Later today, I'll be writing my Reality Clack column for CliqueClack TV and my episode review of tonight's Big Brother for TV Squad. Of course, I'll be piping in here with BB live feed reports and the show post. Hopefully it will air on time this week.

I found a beautiful blue car that I wouldn't be caught dead in. Plainfield, NJ

I used layers to make the background black and white on this shot I took by the Plainfield (NJ) Train Station. It seems almost ominous -- like if you enter, you will never leave ... or something.

I met a bee. Or a wasp. Or something I'm allergic to.

In the center of this photo is rear of the old condemned theater on North Street in Plainfield. If you stand here at dusk, you can watch the bats emerge. White nose syndrome seems to have escaped them, yay!

But something is all over the poison ivy in Bridgewater, NJ. I'm not sure what it is. I've been photographing the poison ivy for years now and I've never seen this before this year. No, I'm not allergic to poison ivy.

I found a woodpecker on a dead tree. I heard it first.

The woodpecker takes flight. I wish I had a better camera!

I put up this photo earlier in the week, but I liked the dismal Wall Street Journal American dream diary so much that I had to do a repeat. Plainfield, NJ Train Station.
Then there's the loss of my cat. I guess I should be happy that it's Big Brother season and I have a diversion. But my home isn't the same. When you live alone, coming home to an empty apartment without a happy greeting and a forever companion just isn't the same. Seventeen years. Sigh.

Jackie, I love your photographs! The video of Scherzo was cute.
When you are ready, contact a Cat Rescue. I know the Humane Society has cats, but unfortunately they put sick and well cats in the same cages. The only one we got from HS ended up costing us more than our AKC dog because he picked up a virus while there. Most Rescues make sure that the animal has had it's shots, is spayed or neutered and in good health before it is put up for adoption. Our local Petsmart has cats and dogs that are up for adoption. Get you a kitty (or two) before your next knee surgery. Just having a pet around to scratch or cuddle helps time pass by moree quickly and be less boring.
Looking forward to the show tonight. I will bring something special as my share of the refreshments. Have a new swimsuit and my float ready for the pool. Margo, you did get the pool cleaned after everyone threw up in it after Ronnie won HOH? Please tell us you did.
Thank you Jackie, I always enjoy the off topic posts and your photographs. Great eye ! I understand about the empty feeling when you get home. No advice from me, just saying, I understand.
Looks like that poison ivy is getting a taste of Karma.
Wish I could see the clip of Scherzo, but all I get is a square box with a teeny tri-colored box in upper left corner. Something apparently changed on my pute awhile ago and can't figure out how to get my viewing pleasure back. Anyone have any advice?
Photos are great as always, Jackie!
Joy - You might want to try loading the latest flash player for your system.
Trust me, it's not a weird link.
Great photos, Jackie! Wish you were closer. We've got three of the cutest little kittens that appeared in our shed while we were on vacation last week. The mama cat picks our shed every year to come make her "deposit". Have tried & tried to catch her & get her spayed, but she's just too smart. The kittens are just too adorable. I know a new kitty won't replace Scherzo, but they sure help with the pain!
(My WV was "furiary" -- in honor/memory of all our fur-babies!)
Jackie Scherzo is beautiful and I know you miss her. No advice here either... you'll know when you're ready.
I'll be checking out your other sites when they're up.
Keep busy.
Jackie, your photos are always so good. I can't imagine what you could do with a better camera!
We still mourn the loss of your beloved Scherzo and I'm sure many of our living pets are getting an extra dose of love these days. I know mine are!
I will miss the live blog of BB tonight and probably the show itself tonight. I'll catch it later, of course. We have family visiting from WI and today is the "all the family that can make it" gathering at one of our brothers' house in Orange County. We won't be home until after the show, I'm sure, and even if we were I'm the only viewer and I guess it would be rude to subject this year's crew to family I love!
Mwv is terfic ... Which is just a bad spelling (clearly Charlotte didn't spin it) TERRIFIC, a perfect description of our Jackie!
BTW, I'm battling poison ivy right now and looking at your picture, I still can't seem to identiy it. All my weeds look like that...but then maybe all my weeds may be poison ivy.
This is the second time within a couple of months I've gotten it. You're lucky if you're immune. It's no fun. Itches, itches, itches... and calamine lotion is really very attractive!
Thanks, Jackie, I'll try that.
Bless you, Jackie, I can "see" again. Guess I thought it was updated automatically.
What a loving cat Scherzo was. How lovely to have the clip and pictures of her.
the video of Scherzo; brought tears to my eyes. So sad.
I loved all your photos and found the article on WNS and the bats very interesting. I was taken by the word Hibernaculum (sp?) used in the article. I like how it sounds. Yeah I am weird! LOL
I also wanted to thank you for taking the time to keep all of us up to date. I know you are having a rough time and are on an emotional roller coaster right now.
I hope reading our comments helps you in some small way.
Living alone with an animal intensifies the bond, so I can imagine there's a big hole in your home right now, an overall sense of loss. Take comfort in remembering Scherzo/s 17 years as a happily pampered cat.
I love the "bailout" photo--you could even count Scherzo's whiskers (not an easy thing to do). She certainly was a beautiful cat!
Becky, it's sad that your humane society is so cavalier about the health of its animals. But don't write off all humane societies. The one here does a wonderful job working to ensure the health of the animals: screeing tests, treating illnesses and injuries, spaying/neutering, immunizatons, even socialization and some behavior modification. I've adopted three animals there, and have encouraged others to do the same.
Oh Jackie,
Just watched the clip of you & Scherzo......she was such a little lovebug!! No one gives better kisses than a well loved pet!
Don't know what it means, but couldn't not tell you. My wv is dambeted
Thanks Jackie, I installed a did I not have one?
*****BB POOL & RULES*****
Well we said goodbye the Braden last week. Karen, Monty & Donna sorry your game was so short. You are welcome to float in the pool as long as you would like.
The rover has been cleaning the pool for the last 2 days and the water is crystal clear.
Please If you are feeling ill GET OUT OF THE POOL!
I will not be able to make it to the party tonight so everyone please play nice in my absence.
Swimming Suits are NOT optional
NO running
NO Roughhousing
NO Horseplay
NO Name Calling (of fellow posters)
NO Swearing
NO Glass containers
NO Spitting
NO candy bars in the pool
NO public displays of affection in the pool
We are only here to have fun so everyone please PLAY NICE.
Which ever team wins the Pool gets bragging rites until the next season starts.
The teams are:
Casey – PDX Granny, Jackie, Patti in kzoo
Chima – Brent McKee, Delee, DonnaFL
Jeff – sizzie, dla, Margo
Jordan – Becky, meb, Lynn1
Kevin – Tessa, NanaNW, Laurie
Laura – nomad, SueGee, Sasha
Lydia – Witt, RBennie, Gaylos
Michele – Sydney, ORKmommy, Susan FL
Natalie – Caroline, Jennasmom, Plaidchick
Ronnie – Sally, Catonine, nina
Russell – TerryCA, Zoetawny, Aunt Leigh
Jessie the Tool – Lars Eller, Feral Cat, Petals
Braden – KarenCA, Monty924, DonnaAL
Sally said: Becky, it's sad that your humane society is so cavalier about the health of its animals.
Sally, I really didn't mean to sound crass about any humane society. It really isn't their fault. Animal control picks up so many animals each day because of peoples reluctance or whatever to get their animals fixed to keep from bringing more unwanted animals into the world. It is sad, really. So many humane societies offer discount spay and neuter programs and yet people still will not take their pet to be altered. They get a puppy or kitten, let it grow up, get pregnant and then discard it. Our last two cats have been rescues.
Because of a shortage of space humane societies have to put multiple animals in a cage.
The pets at the Petsmart adoption center have been checked. These animals come from the humane society.
Bravo to your humane society. Now that is one I would go to if I wanted to adopt another pet.
My caution was because if you get a new animal,it is a commitment from day one. We were fortunate that we had the money to pay to get our kitty well. Most pounds, rescues or whatever charge to adopt. It is a shame to pay that money and then end up with a sick animal that you have already become emotionally attached.
One does not expect their pet to not have health care costs. It is just a shame when you adopt an unwanted animal and end up with one that will die without immediate and costly treatment.
And, Jackie, I wasn't saying run out and adopt before you are ready. When your heart is ready to love again you will find that kitty(s) to give a wonderful home.
(Jax - hope you are feeling better. To quote Mr Gump,"...and thayat's awl ah have to say about thayat"
Thanks, Jackie for the beautiful pics as always and the video clip of Scherzo. I watch it with a smile and tears at the same time.
Thanks to whoever said it, I think it was Lauri, that we are all giving our pets extra attention this week. I couldn't agree more.
Margo, gotta love you girl for cleaning up the pool after Thursday evening's... barf-fest. I'm not sad to be poolboyless... it just means that I can float around and jump on someone else's raft here shortly. You know if Russell would stay (just thinking here), and he went after the Turd Herd (starting with Ronnie), I might just jump on his.
I'm really up in the air as to who would make a better evictee this week, Russell or Laura. I guess we will find out. See you all later in the comments.
What a precious video of Scherzo. You must be happy to have it.
The "Do Not Enter" made me think of the Twlight Zone...
Love all you pics as usual, maybe the poison ivy has a fungus, that is what it looks like to me...
I researched and found out what's up with the poison ivy -- Eriophyid Mites
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