They hyped it up. They pimped it out. They promised us... answers.
Due to its odd starting time on Thursday night (10:15 PM here), I opted to watch The Wire on BET and record this Lost "special." I thought I'd watch it today and share with the readers here all of the exciting news.
It was a show entirely composed of clips from the episodes we've watched before. Two producers (Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelhof) of the show dramatically would state things like "the show is about who they were, who they are, and who they will become" (regarding the characters) or "the monster processes memories of the people" (duh, even in the first season we got that much) or "the whole island is a magic box" or "the characters are all linked together" or... and it goes on and on.
If you wanted a quick series recap of clips which played important parts to the series thus far, this would be the show for you. That it was hyped as a special which might provide more answers or insight into the series was downright wrong. Heck, maybe even mean-spirited! About the only "new" news (and it's actually old news) the producers gave is that the characters aren't ghosts, are living and breathing, and aren't in Purgatory. That's all way old.
They confirmed it was Desmond who crashed Flight 815 with electro-magnetic waves when he didn't enter the code in on time. They confirmed that Hurley thinks he's unlucky. They explored Roger WorkMan and commented on Sawyer partying alongside Ben's dead father.
Lost, you disappointed me with this special. Next time you do a recap clips show, bill it as such. Don't tell me it's a special and I'll learn all kinds of stuff from the esteemed producers. Just don't do it.
And, make the finale this Wednesday enough to make me want to come back as a viewer next FEBRUARY when the show returns. I'm really not too sure you're doing this scheduling thing right!
I was also very disappointed with this special. Don't title something "Answers" when you mean to say "Clipshow." I wasn't expecting any huge revelations (after all the series has to go 3 more years), but throw us loyal Lost viewers a bone, for goodness sake! I'm sure it wasn't new viewers who tuned in for this; it's us old-timers who already know all the details!
OK, I'm done now, thanks for letting me get that off my chest, Jackie :)) I still have high hopes for a smash-bang finale!
Great recap, as always!
Amen to that Jackie! This Finale better be something good or Im not too sure if I'll be watching lost in 8 months. I think the way all the networks are pulling this trick (Medium & Heroes also) is not the way to go when u want to keep viewers. These Hiatus' w/ mid season replacements aren't going to grab any viewers and keep them.UGGGG!
Great finale or not, when this season is done, I'm done. Their special was a rip-off of every fan's time. And I.m not waiting 8 months for the next installments to start. I'm just going to wait until the show is done and buy the DVD's, then just watch the whole series over a weekend. If this is a new trend in scheduling, they can stick it you know where. And if they ever mess with the reality series in the same way, they'5re going to PO a lot of fans. Whoever is in charge of scheduling at ABC ought to be replaced.
Well I can't say I won't watch it when it comes back on, good or bad finale', cause I will. I had already said the special was useless as far as answering any questions. I agree Jackie... they shouldn't promise that which they aren't going to deliver.
Bring on the finale... I'm ready.
By the way Jackie... you said you had gotten a preview for The Closer. Did you get to watch it and what did you think?
It's starts back up in June and I'm anxious for it to get here.
Yep,I think we all agree that the "answers" show was about as helpful as all those revelations they keep promising week after week.And whether I come back next Feb. will hinge on what kind of competition they have at the time. If the other networks can throw something great up against it,then it's not compelling enough for me to come back. I kind of agree with Joy,it would make more sense to just wait and see it all on DVD! At least then ,we wouldn't have to sit through all the endless "recap" episodes and maybe some continuity would make it all flow and make it all more sensible. It gives me the feeling they have just been flying by the seat of their pants all this time and making it up as they went and now it's so out of control and so deep in this theory muck that they are just tap dancing fast to try and come up with a plausible ending to it.And I'm getting the feeling they may never answer all the questions and we'll all be left with our mouth hanging open and asking.......WTF!!
E Lily said on Regis and Kelly tis AM that there will a major reveal on the finale...we will see...but watch it will be followed up by another major-major amount of ???'s
I didn't exspect to get answers to things not already answered in the shows..but i had read the were going to go over questions answered and questions not yet answered..I was hoping for some reminders of answers we are waiting the 4 toed statue.
I also found it interesting that one time in the of the producers says "our people" when refering to the survivors.
And one of the answers was they are not in purgatory but are someplace in the time line continuam...maybe a star wars type ending?
meb - I should be getting my The Closer sneak preview done and posted by this weekend, if not before.
Great Jackie... thanks. I really do like the The Closer and it'll be interesting what you think. You're always so "right on".
Can't wait for you to post on the finale. It was so good I'm missing it and Charlie already. He'll be back in flashbacks hopefully.
The ending was a total surprise for me too. I thought they were flashbacks right up until I saw Kate meet Jack and then I still didn't figure it out.
Great finale'!
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