I just can't get my enthusiasm going for this season. While I usually enjoy Ellen DeGeneres, there's something awry with the chemistry between the judges. Kara never worked her way into my heart. Maybe it's my old "I don't like change" quirk. However, I liked the original panel of judges -- Randy, Simon, and Paula. Now I just like Simon.
There are also scheduling flaws for watching the show. I still haven't watched the second hour of the girls from earlier in the week. Watch a bunch of wannabes sing like they're on a high school stage or watch Lost? I watched Lost, naturally. I have that second hour recorded and I might or might not watch it tonight. I wasn't too thrilled with the first hour, nor the two hours of the guys the next evening. Then the results show is up against Survivor. I need to watch that show live and record it (in case memory fails) as I write it up for TV Squad. So I missed the entire results show.
Then there's the talent ... or lack thereof. I did check out to see who went away -- Ashley, Tyler, Joe, and Janell. Um. Okay. I think Tim Urban should have gone before Joe, but none of them have IT anyway. I also wouldn't mind if smiley Haeley Vaughn would go smile somewhere else off my TV set. But she'll be gone soon enough even if it seems the judges think she's so unique. @@
There are only a few folks I kind of sort of like ... and none of them really rock my world or excite me. I like Lilly, Casey, and Andrew Garcia. I don't think the show is going to keep me wanting to watch it this year. How about you?
Hi Jackie. I'm so underwhelmed with AI that I totally forgot about the result show last night. Now I have to look up who those guys who went home are, cuz I can't remember any names yet. The judges claim this is the most talented season yet, as they do every season, but I beg to differ so far.
I agree that this is a crappy season and I can't see it improving much. The only saving grace is Casey, and mostly only because he's eye candy. I'm hoping he'll improve enough to win but Simon keeps saying it's a girl's season. I don't see that. I may just wait till the finale to watch again.
This is the worse show ever in my opinion, it's time for it so go off the air, Simon is the only one who see's it's doomed , that's exactlly why he's leaving. i certainly wouldnt even consider watching it without Simon I dont care who replaces him and if it's Howard Stern PLEASE, I really like Ellen alot but she has no business being a judge her comments to the contestants are so stupid.
I so totally agree with you! Of all the thousands that actually tried out - this is all they came up with? And I know the ones I do sort of like have the proverbial snowball's chance to win because that is not the kind of music that sells! The music choices are horrible and the arrangements worse! If someone does not step up and become unique I'm not going to be watching past when my other shows come back on live. TG for DVR's and fast forward!!
You are SO right. Where is the talent this year? My husband & I have always been big AI fans, but this year we just aren't interested. The only ones I sort of like are Casey & Crystal. Lee Dewyze isn't too bad. I keep reading all the hype on Katie -- but I just don't see it. Hope it gets better soon.
I agree with all of you. AI is not good this year. As Simon would say it is horrid and boring.
I really think Ellen is not the right replacement for Paula. She is not being funny and she says basically the same thing to every contestant.
Kara has never been my cup of tea and Randy is boring.
When Simon leaves it will be the end of the show that we onced loved.
I like Casey, AAron Kelly, Lilly, Lee, I think big Mike was horrible,
Joe Munoz certainly wasn't the worst of the guys who should've gotten the boot, although I expected he'd get voted off.
A great friend of mine also likes Andrew Garcia, He's okay but I doubt he'll generate enough votes the next round. I can't stand the flower girl Heiley Vonn.
I LOVE Ellen, she's one of the reason's I decided to tune in this year.
I don't like the show lost, thus it's AI.
Where is the "pants on the ground" guy. He was the highlight of the talent pool. The talent this year is awful. The people at AI must be very nervous at this point. There isn't a winner in the bunch. I actually fell asleep on the guys last night. I don't see any of these young people actually emerging. The judges don't mesh together at all. Listening to the judges comments is almost as awful as listening to the "talent". Simon has short timers syndrome; he just dosen't really seem into it, Kara never has found her way, Randy is boring, and Ellen...as much as I like her is totally out of her element. They need to do something quick or they are going to lose a huge chunk of their audience. I've already checked out!
I have one thing to add to the coments... well maybe a couple of things.
1. Michelle singing Creed. A chick should NEVER sing a Creed song and if she does then fine, but that all it takes to make it original in my book. Don't go on to butcher a great song.
2. Randy likes Michelle's outfit. Really, Randy??? I thought it looked awful and I also hated hearing a chick sing Creed.
3. I get it. You all (the judges) like Michelle and I probably should. Problem is, I don't.
4. Loved Crystal, Lacey, Lilly, ( sort of liked Katelyn but the song isn't meant to be thaaaattt slow), Paige.
5. Siobhan just blew it out of the water tonight. When she started out, I thought 'okay, this is going to go bad' and she totally floored me. She hit that scream on note and I'm still amazed. She's one to watch.
Guess I had more than a couple of thoughts, lol.
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