Monday, July 23, 2007

'Hell's Kitchen' - A Quick Take on Episode 8

Hell's Kitchen
I know recaps are necessary, but why must they be narrated so dramatically?

Gotta love Ramsay's grimace for the opening scene, though. Rock likes to think he's in charge and he's quite possibly the most qualified one, but his personality does him in.

It's down to one team tonight with black and white jackets. Good. Um, okay... Ramsay squirts champagne at them in celebration. Who's going to clean up that mess, eh?

The first individual challenge is ready to go down. They're cooking for "trendsetters," but the twist is that they'll go to them. One hundred hungry high school students. Now, there's a crowd that's used to slop!

Rock is serving Kobe beef? I hope they're wealthy students! Julia is about the only one preparing what I'd call a traditional sort of dish. But it appears that they're not looking for something which could actually appear on a high school menu, so 51% of the kids voted forJulia. Heh. Practicality beats fancy!

She wins a trip to Las Vegas with Chef Ramsay and gets to choose one person to go with her. So, it's Jen and Julia. They took a private jet and saw the restaurant they may (probably not) be working in. They also visited last year's winner Heather at her restaurant.

The others get to clean the entire restaurant and linens. Josh doesn't know how to use a vaccum cleaner. Rocket scientists! After cleaning the three (Rock, Josh and Bonnie) had to prep for the service. As usual, Bonnie screwed up. After they did the prep, they sat around talking about Ramsay's idolation of Julia. I like her, but I don't see that at all. I think they're just sorry losers. She chose a menu that kids actually enjoy!

The five wannabes have to work together to serve the patrons tonight. Josh tried to get a head start, got yelled at. Rock burned his scallops, got yelled at. Josh got yelled at again. Bonnie actually cooked a Wellington right! Then it was Julia's turn to get yelled at. Josh kept trying to cook spaghetti ahead despite getting yelled at and his risotto is undercooked. Oh, no!

Ramsay kicked Josh out of the kitchen, telling him to take off the jacket. Will that be it for tonight? Will two go home? He packed his bags and left.

But the meal goes on.

Jen took over Josh's appetizer station and did well. But then Julia forgot the monkfish garnish. She's looking hassled and it shows in her performance. Poor Julia. "Rock has hit rock bottom." -- according to Ramsay. He lost his turbot, oh no!

Jen seems to be doing the best. Rock thinks the others are putting him down to make themselves look better. The guy has an attitude problem once again. He just won't stop. Jen snapped back at him, but I think Rock was the communication problem, not her.

They completed the service despite the fighting. Ramsay is discouraged due to the fighting. He said that Bonnie had her best service so far and it's up to her to pick two to nominate to be fired. Rock is pouting like a t-year-old boy. He's even crying, but it seems that he's more mad at himself for screwing up.

He seems to have an epiphany, but I can't help but think it won't last. Bonnie has real problems trying to decide which girl to put up with Rock. She's in a quandary, folks!

She nominated Rock and Julia because she's struggled on garnish and has a lot to learn on product.

Julia's gone, but Ramsay is a sweetheart to her. He's seniding her to culinary school and wants her to come back. He told her there's something amzaing about her. Good, he has a heart. I knew she wouldn't win, but I think she's one of the best PEOPLE there if not the best chef.

So, it's Bonnie, Jen and Rock as the final three. I know from the Internet spoilers who should win, but none of the three thrill me. Rock has temper issues and has indeed screwed up in the kitchen. He doesn't work well with a team. Bonnie hasn't the commerical experience and Jen tried to serve pasta she had thrown in the trash.

Send them all home next week and end the season early, I say.


Anonymous said...

Could not believe Bonnie threw the monkfish in the trash...lesson to learn have someone else smell it before you trash it. Sad to see Julia go, but how does Ramsey pick her over Rock? I agree Jackie not sure who should win. I did not read the spoiler, so hush!!! IMAO

I really liked Heather last year, have no favorites this time. She looked really good, glad she is doing well.

Anonymous said...

Rock is such a baby!! And did anyone else think Josh was gonna hit Ramsay when he was walking out? I swear I thought he would!

Steff said...

Who pulled the monk fish out of the trash, do we know? It was on the menu so someone took it out, and someone ate it! Ewwwwwweeeee.

I missed what Julia cooked for the high school kids, anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Personality-wise, Julia was my favorite. Really sad to see her go, but glad to see Ramsey was so nice to her in the end. I'm soooo tired of Rock's temper tantrums.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if this has been previously discussed, but I just wandered in here after getting my BB fix...
What the heck is rissoto? Not trying to seem ignorant, but none of the chefs can consistantly cook it right, and when they do it looks like pea green oatmeal.

Adrienne said...

Risotto is a rice dish, and Julia cook a chicken and cheese grilled sandwich.

BTW Jackie, you could add to your HK updates Bonnie cried LOL. She seems to cry in every damn episode!

pickles said...

I'm gonna miss Julia. I knew she wouldn't make it to the end but I thought she was the only one that wasn't full of herself. I am glad to see Ramsey was nice to her at the end. I hope she does well in her schooling and comes back to kick some butt. I just wish it could be against the likes of Melissa and the other high and mightys that told her she was nothing more than a "waffle house" cook.

Thanks for the updates Jackie! :)

Steff said...

Thank you Adrienne!
Bonnie doesn't seem to me to belong there at all, She has the luck of Jannell, screws up big time but never really in front of Ramsey.
Sending Julia to chef school, how cool for her. I predict we will see her again and she will win.

Anonymous said...

I felt really bad for Julia,but it was the right decision. She will go a lot further in life going to school and learning the proper technics. I do hope she comes back on a later show(if they stay on the air).

Now why is anybody surprised at Rock. He acts just like GR does! I have often wondered if this is the way GR treats the people in his "real" establishments? Or does he surround himself with people who actually know how to cook!I do think of the three,Rock has the best background and training,but he sure is not a people person.Bonnie does NOT deserve to win,but I think she's the one that GR has a soft spot for. Jen...I just don't like the girl...maybe it's the name.......LOL!

Anonymous said...

Yes orkmommy, I thought Josh was going to deck Ramsey ... and probably should have... he was leaving anyway, why not go out in a "blaze" of glory. He would have felt better I bet.

Rock is difficult to watch...such a jerk. He'll probably win, but of the three, even tho Jen doesn't really impress me, she's probably the best pick of the three.

Bonnie is not ready for a kitchen of her own..well not that kind of kitchen anyway and Rock is just too tempermental (sp).

Glad this is coming to an end. Getting tired of the screaming!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that Rock nor Bonnie wins!!! I was hoping for Julia.... but she is done!! Julia fixed a grilled sandwich of some kind.
I am like the rest ready for this one to be over!!!
Thanks Jackie!!