Category 4 punishment costume |
Well, here we are ... the first live feeds report for BB18 here on the blog. I hate coming in after they've been in the house for over a week without us knowing what's been happening. The live feeds went on at 1am-ish here and now we have to play catch-up! Here's what's been happening in the late night hours inside that Big Brother House of Newbie Noobs:
- We now know the punishment for Category 4 hamsters (from the comp).
- They have to appear "naked" with pixeled-out cardboard (?) pieces velcroed to them.
- They say the velcro is uncomfortable.
- Too bad, so sad.
- The ants are already running rampant in the house.
- Jozea chews with his mouth open. I'm not surprised.
- At midnight their time, the Have Nots (Big Sister team) get to feast. I guess because the live feeds went on? I don't know.
- Wait, it seems the Have Nots might have ended because they're sleeping in the regular rooms.
- But, we're talking FEAST.
- The vets were talking votes and think that Paulie will stay 8-3 over Jozea.
- Apparently, if Jozea comes off the block, Paul will be put on the block.
- Shades of her sister, Tiffany complained of a migraine. Plus, when I had the feeds on and went to my refrigerator ... I could swear she has her sister's voice!
- Jozea seems to be doing a good job of alienating himself from his fellow newbies. Not a good move on his part.
- He has no clue what to say to win friends and influence people!
- He made an off the cuff comment about not appreciating service men who have risked their lives for this country. James, a veteran, took issue as did Michelle ... her father was military.
- He also said lots of other rather stupid stuff. Plus, his attitude is reminding me of the hamster who refused to go to the Diary Room and threw her mic in the pool.
- Bridgette is hogging a double bed and not sharing because she has a boyfriend.
- Jozea called a meeting for 2am. Nicole is upset because she wasn't invited.
- C'mon, Nicole ... get yourself together!
- None of the vets were invited.
- About an hour into the feeds, they realize they're on and promptly act like idiots because they know they're on camera. @@
- Jozea, the biggest camera idiot of them all. I know he's from NJ where I am, but the dude is too much.
- Corey is worried that people will think he's gay.
- In a way, he's coming across quite Clay-like. But he does seem nicer. He's definitely loyal to Nicole. That's a good thing as they (the vets) are so out-numbered.
- Victor is wearing a bunny hat. It brings out his dimples.
- Hmm ... James also knows that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister. I wonder who else knows.
- During the feast, Paul ate peanut butter and jelly bacon. That just might be good!
- James instigated a pillow fight with Bridgette. Fun was had by all who got into it.
- Ohhh ... Zakiyah told us (the camera) that she doesn't like Victor. It seems she's hanging out with the vets (and Da'Vonne) quite a bit. She just might be trending their way.
- Victor doesn't seem to be winning female friends at all for the playboy he thinks he is. Both Michelle and Tiffany think he's annoying and trying too hard.
- Jozea's big meeting plans excluded the vets plus Corey, Michelle and Paulie.
- Natalie and Bronte figured out Paulie is working with the vets, or at least with Natalie because he's not mad that he was put on the block. They think he's the pawn. They're right.
- They also think their fellow newbies guys have an alliance and the girls aren't included.
- There's a new female alliance in town -- the Fatal Five -- Tiffany, Nicole, Zakiyah, Michelle and Da'Vonne.
- That's about it ... for now.
- Laters!
Naked, but not naked |
ZZ Top redux |
Tiffany's Walking Dead hat |
Feasting |
First pillow fight of the summer |
Thank you Jackie!!! The summer has just truly started :)
Thanks for the info Jackie. I went to the feeds shortly after 1am but could only get Camera 1 and that was majority of them talking over each other in the kitchen.
I have a problem, I can't get any other Cameras to work, just Camera 1, the rest are "faded out" and when I click them nothing happens.
Do you know of a trick to be able to switch cameras?
Janice from GA/FL
It may be the way you are trying to view/
I used to use internet explorer but had issues in seasons past.
I use google chrome now and it's fine.
I was watching last night thought through roku and had issues
Thanks for the update Jackie. Here we go with the all-girl alliance! Let's see how long that lasts, LOL. I'm so glad to have James back in the game. Someone I can root for from the beginning.
I seem to forget every year how aweful they all act when the feeds go live.
Jozea- IMO is just disgusting. Seems to be almost if not worse than Frankie...You know the social media mogul....
Can't wait to find out how Paul has become the third nom. I wonder if there will be three on eviction night. Although I think not since they are already counting votes.
It was enjoyable seeing James on the feeds. I still think he is funny.
Frank still seems to not have much social game or a clue.....
Most know that Tiff is Van's sister. The people that don't were promptly named "The stupid 6". No beanies for Tiffany. Instead she wears a cool black hat. Her relation to Van isn't going to put her in harms way,nor will it affect Paulie. After all,we're dealing with the same type of gene pool that were OK last year with leaving identical twins in the house.
Zakiyah did an impression of Bronte's voice that was hilarious. Jozea also made an off color remark about Harriet Tubman.
OMG Zakiyah's imitation of Bronte's voice was both spot on and hilarious!! I'm glad I caught that during the short amount of time I watched the feeds last night.
Jozea and Paul...I just do not understand how/why they keep casting people like these two. I guess it's for drama purposes, but as we've seen over the years, people like them can't hold back their personalities one bit, so they annoy others very quickly and usually offend quite a few of them as well. So you get a dramatic first week or so that isn't so much about gameplay as it is about tolerating people like that until they are evicted either first or second.
The impression was great.
Her voice will wear on me as time goes by.
Its interesting that the show depicted how terrible Paul is.
Watching last night on the feeds though was fine until he realized
they went live..
I think Paulie will be affected more as a family member with Tiffany not so much.
My problem with Tiff is all I can think of is Vanessa.
The house is waking up now. We know there is some type of comp today. Last night the
Hamsters were assuming its for Have Nots.
POV hasn't been played. Apparently Bronte may be the host and James made the comment that we will be picking POV players soon. Corey asked how he knew that and Why.
Certainly Corey was a recruit!!!!!
For those having trouble watching the feeds you can install a stand alone viewer that works great. "BBViewer by liquid8d is made for Live Feeders, by a Live Feeder. It works across Windows, Mac and Linux using Adobe Air. Make sure you have installed Adobe Air, then choose a link below to download."
Fri 10:48 AM BBT:Bronte to Paulie: "Am I the only one who doesn't want to leave here famous? I just want a half million dollars."
Yoo hoo....no one is leaving there famous, Infamous maybe,but never famous.
Isn't that the fact....
in other news,
Frank won this mystery comp that we know nothing about. Apparently it doesn't need to be kept secret.
So far, Frank seems more 'mild' than when he was attached at the hip to Boogie. Or maybe he's grown up enough that he's suddenly thinking, "gads, all these silly little kids." LOL
Supposedly the comp that Frank won entitles him to put a 3rd hamster on the block.
Corey, Day, Nicole, Paul, Paulie,& Jozea all playing in POV
Yay, Frank!! I was hoping that Paulie would come down somehow and he would end up on the block with Jozea, so I'm now crushing on Frank. :))
the comp that Frank won called road kill
Thanks, Chacha. Love the BB RV and excited to see how this new twist plays out every week. Finally a twist that I actually love.
Ok, I'm kinda confused.
Does anyone really know if Frank took Paulie down and put Paul up?
Or was Frank able to put Paul up as a 3rd on the block?
In any case, it probably would still be Josea evicted, unless the Vets pick up on the fact that Paul presents more of an issue. Although they are both annoying blowhards, for the HGs, I think Josea has managed to 'P' them off more.
There are 3 nominees. That is the twist, along with the RoadKill comp/nom. It's an anonymous way for someone other than the HoH to nominate someone, then all 3 play for veto.
Jozea is still the target, tho. LOL
Thanks Petals. :)
Having to depend on ya'll to clear things like this up... before showtime.
Wish I still had AD too, but alas....
I got FRANK!!! I can totally get behind some Frank! All I kept thinking when I was trying to find my hamster was "please don't be jozea!!!" I should have been thinking please don't let it be any big sister, but whatevs, it's not, life is even better now. And I feel like I'm all caught up and haven't missed anything. Thank you so much Jackie! -Stephanie in Baltimore
B Paul wins POV. Bye Jozea
My dad eats his bacon sandwich with jelly. Also I learned from him to eat peanut butter bread with spaghetti. It is really yummy together!
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