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Thursday, August 02, 2012
Big Brother 14: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - Aug. 2
Who's going home tonight? And, will the HoH be the first endurance comp of the season? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with major happenings. But, as always, the real fun is in the comment area. See you there!
Sid Vicious, wrestler and Frank's father, makes an appearance.
Julie is breaking the news before the vote. America has been voting to offer the chance to return to game as players or keep coaching. Of course, yes (NO), offer them the chance. Game will be reset right here right now, all individuals, no eviction, all in for HoH comp. If choose to remain as coaches, the eviction will go on. Some evicted HG will return next week if they stay as coach. If one coach hits the reset button, all return to the game as players.
Britney first -- Britney reset. They're in the game. Boogie -- no, thanks. Dan -- reset. Janelle -- reset. So, three out of four. Thank you, Boogie ... you tried.
Neither Joe or Frank will be evicted. The HoH comp is about to start.
HoH -- All up on the wall, including Shane as the game has been reset, if they fall off, out.
I will be creating a separate post for updates and screen caps of the comp after the show ends. I plan to stay up on my own plank until the end. Come join me!
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1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»What up fellow BB People :)
Hey Jackie and Gang!
I brought roasted corn on the cob to go with the ribs...
There's a couple of kegs over at the bar (Heineken and Stella) and I'm sliding into the shallow end with my tall frosty mug of Stella!
Pour you a tall one, JonMD!
~*~*~*~ SPLASH ~*~*~*~
Drinking word is any variation of VOTE!
Of course Monty
I came with Grand Marnier cause we're going to be doing some serious drinking tonight. I have waffled over Joe and Frank all week. Still don't know who I want to go home. Already started sipping... Come up with a good word... Love this stuff!
Hey Jon, Monty and (as always) the awesome Hostess-with-the-Mostest - Ms Jackie!
Hey Petals grab a glass :)
DRINK already!!!
Oh... maybe I've sipped too much... forgot to say hello to everyone! HI!
I have to offer a have eaten bag of chips that is, let's be honest never gonna make it past the next commercial :)
VOTE??? Oh my... more booze may be necessary.
Hey meb!
I made homemade ice cream earlier, choc & 'nilla! It's in the freezer under the bar.
Boxed wine, kegs o' beer (thanks M!) and Grand Marnier, whoo!
The drinking word is:
"VOTE" or any variation of...
My guy Gary is here, too. He is a closet watcher. He says Hey!
BUT FIRST!!!, I actually tingle when she says that :)
The booze is never ending, but you may be right, lol!
Hi y'all. (Just kidding...I'm from the northeast--we say "y'uns")
hi folks.
Don't really care which of these two go home. Good riddance to them both.
I'm more interested in how the America's vote worked out.
Would any coach opt to NOT enter the game?
Hi everybody!
I 'VOTE' to toast you all a drink.
Bottoms Up!
Hello Gary :))
Frank DOH lol
Wil "takes my breath away"...
(see my pic)
Get it??
I hope Rank Frank goes home.
Get it?
hi all!
booger is pissed!
Hey Joe!
Drinking word is VOTE!
I'm going to just copy and paste DRINK, lol.... I'll be too drunk to type it before the first commercial!
Lies, lies, lies.
anything that pisses Boogie off is fine with me.
Hey Ed, Hey Donna!
Ribs, roasted cob corn, Heinie, Stella, wine, Grand Marnier, ice cream...
Gary brought 2 fresh baguettes.
Please maybe the comp will be Joe having to shave and be silent for a week in the DR
Hey Ed, long time no see! Grab a tall cold one!
Hi Petals,
How's it going?
Petals... I get it!
Sorry I didn't update after the show last week. I had a death in the family and was out of town. Here's how the pool stands right now.
Ashley Iocco - JonMD1267, Cha Cha, Monty924, Auntie Leigh
Danielle Murphre - Laurie, Ayana, Petals, Terry in TX
Frank Eudy - Micaela, Donna, ORKMommy, Serina Cox
Ian Terry - Rbennie, Brenda, QuixoticElf, MEB
Jenn Arroyo - AmyTL, Jessica, Michi, Marlo Lee
Joe Arvin - bbbw_princess, Janice/GA, Karen from CA, Glenn
Shane Meaney - Buzzmaam, Jackie, SueGee, Sydney
Wil Heuser - Delee, Dierdre, Merrilee, Becky
Jodi Rollins - Joey, Gaylos, Witt, Nana in NW
Kara Monaco - Lynn1, Nina, Sasha, PDXGranny
Willie Hantz - M&M, Chris, Sister Sue, Tammy
JoJo Spatafora - Brent McKee, Donna in FL, Alicia, Jennasmom
Jon, LOL.
That Chia strip on Joe's chin is so grodey.
Hey Lifeguard Ork!
I missed it. what did Ian do?
Will walked in with that pony tail and I was like what the heck happened to Janie @@
Hey, everyone.
Who will it be?
'Kentucky' Joe or 'Rank' Frank?
I'm with Joe in NY, either is fine with me. Strategy wise it should be Frank. Veiwing wise..Joe!
lol...Ashley's theme song.
Oh @@ geeminy Ashley...Kumbaya, Namaste' and all that zen jazz.
Condolences Orkmommy... Hope all is welll with you and your family... and that darling baby.
Hey Becky!!
Sorry to hear, OrkMommy!
Rank will go.
Who else thinks Ian will blossom in 10 years, a la Patrick Dempsey? I do!
They keep showing a pool... there's only a hot tub right.. and it's not the same shape.
Sorry Ork. Prayers.
So, Janelle is a sociopath with no emotions. Sounds reasonable to me.
Sorry, Ork...hugs to you and your family....
I love that look Janie just gave Will
*crushing on Wil*
I wonder how he'd look on my zebra floatie.
Sorry, Wil, Janelle is right.
Wil is falling out of love with Janelle.
Condolences to you & your family OrkMommy.
She actually compared him to Marcellas and they didn't show that!
Hi Witt, Hi Kim.
Drinking word is "vote".
2 kegs, 2 boxes of wine, ribs, corn bread - ice cream for dessert.
Red Solo Cups, too.
Oh brother... he's yelling again. I'm drinking regardless!
Hi CM!
There is a pool, Meb :) Drunk already? jk
Doh, Ashley! I just don't get it, slur, slur
Okay, Wil, you are not the outstanding player that you think you are.
If you stare at Joe's chin long enough it is quite hypnotic.
Is Ashley always high...or what?
Down the hatch... damn I missed that one, lol
I made it after all!
monty... it's a hot tub... I've never seen them in the pool this year... uh... have I? Maybe I am drunk. Grand Marnier will do that you know.
Anybody need anything while I'm up? Drinks? Food?
meb - There's a pool and a hot tub. The pool is only about 3 feet deep.
Hey lynn 1... you need to catch up... the drinking word is VOTE.
Ork, my sympathies to your family.
Hey Lynn, the ribs are yummy! Grab a tall frosted glass...
Our great cable company pre-empted BB with some infomercial. I called the TV station and they said it is on must be your cable company! I am more than po'ed
Mmm. Monty I love this Stella Artois! They are an official sponsor of the French Open :)
Orkmommy sorry for your loss
I love Janie lol
LOL, I love Wil too Petals. Care to share him?
Wil, you are no brighter than Ashley.
Ok Will get's a point for that lol
Is anything about Janelle real?
She admits she's lying and he knows it... LOVE IT!
Hi Jackie and all my pool chums! Yummy food and thanks for the cold ones!
No splash here LOL
SueGee on the left coast
It's the only thing I'll order if it's available. Mmmm, Stella Artois!
I am drinking scotch (glenlivit) and water tonight anyone care for some?
Monty - Wil would love to be in a Petals/Monty sammich.
You know he prolly LOVES animal prints, too. hehhe...
Vote Vote Vote now I am caught up a little
DRINK again!
And where are Ashley and Frank keeping their stash? Geez!
Lol, Petals
Oh Danielle - this isn't Homecoming Queen contest.
Oh, dear delusional Danielle! She's made great fodder for the feeders this season.
LOL!!!! Thank you Dan! Not that it will penetrate, but nice try.
Dan tells it like it is. I love that!!
Dan snapped her lol with the loosing a 100k comment
So sorry, OrkMommy.
Oh that boy is in a unitard
Hey Sue Gee, good plan there. I'm almost under the table right now and it's only half an hour into the show. Hope I don't pass out watching the endurance comp. ;-)
Ian and Julie are twins.
Hey SueGee!
Oh geeminy Danielle. You shame me.
Great job, Shane. Feed her delusions!
homina homina, Janey girl!
Hi all, help yourself to adrink from the pitcher of Bay Breeze!
All I can do is drink and listen to you guys talk about what is happening. Did I mention I hate Charter Cable company
DRINK! Long Island Ice Tea here.... on a hot summers night
Why does Mike remind me of Moe Sizlack??
Obviously I'm drunk... evidenced by my last post.
Lynn - Lots of fluff stuff so far, mostly things I reported in the feeds reports -- the Wil/Janelle drama, the blame Ian game for for Frank on the block, etc.
Oh, Julie, stop trying to tease us. It ain't gonna wash. CBS had this planned all along. We are not as stupid as you think.
thanks Brenda! We'll need it, as the drinking word is "vote" and any variation thereof.
Huh? Dan's still there?
Sliding over to Meb... my kinda drunk! ;)
Gary thinks we are all a buncha weirdos, but he's digging, loving Janeygirl, laughing and drinking.
(another believer, folks! Long Live Jackie's!)
Nothing stronger than diet coke, here.
The first two kegs are dry, I'm tapping a couple more!
I don't think I can say I made a typo anymore. Theses drinks are blurring my vision! LOL
LOL monty!
Julie preggers??
From the side it looks like Julie is wearing a sac.
I'm a litttltle but drunk over here, too.
I am slowing my float. seascik
I wish CBS would stop it with this fake showmance. Well, Shane just did it for them!
Shane kind of looks likie James Brolin with the beard.
Yeah Jon I was thinking potato sack
Franks going... they have to get this one in before he walks the plank! Love it!
No effing way!
No way.
Ok. THAT Sid Vicious. Whew.
Ok I did not know that about Frank that is funny
Thanks Jackie! I know I can count on you and the blog buddies to keep me updated but not sober!
I actually like Frank. Too bad he was picked by Boogie.
Didn't Sid ever buy Frank any Speed Stik?
Petals lol, I did the same thing I was like GET OUT, THAT IS HIS DAD, and then they said wrestler ha
I didnt mind Frank until this week, when I learned that he was Rank.
Holding Petals' float up so she doesn't go overboard. DRINK
Does Frank's dad look like Howdy Doody too?
LOL, Petals. I was thinking the same thing.
Sid Vicious the wrestler isn't even the most famous Sid Vicious much less the most famous wrestler.
Dang ... they're dragging this out forever!
Jon - LOL. Didn't you, for a split
second, kinda remember that he toured USA in the 80s, and actually could have made a kid? eek.
Stay tuned for Grodner's Vote! #bb14
Lynn - Frank's father looks like an aged heavier Mike Boogie!
So, who do you think will go home? If Julie tells them before the vote they may vote for Joe because Frank is a stronger player.
God that is even worse than howdy!
Frank, doesn't really bother me as much as many of the others. I find Wil super fake and annoying. Joe is an A-hole. Shane is starting to grate on me with his cockiness. Hmmm...I guess i just don't like men. :)
That is spot on Jackie lol
Thanks Monty....I am riding the waves in the pool, LOL
Hi Joe! (I slur, flritatiously)
I grabbing some food to soak up this alcohol. Anyone for some ribs while I'm up?
Becky said Vote..twice... does that qualify for a DRINK!
They can't afford to have Frank teaming up with Boogie ... best to get the strongest player out, Frank.
Lol @ Joe! A lot of annoying ones in there this season!
Jackie said they pre taped somethings for tonights show. I don't think they will tell them officially before the vote.
I am not half a thunk as you drink I am
Red Solo Cups ready??
hgere we go
They are this could be interesting now.
Okay, I'm dvrunk
Bye, Joe.
I'm so confused - when are they going to vote????
OOOPPS drink up LOL
C'mon Janey Girl! Go Girl!
No eviction? Uh oh....
There is no way they will be able to get far into the HOH comp before the end of the show
HA, and so it begins lol
oh em gee.
So rank is not going;
ok. this reset button is just confusing.
LOL, I love forceful Julie
Ork, does this change the pool?
If so, Petals is cheering for Danielle AND Janey!
boogie will hit it
no eviction???
Frank lives another day in the Big BRother house!
"Allison Grodner has decided that, YES, America wants to offer you the chance to re-enter the game!"
that's interesting that Boogie didn't pick it
That was cool Boogie, sucking up to USA
Go Banananana Dan ---->
WOW! That surprises me that Boogie said no. No, Janelle, thanks CBS.
Dan is a bit of an ass himself.
I bet Boogie did that on purpose, knowing that Britt was going to do it. They sort of half discussed it before she went in.
well I guess Shane made a lot of enemies for no good reason during his HOH
Funny Boogie was the only one to not want the new game.
No thasts a coolll trist!
I hate to be a broken record, but I don't think Grodner can legally manipulate the votes.
Please google "Game Show Laws" or "Quiz Show controversy".
Boogie is full of crap. He knew somebody was going to push that button. who does he think he's fooling.
I'm cheering for Ashhhh, I guess and Dan and Janey! YAY!!
Let's all lift a Solo Cup for the
Booger was being his usual old self. He knew one of the four would push that reset button. UGH!
I guess I'm back on Dan's bandwagon!
It really wasn't fair for Shane. I agree with you, Lynn.
Maybe this will allow Janie to be how she was before, she has been off with way she was playing as a coach.
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