case. And I hope Parkman lives. mj
Love this show! Any updates regarding the show yet? :)
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