The first part of the episode gave Julia a chance to shine and show that she can be a leader. Remember, she's the one who's maligned because she comes from a Waffle House instead of a fancy-schmancy "real" restaurant.
The task was to serve breakfast to the military. Well, not the whole military, of course! The Red Team (women) had to serve to 50 Army soldiers while the Blue Team (men) had to serve to 50 Navy sailors. Julia was in her element and her team actually took well to her lead, but the guys fell apart.
Gordon Ramsay even called Julia's efforts exceptional. I thought lightning could very well strike him, didn't you? The women went off for a day on the Midway with Ramsay. The men stayed behind to do KP duty -- peel over a ton of onions and potatoes... fun, fun, fun! Heck, they couldn't even agree who would chop the ends off of the onions, silly men.
As we all could have guessed, the ambulance shown in the promos carted Aaron away. He fainted, apparently at the thought of the KP as I don't think he had done any actual work. He was removed from the show with a "serious illness" not disclosed to us. The guys, mainly Josh and Brad, decided that Brad would be the leader of their team as Ramsay said someone had to lead. Rock wasn't too keen on that, but said he'd go along... and told us he'd just have to out-think them down the line.
Then there was the dinner service or lack thereof. Both teams were horrible. Joanna thought she'd shine on the appetizers and Ramsay ended up kicking her off that station. Brad burned his Wellington and tried scraping off the burnt bottom when Ramsay caught him. Joanna tried to serve some crab dish with rancid crabs.
But the worst of all was Jen. She threw what she thought was excess pasta in the trash bin. Almost immediately there was a need for pasta. So she took it out of the trash and boiled it to "kill any bacteria." ACK! To me, that was an unthinkable sin in the kitchen. Yeah, Joanna somehow didn't notice the smell of the crabs, but we didn't see any deliberate move on her part. (And I don't like her, but I'm talking pasta from the trash here!)
Ramsay ended up closing down the kitchen early with almost all of the patrons not served. He said there were no winners. There weren't, really... no winners here! He thought the Blue Team was the worst and told them to decide who would be chosen to stand before him.
Now, in this bit I almost found myself liking Joanna as she stuck up for Julia against the ones who think she's out of her league. Joanna admitted she herself should be selected. When Jen started on the Julia kick, Julia told them about the garbage bin pasta incident. Still, the women chose Julia and Joanna.
But upon facing Ramsay, Jen put her name in the ring of fire with Julia and Joanna. Thankfully, Ramsay told Julia to go back with her team. Then he chose Joanna to leave Hell's Kitchen. He mentioned that both should go home. I think he should have stuck with that thought.
You do NOT take food out of the trash to serve folks at a restaurant! You just don't!
There was a promo for a new Gordon Ramsay FOX fall show -- Kitchen Nightmares. No, it's not going to be a show about my personal kitchen. Sheesh! Ramsay is going to go to restaurants and shape up their kitchens.
No, he's not welcome here. Before the show, I made a fine dinner of salmon loaf, Trader Joe's Garlic Mashed Potatoes (mmm!), and cauliflower. And I timed it so all was ready at the same time, plus I didn't take any food out of the trash. So there, Gordon Ramsay!
I watched the first two seasons sporadically but promised myself I would not watch this season as Ramsey is just too toxic. I have never believed in the training by humiliation method he practices. I do kinda like the Top Chef show on Bravo tho haven't caught it this season yet.
Glancing at your report Jackie I think I made the right decision to not watch this season.
What I want to know is Garlic Mashed Potatoes from Trader Joes? Do tell, I have not seen such a product in my local store is it in the deli section or the frozen section or? I love Trader Joes!
Yea good news, I figured out that I have Showtime Too! Hope they have a good cast this season.
we've been watching a show called kitchen nightmares on bbc, where ramsey goes to different restaurants in england to "clean" up their kitchens - gordon isn't as caustic on this show, & he even shows a caring & gentle side !! he also has a show called "the f word" in this case "f" means food - on bbc, & this is a good show, too - it shows gordon having a sense of humor, & shows his family, too
p.s. jackie, you mentioned the smokers on hells kitchen - on both of gordon's bbc shows, we see a lot of chefs are smokers, & go outside for a smoke quite often
Why do they have Beef Wellington EVERY dinner service??? Have had it not the wonderful. Hard to hold once done. There are other main courses!!!
I would have smelled that rancid crab a mile away.
Ramsey could not send 2 home as Aaron left. Show must run so many weeks. His new show is taking restaurant applications to be on the show. Not sure if this is a show I want to watch. I know strange things happen in a commercial kitchen, BUT not sure I want to see them. Trader Joe's have stores, I bet that is where Jackie got those pots.
Thank you forthe recap, Jackie
Lili = They're instant mashed potatoes... in the aisle with canned goods, bagged pasta, soups and such. I don't buy any other instant mashed potatoes in a box, but got hooked on these after giving them a try.
You don't want to get me going on the Trader Joe's Expresso soda.
I watched the show last night and enjoyed watching Julia shine. I was also glad that she questioned the pasta and had her throw it away. She showed good leadership. The boys, I'm still waiting for them to shine.
It captured my attention for what you've posted, it was very nice and informative for those who's also in this kind of field or in the field of entertainment .keep up the good work and more power on behalf of
His Kitchen Nightmares show is already seen here on BBC America.. it's really good and he is a bit more funny and not quite as mean (I like him mean too though) A great personality on the KN show..
I have three things to say...
1) Eeeewwwww
2) Eeeewwwww
3) Eeeewwwww
I cannot believe she took that pasta out of the garbage! That's unexcusable. I would have gotten rid of both of them and just not kicked anyone off next week!
My mom watches Kitchen Nightmares on BBC and says Gordon is even sexier because he's nice to the restaurant owners. I can't wait!
It's right that Aaron was sent home. I'm sorry that he's ill but it also seemed that he was completely useless in the kitchen. Nice guy, but he didn't belong there. Julia deserved every bit of praise that she got and obviously Ramsey knew she still did belong there. Jen did a disgusting thing and someone could have gotten sick. Yes, thank goodness Julia stopped that from happening. But Joanna is another story. She could have made many people ill or worse. Deliberate or not, how could she not know that she was working with rancid crab? If Ramsey could smell it from across a room., why couldn't she? Isn't it part of her job to know that she is serving fresh food? Plus the raw potatoes and watching her lick off the tongs and then put them back into the container. Y&UK. YUK!!! Joanna talked the talk but usually didn't deliver. Then to see her act like the cold potatoes are no big deal. If I ever saw her working in any restaurant, I'd walk out. Apparently, quality means nothing to her. She has much to learn, even if she doesn't think so.
Ramsay is a jackass. This guy only hs employees because they get to be in a reality show. Actually, I have hard time believing this show is real. As a 30 year veteran of the service industry I know my staff would stick a fork in this guy in about two minutes. Nobody in his/her right mind would put up with his crap nor should they have too. Unfortunately, you can't be sued for being an asshole. You can get your ass kicked though. I'm looking forward to seeing that happen to his chefness!
this show is utterly ridiculous, why people watch that and think that is what real restaaurants are like is an idiot-ramsey is an asshole and is deliberatly hamming it up for camera-he creates 90% opthe ensuing chaos by his nasty ass attitude-no chef can act like that and and survive in todays world. they would be sued-or worse!!! god what a dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon - 12:24pm: People (being plural) "are idiots", not " an idiot". Your lack of capitals, periods and other correct standards of grammar and punctuation is deplorable and shows an acute lack of elementary educational skills. You really should refrain from casting stones.
we've been watching a show called kitchen nightmares on bbc, where ramsey goes to different restaurants in england to "clean" up their kitchens..Aspiring young chefs are put to the ultimate challenge in Hell's Kitchen, a reality television competition starring world renowned chef Gordon Ramsay.
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