Yet another dynamite episode!
Now, we all remember that Ben was originally introduced to us as Henry Gale. And, of course, Henry Gale was the Dorothy's uncle in The Wizard of Oz. The "Wizard" himself arrived in Oz via a hot air balloon (as was Ben/Henry's original story, but landing on the island). We all know that the Wizard of Oz was a sham; he was the "man behind the curtain' working all the controls and manipulating the good folks of Oz.
So, what does that make Ben? Or... could it be Jacob? Or, is there a Jacob?
Tonight's episode was Ben-centric and very powerful. Ben has been a real mystery and it's time we got some goods on his background!
In the Flashbacks
A man and his pregnant wife were hiking in the woods. Although she was only seven months pregnant, she gave birth to a baby boy... Ben. Emily Linus died shortly after giving birth as her husband, Roger, carried her and the baby to the roadside. A sign had mileage to Portland listed on it.
A young couple stopped to help Roger, his dying wife, and the newborn Ben. They were Horace Goodspeed and Olivia. Fast forward to when Ben is perhaps ten years old or so... Roger and Ben arrived on the island where Horace had promised Roger a job, Ben good schooling, and a better life. They would be a part of the DHARMA Initiative. Namaste! (That seems to be a welcome greeting.)
Roger Linus was upset as he was given his work uniform. He's a Work Man, the Roger "Workman" from the microbus Hurley found a few weeks back. He thought he would have a much better job. I think Roger was a very bitter and broken man, most likely due to the death of his wife.
In the orientation, Horace told them that they had to remain in the Barracks area and not pass through the pylon fences due to "hostiles" and wildlife on the island.
Young Ben seemed to fit in okay with the other DHARMA kids, and with one little girl in particular -- Annie. She was the only one to ever remember his birthday. She made him a doll and told him that she'd always be with him as long as he had the doll.
While at school studying volcanoes, the teacher told the class that there had been one on the island. All of a sudden, the intruder alert alarms went off. Hostiles! The skirmish with them caused Roger to get angrier and demand another thirty-thousand for hazard pay.
As his father argued about the conditions, Ben saw his mother at the window. Then she vanished, but a photo confirmed it was her. She seemed to be dressed in the same dress as the doll given to him by Annie.
His father saw the box with the doll from Annie and mentioned that he had forgotten Ben's birthday again. He had been drinking and got nasty with Ben. :How could I forget the day you killed your mother?"
Ben ran to the pylon fence where he saw his mother again. But she sent him back, telling him it wasn't time yet.
Now, I'm not sure how I missed how he got it, but Ben later returned to the fence with a note which held the code to turn off the power -- 54439. He sent his pet rabbit through first to make sure he had deactivated the fence. Then he went through, wandering in the woods and frightened at every sound.
Whom does he encounter? Why, I believe it's Richard Alpert with longer hair. Ben is a child, but Richard is a grown man. What's up with that? Richard asked him if he saw his mother here after Ben told him he was searching for her and that she was dead. Ben insisted that he wanted to go with Richard because "I hate it here." "Be patient, be very patient," Richard told him.
Ben did go back to the Barracks, because the next time we see him, he's an adult working for DHARMA. His shirt reads "Ben Work Man." So, he's a janitor like his father. Ben and his father were loading a DHARMA VW bus with beer to deliver to the Pearl Station.
As they went through a meadow with "Shabala" blaring, they stopped to open a beer to "celebrate" Ben's birthday. Roger promised him he'd remember the next year. At exactly 4 PM, Ben popped a beer top, handed it to his father, then put on a gas mask. He set off a cannister of gas in the vehicle and sat emotionless as his father bled from the nose and died.
Ben went back to the Barracks where all the other members of the DHARMA Initiative had also been gassed. Richard Alpert, looking like the Richard Alpert of the present, and a group of armed "hostiles" were at the Barracks, also wearing gas masks. Ben had been patient well into his adult years.
On the Island
Sawyer brought the recorder that Locke gave him to Sayid, telling Sayid that Locke went back with the others. Sayid and Sawyer were looking for Juliet, but neither Juliet or Jack are anywhere around. When Kate arrived, she told them that Juliet had left with Jack. "Play her the tape." What they're hearing on the tape is Juliet's message to Ben about testing Sun.
Juliet and Jack came back to find the camp talking about them. Jack told them that he knew of Sun's trip to the medical station with Juliet. She had told him. They were shocked that the world thinks there are no survivors of the plane crash. Juliet told them to turn the tape over. On the other side there were the plans to raid the camp, take Sun as well as mention of "Austin's sample." They must think that Kate could be pregnant. Jack again told them that he knew because Juliet had told them. When questioned why he didn't say anything, he told them he hadn't decided what to do about it yet.
Huh? What's with Jack? You don't know what to do about an upcoming raid and kidnapping? You don't tell anyone until you're cornered?
At the Others Camp, Ben has the doll. It's his birthday, y'see. Richard arrived to take the recorder back for Juliet when they discovered the recorder had gone missing. Their search was interrupted by John Locke's arrival, dead body of his father over his shoulder. Ben was shocked!
Locke reminded Ben that he promised to tell him everything about the island if he brought his father's body there. Ben told him he (Ben) wasn't the leader -- he had to answer to Jacob. Locke was persistent. He wanted to know about Jacob. In questioning Ben, he found out that no one but Ben had ever seen Jacob. Locke called him a liar, the man behind the curtain.
That's when a not-dead Mikhail arrived. He told them that the pylons weren't set at a lethal level -- that's how he lived. He was stunned to see Locke there questioning Ben. "What are you doing? We don't answer to him!" Ben told him that Locke was with them now. Mikhail told them of Naomi, the crashed "helo" and the freighter ship offshore.
When Ben told Locke that he had to attend to those issues, Locke demanded he take him to Jacob. He told Mikhail, "Ben's not going with you. He and I are going to see Jacob." Then Locke beat Mikhail to a pulp. (Mikhail really gets hurt a lot, eh?) Ben cried for the others watching to stop Locke, but they all stood and watched. It was like a battle of power between Ben and Locke even though it was Mikhail being beaten.
After Locke stopped beating Mikhail, Alex gave him a gun to take with them to go see Jacob. "Happy birthday, Dad."
As Ben and Locke hiked through the woods, Ben told him that Jacob would be angry. After all, he wasn't the kind of man you go to see. He was the kind of man who summoned you to see him. Ben glanced at dirt in passing, then Locke paused and examined it. Volcano ash? I'm not sure.
They arrived at a wooden shack and Ben told Locke he'd have to turn off the flashlight because "Jacob doesn't like technology." "Are you sure you want to go in there?" Ben asked Locke. "So be it."
Inside the shack was a table, a rocking chair, a picture of a dog, and four jars of something on a shelf. Ben started talking to the chair reminding me so much of Norman Bates in Psycho. Apparently the chair was talking back to him, but neither John nor we heard him.
Locke started yelling that Ben was a fraud, crazy! "You made it all up!: Ben told him he must be too limited to see and insisted that Jacob was in the empty chair. Locke went to leave when he heard an unearthly voice say, "Help me." He quickly turned on the flashlight when all went wild in the room. The chair moved, items whizzed through the air, and Ben looked terrified. When a fire started from the lantern, Locke ran out followed by Ben.
"What did he say to you? What did Jacob say to you?" Locke yelled at him that he put on a show and that he was a fraud. He was going to tell his people the truth. They headed back to the Barracks, but not the way they had taken to get there.
Instead, Ben led Locke to a burial ditch containing the skeletons of the members of the DHARMA Initiative. He shot John in the left chest and let him fall in with the bones. "What did Jacob say to you?" "Help me." "What did he say?" "He said 'help me.'" "I hope he helps you, John."
LOST [thunk]
So... Ben wasn't born on the island. The aging thing is odd, too. We know Richard was in Portland, but yet his work is separate from DHARMA. And, the Others are the hostiles, not DHARMA. Has anyone other than Aaron been really born on the island?
Great episode!
I do not know if anyone has picked up something from last night. When Ben and his father arrived at the island (?), walking off the transport, they passed under a sign naming where they were and I suppose "welcome". It gave me shivers, the concentration camps had signs similar to those. The proton fences to keep what we would learn to be hostiles out, but to also keep them in. When Ben's Dad got his jumpsuit with Work Man on it, I was reminded of clothing in the camps with the stars and also noticed different color jumpsuits, that depicted job levels. Again similar to u know where. Then the kicker was when all residence of the "compound" were gassed. Am I reading too much into this and/or guess my ? is why would the writers follow that horrible time??? THoughts!!!
There was also a strange question posed by Ben to Richard. Ben was holding his doll birthday present and said to Richard, "You remember what it was like to have a birthday, don't you?"
Great recap Jackie- as always
Interesting observation delee, another reason why this episode was exceptionally creepy.
Well, since dead people don't seem to stay dead and Locke has already "walked" after paralysis. I'm doubting we've seen the last of him. Delee,.........WOW!
anybody else freeze frame the haunted house scene and catch the glimpse of Jacob sitting in the chair?
or am i the crazy one?
Delee,that's very deep and may not be far from the truth. I,too,didn't think whatever that word on the sign was a word of was more like "danger" or "keep out".Yep,this episode shows that Ben is a liar,he wasn't born on this island and,I have to say,he was one creepy kid growing up to be a creepy man.The fact that Richard showed up and was older than Ben,but now looks to be his age,makes me wonder..what the????
The creators swear they aren't dead,but if Locke comes back and makes another appearance,then what are we to think? And what's up w/Jack? It seems he's bought into whatever Juliette is selling lock stock and barrel.Next week should be very interesting and we'll see who'se zooming who...... at least I hope so.
delee: You have a good point about the processing of the new workers. I was thinking more like "immigrants at Ellis Island."
But my very first thought upon seeing the walk up the dock and the greetings with flowered lei's was "Where's Mr. Rourke and Tattoo?" Sorry, too much TV as a child. But can't you see Richard Alpert as a younger Rourke and maybe Charlie as Tattoo? "De' Submarine! De' Submarine!"
Sharon: The word on the sign was "Namaste" and was used before at the end of the Dharma orientation/hatch videos by Marvin Candle. It is a greeting/parting phrase or gesture used in Nepali and Hindu. (And I totally love "who's zooming who? So true!)
Anon@7:39pm: Richard doesn't remember birthdays because he is immortal. (As was Mr. Rourke, but I won't go back there :)
Anon@10:47pm: There was a flash of a man in the rocking chair. Screencaps are posted at various Lost websites. Some think he looks like an older Locke, but I disagree, mostly because he has a lot of hair :)
How about the mini-van and the beer. Remember Hurley, Sawyer and the blonde kid finding the van and promising Sawyer the beer that was there if he would help push the van down the hill to get it started. Another mystery of where the car came from solved.
This one was the best.
Anon 10:47... I already deleted this episode...don't tell me I missed seeing Jacob in the rocker.
In the episode where Locke's father was bro't to the island, he bit Locke's hand; then Locke deliberately looked at his hand after and noticed it had already healed. ...So, maybe he will heal from the gunshot wound. Locke does have a special "communion" with the island.
Oh, the above was me; forgot to sign my name.
GREAT recap, as usual, Jackie. You always notice things that I've missed!
Susan from MA
Im thinking Locke is the "one" that Ben referred to him as, and that by shooting him, he is testing to see?? Hmmm... Also, Ben killed his father as did Locke(or so they think) and maybe Ben was tested by Richard in that same way? I also think that Richard does not remember Birthdays because he doesnt age, not that he is immortal. If he was immortal, why would he have worn that gas mask when they gassed the Dharma's?? And why is Jack acting as if he is the ruler of all? Something is definitely not the same with him. Did anyone ever hear or notice what happened to Ben's childhood friend? Did she die with the Dharma's too?
So many questions, but an awesome episode and a great chance to get into the brain of Ben a bit more.
LOVED IT!!!!! :)
I wondered about Annie also. And if she was killed he does not seem upset! That was creepy about Richard and the no age thingy. Wonder what is up with that? We all know Locke is not dead.
Fantasy Island is a good analogy, but that island is no fun and who would wish for that?
The VW vans are from the 60's, so I am wondering if Ben and inhabitants just do not age after a certain point. OR it is a slow slow process. When Ben killed his Dad, the vans were new and Ben was (guess)18- 25? Would be old now. Just guessing here.
Now we have the Jacob mystery. I looked up the meaning of the name Jacob, ready for this?
{ sup·plant (sə-plānt') Pronunciation Key
tr.v. sup·plant·ed, sup·plant·ing, sup·plants
To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.} Does it mean anything or not.
We still are missing that piece that shows how Ben came to be the "leader" of these people. And his "connection" to Juliette,becasue at the beginning of their story,it seemed as if there was a lot more to the story of Ben and Julie. Why,if Richard and his "group"were in charge,does Ben come to be the boss?AND why,if these people wanted to leave,hadn't they took over from ben and left on the sub. It's like a cult,followers who blindly follow anything they are told,like Jonestown.
And............most of the people on flight 815 seem to be criminals,shady people or be running from or to something.And Jack,who questioned everything before,he seems to be willing to believe almost anything or any ploy put forth by Juliette. What happened to him in that camp????
anon 10:47
I did notice a flash of a figure in the chair too. I rewound to see it again, it didn't occur to me to freeze frame it.
I was wondering the same thing about Richard not aging...the other thing I noticed was how bad the "flashback" hairpieces are! Remember Jack's from last season, when he had longer hair? Ben's when he was in the van before gassing his father-you could see the plugs! And Ben's father's, really would think with all the money they spend on this show, they would get better makeup!
great recap Jackie! I havne't checked in with you in a while, but I'll be back more often now that the school year is ending...will you be watching "Big Brother" again this summer?
My first thought when this episode ended was that they really "jumped the shark" when Ben started talking to an invisible man. It has been repeatedly emphasized by the producers that everything is reality based. The Losties are not dead and nothing in the story will be explained as supernatural. There can be no scientific basis for invisibility. So Ben is either lying or the haunted house is as rigged as a Disneyland ride.
I think Richard not aging, along with Ben's dig about remembering birthdays indicates a Fountain of Youth story line of some sort or maybe the magnetic force thing "under" the island is just really good for the skin.
QUESTION: When Richard and Ben killed all the Dharma people why did they not kill the hatch guys? They certainly knew about them. Was it because they knew it served a crucially important purpose, i.e. button pushing, so the place wouldn't go nova and make their equipment malfunction like it did after Locke blew the hatch?
QUESTION: Why remind us again of the existence of the pirate ship by imprisoning daddy Locke there? The same outcome could have been accomplished in one of the hatches or one of the houses. Is there a connection between the alleged "Creepy-Old-Invisible-Beared-Jacob-Guy-Who-Doesn't-Like-Technology and the marooned 18th century slave ship? Could Jacob have been the captain of that ship?
QUESTION: If Ben can talk to the chair why did he get so worked up demanding to know what the chair said to Locke?
There are alot of similarities between Locke's dad and Ben. They are both con artists, liars, murderers. Both have physically harmed Locke, both have humilated Locke. Yet Locke has done everything in his power to have a relationship with them. At his own peril.
The people in the hatch had a quarantine and wore a suit if they went outside. Was that because of the mustard gas...
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