I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I decided to take it a bit easy today writing-wise because I foresee three months with little sleep.
The NJ city in which I live had their 84th Annual July 4th Parade which happens to go right by my apartment. So I watched that, played with videos I made of it (more to go) and experimented a bit with YouTube since I'm hoping to upload some feeds videos this season.
Right now as I type this, I have the Boston fireworks on in the background. I've done the Charles River and Boston Pops scene a few times in the past, as I have the Philadelphia and New York City celebrations. Tonight, though, it's raining here. I can hear that the local fireworks event went on as scheduled. But it was a good night to stay indoors.
I've been watching the Boston fireworks wondering if Craig Ferguson, the host of the show, will say anything about receiving his US citizenship today. According to one of the NYC WCBS news folks, he was slated to be sworn in (or whatever they do) today.
Sleep well tonight... tomorrow is the start of Big Brother 8!
Hey Jackie -- Hi All -
I went to the $th celebration in Boston 10 years in a row when I lived there. As I watched the fireworks go off all over town from my balcony in houston tonight, I was hearing the Boston Pops play the 1812 overture that they used to play in the half shell beside the Charles River. I have spent a few NY 4ths in my apartment sweltering with NY1 on but have walked ym way down to the FDR for front row "seats" as well. Once year I went to DC and that was certainly fitting, sitting on the lawn right by the obelisque (no spell check, sorry!. Can't believe the start of BIG BROTHEr is finally here after our countdowns of 30+ days ago. I am really looking forward to spending it here with you and all your commenters for my second year.
PS: I was hearing the Boston Pops in my HEAD while watching the fireworks here tonight. LOL
Great graphic too btw...
Thanks for all the updates.
Can't wait until tonight, ahh BB finally!
I must say I wish my name were Jackie so I could steal all of Zoe's graphics. Beautiful job!
Love the graphic!!! Hope every1 had a glorious fourth!
I cannot believe it is BB8 day!! Yippee! I sure hope it's a good group and that the twists aren't lame and I'm so interested to see what "we" get to do with "our" player!! I'm ready,let's goooooo!
Did anyone see (on NBC) Macy's Fireworks Spectacular? Jordin Sparks, Blake Lewis and Melinda Doolittle sang "America". They did a great job of it, too!!
OMG, I haven't been on your site in months. I have a lot of catching up to do!!! I can't wait for BB to start......
I can not wait. Hope all had a great 4th. I did...imao!!!
Its started!!!!
It looks like its gonna be a lONG season. IF you get showtime, they have at midnite ALL ACESS to BB house. I dont get Showtime. BOOHOOO!
Hey what happened. show started and your not here. Husband going crazy with the remote, and haven't been able to watch the whole thing
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