First, I'd like to thank graphic artist Zoetawny for the Thanksgiving-themed graphic! Another will be coming up later tonight!
I want to thank all the readers who visit, comment, and created a community around this blog. I know I've gone through some changes this year with the paid writing job, but I'm so thankful that the readers keep coming here. Y'all rock, y'know!
I hope everyone is spending the holiday with loved ones and fine food. I guess you can even watch football -- I know I won't be watching any games. I won't be going into the city for the parade, but it's a great day here to do so.
A bit later today, an "I'm thankful for" post will be put up over on TV Squad. I wrote it sometime back, but it should go up around 10 AM today if memory serves. Since it's TV Squad, it's about what I'm thankful for regarding television. You'll recognize the image -- I edited out the meat market and left just the inflatable turkey from the photo I posted here a while ago. The posts from all the bloggers there have been going on since Monday. Several used my turkey, so I guess it came out well. I am thankful that TVS gave me my first professional blogging job and the folks at AOL TV supported getting me aboard. Now I'm still working on making it a career! ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
Good Morning Jackie and all my fellow blog-commenter friends! I'm certainly grateful that you are still keeping this forum (and adding lots of your own pictures) Jackie, while you are also writing professionally!
At long last I'm back from New Zealand and Australia... It was a little surreal to be in such a completely different environment for so long where I did everything different for over a month-- Instead of cooking, watching TV, working out, running errands, paying bills and e-mailing, I read every night, hiked through magical forests, raced over treetops on zip cords, sped through chrystal clear river rapids, herded sheep, hiked a glacier with spike boots and an ice pick, helicoptered way above the clouds and landed on the mountain peaks to get out and take a look, snorkeling in the great Barrier reef, spent 10 days in a campervan, visited beaches on both coasts, and countless waterfalls, took an old-time train through the Alps... just so many once in a lifetime experiences. My husband and I more than once said we felt we were on Survivor as we counted the days -- 29 in all.
Now it's back to 2 cardboard boxes of mail, piles of catalogues touting the holidays, an empty fridge and a tivo full of episdoes of Mad Men, Ugly Betty and Nip Tuck...
I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful and warm day and hope however you spend it you have much good to reflect on and be grateful for.
Also, what better day to say a big THANK YOU to my pals here who so generously offered to record several shows for 4 weeks in a row and are mailing them to me. I hope to return the favor and am so grateful to have met and made so many good people through your bolg Jackie. Whodathunkit?
Hugs to all!
Jackie... Happy Thanksgiving to you and thanks for ALL you do. You are truly amazing and visiting your blog is a highlight of my day. Much thanks to you!!!
Everyone... Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours... :)
Sydney... What a wonderful time you must have had. Glad to see your back safe and sound.
Best Wishes to everyone and happy holidays!!! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Jackie. I've been with you since AOL and keep on returning to see what you're writing about. Sorry I missed the meet-up this summer. Maybe someday we can try again?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
And welcome home to Sydney! What an amazing trip ~ Cannot wait to hear all about it!
I hope everyone enjoys their special day!
Zoetawny's turkey is adorable.
I wondered when your "I'm thankful for" post would get up there. I've been reading some of the others. I'll be watching for yours.
My husband's watching football with the "guys" in the other room. Grandkids are watching DVD's. I'm cleaning up a bit while listening to my fave Eagles. Life is good.
As Deanna said, visiting your blog every day, Jackie, is a very welcome highlight. You rock pretty well yourself!
Welcome back, Sydney! Your honeymoon sounds absolutely heavenly. You got a lot of "once in a lifetimes" packed into those 29 days and probably a zillion memories to keep for the rest of your life.
Well, again, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and hope you're having a wonderful day!
Well,Happy Thanksgiving all!! I am very grateful for Jackie,who makes watching our favorite shows so much fun and more! If we have to miss a fav,we can always count on the 411 here with all the bases covered.A million thanks,Jackie!
I LOVE the turkey from Zoetawny! What a talent you are!
And "WELCOME HOME,SYD"!!! I was just wondering yesterday is it wasn't about time for you to be back and here you are! It sounds like your trip was everything you hoped for and more. We've missed your insights and comments.
We had a wonderful day with my Dad and lots of good food,and now home and in my jammies already so I can chill and watch Survivor--the recap tonight.And I have to say that I LOVED Criminal Minds last of the best in a long time,but in a long line of terrific shows. I still bless delee for turning me on to this show. Riveting!!
HEY SYDNEY! Welcome Back!!! I too, felt like it must be time for you to return. Missed your comments. Don't know how you'll ever catch up on all the shows you need to watch. I was away for a week and didn't think I'd ever catch up.
You convinced me to start watching Friday Night Lights and I'm hooked. Love it!
Glad so many people have started watching Criminal Minds. I haven't even missed Mandy Potemkin (however you spell his n where are you).
Again, welcome back Sydney... give you a shout out soon!
Meb, It's Patinkin. Thanks for the laugh!
Liked your "I'm Thankful For..." article on TV Squad Jackie -- well written and got me thinking about the TV watching experiences from my childhood.
Also I REALLY appreciated your idea that TV takes you on journeys as much as books do. I've always considered that if I tell people I watch as much TV as I do that I'll be thought of as a time wasting bottom feeder, lol.
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