The show is delayed here in the east due to March Madness basketball. 60 Minutes started at 7:19 PM ET, so I expect 8:19 PM ET for us. In the meantime, you can get into the pool on the Dancing With the Stars post if you so desire!
Once it starts, everyone is welcome to join in with comments as it airs -- that's where the real fun is! I'll be updating this post with any big news as I watch it here on the East Coast. My full review of the show will be posted on TV Squad either late this evening or early tomorrow. I'd love to have you visit there, too!
Kent and Vyxsin went back for the fanny pack and are at the Detour. They made it to Phil -- 30 minute penalty at next Pit Stop for taking the wrong plane.
Kent and Vyxsin u-turned Cara and Jaime ... right in front of Cara and Jaime! Cara and Jaime u-turned the Globetrotters.
Gary and Mallory, running dead last, used their Express Pass.
1. Jet and Cord! - won $5000 each
2. Gary and Mallory
3. Margie and Luke
4. Kent and Vyxsin -- must now wait out 30 minute penalty
4. Jen and Kisha
5. Kent and Vyxsin
6. Globetrotters
7. Ron and Christina
8. Zev and Justin
9. Jaime and Cara - Philiminated
BTW - I saw the Harlem Globetrotters in central NJ last Thursday. Big Easy was playing. Yeah, he's big.
And they and the show have changed a lot since I last saw them in the late '60s. I guess you can't go home again.
Hoping I can get in Jackie... I've been having trouble.
OMG... it worked! I've been trying to get over here4 for weeks. It wouldn't take my password!
hmmm no one here? What is happening?
Sue on the left coast
Hey! Go Cowboys!
And the cheerleaders are cheerleading.
First day of Spring - is everyone outside for a change?
We had a high of 45 Degrees here today. Upstate NY
Sue - we had a beautiful day here in the Midwest. 80 & sunny. 60 tonight. Finally! Maybe I can get an electric bill less than $200 this month.
Does anyone watch E!? The Soup?
Joel McHale does a funny bit about Phil from Survivor.
They all got there in taxi's... what happened to one of them. Amazing ... I wouldn't pay them if I wanted them to wait for me. Then they wouldn't leave!
Remember the season when one of the alpha-males wouldn't pay and got a trip to the police station?
OT but one of my favorite shows that hasn't been on in a while is on at 9 tonight - Shark Tank on ABC
Hi everyone!! I made it home in time to play today!
**DWTS POOL Sign Up**
Mom & I are picking names for DWTS pool tonight. We have
Donna in AL
Nana in NW
Terry in PA
Anyone else wanna play?? The show starts tomorrow.
Hey, everyone!
They're moving so fast tonight I can't keep track of who's in what order!
I dont watch DWTS. I just cant get into that. Or American Idol. I guess I prefer my reality to be NON musical, LOL.
Margo - I put a show post up, the one before this one.
Can you believe that Kent and Vyxsin u-turned Cara and Jaime right in front of them?
U-Turning anyone isn't going to get them any points... Weren't the Reds standing right there when they did it?
Margo, put me in too. Changed my mind.
Globetrotters will be po'd.
Oh, it was Jaime and Cara, my team they u-turned.
Wow! The GT whipped through the doll task.
Margo, there are a few under Jackie's DWTS post...
They all need Boston Rob for this task!
Thanks Jackie I missed the post I copied the post I did here over there and have added
Brent McKee
Joy N
Donna in Fl
Kent and Vyxsin are VERY klutzy this season.
Petals, I missed the Soup this weekend but will catch it during the week. Love that show!
Yay Cowboys!!!!
Please add me to the DWTS pool Margo ....thank you!
Looks like my team is out. Can't say I'm heartbroken.
So glad that Zev and Justin made it in time.
eSee you later.
Jaime and Cara were my least favorite team, so not upset here!
Thanks for the DWTS post Jackie. I'm glad the girls are gone... and loved the the GT got ahead of them after they U-turned them!
**DWTS POOL Match-Ups
Chris & Cheryl - ML, Becky
Kirstie & Maks - Nana in NW, Sydney
Sugar Ray & Anna - Delee, Donna in FL
Wendy & Tony - Jennasmom
Petra & Dmitry - Joy N, meb
Psycho Mike & Lacey - Donna in AL
Chelsea & Mark - Merrilee, PDXGranny
Hines & Kym - Terry in PA, Brent McKee
Romeo & Chelsie - Rbennie
Kendra & Louis - Suzanne, Margo
Ralph & Karina - Jackie
I missed the last 20 minutes. I wasn't home to tape Undercover Boss to get the last of TAR. Thank goodness for you, Jackie!
My team was eliminated but I was not really upset. I can pull for someone else now! Not sure who I like the best.
Beautiful here, 80s and sunny... had to turn the AC on yesterday!
Poor Max he gets stuck with the klutz.
Margo if it isn't too late would
love to be in the pool.
Sure Estelle I'll add you to the pool. I'll update the pool later with any late comers.
Thanks, really appreciate you doing this
Hey Margo, if it isn't too late, you can add me to the DWTS pool. I've been busy getting everything back in order following the vacay... and haven't replied much.
I was soooo happy that the globetrotters survived that Uturn and not sorry to see Jaime and Cara go. I had them in the pool the first time they raced but wasn't all that fond of them. :)
The cheerleaders are also my least favorite time. So I was relieved they are eliminated and not some of the other teams.
Wow, Luke did not become frustrated or whine or get upset this week.
Scenes for next week show him crying and very upset. He is a very emotional and becomes easily distraught. It must be tough for Margie dealing with his emotions sometimes, I would guess.
Your blog is refreshingly random. Thanks for the read.
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