Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tonight's 'Survivor 15: China' Review Up!

My review of the show tonight is up and running over at TV Squad! I hope you enjoy it!


joy n said...

Jackie, loved your TV Squad post, but I give up trying to leave comments, They won't take! Tried for Kid Nation and Survivor. I even repeat and nothing. No emails. Well, I'll still enjoy reading them anyway!

Anonymous said...


For awhile I thought maybe we would see Ashley's fangs (piercings) come out, everything else was for everyone in the mud.

It seems like everyone is playing for themselves a lot more earlier this season, than in other seasons and putting it out there. There are a few that are aligning with each other. Does it seem like the players this season are more eager to play harder against each other? It appears at tribal they are more outspoken and hold nothing back in what they have to say.

I am liking the season so far. It is each person for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Leslie got the immunity info from Jaime...not God. Pleez spare us more bible thumpers who sign on for reality shows. What is this...a trend. Leslie would feel better "if only she had her bible." If her faith is sufficiently strong she doesn't need any "trappings." Jesus didn't have a bible in the desert when he fended off the devil. I'm sure she can survive in China surrounded by a crew, psychologists and medics. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Maybe God will tell her where the immunity idol is...oh no...I forgot. She doesn't do "idols." My bad. Hope she doesn't come across it...she'd have to throw it away lest she be damned to hell.

Anonymous said...

I like James...he just gets the job done whatever it is without calling a lot of attention to himself. Hope the weak ones don't gang up on him when they lose a comp. I always hate to see the strong voted out by the weak.

Deanna said...

I'm still liking James and the red team. I do think the 'Survivors' on the yellow team are confused with Leadership vs. Dictatorship.

When Leslie started her, God has a plan talk and such, my husband and I looked at eachother and said "oh no! Its Amber!" I'm sure God is looking out for her safety and health, but I still don't think he cares about winnings in reality shows... IMO... :)

Did anyone catch Journeyman? WOW! I really loved it! I thought I would like it, but it really blew me away. Hope it sticks around.

meb said...

Deanne... I'm not sure where we posted it, but some posts back Sydney and I briefly discussed Journeyman. We also loved it! I'm so glad there's another show out there that keeps you guessing and then the ending is one you hadn't figured out yet. Well, I didn't put it together. This is one I'm going to get into big time!

meb said...

Jackie...I commented on the TV-Squad area, but it has to be confirmed from my email address. I'm at work and that's one thing I'm blocked from doing at work is checking email. Oh well, I'll do it when I get home.

I will say here that I would have preferred Dave go home. He just is so annoying. And I agree with you regarding the clothes. Please...give them clothes!!!

Anonymous said...

I am liking this season, mainly because of the scenery, the harder ocmps...but please the lady ---sorry havent caught her name--with the pink dress on and she had heels before...WHAT IS SHE THINKING?? did they kidnap her as she was on her way to the "Fashionista Diaries" or something?
I didnt like chicken, nor Ashley so Im pleased as punch..
That Dave will be the only guy dead at his finished firepit...his eyerolling, his dictator attitude...that team is in dire straits.
I love JAMES!!!! he is strong, silent, good in comps and could really use the money....and he looks fantastic!

Sydney said...

Yes... get them in clothes! I would be miserable as well as mortified if I had only a bra. Besides I'd knock my own self out trying to run, lol.

And I would NEVER wear a skirt even to the press photos on this show. I swear do people who apply not watch and know that you can be caught for a month in what you are wearing at any time????

And ALBGLINKA, you made me laugh last post when you said I was pimping your artwork!!! If that makes people take a look like I did, why not! I was just really excited to see it, was even more impressed when I held it in my own hands. Looking for a frame...

Anonymous said...

Back to two unequal teams...made worse by the fact that Dave's team can't get together and work. He is overbearing, but the rest don't seem to understand they are on a Survivor show. Chicken was right in his predictions. Glad to see Ashley go...she brought nothing to the team. I agree with Jackie, I hope they have a comp where they can get some clothes...I'm getting sick of the underwear.

Anonymous said...

Back to two unequal teams...made worse by the fact that Dave's team can't get together and work. He is overbearing, but the rest don't seem to understand they are on a Survivor show. Chicken was right in his predictions. Glad to see Ashley go...she brought nothing to the team. I agree with Jackie, I hope they have a comp where they can get some clothes...I'm getting sick of the underwear.

Anonymous said...

Any clue who is going home next week?

Anonymous said...

Jackie great TV Squad post, although I prefer your blog, comments are difficult to post over at TS.

Anonymous said...

I didn't much care for Ashley,but liked Dave even less. Surely there is a way to get work done without beating people over the head all the time.Too bad Dave didn't have John-Robert there to help him....LOL.Yep,I can see the yellow team getting picked off one at a time,the way they bicker and can't seem to work together.

These people seem to be going for the jugular in these comps this year too. That mud comp was brutal and looks like the one next week is about as bad. I saw one of the women getting her head stepped on. Ouch!!

dla said...

Hi everyone!

I agree with the fact that they need clothing!!! Yikes!

Now, you can forget to take clothing for James, as I believe he is doing just fine...

(Can you believe I published that?!?!? lol)

I appreciate his strong, silent approach to the game in the midst of such loud people this season.

ALBGLINKA, Sydney's comment prompted me to check out your art, so it is working!! :)

I love your pieces!! Very impressive!!!

Until next week...

Anonymous said...

DLA - James DOES look fine without clothes! No more clothes for him, but these "ladies"!?!? What were they thinking?

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else think that Ashley's lip rings looked like The Beast in Beauty and the Beast??? Just!!

Anonymous said...

Sharon I didn't like it, but I'm not into lip rings at all! I thought it distracted from her looks. I don't know if she is an attractive woman or not because I was too busy looking at her lip ring!

Sydney said...

Hey Dla -- Glad you took a peek @ ALBGLINKA's stuff and liked it!

And I'm with you and Gayle re: James. Clothes or bunny suit, he's my favorite. If he makes it to the merge, it will be interesting to see if ppl will, as usual, want to get him off because of his obvious physical dominance or if his quiet intergrity and hard work could somehow keep him safe regardless.

And Gayle, as to the women, I don't think they have much choice as they only had the clothes on their backs when they started the game, and some of those unfortunate dresses would be so encumbering (not to mention get filthy) while wrestling in mud.

I think this is going to be a great season, which I am MORE than ready for.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sydney, it is starting off with a BANG and does look like it will be good. The challenges are so physical and rough so far, I hope no one gets hurt! Unlike BB8 - there won't be a dull moment!

dla said...

Gayle & Sydney,


We do need some women's clothing to be drop shipped to China!!

I was also quite distracted by the lip rings... Maybe a wrestling thing?? Part of her "character"??

Gayle, I also totally agree about the physicality, and that it is making for some interesting viewing thus far, and we are only two episodes in!

After the hum drum life in the BB8 house, I am thrilled to see some action. Those poor houseguests must have been bored out of their minds! I know we were!!

I am in total agreement that this looks like a good season for Survivor!! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with all of you.

*Get some clothes for these ladies!! If you know ANYTHING about the show you should know that it could start the moment you walk out your front door!
No shirts for James, thank you!!
Sharedea is going to cause physical harm to herself if she doesn't figure out how to secure her upper body.

The yellow team is going to self-destruct. Haven't we seen this happen for the last two seasons? I wonder how the producers chose these teams?

I did like the way they revealed the clue for the hidden idol. What a fool Leslie was for sharing that info. with Todd! He turning out to be quite the master of the game. Because his size doe not appear to be a threat to anyone he could last a long time in the game.

As others have commented the challenges seem to be much more physical than in the past. Previews of next week looks brutal!!

I think Ashley's lip rings are part of her wrestler image.

So far I am liking Amanda, Frosti, Aaron,James, Leslie, and P.G. and Todd are growing on me.

I, too, took a peek at Albglinka's artwork. It doesn't fit my decor but I actually reccommended his blogsite to a friend.

Tom s'-- good to see you back on board. With all the different discussion sites I'm not sure who is where!!