Roaming the neighborhood near my orthopedic surgeon's office yesterday, I found these two signs about a block apart. The first one is so welcoming, so um ... bilingually friendly. The second is forbidding. Sure enough, as I was shooting the second sign, a very vicious watchdog started barking furiously at me. But they're both typically New Jersey -- a rising Latino immigrant population meets The Sopranos.
My latest Survivor review is up over on TV Squad for your perusal. Later today (not sure when), my latest TV Shows Off the Beaten Path column will go live over on CliqueClack TV.
As for me, I'll be heading out to the vascular surgeon appointment before long. I'll let you know when I know.
Hehehe, I'm back on top again. Haven't been first in a long while.
Heh. You guys always make me smile with the race for first!
Here's hoping your Doc has good news for you. I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.
Morning all! Sorry I didn't get this up last night, but it was a long night...
The tribe has spoken and Lucy & Albglinka have been sent packing (via Kelly). Here's the update...
Ace Gordon - Rbennie & Nancy in NJ
Bob Crowley - ORKMommy & Jennasmom
Charlie Herschel - Jackie & Katie in Chi
Corinne Kaplan - Margo & Caroline – NJ
Crystal Cox - Sydney, Laurie & Becky
Dan Kay - Joy N & Terry in CA
Sugar Kiper - Petals & Gayle
Kelly Czarnecki - Lucy & Albglinka
Ken Hoang - TXrednekgirl & Clementine
Marcus Lehman - Meb & Sue
Matty Whitmore - RJM in SC & EileenM
Randy Bailey - tbc
Susie Smith - Nana in the NW
Kelly Czarnecki - Lucy & Albglinka
Danny "GC" Brown - Pdx Granny & Monty924
Jacquie Berg - Delee & Zoetawny
Paloma Soto-Castillo - Tessa
Michelle Chase - lynn1 & Barbwire
Gillian Larson - Lars Eller & Donna in AL
p.s. My word verification was lisalie. That would make a pretty girls name...
LOL, definitely a better name than pemonia.
Good morning, all!
Jackie, sending up lots of prayers for good results at the doc today!
Good luck today Jackie, we're all thinking of you!
Good luck, Jackie. I have been MIA for a bit, and just caught up on your latest news...
You are in my thoughts today.
No fair rbennie... I was still back on the previous post waiting for someone to talk again... I coulda been a contender (for first place).
orkmommy, how come you're not commenting on Greys...
jackie... let us know what the doc says immediately upon your return home. Love the signs...
LOL MEB. You gotta be quicker than that! I watched Grey's last night. I didn't realize anyone was really commenting about it though. I'll leave my comments on that post.
Jackie-I hope things are going in your favor today.
The signs were great!
You might call me perverted, but I took that first sign to mean something totally different, LOL.
rbennie... shame on you...
Jackie, I've been praying all sorts of things for you this morning - good news; good health; good doctors; peace of mind; comfort; calmness; and generally good wishes.
I'm sure you'll let us know as soon as you can, but we're all concerned and anxious to hear the outcome of your tests.
My WV is crownes. I guess I really am a princess now.
In case I don't get a chance to pop in again before TAR on Sunday, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I don't comment on Grey's because I forget about the post. I am watching every single week so I'll try to head over there when I get a chance...
That second sign is a riot, though I think I'd cross the street and walk on the other side after seeing it, dog or no dog.
Great survivor review! Liked your other column on those VH1 shows, too, and have to admit, I've watched a bunch of them.
I'm so glad to hear the good news. I know you've been anxious to get off that "rat poison" with all of it's side effects. How funny that you happened to see that sign advertising rat poison. Now I'm wondering what kind of people shop there. ;)
The photo of those knee implements of destruction are very scary. They look like they should be in some slasher Halloween movie. I hope you didn't see them before your surgery. My husband almost passed out the first time he saw his x-ray of the two steel rods screwed right into his spine. The first thing I noticed was that one of the screws was put in crooked. Isn't that just like a Virgo?
I hope you keep getting more good news and all goes fine your first week back at work.
Have a good weekend all!
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