Monday, December 27, 2010

Southland - 'Let It Snow' - Season 3 Premiere Preview

I just finished watching my screener copy of the season premiere of Southland thanks to the kind folks at TNT. The show is set to air on Tuesdays at 10 PM ET/PT starting on January 4. With the weather here on the East Coast, it can only be a bit amusing that the episode title is "Let It Snow," eh?

I like this show. The creative staff on Southland are the same folks behind the NYPD-based police drama Third Watch. It's a bit grittier and more graphic perhaps than that show, but many series are these days. However, while many police dramas are either "just the facts" or boast characters who have odd quirks which make them a bit implausible (yes, L&O: Criminal Intent and Detroit 1-8-7 -- shows I enjoy, but ...), Southland has police characters I myself have known over the years.

The Superman on the job isn't always the real Superman. Sometimes he's just a hot-dogger. Police might have that thin blue line, might at times seem to be a separate society, but in the final determination ... they're human. They have warts, personal demons, personality clashes with their co-workers just like anyone else. Often coming into the job with rose-colored glasses, cynicism might change them over the years. But they don't necessarily have to develop odd quirks. They just need to be human. That's what this show does very right.

So, we have believable characters, what else do we need?


And we get plenty of it in the Southland setting. The city has a million cop stories to be told. The storytellers on this show could easily go years. I only hope the ratings keep things going. Since NBC canceled the show after its first season and TNT picked it up, I've enjoyed it more. They seem to have a bit more leeway with content.

I realize I haven't talked much about the episode itself. But I don't really want to spoil it. If you like police dramas; if you like good characters combined with riveting action ... tune in next Tuesday. Oh. And there's snow, too. No, that's not unrealistic. I recall when I was a child in Southern California it actually snowed once. It didn't last long, but there it was.

Are you watching Southland?


Janice said...

YES, can't wait! My husband and I were faithful watchers of Southland and so glad its coming back in January!

Petals said...

Jackie & friends, My mother passed away on 12/27. I was alone with her. SHe posted here as Loneseven, tho not very often, especially lately.
She had this site "Favorite placed" on her computer.

Jackie S. said...

Petals - Yes, I enjoyed her contributions here. You have my most sincere condolences.

joyn said...

That is heartbreaking news Petals. So very sorry to hear it. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Petals, I know you only through your posts. You have always seemed an upbeat person. Stay strong. It will take a while. You will always have your memories
of your Mom. They will get you through the rough spots.
Cal in Indy

monty924 said...

So sorry to hear this Petals. Rest knowing that she will always be with you.

Sally said...

My sympathies, Petals. It's never easy to lose a parent, no matter how old we are. Treasure the memories and be good to yourself.

Witt said...

Petals, I am so sorry to hear your news. I know that your memories will be a comfort and will bring you smiles. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
{{{hugs to Petals}}}
