Yes, Zoetawny has made a new and nifty graphic for the blog! I have said she rocks, right? I won't be live-blogging every detail of the two-hour show(s) tonight, but I will keep the blog updated with major events and stray thoughts about the show. Everyone is welcome to visit in comments! Survivors ready?
Interesting start -- I felt bad for Gillian struggling up the hill, but I was shocked that Crystal had trouble! Kudos to Matty for helping them. My Charlie (in Orkmommy's pool) lied about being a lawyer, as did the doctor lie about being a doctor. Crystal didn't mention the gold medal in the Olympics for track and field ... had she done so, she would have been humiliated. Kota is definitely a stronger tribe than Fang.
Kota has huts! So does Fang!
First injury on the first night -- Randy cut his head on a branch and needed stitches. Great start ... not even in a challenge! He's not quitting though and it was a definite cut, not really a bump to the head. He should be fine.
Kota won Immunity and fire. Fang goes to Tribal Council and one is going home tonight. Too bad Danny has individual immunity from the first challenge for his tribe. He sat and did nothing while the others were digging for their puzzle pieces. I don't think it looks too good for Gillian. Alas, she's more annoying than I thought she would be. Weak and annoying, she will make a good target for them at TC.
Tribal Council -- 5 votes Michelle, 1 vote Gillian. Enough for Michelle to go. I was wrong about the annoying factor for Gillian. Michelle is out because she's such a "Negative Nancy." GC (Danny) was voted leader of the tribe, albeit a bit reluctantly.
Randy is irking me. Heck, GC I'm not too thrilled with, but he's trying to lead. Hopefully Randy will follow his own plan and shut up, let others crash and burn. As long as the "shut up" part is done, I'll be happy.
Kota wins their second immunity and reward (fishing gear). At least this time Fang was close. Kota chose to send Dan to Exile Island.
Dan had no luck finding the idol and it looks like Gillian is the likely target again although she wants to get a movement afoot to get rid of the weakest young person (Ken).
Hmmm ... Fang is worried Dan has the hidden Idol and now he's targeted along with Gillian. Will she squeak through again?
Tribal Council - Gillian is out. Five votes for her and one (hers) for Ken. Enough to boot her.
Glad to see you Jackie. I hope your appointments went well today. Gabon looks beautiful.
I don't like Sugar...
Poor Matty. He may have to carry the team.
Aack! Better late than never!
Thanks to Margo for making sure I got in the pool, to Orkmommy for organizing the pool, and to TXrednekgirl for being my partner in the pool! Gee, this sounds like Swim Club... everybody in the pool!
Now I just have to figure out who Ken is?
Pdx Granny, out Danny boy just put a bullseye on his back! YIKES!
Yeah, Jackie had good things to say about my Ken, so maybe I'll make it past the first week!
Bob reminds me of YauMan in a way! His physics background will serve him well.
I can't see the show yet, so enough about all your teammates....tell me how my Susie Smith is doing!! LOL She's the 47 yr. lady who is a mexican immigrant. I don't have a teammate so will be rooting loud and hard here in the NW!!!
Dang, stitches on the first night out. What else will we see this season?
Whoa, more than one person lookin' for love in all the wrong places.
And our first casualty... blood sure does stand out well in nigh-vision!
who's blood and how?!
She's on the losing tribe for food Nana. But she's on my guy's tribe, ;)
Monty - New return to work date is 10/27.
I can't believe Gillian picked another physically unfit woman for her team. Neither of them will last long. Something about Gillian rubs me the wrong way.
I liked Bob. He is a smart man. I hope they keep him around for a while.
The Aussie is getting on my nerves. Yes, they need latrines. But they need fire more.
Or nighT-vision
Hi Nana: All I remember about your gal, is the Olympic lady picked her to be on her team saying something about moms sticking together, and Charlie the gay lawyer was sarcastically questioning the Olympic lady's choice, as your gal doesn't look very athletic.
I really have to start paying attention to names :)
I think the blood belongs to "Randy" the videographer and he hit his head on a branch wandering around camp at night. Pretty bad scalp lac (I also watch too many medical shows!)
Nana, Randy hit his head on a branch. Med team gave him a few stitches.
If I heard all those animals roaring in the background, they could keep the latrine and hand me some Depends
Marcus the doctor is gorgeous and he's on the best tribe. They got the extra food and he got the idol, so he's safe for the first eviction. The gay guy ??name wants to be friends with the doctor. Doctor says ok, but he let us know that he's straight and will work with him tho to stay in the game... for now at least.
Jackie said...
Monty - New return to work date is 10/27.
Great news Jackie! Your knee will be much improved by then.
Is everyone liking this High Definition? I guess it would help if I had an HD TV, but its taking some getting used to visually.
just tried to watch it on the EC feeds but nothing came up.....:(
Thanks for the info Clem.
Everyone have fun...don't eat all the snacks...keep the liquor cabinet locked...and I'll check in later!
Good one, Joyn! Glad you're back from sabbatical!
In case you missed it in the last post, here's the teams:
Ace Gordon - Rbennie & Nancy in NJ
Bob Crowley - Me & Jennasmom
Charlie Herschel - Jackie & Katie in Chi
Corinne Kaplan - Margo & Caroline - NJ
Crystal Cox - Sydney & Laurie
Dan Kay - Joy N & Terry in CA
Danny "GC" Brown - Pdx Granny & Monty924
Gillian Larson - Lars Eller & Donna in AL
Jacquie Berg - Delee & Zoetawny
Sugar Kiper - Petals & Gayle
Kelly Czarnecki - Lucy & Albglinka
Ken Hoang - TXrednekgirl & Clementine
Marcus Lehman - Meb & Sue
Matty Whitmore - RJM in SC & EileenM
Michelle Chase - lynn1 & Barbwire
Paloma Soto-Castillo - Tessa
Randy Bailey - tbc
Suzie Smith - Nana in the NW
We had two last minute entries, EileenM & Barbwire.
Enjoying it so far but I'm gonna have to record the second hour so I can watch Grey's!!
Go Bob's Team!! (He's my guy!)
Jennasmom - Are you here?
Michelle is a whiner. I wonder why none of them thought to use eye glasses to help start a fire?
Kota is blowing Fang away. I think Bob is my favorite so far. I don't like Gillian for some reason.
I can't see the show, but wanted to root our guy on Meb. And you say he is much the better.
Jackie, 10/27 is cause for celebration, isn't it?!
Yowman used his glasses to start fire his season...thought these people were survivor fans...
joy n... that was truly a laugh out loud, in fact i'm still laughing as I type this. You are a hoot.
Sue.. our Marcus is on the winning team and since his whole tribe just won immunity for the night, that means he won't go home even in the second part, because he does have the individual immunity idol he got at the beginning!
I thought I was going to like Gillian, but she just never seems to shut up and that'll get her nowhere. Of course, Randy who is complaining about her is not a favorite of mine either. Sorry to whoever has him in the pool.
I'm obviously having fun.
Gillian is rubbing me the wrong way, too, along with Ace.
hey -- Just got in!
What are the "teams"? Can I play? Just not with Randy. I don't like him.
what a dick -- nothin against 60 year old women... I have news for you Mr. 49 years old, you will be 60 before you know it and NOT wanting people to call you OLD!
Michelle reminds me of Lindsey Lohan (if she was the one wandering the beach in her hoodie, whining about how she wanted to be on the other team)
Michelle, Gillian or Randy are looking like candidates for the vote-off
Uh-oh, my Ken likes Michelle. Go talk to other people, Ken! Don't isolate yourself with whiner girl!
it cracks me up when people START OUT the game as super skinny... there's nothing to waste away TO if you start out emaciated, lol
Awww, our Dan is a dreamer, Terry.
Dick's on Survivor? Now that would be fun, lol!
Now Dan is bickering with Jeff at tribal council. Wow, now they're all bickering, led by whiner Michelle. This team is a wreck.
Wow, they are definetely not unified!
OK, I came in late -- they guy is wearing a tie because... they made them jump ship again in only what they had on for the PR shoot again?
How did this team get formed. I missed the first 20 minutes and I can't believe they ended so completely lop sided.
Oy, this tribe is such a drag to listen to!
Poor GC is bummed to be picked as leader......
CRAP... there's another target on Danny's back! He's the new "leader" by a vote of the group and Jeff's coaxing, ugh! on a team?? thank you! Im with Joy N and its Dan Kay? cool, I cant wait to see who he is....go Dan!!i dont mean be voted off though....just get on it!!
GC, who just took a break in the comp cause he was "tired" was just made a "leader"? What am I missing here?
I just got home from work and read the comments from the previous post and found out we're partnered up. Thanks for getting the chant started. While I was scrolling down to get to the comments link, I spotted our guy. He's from Portland!! That right there says he must be a good guy!
Now I have to go read all that Jackie posted about the latest group. I still have 2 hours before the show starts. :(
Nana, hope all is going well with your mom. I'll keep you and her in my prayers.
Looks like Lars Eller and I are gonna be out of the pool right off the bat!
I forgot to ask - Monty924, are you on the east coast?
Oh my we are saved!
YAY, Gillian stayed safe. Shocked that Michelle was the first one out.
Well, Michelle's stay was short and sweet. Er, short, anyway.
Hey, Terry!
JOY N ...i cant wait to see him and see how we are doing!!our guy!!!
nice, that 49 year old guy again said to GC if you don't make fire you're voted off next tribal council. He's a real charmer isn't he? or maybe I missed how wonderful he really is by missing the first half of the show?
My Danny is rocking and rolling. Please oh please don't vote him out. :)
Oh, crap, Michelle's gone, but not before she painted our Ken with the tarred brush of her "friendship."
For whoever asked about how the team was picked, it was just "Red Rover, come over" as usual. They just didn't pick anybody smart, athletic or personable :)
And I think they were all being passive-agressive in voting GC as "leader". Like, yeah, you go ahead and be our leader, GC! Put the target on you and not me!
Orkmommy, did you stay late at work or are you online at home?
Maybe the 49 year old male should bump the other side of his head but a little harder to knock some sense in him.
Well, I guess Olympic lady is athletic, but she sure didn't look too good in her first "track and field" event!
This actually looks like an environment where I could survive without being completely miserable. Real dirt, and not sandy beach and jungle.
Anybody watch the Mentalist? Was it any good?
Oh, Charlie is totally crushing on the doctor! (and so am I, hee hee)
Hey Laurie -- So thrilled to be paired with a Survivor virgin, tee hee! I love this show and have been a die hard fan since the first episode. I hope you come to really like it! I had never watched TAR before everyone here got me into it, two years ago. Now it's in my top 3 fave reality shows.
East coast, Pdx Granny!
GC pull your jeans up or off...please.
The power has gone to HIS head. Argh!
I don't like Randy but he had a point about the water, geesh. Why use fresh water to cook the rice when you will only have to boil more water later. My boy AIN'T so bright! ;)
Oh no! Our guy has a target on his back already?? No, make that 2 targets - and he's tired??
Monty, we need to chant louder. . .
Dang! I wish I would see what was going on!!
I also wish Ugly Betty and Gray's Anatomy weren't scheduled at the same time!!! :( Why don't those TV execs ask us how we want the schedules set up??
Randy's the biggest horse's butt we've seen for quite some time on this show. And that's saying a lot. You should cook with the potable water because if you don't you run the risk of bacteria not being killed and getting into the food. Any community that has had a boil water advisory is aware of that one.
Oh my gosh, the Fang tribe is on self destruct.
Dan's thinking smart. A silent leader.
Oh, this team is a big ole train-wreck! GC resigned as leader. I wonder if he get's a severance package. Now we have a wannabe "silent leader." Sheesh.
Brent you have a point. I'll take my spanking on that one, but everyone was listening to Randy I think.
How about
Sorry Randy alliance.
BRENT!!! Do you want to join our Castmate pool???
I am still trying to figure out who Chrystal is. And Laurie is not live blogging, prolly good, assume she is intently focusing on her first ep!
Go Ken!
Crystal is the track and field Olympian! Oh, now I have a name for her!
Go Ken, go!
Where's TXrednekgirl?
roll it back and use momentum to get thqt ball up there!
Dan -- the strong young buck goes to exile!
Sydney, Laurie isn't watching yet. She still has about 1 1/2 hours before the show even starts.
Laurie, I forgot to say WELCOME to the survivor party.
Monty, since I can't shake any sense into our boy yet, I'm leaving it all up to you. It sounds like he needs it. And is he the one who needs to pull up his pants? I sure hope not! That's one of my pet peeves.
Okay, everyone real LOUD
Ducking from the Randy team. :(
what a drag to be the gal stuck in jeans - not comfortable when wet, and takes forever to dry.
PDX Granny said...
And is he the one who needs to pull up his pants? I sure hope not! That's one of my pet peeves.
It pains me to say this but, YES! That's our boy. He's going to tribal once again and this time without immunity. :(
thanks PDX -- I guess I was thinking she was from Philly for a second there -- um, why??? Didn't she visit there recently and that's where you connected? Or was it Portland? These "P" cities get me mixed up. ADHD at work!
Good, if Dan's on Exile Island, he can't be voted out. Hope he finds an idol.
Methinks Gillian is a goner
Thanks Clem. Well that Rocks! At first I thought Sugar was Chrystal...
Jackie -- that's great to not have to go back to work for another month +!!! At least I think it would feel good.
TAR on Sunday!
RIghtfully this team is riding high --"it's totally fun" til you start losing and have a few rainy nights, find your rice has mold, etc...
Thank goodness, Dan chose the clue!
Come on, Dan, look harder.
Uh, dude? Crater, not ant hill! lol
follow the sandy path on the other side of the lake... is the path more obvious from our POV and he can't see it so well?? It's made of SAND
Me thinks Gillian is a goner.
Uh-oh, Nana! Your Suzy is gaming with Gillian...
Joy n, are you sure Dan can't be voted off. He is coming back before the vote and I didn' hear Jeff say that.
Sounds like Gillian is the one to go. She wants Ken to leave but she hasn't really been much help at all. At least Ken made that last comp a close one.
Syd: you're obviously still in BB withdrawal. First you reference Dick, and now POV!
I don't really know, Tessa, I was just assuming. And hoping, since he's my guy.
Syd, Laurie's from San Diego. She came to Portland, OR for training, which is where we connected.
I'm not surprised you have a hard time keeping everyone straight. Some folks here seem to have a knack for doing it, but I sure don't!! The only reason I can remember you're from Houston is because of Ike. . . .and I'm not so sure that's how you want to be remembered. LOL
I am trying to watch both Greys and Survivor at the same time. This is driving me crazy.
Yes, Sydney ... another 4 weeks off from work is nice. I'm not sure my boss will feel the same when I call him in the morning. But the company holds my job for up to six months, so the job isn't in danger. He'll be ticked off, but it doesn't take much.
Tessa, how fitting that your comment would post twice, lol
woah -- they got a fish!!!
Now they're playing pretty together. Randy made a fishing hook from his glasses, and Danny is praising Susie and Gillian. Who the heck knows who will go home at tribal.
????? I'm so confused, lol
petals, are you still here?
Jackie - did I miss a report on what the doc said? Do you get another month because of the possible blood clot?
OY! Don't get out your strong peeps this early in the game when you have lost three out of three challenges that were physical!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm, I think the Dan edit was a red herring... I'm gonna guess Gillian is public enemy #1
GC and Crystal are putting the pox on Dan. They don't know if he found an idol. Just their paranoia I'm not liking those two right now.
I can't believe they want to get rid of Dan. They will never last if they get rid of the strong people.
Sydney, I laughed at that as well, then I deleted one.
Gillian voting for my Kenny!
Oh, she's gotta go!
Okay, my survivor did not survive the premiere night....boohoo
Awww! For some reason I wanted her to stick around for a while. Great editing by CBS. They had me thinking it was Dan and then Kenny.
Overall I give it an A+ for the season premiere. And... our boy is safe another day Pdx Granny! :)
Orkmommy, thanks again. It was fun rooting for someone completely going in blind this time and reading everyone's comments for their survivor.
If I had to choose on my own, I would be rooting for Bob. :)
{{{taps}}} for Lynn1, Barbwire, Lars Eller and Donna in Al! Sorry, guys! Rough luck in your randomly assigned Survivors! Barbwire, better take it up with Orkmommy!
Whew! Dan is safe for another week. Gillian just seemed useless in the comps. It was a good move. Sorry, Lars and Donna (AL)
This tribe needs to make more smart moves to SURVIVE.
Oh great, now ER and Greys are both on. 2 hour premiers are killing me!
Sydney - Knee doctor, but the clot is playing a role in it. No new issues per se except I still have instability and I have a pocket of fluid still from last week's Feast of San Gennaro day out. He said he doesn't want to aspirate it if he doesn't have to due to possible infection and bleeding issues. He thinks my stamina problems are partially due to the Coumadin.
Thanks to go to Jackie, Zoe and Orkmommy for helping to make this extra fun.
Being the first one out really sucks but at least there's no money on the line. The other pool I'm in involves money and I'm always out early.
Barbwire said "What's the point, I'll probably get the first one out anyway" and she was right. I guess I should listen to my mother more! :-)
Donna - I just got internet at home, but it's by tethering my cellphone to the computer. It's not really fast and it ties the phone up so I don't use it much. Reminds me of the old days of dial-up!
Hey, Buster is on ER! 10 pts for anyone who knows what I'm talking about :)
Clementine... I watched the Mentalist and sort of liked it... need to give it another go to be sure.
And stop putting the make on my doctor or Sue and I will have to come after you!
lynn1, lars eller, barbwire and donna in al... I'll have to ask Sue first but I think it'll be ok if you guys root for the doctor, now that your team was eliminated.
Dan was sort of dumb, not letting them think he had the idol until tribal was over. If they had been targeting him, it might have been good for them to think they'd be wasting their vote. Too late now. They know he doesn't have it.
Was the apple the only comfort, besides the shelter that he could have chosen. Not sure I could be swayed by an apple... the shelter maybe. topic...
Has anyone else seen Julianne Hough on the Juicy Fruit commercial? She is so cute.
Meb, no hogging! There are 4 of them -- let's share! If anyone wants to join in with Laurie and I to cheer on Chrystal, the OLYMPIAN with the golden eyes, the invitation's open....
lol... Laurie, I am speaking for the both of us. We have to bridge the 2 hour gap between Central time and Pacific time.
I have Meb, and you're right. She has it all. Cute as a button, can dance and sing and a figure and face and sunny personality.
I was away all day, lucky I set Tivo for Survivor before I left. Will watch in the am. Zoetawny---you and me have Jacquie YEAH!!!
At least we are still in the hunt.
Orkmommy, thank you again for doing this for us -Jackie'ites.
whew! glad our guy made it Joy n, I just want him to wise up and do really good!
Hi all ... I am watching my very first Survivor episode and I'm enjoying it. Right now it's reminding me of Amazing Race in a good way.
Sydney and I share Crystal, who didn't mention her gold medal and then struggled up that hill. Not a good sign!
I might already be hooked ... Hello, my name is Laurie....
Sydney, I totally agree. We'll take another team member for the Olympic Team! We are going for the GOLD, baby!
OMG ... I am totally hooked!
I'm in California and met up with PDX in Portland. Gosh, just one month ago!
It will take me a few weeks to get the names down. I think it will take them awhile, too!
Laurie - Glad you like the show! We need people in our cult!
BTW - A good amount of male eye candy this season, too.
Male eye candy? I hadn't noticed ...
heh heh heh
Boy! This is the most comments I've seen in awhile! Isn't it amazing how one whole team can be so bad..when they all had a chance to pick good people.Looks like it would be a little mixed up more. It's fun watching them anyway!
Orkmommy...thanks for the info on viewing videos. Hubby loaded IE back on. I tried that, just have white squares, then I went back to Firefox and it worked once...just long enough for me to watch them (yay)!!! Now I can't get them to run again!! So wierd. But hubby said he's still not done reinstalling things.
Great first episode. I have Corinne in the pool and I was excited about that before the show even started. Margo, I hope that you're as excited about our pick as I am. She seems athletic, smart and she's already in an alliance. Bonus is I like the people in her alliance as well.
I don't think it was smart to vote Michelle out. They all kept talking about how she didn't want to be there, but I think she just didn't want to be on the sucky team. She proved she was athletic which is what they are lacking, I think Gillian should have gone first. And then maybe Susie the 2nd time they lost.
I actually like Randy, I think he has his completely crappy team pegged correctly. He may not be the nicest guy but he's the catalyst to them getting fish, he's always hard working and he gives his all in the comps unlike the rest of his team that just quit digging.
I would have liked to see more of the yellow team, but I guess cause they didn't suck they didn't make good TV this episode.
Hey Clemintine,
Ken is the gamer on Fung tribe. He is the one Gillian wanted to vote out after Michelle.
Here is to our survivor, Ken, may he last long and fly under the radar! Go Ken!
I think it was a great premiere!! I have Dan in the pool and so far I think he's not a gamer, too open and honest...he should have pretended to find it at least...Im sure Jeff was shocked at his lack of a poker face.
I think Randy is right, this tribe is not all together...but they could be if they pull it together!!
Thanks for the last minute placement Orkmommy. RJM we have to root for our guy Matty. Not a bad season premiere.
Jackie be well and rest up for the next month.
Sydney. Sorry about being late getting back to you but stuff comes up and I didn't get back to the blog until now. If there's still time I be happy to join in.
ORK! I forgot who my castaway is in the Survivor pool!
Terry, did you catch our guy, Dan, saying "I don't lie!" when defending himself about not finding the idol? Shades of BB! Doesn't he know he's supposed to lie? It's Survivor! Outwit! Outplay! Outlie, er, whatever? Hell, he's an attorney! They know how to twist the truth very well.
Dan has got to get with the program. Literally!
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