The show will be starting soon here in the east. Everyone is welcome to join in with comments as the show airs -- that's where the real fun is! I'll be updating this post with any big news as I watch it here on the East Coast. My full review of the show will be posted on TV Squad either late this evening or early tomorrow. I'd love to have you visit there, too!
Lifeguard Laurie should be along to update the blog pool in comments (especially since she did it in the Survivor party this week -- talk about diligent!). Cheer your team on and let's have a party!
Jet and Cord are still in it, but way behind. They've caught up and now it's Christina/Ron and Amanda/Kris vying for last place.
1st to Pit Stop -- Zev and Justin! Won a trip to Cancun.
2. Globetrotters
3. Jet and Cord
4. Kisha and Jen
5. Margie and Luke
6. Mel and Mike
7. Kent and Vyxsyn
8. Jaime and Cara
9. Gary and Mallory
10. Ron and Christina
11. Amanda and Kris -- Philiminated
I've just seen the episode - thanks to CTV having The Amazing Race and the Oscars, and while I won't tell you who was eliminated, I will tell you that (a) Vyxsin comes very close to being "blur-worthy" thanks to her T-shirt, (b) Ron accuses Mallory of not knowing where she's going ... and then gets lost, and (c) next week - Japan.
Hey Ms Jax & E'one! I love being here, but must take a pass tonight: OSCARS! I am a film geek. Have a good time. I'll leave a box of wine.
hey everyone!
Check that ~ I have 27 minutes. Woohoo! I am opening my box ' wine.
Oscars do not start till 830 E.
I am here and was just reminded how poorly the Cowboys did last week. Tears!
Hey, I am finally here.
Poor Cowboys! It would take a miracle for them to not getg eliminated.
Go Cowboys!
Is Mike not well? Of Mel & Mike ?
woohoo! Cowboys!
Holy cheese and crackers batman! The cowboys need a plan!
Mel isn't well. He is 70, after all. I probably wouldn't be well doing the race either!
It's not looking good for the cowboys even at this point. It's nighttime.
oh poor cowboys!!! i dont want them to be out so early in the game!!
Mel is a tough old buzzard!
WOW! Somebody up there likes the Cowboys!
Poor Christina. Her father is a stubborn man.
Those roo feet are going to be hard on Mel's dad.
Guess they're not so bad for Mike.
i love the kangaroo suits!!!!
Cancun Mexico, I think not. I would try to sell that trip!
I want some bouncy kangaroo shoes to walk to the train every day.
Mel is the dad, Mike is the son.
I would want to see that Jackie!
See you guys Wednesday.
Oh, well ... too bad for Amanda and Kris. I was so happy to see Zev and Justin do well! They're my personally favorite team. And the Globetrotters at 2nd isn't shabby -- they're my blog pool team.
My oops on the names.
Just finished watching, and have to say, GO Globetrotters! Number 2 - yeah baby. :) Loved seeing Zev and Justin come in first. Now off to the Oscars...
See everyone on Wednesday.
Didn't like the Bunching point that allowed the Cowboys to catch up, but otherwise it was a good ep, except that the Trotters/Mallory/Mike White/Miss January 2010 are still around. God I hate those teams, especially the Trotters.
Hope all the eliminated teams wear their kangaroo suits to greet the winners at the finish line.
This lifeguard missed the whole party. I'm in SF for a conference and was busy being social. It exhausted me.
Still in the pool:
Gary & Mallory- Karen in CA. Becky, Caela
Flight Time & Big Easy - Terry in PA, Jackie, Monty934
Jaime & Cara - Donna in AL, JoyN, Delee
Jet & Cord - ML, Margo
Kent & Vyxsin - Rbennie, Laurie
LaKisha & Jennifer - PDX Granny, Donna in FL
Margie & Luke - dla, Merrilee
Mel & Mike - Jenna's Mom, Sydney
Ron & Christina - Lisanne, SueGee
Zev & Justin - Zoetawny, Brent
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