I'm posting this latest off topic photo post from San Antonio, Texas! I'm here with a fantastic bunch of blog readers and staying at a luxury estate. Photos of that can be expected next week, along with inevitable airport shots.
I'm going to make this entry a bit short and sweet, with photos I took before heading off to Texas ...
You're leaving me?
Vincent settling into his cat condo at the pet resort. I told him he needs a vacation from me!

What's that? Don't tell me they have dogs in the kitty condos!
You're really going?

Just a violet
I'm not sure what this one is ...
Venus flytrap, maybe? No, I'm sure it's not, but it looks that way!
Poison Ivy
It does look pretty! And, no matter how much they chop it down, it keeps coming back.

I want to say hydrangea or something to that effect.
I'm better at photographing them than naming them.
Wee baby buds
Why are you looking at my butt?

Scarf Lady, meet Sweater Dude
A romance set on NJ Transit trains

Imagine, if you will, a picture ...
An ocean of violets in bloom ...
Animals strike curious poses ...
My apologies to Prince. Hmmm, a good caption?
1. Don't go to Texas!
2. Jaws of Death
3. Just a yawn.
North Street, Plainfield
I took this shot with the sepia filter of my old Pentax. You see, I left for work one day with my Canon which is my usual. However, its memory card was in my computer at home. Just as well, I like to play with the various filters on the camera. It's kind of like editing photos, but it takes the shot that way to begin with.
North Street with the illustrator filter on the Pentax.

East Front Street
I edited this one (taken with the Canon) to leave only bits in color.

Even weeds have beauty

When you miss a train, you miss it
You can't be one second late because they close the doors on you!

East Second Street billboards, edited
Well, I must get back to vacationing! How was your week?