First, I realize I sound like a whiner ... but I'm so tired of this summer. We've had one heat wave after another and the humidity level is horrible even on the "nicer" days. I heard they're predicting a very snowy winter. To be honest, I think I'll like that better as long as I don't fall on ice.
My own life has become super mundane as of late. I work, I sweat, I eat, I watch BB live feeds and write up reports, I spoil Vincent the Cat. That's about it. With it so hot and me hating to sweat so much, I haven't really been going anywhere that I haven't had to go.
I have made a new friend at the bus stop near the train station. Now, tell me ... why would I (of all people) attract a 25-year-old goth/industrial music type with black fingernails? No, I'm NOT a cougar. It's not that kind of friendship! He's a smart kid, yet unemployed. When he told me I was "lucky" to have worked so long for the same company, I told him it wasn't luck at all. It was a lot of hard work and dedication, sometimes when I didn't feel like working hard or being dedicated. But I had to do it anyway. Perhaps the only luck involved was picking a company which has lasted and done well over the years back when I was about 22 or so.
Anyway, onto the photos. Clicking on an image will open it in a new window, clicking again will make it larger. Closing out that window will land you right back here where you left off.
Sunflower with a bee |
The reluctant sunflowers by the edge of the sidewalk are finally in bloom so I can get some shots without dealing with a fence. East Front Street, Plainfield.
Almost idyllic |
Yet in Plainfield just at the edge of the business district!
I guess he is a she |
This is the same orchard spider I photographed last week. She's still hanging in there and now has a very interesting egg case. Bridgewater, NJ
I'm fascinated with her |
Has survived torrential downpours! |
Keep in mind that although these photos make her look large and intimidating, this is actually a very small spider. Its body is probably around a quarter-inch long, but the long legs make it look bigger. It's in the orb weaver family classification, but the poor web had to make it through lots of rain this week.
Veiny mushrooms |
Damp wood chips make for mushrooms! Bridgewater, NJ
If a tree falls on the Bank of America ... |
... and it's after hours, does it make a noise? Or is it just indicative of yet another market crash? A wild storm passed through here last Sunday evening and this is what I saw down the street from my apartment on my way to the train station Monday morning. East Front Street, Plainfield.
What do you mean "meal for two"?? |
My, my, what a chubby white pigeon at the Plainfield Train Station!
Fun, fun, fun! |
No, I won't be there. I would kind of like to see that movie, though. But, not in a hot sweaty crowd. I'd rather watch it in air conditioning at home!
Vampires! |
This was setting up by the YWCA on East Front Street in Plainfield as I headed to work on Saturday. They never want my blood. Alas, I am now tainted with the history of blood clots.
I see dead people |
Maybe the vampires got her! NJ Transit train on the Raritan Valley Line. I'll say it again -- if you sleep on my train, you're fair game for a photo!
I won't use this handrail anymore! |
This is one of the handrails for the stairs at the eastbound platform of the Bridgewater Train Station. I've been wondering why yellow jackets have been seeming to appear out of nowhere as I go up the stairs. Well, duh. It's a hollow railing with a hole in it, perfect for their colony ... or whatever. Yellow jackets are quite aggressive, so I'll go up the other side of the staircase.
Just a teensy weed |
I thought it was cute.
Young European starling |
Considered one of the most prevalent "nuisance birds" in the United States, these birds were initially introduced here as an attempt to bring all birds mentioned in Shakespeare works to the US.
How can you go to work when I'm so cute? |
Yes, he gives me the poor pitiful "I'm so cute, how can you leave me" routine every day as I head to work. Sorry, Vincent ... flinging yourself to the floor and looking forlorn won't stop me. I'm dedicated! Er, dedicated to keeping a roof over my head, that is!
How was your week?
Jackie, I know why you'd attract a 25 year-old Goth/industrial music type with black's because you're a very fun, interesting, and talented person!
When I tell people I've worked for the same school (in different capacities) for 22 years, you should see the looks I get. Absolutely incredulous. My view is, if I love what I am doing and where I'm doing it, why leave? I love my students and the staff; going to work is fun.
I love your pictures, especially the sunflower!
Have a great week!
Witt :)
My husband and I are not allowed to donated blood because we lived in Europe from 1984 - 1991 which includes the years of massive outbreaks of Mad Cow Disease.
It has been more than 20 years since we lived there and we have never had any symptoms but the Red Cross and other blood banks aren't interested in us.
I forgot to say I loved your photos . The spider is beautiful in a weird kind of way.
Love, love sunflowers!
Love all the pictures Jackie... uh except the mushrooms. Especially love Vincent, of course. And the white flowers... assuming they are hydrangias... goreous whatever they are.
I know the heat has been crazy for everyone including me, who loves hot weather. Agree with you it's better to just stay in the AC.
Love your new friendship with the Goth type guy... you can be friends with anybody... people just like you.
You ask what about us... well...
First thing that's amazing to me is that my great grandson is going to celebrate his first birthday next Sunday. Can you believe it's been a year.
My next biggie for the week is that I had my carpets cleaned. Very exciting.
Otherwise, not much going on... tanks for sharing your week with us.
Promise to proof read next time or I'll just remain a robot..
You were very brave to get close enough to those yellow jackets to take a picture! Very brave indeed!
Besides all of us who read your blog, I wonder who else knows they have set up housekeeping in that railing.
Awesome photo of the yellow jackets. All I'm going to say is when that spider jumps out at you expect an I told you so from me lol. vampires ha.
Another week of wonderful pictures, especially of Sir Vincent.
Do you have a Victor Control? Some one needs to report the yellow jackets. If a person is allergic to them and they are stung it could be a serious problem.
I do agree with the others, I understand why anyone you encounter wants to be your friend. Humm, did you tell the young man that nail polish remover and dressing accordingly might improve his job opportunities?
G'morning Ms Jackie!
I love your eye. Well, both of them. LOL - you know what I mean, your photographic eye.
Spiders are cool. This week's photo that really grabbed me was the handrail. How did you notice the nest inside? wow!
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