The Amazing Race is on at 9PM EDT tonight -- The Real Love Boat has been moved to just streaming on Paramount Plus -- and a separate blog entry will be up for that. Yes! That later hour was killing it here on the blog. Although I'm not all that thrilled blogging two hours in a row, it's better than the later hour. A separate post for that show will magically appear a few minutes before the end of this show!
As for Survivor, I will be live blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!
They're messing with our heads. The merge isn't really the merge or it's an incomplete merge. Whichever castaway it was that put it as Merge-atory definitely had it right!
Cody Cheryl in NC, ChicMc
Noelle MikesGirl, Tammy
Jesse AprilW, Donna in AL
Dwight Petals, Skyriverblue
Cassidy Cherrypie, Kelsey NY
Karla Glenn Allen, monty924
James DonnaNY, Krysta Gibson
Ryan John Cantrell, Jackie
Gabler Donna in FL, Joanne Victoria
Owen Mike Barer, SueGee
Sami Brenda, Indiana Jane
Jeanine Laura. Auntie Leigh
Snuffed Out
Survivor fans ready?
We watch Elie's torch get snuffed again. Jeanine was completely blindsided. She's trying to convince others that it's the best for her game that Elie got voted out.
Hmm ... they all seem dressed as if for late fall, if not winter. It must be cold there. And then we see Owen with practically nothing on. Gabler is still on the outs with people but now his idol has expired.
Tree mail time! It tells them they need to split into six pairs to compete in the Immunity Challenge. No one really wants to publicly pick partners which would expose alliances and such. So, they make their own version of selecting rocks to decide teams.
Already to the challenge time. Day 14. They tell Jeff they pulled rocks. Challenge run in three stages. Have to make the cut to move on. Last two pairs in first stage out. Stage two, first two pairs move on to the final stage. Final stage is an individual game, last person left standing wins immunity.
First stage - through a rope net tunnel in mud. They have to roll to unwind it. Then they dig for planks. Noelle and Jeanine (separate duos) are both stuck in the "tunnel." Noelle even took her leg off trying to get through.
Second stage - Taking planks up net incline, use the planks to cross rope bridge, then slide down ramp.
Cody/Dwight and Gabler/Owen make it to the final stage. It's an endurance comp with them holding a bar with a quarter of their body weight to keep a bucket hanging. Dwight out first. Owen out.
Gabler is dedicating each minute to things/people such as Noelle, war heroes, Idaho, his dog, etc. They are now at 38 minutes when the longest previous record for the challenge is 25 minutes.
Gabler tells us he is playing for veterans who are suffering from trauma and PTSD.
Most of them have no idea who might be going up. Dwight, in front of Sami and James, finds an advantage. Word gets around. He gives it to James. The others think James got the advantage and now his name seems the most popular for the vote. Cody tells Jesse they should take out Dwight to weaken Noelle.
James's advantage is the Knowledge is Power one - the one where you ask someone if they have an idol, and they must tell the truth. Then you steal the idol. They all still think James has it. Noelle gives her Steal a Vote to Owen, so she won't lose it to James. Or Dwight.
They are heading off to Tribal. And we're heading off to a commercial. Make that commercials ... several of them.
Jeff tells them the challenge was built to make them each work for each stage. He asks them about previous tribe lines. Jeff asks many of them about how confident they are they will be staying tonight. All seem to be confident, yet we know someone will leave!
James, Dwight, Ryan, James, Dwight, Ryan, Ryan, Dwight, Dwight, Dwight, Dwight ... that's enough to vote him out.
Bye, Dwight! He apparently has Jeanine's idol which she gave to him to avoid the questioning.
Hi Jackie and Everyone!
Hi Jackie. Thank you so much for the time you take to with this blog.
Hi Glenn!
Hi Penny!
To me, that was the fairest way to double up.
I don't know if you have read the blog entry, so I will mention it here in comments. The Amazing Race is on directly after Survivor tonight. They have moved that Love Boat show to stream on Paramount Plus only.
Howdy everyone!!! Love the TAR news...
Hi SueGee. I like the Loveboat News as well
That was a difficult challenge.
I would guess the ratings were bad for it and it was damaging TAR's usual ratings.
I agree Jackie
Hi SueGee.
I'm glad they put Love Boat to streaming.
I'm rooting for Dwight and Cody. But anyone but Gabler
I heard out of one corner of my ear that Mr Moonves and CBS settled. Will have to look it up because I was busy at the time and missed it.
I'm glad too that the Love Boat has gone to streaming hello
Shut up Gabler!!
I am, as usual for this hour, cooking dinner so I am will be afk for short periods. New meatloaf recipe, some fresh asparagus and mashed 'taters. Pass your plates this way if you want some! Will be done in about 20 minutes.
Dang it!
I was kinda hoping they would be voting Gabler out tonight. I don't think he will win anyone over with his sparkling personality for the future.
Wow, it's like the passing game. Nothing turns out just what happened. LOL
No, not Noelle!
Hi folks
Why wouldn't you go after the other teams? Sure, you're merged, but wouldn't you want to keep your chances good?
Don't tell anyone, James.
Yeah, sharing the news ALWAYS builds trust. {end sarcasm}
Hi Joe!
OMG! James! Geesh!!
This might backfire. They better not loose their lips.
Hi Joe
I hope they do not send Noelle home.
Hi Joe!
Now is the time to go after the strong ones! The ones you don't know or trust!!
Dang it!
Thank you, Jackie.
See TAR fans next. See Survivor fans, maybe next Wednesday. I'm working a Dave Matthews concert next Wed.
Did Dwight take the Idol?
Oops Dave Matthews is the following week. I'm working a Men's Basketball game.
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