Air conditioning.
Oh, make it three words. Air conditioning, television.
Yep, that'll do it!
Here are the TV Newsy Bits I found out on the good ol' Internets today:
- Rosie O'Donnell, due to leave The View in about three weeks, has called it quits, asking for an early leave. Thus granted. After the blow-up with Elisabeth Hasselbeck, this doesn't surprise me at all.
- According to Celebrity Spider, some folks don't think Paula Abdul really tripped over her dog causing her broken nose. I don't know. As a pet owner, I have had two injuries caused by tripping over cats. A cut thumb (was carrying the emptied cat food can to the trash when I was tripped) and a greenstick fracture of my arm another time. Both times the pets in question suffered no injuries. So, I think I can believe her, a least a bit.
- Access Hollywood has a "Where Are They Now" interview with Survivor: Africa winner, Ethan Zohn. He's still with Jenna Morasca after four years and has invested his million in good deeds. He was such a cutie, huh?
- The New Jersey Star Ledger has an interesting article comparing the finales of Lost and Heroes. While I don't feel the Heroes finale fell short, per se... I think the Lost finale was better done when the two are compared. However, when I compare the seasons themselves, Lost had some weak episodes at the start of the fall season while Heroes was riveting (and understandable) all season. In its first season Lost was riveting, but often disjointed and odd - giant polar bears, etc. The concept of Heroes has always been more comprehensible for me. I may not know why they have powers, but they do and an evil man and others are after them. Simple.
My little poodle was the exact color of our carpet in Colorado. I do not know how many times I about killed myself when I spotted her laying there before I placed a foot and had to dodge stepping on her. SO Paula's excuse is pausible in the long run. But we will never know in the end, just her word.
Hey, Jackie, hope you don't mind if I add a newsy bit for us DWTS fans. I'm a huge Apolo/Julianne fan, and just read this article where they deny any romantic relationship. Oh, well, guess I can get a life and move on now :)
Glad Rosie is GONE! Never cared for her and never watched her talk show. Sometimes people just rub you the wrong way. I have a feeling she is due to fade into the woodwork.
I'm at the point where if I never saw Rosie again,it wouldn't bother me.
I loved Ethan on his season of Survivor. I wonder what the holdup is with them getting married,after all,they aren't exactly right out of school. I liked Jenna okay and Ethan always seemed so grounded.
I,too,have tripped over a pet and hurt myself. Years ago,we had a cockapoo and he was dark brown and black and one winter morning after the kids left I went into a bedroom to make the bed and tripped over him,not seeing him in the dark floor. He was getting old,didn't hear so well any more and I scared him,he jumped and I fell into the finial of the bottom of the bed and almost broke my collarbone. I was sore for weeks after that! And now that I'm older and less steady on my feet,we have a young cat that delights in grabbing me by the feet and I have almost fallen over her too. They are dangerous to your health at times!
It was refreshing to have a woman on TV who voiced her opionons wihtout fear of what anyone would think. It is sad that the only reason the whole Rosie/Elizabeth thing got any sort of attention is because they are women. If it would have been two men arguing, and that happens on a few shows, the story wouldnt even had made a blip on the media radar.
I can only hope that Rosie will go on and find a outlet of her own, where she can speak freely and raise the questions she does about our president and his administration. We need more people like her.
Deanna I couldn't agree more. Hopefully Rosie will go on to do a Bill Maher type of show on HBO or Showtime where freedom of speech is still practised. Rosie has a real passion for asking questions and speaking out and that is exactly what we need more of these days.
Lili- I enjoy watching Bill Mahrer as well and enjoy the way he raises questions about so many things. I often tell my husband that I'd love to see Rosie host a similar show. Id be the #1 fan!
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