Survivors ready? It's almost time for the show to start here on the East Coast. As it airs, I'll be updating this post with major events. But the real fun and active discussion can be found in the blog party comments. Stop on in and share your thoughts on the show!
Oh geez ... more Hantz runt crying.
The duel is on! They have to catch balls as they spiral down a metal "track." Christine wins again! I guess just as well ... I can never understand her rants. But they are fun to watch.
Albert found the idol clue, but couldn't find the idol. He told Coach and Sophie. Coach found it. He told the other two, but he's holding it.
Immunity challenge has them chewing off roasted pig with hands behind back -- they cannot eat it, must spit it in bin, most after a certain time wins. Reward is spices and bread. Savaii 22.12 pounds. Upolu 22.14. Upolu wins! They're excited to keep the meat, spit and all. Ew.
Ozzy wants Cochran to go, the others have their eyes on Elyse to weaken Ozzy.
Time to tally the votes --
Elyse is voted out!
Oh geez ... more Hantz runt crying.
The duel is on! They have to catch balls as they spiral down a metal "track." Christine wins again! I guess just as well ... I can never understand her rants. But they are fun to watch.
Albert found the idol clue, but couldn't find the idol. He told Coach and Sophie. Coach found it. He told the other two, but he's holding it.
Immunity challenge has them chewing off roasted pig with hands behind back -- they cannot eat it, must spit it in bin, most after a certain time wins. Reward is spices and bread. Savaii 22.12 pounds. Upolu 22.14. Upolu wins! They're excited to keep the meat, spit and all. Ew.
Ozzy wants Cochran to go, the others have their eyes on Elyse to weaken Ozzy.
Time to tally the votes --
Elyse is voted out!
Here but not, LOL. I'll be back!
*~ splash ~*
Hi kids
Everything all hunka-dory? As Stacey says ...
Hi Jackie, Monty, Petals, Joe & ereryone to follow!
Back, hey Jackie, Petals and Joe.
So the drinking game is the same this week, correct? Anytime little creepy basically starts talking? ;-)
Hello Ed. Can't wait to watch your girl and Stacey face off tonight on RI!
Tears again... *DRINKING*
Monty, I don't know about Christine tonught ...I've got a bad feeling.
jeepers. Can Creepy Hantz go five minutes without crying?
hi Joey babe
lmao... talk about spilling your guts!
I wonder why they don't just tell them that they have to win 3 challenges in a row or something to get back in the game. What would it hurt? And it would give them a target and actually create some anticipation if they knew they only had to win one more or two more to get in the game.
great challenge.
there is little point in calling out "Benjamine" and basically telling her former tribemates that they are idiots. Even if she gets back into the game, who is her ally
Christine is thinking a lot, but she doesn't seem to have as good coordination
YAY Ed... she lives another day :)
Still alive!!! Your right Joe. How many times does Christine have to win? The next person might only win once and get to stay in the game. Doesn't seem fair.
Yay Monty! Thanks:)
hey Ed!
wow- Christine.
It does show the other tribe who to target, Joe. I think they are both out for revenge and to hell with any allies on their side "if" they make it back in the game. The other tribe would just take the returnee as a number in reality, so they are low on the pole in either.
hmmm...why do I think it's about to get worse.
Be careful when you say, "can this day get any worse"!
Hey Petals, Yeah Christine rocks, I'm still at the pools edge but not quite back in yet.
monty, I'd agree with you if it were anyone but "Benjamin". I mean Ozzy and Coach are automatically the biggest targets if they get to the merge.
Benjamin is a cool name. nothing wrong with it...
but I think it is short-sighted. I think Russell did it better. He waited until he was elmininated to out the rest of his tribe.
Cochran has it in for you boy toy, Petals!
Ozzy is a chick magnet!
who is the oriental chick hittin on my baby? She is like a hag. ick, sorry, but I am not worried at all. He told me, but now that I have seen her, she is totally a butterface
interesting. Ozzy put his foot in it.
Dang... Petals, that's two people onto to OZZY
I know Monty, but I am not worried about my guy :)
I so hope COACH finds it!
OK. How odd is that Coach and Ozzy each have an immunity idol?
Now don't blow it.... why, oh why do they always share the idol????
Joe, Agreed, I just thought the same thing.
Love it!!! WTG Benjie!
I actually think that "sharing" the Idol info can be a good move if done properly. You either need to keep it totally secret or you need to leverage it. But sharing the info without a reason or a plan is useless. Just gives people a reason to try and flush the idol.
Benjie & Ozzy sittin' in a tree.............
Yes, Benjie is a great new name for Coach. I'm sure he would hate that even more than Benjamin, lol
Petals is trusting an awful lot in her spoilers. LOL
Sharing it with one person you can trust is good. Sharing it with three or four this early isn't smart. Yul used the idol the best of anyone and it took him to the win.
love you guys - (Benjie)
Joe, honey - spoiler, schmoiler. I trust my sexybabyhunk (yes, that is a real word)
Is Whitney even on this show? Haven't seen much of her at all.
I think Cochran is totally right about Ozzy and his sense of entitlement. Where's Ork? :) it comes!!! Can't wait.
Oh, Petals... Cochran is making some funny statements about your lover boy. I think Ozzy's days are numbered. Not in the short term, but...
Now I remember why I decided not to eat right before tonight's show. Ewwww
Ed - maybe Whitney is the ...whattshername of Survivor? The blonde chick from BB that was invisible? HA, I've already forgotten...
Cochran vs Ozzy (two opposites)
Monty, I know, I heard Cock-run.
i hate it when my luv isn't totally dominating. But I love him all the same.
Can't be very healthy
this challenge is... no words.
geez. Who dreamed up this disgusting competition?
Now how did they do that last shot? Camera in the basket?
still loving my Oz
Jim - used to digging in to meat with his mouth?
Go Upolu
holy crap. 2 frigging ounces!
Ewww, disgusting!!!
two ounces.. lol
ozzy may get a wake up call. Even if he stays, they are going to go after his little piece of ass (not you Petals).
Either they are going to get her or, I think, get exposed in trying.
Ed, that's a clue. When someone is so invisible early on - yes, they make it a long way. I think the Whitney pool peeps have a keeper. Hmmm
<~~ official Gatekeeper of OZZY's ASS
they have to go thru me, peeps. LOL
I think you hit the nail on the head. I say it is good-bye Elysse or whatever her name is :)
Monty. I've been watching every week and I swear I've only seen Whitney for about two minutes total. She must not be a hit with the editors.
Lol, love your new moniker Petals! Ozzy's Gatekeeper! :)
Late, but have been watching. I'm worried, Ozzy got a lot of play time, I hope he isn't the one going.
seriously, what was the chicks name from BB? That was invisible?
Uhm, Cockrun, Ozzy does not have herpes....
honestly, what does Ozzy do? Fish for an hour a day and then play king?
Poor Elyse. Done in by simple association. I'm going to miss her body (sorry Petals)
Ed, you only have to go back to Russell's first season and that Jason (??) kid was never seen until the final five. He made it to final 4 and would have won if he wasn't eliminated by the master manipulator Russell at final 4. :)
Monty, specifically Ozzy's (fine) ass. I KEEP that. LOL
{Ms J, is this talk OK?}
Petals on BB do you mean Porsche?
Ok Cockran, shut up. He's trying; but I still do not think he'll go.
Monty I hope your right about Whitney. Don't tell Christine but Whitney is my 'hidden' fav:)
Ed - yes (whew) Porsche. hehe...she was a non-entity for a while,remember? it was odd.
You guys know Ozzy isnt just kinging around. it isn't his nature. That is the edit he is getting this week. c'mon..
(xoxoxox Ozzy)
How is a jaw "a little bit dislocated"? Ozzy....
oops. I admit, I am partially responsible for Ozzy's dilocated jaw. *ahem* heheheehhehe
They edit for drama. If you are boring, they won't show you until it is your time to go. They want you to care about who is going home so they have to show them near their eviction. But if they are otherwise boring, they just don't bother with them.
BB is a little different because of live feeds. There is less an issue of "The Edit"
facial expressions look like bye bye Elyse
Petals, Ozzy is always Kinging around. He did it the last two times he was there. Not that he doesn't contribute, but he is not the work horse around camp.
the only thing anyone can catch from my baby is sexiness. is that communicable?? cuz it oozes from him.
I really want to see the "after" if Elyse goes home...
"her name"??? dumb slip
p.s. Ozzy couldn't care less about Elise.
that was interesting strategy by Keith and Whitney but ultimately dumb. They clearly turned on Ozzy and what are they going to tell him, they got the wrong message about voting for Cochran? I mean if you are going to flip, just flip and own your vote.
I'm not sure why that was so smart. Why throw two votes. You still aren't voting off Ozzy's choice of Cochran and why exactly would he trust you now?
christine will eat elise for dinner.
Great minds, Monty, totally agree.
I mean if you are going to do it, do it. And if you can, get something out of it.
Exactly Joe! And they added Dawn to the 'not trust me troop". Very dumb!!
I don't understand why Ozzy's alliance voted differently. The one vote difference could have changed things. Cochran is one lucky man.
LOL. I want Keith to go to Ozzy and say "Keith told me before tribal that we were voting for Dawn" LMAO
Next week on RI Christine vs. Elyse. How much longer can my Chrissy hang in there? Not to mention living alone for several weeks now.
Poor baby, Ozzy. No one wants to play with you no more. boo-hoo
it is like they are afraid of Ozzy, which is kewl, but i do agree with you guys, in that if you are gonna flip, flip.
(go OZZY!!!!)
agreed, Monty. Although they can probably smooth it over with Dawn. It just doesn't make any sense. Must be a little jungle fever
Wow, Ozzy is PO'd and has a right to be. I think that move was cowardly and very stupid. Wonder how Whitney and what's his name will survive this?
I'm pleasantly surprised that they've voted off weakness almost exclusively this season. Usually they gut themselves by voting off strong guys because they are afraid of them.
Joe, sweetest know I love you. I am 100% true to you.
but you are getting jealous of Ozzy. If he is willing to share me with you and have no ill will, shouldn't you do the same?
LMAO. Love you guys, makes my week - literally. If you only knew.
Nite Guys & Gals! Been fun!!
Well, now Ozzy knows not to trust anyone. He knows his days are numbered. It'll be interesting to see what side he ends up on; or better yet, where Whitney annd Keith end up.
Joe, back to you other post. Did you mean Jim or Cochran told him to vote Dawn? How can Keith tell Keith? jk I think I know what you meant. Off to watch some Harry's Law. See you all next week.
Petals, I'm sure Ozzy has a few tricks up his sleeve and will be around for awhile. :)
Hi, Joey wanted me to say "Hi" to everyone and that He miss ya.
We watch the show and Joey said "gross" when eating comp came. Then I let him read the blogs here and He really got a big thrill out of all of you but then laugh out loud when he read Petal's "gatekeeper of ozzy ass", He laugh so hard at that one, Thank you petals, It was good to see him laugh for a change.
He love this blog and giggle when He read all your comments.
Thank you for Letting him enjoy a good day and a laugh.
Hi, everyone! Haven't had time to check in much this season. Another good show tonight! But I'm worried about myself. I find I'm not liking Ozzy so much this season and really liking Coach.
**Pool Update**
If I was one of the woman on Savaii tribe I would be worried next time at tribal.
Upolu Tribe
Albert - Jennasmom, Margo
Brandon - Zoetawny, Keith
Edna - Glenn, Monty 924
Mikayla - Rbennie, Becky
Rick - SueGee, Auntie Leigh
Sophie - Jackie, Delee
Coach - Donna in AL, ML
Savaii Tribe
Dawn - PDXGranny, lynn1
Jim - Pam, DKNYNC
John - Caraleigh, Nana in NW
Keith - Terry in PA, Dora M
Whitney - Karen in CA, Lorraine
Ozzy - Teri, Petals
Hidden Immunity Idols
Ozzy - Teri, Petals
Sent to Redemption Island - DUEL!!
Christine - JOEY, Ed
Elyse - Buzzmaam
Dead & Buried
Semhar - Sydney, Laurie
Mark"Papa Bear" - Lisanne, Donna in FL
Stacey - meb, Sharon S
Margo aka the Lifeguard
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