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Oh my. Bieber Fever is doing themselves in. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Immature Idjits:
- While there was another booze delivery, the house decided to wait until midnight to break into it.
- Why midnight?
- Because the Have Nots were allowed to eat (and drink) then.
- All is hunky-dory, right?
- Nope.
- Aaryn continues to instigate problems in the house. She seems to be at the core of most of the issues.
- Aaryn blames alcohol for her slurs.
- Yeah, right.
- And we thought Elissa was going to be the problem!
- Jeremy snagged a bottle of red wine and drank it with Kaitlin.
- Before midnight.
- Brouhaha!
- Jeremy went drunk boy obnoxious and mouthy.
- Aaryn egged him on.
- Oops. Now Kaitlin feels bad.
- Jeremy went off about Helen targeting him.
- Amanda confronted him at the pool and he told her how great he was.
- He's here to win and they're all going to bow to him!
- Helen cried.
- The Candice sitting on Aaryn's hat thing came up again.
- Kaitlin dragged Jeremy in the house and yelled at him.
- She said that he has just sent David home with his behavior.
- Then Helen talked to him (crying) and said his mother watched his behavior.
- Then he apologized and blamed the booze.
- Meanwhile, Nick says he's going crazy hanging out with the Bieber Fever group.
- Although it was Jeremy with the outburst, it's Aaryn who the others blame.
- The boys are all happy because the girls are all fighting.
- They're thrilled with Jeremy's outburst as, when David goes home, they can refer back to that.
- The plot thickens ...
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Helen cried. :-( |
I'm glad I didn't watch the feeds...too exhausting.
Jerm is repulsive.
Oh my gosh Jackie, you'll deserve a vacation at some exclusive, diamond-studded 8 star resort after having to watch this Kindergarten Crew all summer on the feeds!! I was going bananas last night listening to all of this nitpicking about Elissa (ok, exactly HOW does DNA with Rachel make her a real threat? Have they seen ANYTHING that would support that?)and that was just for ONE HOUR. Also, David's "in it for the showmance, not the money"? How considerate, someone with actual desire to play the game lost a spot because of him!
Wow. You are the best. I hope they stick with the plan to oust David and not Elissa, I think I might really like her!
Witt :)
oh man, this is a nut house full of babies!
Jackie, ditto on the resort!
Have the hamsters ever been like this at the beginning? There seems to be no feel out the other players, just go for the throat. Not sure I like this start, I hope they grow up a bit soon!
Witt- She is definetly not Rachael, well from what I see.
Although she has been really quiet. I hope she comes out of her shell a little to see what she has.
Delee- They have been like this since the feeds have turned on. I watch the feeds and for the most part, the younger ones are there for their 15 minutes(like Kaitlyn and Aaryn said). They want to be television hosts.
With what has come out of Aaryns mouth she will never be a host.
Hope the other guys realize Jeremy is becoming a loose canon.
First blabbing to Kaitlin about Elissa maybe staying @@
Now his little alcohol & testosterone fueled fit.
I don't think he has enough "cool" not to eventually blow it.
Sharon- i also think he will be their first casualty.
did anyone notice that in last nights epidode helen,Elissa,and andy were almost non existant?
Chacha - I'll have to go back and look again, but no, I didn't notice! Perhaps they were "pulling a Howard" and laying low?
I also don't have the feeds, so I couldn't watch the Jeremy-fit. It apparently happened around 12:30... after AD went off.
No change here... McCrae wants to unload Aryan (that name is going to stick).
Amanda wants to backdoor Jeremy asap. Wonder how his group will freak... or if they begin to realize it's a good idea.
What did Jeremy do to make Helen (my pool pick) cry? What's the story with the racial slurs? I need to seriously consider getting the feeds.
Another question, what's the story with Candice sitting on the hat? Why was it such a big deal?
RBennie, turns out Spencer made that up. I read that he admitted it last night or today sometime. So far, he hasn't told Aryan he lied yet. Doesn't matter because she'd just find someone else to hate... probably him for lying and making a fool of her. @@
There's a list of the slurs on Joker's.
Jeremy went into the tirade for really no reason. Helen asked about the wine and he just went off.
he did end up apologizing to her later in the night but she stated to the HOH crew that she will not forget this..
I sure hope Aaryn is out soon.
I really do hope CBS gives her a bad edit, like she is a not so nice person..
i have the feeds but fell asleep before the tirade. will have to use flashback
whats really annoying me is that I think Amanda is totally playing Mccrae and he will be eliminated because of it.
it will be interesting to see how she is next week if the power shifts.
RBennie - according to Aryan, "you don't mess with someone's hat"
I have no idea how HatGate got so outta control, except that Aryan must've wanted a prop, you know - something to identify herself (like Dan's bandana, etc).
If I were there, I'd pull a Bieber and pee in her damned hat. I'd spread a rumor that Jerm did it while he was drunk, LMAO
Oh I'm sure McCrae being HOH has nothing to do with Amanda's attraction to him! It seems like this season is going at super speed. These people are playing way too hard, way too early. I don't think even Rachel & Brendon went at it this early on.
Chacha - I hope McC will follow through and dump her in the future... like he told his alliance.
Somehow, I don't think he's as naive as he appears, and probably using her for protection as well.
I agree that it will be interesting when the power shifts, to see which way she will swing. If she swings the wrong way, he will be much more inclined to go with the other guys and dump her asap.
Petals - you crack me up!!!
Always look forward to what you'll say next. LMAO
Aaryn trying to stand out in the group thinking she will be "noticed" by hollywood.
How they don't realize no one becomes famous for BB...
I wouldn't even say Evel Dick or Jeff Schroeder are famous in any circles excelpt maybe the BB fan circle.
OMG, just read the list of slurs Sharon mentioned on Joker's and I am completely disgusted. :( WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!?! These morons do know they are on television, right? And their families, neighbors, friends, and bosses are probably watching????
Witt - they are so clueless.
Here's latest slur I found posted on Jokers... about 12:30 today:
Aaryn says that David and Jeremy are the only options for her and Kaitlin to be in a showmance with. She calls Nick a "popsicle slammer".
aryan strikes again
Sharon, i was going to post that.
Aaryn said she only said things like that because of the booze..
She says this as she is sober and then adds another slur to her list.
I really hope CBS shows her disgusting side...
My honest opinion is... the BF crowd is very young and immature (no excues), and most appear to be mega-spoiled. But even worse, these witless wonders actually think they are being funny and entertaining.
Sharon - I just saw the popsicle slammer remark, wow.
Aryan & Kaitlyn also mentioned they were on the show to seek their "15 minutes". Ha, I hope they get lost in the mix just like Daniele did last season (she is currently residing in the "who was she again?" file)
LOL @ witless wonder
Petals - can't believe I actually had to go back to see who Danielle was.. and then remembered she went by Dani. How quickly we forget... lol
OMG! I went back to see the whole Jeremy thing and what a jerk. And Aaryn is such a pot stirrer! I know I'm not saying anything new but I am just amazed at these HG's. AND...the profanity is just absurd. It loses all meaning when every other word is f***. Yikes! SMH! I really do hope they start to edit Aaryn more as she is (nasty!) cause last night on the show she was still looking like the girl next door. Oh, and just to finish rant, I am astounded at how arrogant these Hamsters are. SMH again. LOL. Jackie, I have no idea how you watch these people and give us such wonderful updates with great sense of humor. You're the best! Thank you.
As stated on another site, the public "shit-storm" has now hit the fan by moving from twitter and blogs, to... the internet news media. Something tells me CBS has to be freaking with all the bad publicity right now.
Thanks for sharing the updates.
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