Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Monday Night into Tuesday Morning - Sept. 4

I don't know how to play, but I'm still here!

Y'know, a good brouhaha would liven up these hamsters! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lackluster Lads and Lassies:
  • Frank trashtalked Janelle. Huh. Hasn't that boat sailed?
  • Shane, falling right in with his lying role, told Frank that Joe was really mad that Dan used the veto.
  • He also told him that he hasn't talked to Joe about his (Shane's) vote.
  • Joe told Frank he won't be campaigning until "Wacky Wednesday."
  • Shane said he is in a "nomance" now. Danielle said that's because he doesn't want to kiss on camera.
  • Danielle thinks they got booze due to BBAD.
  • I'm sure they did. It's dead in the house. They needed something, anything to liven it up.
  • Frank studied the Memory Wall. 
  • He thinks he might be around for a morph comp, I guess.
  • Frank cooked hot dogs for all.
  • Dan said both Joe and Frank are cooking to save their lives.
  • Dan is still playing up to Frank that he's on his side.
  • But he's not.
  • When Joe wondered if he should campaign Jenn for the vote, Ian told him to lay low and he's "golden."
  • Joe and Ian said Jenn is getting a bit salty.
  • What the heck is with the "salty" bit this season?
  • Although a part of the Quack Pack and working with Dan, Shane still thinks Danielle and Dan have issues due to Dan's funeral speech.
  • Danielle no longer thinks anything will happen with her and Shane after the house.
  • Frank told Joe that Jenn was loyal and he was sure he had her vote.
  • I don't think he does, unless she throws him a sympathy vote.
  • Of course, if the vote is a tie, Ian gets to boot Frank himself.
  • But, at this time, it doesn't look like a tie.
  • Yet Frank will be booted. 

Spreading the mist

A little late for studying the wall

Plenty to smile about

Monday, September 03, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Monday Into the Evening - Sept. 3

They tried to fly the flag

For a PoV meeting day, it sure was subdued around the house today. Here's what happened inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
  • Shane told Danielle that he told Frank he has his vote and he'd (Shane) work on Danielle to get her aboard.
  • Yeah, he's got their vote alright ... vote to EVICT!
  • Danielle told Joe that there is nothing Frank could say to get her to keep him in the house.
  • Danielle told Shane that she isn't a kindergarten teacher. She said she's a nurse with three degrees. 
  • All bow to Ms. Educated But Little Sense Lady!
  • Then she kept asking him if he was mad about it.
  • @@
  • Dan froze Danielle's panties.
  • Not with her in them, unfortunately.
  • Frank still thinks he has Jenn's vote.
  • I think Dan's mist got to her.
  • Frank told Jenn that if he can pull it off and stay, they can "gut them like pigs."
  • Ew.
  • They played cards half the day and into the evening. Boring.
  • Joe and Ian had an extensive talk.
  • Now they have a final two deal.
  • One of many for both of them.
  • Frank is suspicious because, all of a sudden Joe and Ian are best buds after hating each other for weeks.
  • Joe is still ticked at Dan for how he treated Danielle.
  • He isn't privy to the facts.
  • Dan is still playing Shane like a fiddle.
  • Lots of big yawns today.
  • But Thursday should bring the bang back in the game. 

Has Joe really got a deal with Ian?

Mr. Werewolf Wrists

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 3

As expected, Dan saved Jenn. Joe is now on the block with Frank. Frank is the target.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Sunday Into Monday - Sept. 2-3

Shane, oh my Shane Gator!

I took a bit of a breather yesterday with mostly down time in the house. But I'm here now. It's Labor Day. I'm refreshed, I'm rested. I'm ready to work! (But not at real work -- just here!) Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Farewell Frankie:
  • Shane is still trying to disengage from Danielle's stalkings while providing just enough interest to lead her along a bit.
  • His head just might implode.
  • It doesn't help that others tease both of them and try to push them more together.
  • And that Jenn told Danielle that Shane referred to her as his girlfriend.
  • Friend, sure. But he's going to drop her like a hot potato before September is out.
  • Then probably go into hiding.
  • Frank thinks it would be heartbreaking to go home with just two weeks left in the game.
  • So it won't happen.
  • He can go to sequester and make out with Ashley instead!
  • The BB voice finally started announcing trivia facts such as how many laps around the yard it takes to make a mile.
  • I recently wondered where those announcements were.
  • They got the grill back. Woohoo.
  • Oh my. Shane actually had a game thought. Be prepared to faint now.
  • He told Dan they should have a plan in case it's a double eviction this coming Thursday.
  • He's the first (that I've seen) to realize there's a possibility of a double eviction.
  • Shane is also getting worried about Joe.
  • He told Dan that Joe said he (Joe) is going after Dan.
  • He's also worried that Joe has deals with everyone.
  • Like no one else has done that!
  • The Quack Pack confirmed that Frank is going home this week. They control the vote.
  • They decided if it's a double eviction this week and one of the Quack Pack is HoH, it's Jenn and Joe on the block and Jenn goes out the door.
  • It's Dan's turn to be Secret Squirrel now. He's scheming with the Quack Pack on the down low so that Frank and Jenn still think he's with them.
  • Danielle is still carrying the story that she can never work with Dan again after the personal attack at the funeral.
  • Well, she's carrying it on with Frank, Jenn and Joe. The Quack Pack knows otherwise.
  • Frank is more worried now than ever before. He thinks he has Dan and Jenn's vote for sure (if she gets saved). Shane and Danielle have been hinting that they could vote to save him, but no commitment.
  • Frank is expecting Dan to save Jenn with the veto.
  • After all, it was his suggestion so that it doesn't seem like they (Dan and Frank) are working together.
  • Lots of small talk, reminiscing about the season and comps, discussing past years, movie lines, pool games, lounging about.
  • All in all, the same as it ever was (since nominations).
  • Dan will save Jenn, all will act surprised, Joe is the only choice to put up in her place as he promised Shane and Danielle safety and he can't put up Dan, the veto holder.  

This hammock's made for rockin'

Wow! Dollar store fake grass, too!

Only a maniac thinks Frank can survive this week

Pretty is as pretty does

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Big Brother 14: Endurance HoH Finish, Nominations Episode Blog Party - Sept. 2

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Once again, we're sure to see much enjoyed live feeds video cast to the cutting floor and fillers which aren't as good. Lately, the show could have two hour episodes without fillers! That's something we haven't been able to say for several seasons.

Tonight's show should cover the end of the HoH endurance comp and nominations. They might try to cram in the Pandora's Box, I don't know. For us feed watchers, that seems so long ago! It's starting on time here in the NYC viewing area. As it airs, I'll update this entry with the major events. However, as always, the real fun is in the comments area. Come join the party!

In the HoH comp, Joe (the first off) gets a punishment or reward -- a punishment, Hula Hoop Boot Camp for 24 hours every time he hears Reveille. Jenn out, Danielle out. Dan out. Shane makes a deal with Ian for his and Danielle's safety and drops. Ian is the new HoH and vows revenge.

The Quack Pack is back and Ian thinks they need to nominate Jenn and Frank. They agree.

Ian discovers Pandora's Box in the HoH room. Christmas presents, best Christmas ever, but with a consequence. He goes for it. The consequence is Jessie for the rest of the hamsters. He takes all of their junk food away.

Nominations time. Key order: Shane, Danielle, Joe, Dan. He put Frank and Jenn on the block.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - Sept. 2, 2012

Good Sunday morning to y'all. No, I haven't gone all Southern on you. It just didn't sound right for me to address you as "youse guys." This is my weekly off television topic post which reflects on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. If you're looking for the latest news from inside the Big Brother house, hit this link. Otherwise, grab a cup of joe and settle in.

Although Hurricane Isaac wreaked havoc down near the Gulf, our own weather has been rather unspectacular. We did have some rain in the beginning of the week, then some days which were summer done right. I'm talking highs in the low 80s, low humidity and gentle breezes. That would be my hope for every summer all summer! I'm so not a summer person these days. 

Work continues to be busy. It used to be that we had lulls through the year, not so much anymore. I guess it provides more job security, but it also adds in a bit more stress. Lately I've been training people. I relish the days I'm actually alone in my office now. Add work to the BB14 live feeds coverage and you have one really tired Jackie. Thankfully I have a four-day work week ahead this coming week and another one the week after.

I have today and tomorrow off. Two days off in a row is a rarity for me. So, did I make big plans? Nope. I have a Peapod grocery delivery coming in this morning. I definitely have some housekeeping to do. I believe I might have some napping to do as well. The beach? No way am I go "down the shore" (as they say here) on a summer holiday weekend! Ew. All those sweaty people! Social hermit that I am, I'll have a mellow two days and my mindset will be better for it.

Let's see ... what's left? Oh. The home front. Nothing of any note has happened in the apartment building. I know that if I lived in the front wing, I'd be moving out. This morning I went to get my newspaper and noticed that the riff-raff in the front wing have trash sitting outside their doorways. Well, not all of them, but enough of them to be irking. Candy wrappers are abandoned on the floor. You go to my wing and the hallway is spotless; the only items in the hallway are door mats. I know it's silly on the second floor. But I put one here. No matter how much I clean, if I step out directly on the dark green carpet in the hallway, I track white Vincent fur. 

On the larger home front, the people who live on the street in back of me with their yard facing my windows (perhaps 300 feet away), continue to have live bands and parties which last all day Saturdays and into the night. I swear if the police didn't get called, they'd go overnight. If it were a rare thing, my "live and let live" personal policy would kick in. But this happens almost weekly. This is a residential neighborhood. I don't live over a bar which features live bands. I shouldn't have to put up with live amplified Mexican bands, loud Spanish over loudspeakers and party animals 300 feet from my bedroom window. That's not how to behave in a city environment. Go rent a park somewhere!

I filmed them for a minute from inside my apartment just to show how disruptive and inconsiderate it is. I called the police, which I hate to do because I know they have more crucial matters than noise complaints on a Saturday night. It eventually got shut down around 11 PM. Sigh. Here's the short video:

Onto this week's photos ...

Childhood abandoned
Childhood abandoned

This abandoned rocking horse sat in front of the Dumpster at the U-Haul building on East Second Street in Plainfield for four days before it vanished. I hope it found a home and didn't just ride off into the sunset.


Lots of flowers are still in bloom. These are growing in the planter lining the front of Union County Psychiatric Center on Roosevelt Avenue in Plainfield. No, I'm not a patient there. If I walked in the door, they just might keep me!


Saturday, September 01, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Saturday Into the Evening - Sept. 1

Yes, Jenn is still in the house ... and will probably stay for now

So, what's been happening today inside that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters? Read on ...
  • After staying up half the night expecting a comp, they napped all morning and then again after the comp finally happened.
  • Frank and Jenn decided that if one of them win HoH (assuming they stay), Ian and Shane will be their next targets.
  • Frank thinks he's talked Ian into not putting up Dan as a replacement nominee and putting Joe up instead. That is, if one of them wins veto.
  • Gee, don't they think Joe might win veto?
  • Bwahahahahaha!
  • Ahem.
  • Ian alone in the HoH room bed to the cameras, "I'm just petting my snake."
  • Oh my!
  • Then he pulls his stuffed toy snake out from under the covers.
  • That silly boy!
  • Frank and Dan talked about the (then) upcoming veto comp. Frank said it would look sketchy if Dan won and saved him. So, it would be better if he saved Jenn if he wins, then they'd vote out Joe.
  • Heh.
  • Frank said to Dan that he could say he owed Jenn a save.
  • Heehee.
  • Ian is being generous by offering anyone and everyone his snack foods from HoH. Since Jessie took all of the regular house snacks, Ian is literally all that (HoH) and a bag of chips.
  • They do have stuffed animals, pool toys they can't use in indoor lockdown and small children rated trucks and generic huge Lego blocks.
  • Ian thinks it's sad that they only have childrens toys and they're amusing themselves with them.
  • I think it's sad that all the stuff looks like it came from a dollar store!
  • Finally, at around noon their time, the comp started.
  • After about four hours, the feeds came back and Dan was wearing the PoV necklace.
  • About time he won a comp!
  • Talking to Ian, Dan said he can't tell ANYONE about their final two deal.
  • Maybe that's because he also has final two deals with Frank and Danielle.
  • Then he said, "This is my ticket to get Frank out of the game."
  • Oh, please do it, Dan!
  • Dan told Ian he's thinking of using it on Jenn because she saved him.
  • I love it when a plan falls in place.
  • Don't you?
  • The Quack Pack held its forum discussing their options.
  • Shane offered (again) to (stupidly) go up as a pawn.
  • Didn't Britney tell him to stop that? Doesn't he listen?
  • Although Ian is nervous about making the Frank move, the rest think it might be their only chance to get him gone.
  • They might be right.
  • Dan told Ian he'll probably use it on Jenn.
  • Ian told Joe he doesn't think Dan will use it. (He already had told Joe he'd probably be the replacement if the veto is used.)
  • Dan told Frank he's thinking of using it on Jenn.
  • Frank said using it on him would be too obvious, but he would love it.
  • Heh. After Dan left Frank, he told us: "He'll never know what hit him."
  • :-)
  • Frank started checking out his votes with Shane, Joe and Danielle. Gee, people weren't really committing but not telling him no, either.
  • The veto meeting won't be until Monday, so things are subject to change.
  • But, I'd love to hear, "Son, you're out" on Thursday. If he gets to the final two, he will win.

Pretty, I'm so pretty!

Dan, Dan, the man with a plan ... and a PoV

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Power of Veto Bulletin - Sept. 1

Dan finally won something. Yes, he won the Power of Veto. Will he use it? We won't know until Monday.

I'll be posting a full report on today's live feeds a bit later tonight.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Friday Evening Into Saturday Dawn - Aug. 31-Sep. 1

It's just a jump to the left, then a step to the right

Let's do the Time Warp again! Or is it just another case of deja vu all over again? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Psychological Studies:
  • Yep, Frank is on the block once again. This time with Jenn. That was totally expected as per discussions and the revival of the Quack Pack yesterday.
  • They've been on indoor lockdown FOREVER.
  • Well, pretty much since they got the hammock yesterday.
  • A PoV comp was expected last night.
  • It never came.
  • But, as a result, they all napped for some hours before the BBAD feed went live.
  • They aren't allowed to sleep through that.
  • Frank is reading a lot into the fact that Dan's key was last to be drawn in nominations.
  • Not much to read into that. 
  • When the PoV comp eventually comes to fruition, everyone is playing except Shane.
  • Danielle thinks double eviction episodes are two hour shows. 
  • She's obviously wrong.
  • They do think another double eviction is looming, but they don't seem to feel it's this week.
  • Heh.
  • They are not happy with all of Jessie's healthy foods and no good junk food.
  • Danielle moaned about the foods, but Joe said he can work with it and make some good stuff. Oh noes, salsa but no chips!
  • BB finally told them there's no comp last night.
  • Sure ... after they all had taken huge power naps!
  • Jenn supervised as Danielle tried to teach Joe how to do a dance. 
  • He's bad. Very bad.
  • Shane joined in so it looked like good old line dancing, but Joe couldn't catch on.
  • Meanwhile, Dan and Ian were having a long talk not about the game in the HoH room.
  • They were discussing Ian's stimming (repetitive movements, rocking, etc.) and other OCD symptoms we've seen on the feeds.
  • Ian told Dan it's ADHD, an attention disorder. He keeps moving no matter what ... even if it's just tapping his foot.
  • He refuses to be on the medication they want him to take for it.
  • He denies it's any form of autism although the physical symptoms he exhibits are identical to many who have autism.
  • His parents knew when he was two years old. He realized he was different when he was six.
  • Dan asked him if BB knew when they took him on. We got the fish cam.
  • But Ian did say they obviously know now and haven't said anything to him.
  • He said it's a real struggle to control the need to constantly move.
  • Even when he's controlling it in social situations, he will still be moving something, but not blatantly rocking.
  • Ian also told Dan he got $1000 from the Pandora's Box yesterday, but not to say anything.
  • Ian hopes people like him. He thinks because he was aligned with Britney and they could hear the cheering for her from the audience inside the house, they might like him.
  • I like Ian. 
  • He really shouldn't drink to excess, though. But that tends to go for them all.
  • Ian thinks that Frank picked up on him working with the Quack Pack when Dan yelled "I'll rat you out" at the veto ball comp.
  • Dan asked Ian what the "mist" around him that Britney kept talking about was.
  • Ian told him it's what gets him out of trouble in the worst situations and makes people do what he wants.
  • Dan asked him again about becoming a Renegade with him.
  • Ian didn't really give him a definitive answer.
  • After all went to bed, Ian sat in his HoH room bed muttering, "It doesn't make sense."
  • Hmm ...

Ian discusses his ADHD with Dan

She's just Jenn(city) from the block

Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Friday Daytime - Pandora's Box - Aug. 31

He bought time, but how much time?

While the nominations won't be until later tonight, there's been some action in the house today. No, I'm not talking about Danielle jumping on Shane. (After all, he is so infatuated with her.) Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Healthy Living:
  • Ian thinks Frank's social game is garbage. He says there's a reason he's on the block every week when he's not HoH. It's the way he treats people.
  • The Quack Pack (minus Britney, of course) agreed that the nominations should be Frank and Jenn with Joe going up as a replacement if veto is used.
  • Huh?
  • I guess they do have two weeks to get rid of Frank. But about the only way they're going to do it is with a backdoor. If he has the chance to save himself, he will.
  • Well, at least a floater will go home.
  • Shane said Frank thinks he's already won the game.
  • @@
  • "The Quack Pack is back."
  • Um. Okay. 
  • Joe knows that he'll go up as a replacement if needed. But he's been assured that they have the votes to save him.
  • Joe still needs to hula hoop at the sound of horns.
  • Then there was trivia. Say what? If the feeds are briefly blocked, they have a fish cam. With trivia, it's usually a comp or something along the lines.
  • Oh, geez ... Allison Grodner (Executive Producer), I do NOT want to see Jessie.
  • I don't.
  • I really don't.
  • Dang it, he was in the Pandora's Box today ... again.
  • Now, it was kind of funny last year seeing him annoy Rachel. But that's mostly because I liked to see things annoy Rachel.
  • Ian got all kinds of "Christmas gifts" including a luxury hammock and blow up toys for the pool.
  • Ian likes to almost live in the water, so blow-up toys are fitting.
  • He did NOT get a blow-up doll for the HoH room. :X
  • Danielle blew up a lot of the toys.
  • She's good at that.
  • Oh, I'm being terrible, aren't I?
  • Jessie wasn't in the Pandora's Box, per se. However, he was in the house.
  • He threw out all of their snack foods, replacing them with healthy foods.
  • He threw out all their saved beer.
  • Heh.
  • BB also took their grill away. Or maybe Jessie carried it out on his back. I don't know.
  • Jenn tried to use her mojo on Ian to keep off the block.
  • He told her that he didn't like to keep floaters who don't make big moves in the game.
  • Her "big move" last week was actually a Frank move.
  • Joe told Ian that Britney wanted them to work together. 
  • He really doesn't want to be a replacement nominee.
  • Frank is suspicious of Dan.
  • Well, geez ... he's DAN, the Man with a Plan!
  • He wonders if Dan has a deal with Ian and finds it strange that there's nothing being said about Dan going on the block -- the names coming up seem to be Frank and Jenn.
  • Heh.
  • Nominations will be later today.
  • I predict Jenn and Frank. Wouldn't be my choices, but ...!

No longer a carrot, now wearing a Boogie shirt. @@

Most congenial houseguest

Danielle is full of wind

New hammock ... wait, won't anyone sit with me?

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Post-Competition - Aug. 30-31

The smiles are fewer and far between

Well, well, well ... Ian won Head of Household. If you missed the competition action, check out the comp updates post. It was a shock to me that Shane lasted as long as he did. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hula Hoop Hamster:
  • As I mentioned in the update post, the punishment Joe received for falling first is that he has to hula hoop every time he hears military music.
  • Maybe he'll be able to hula hoop by the time the punishment ends.
  • Ian and Shane can do it.
  • Joe? Not so much. BB yelled at him for hitting himself in the head with the hoop.
  • Shane told Dan that he included him in the safety deal he made with Ian.
  • No, he didn't. Shane ONLY asked for safety for himself and Danielle.
  • Danielle bashed the now gone Britney. Some friend she is, eh?
  • The big HoH reveal went down.
  • Gee, I feel in with the In Crowd. Danielle didn't know the music group on Ian's CD.
  • I know them -- the Arctic Monkeys. They've been on Letterman a few times and I'm a Letterman addict.
  • I can't believe BB actually still finds a CD Walkman to use for the HoH winners.
  • He's the only HoH to receive an element in his goodies basket -- bismuth.
  • I'm shocked I know how to spell bismuth.
  • Ian was gracious and generous with his goodies.
  • He also told people they were free to go as "this is the most boring thing ever."
  • BB gave everyone beer (although Ian got some in his basket).
  • Frank is worried that he'll be nominated as a carrot.
  • He probably will. The week is up tonight, most likely at midnight he can take it off.
  • Danielle went on about how her face hurt and she was worried about the paint/tan used in the comp. 
  • She also threw up twice.
  • It's all about Danielle.
  • Ian told Joe he's safe from the nominations.
  • BB told him he's not allowed to discuss his nominations.
  • Ian says he's not going to drink beer for the rest of the season with the exception of his HoH beer.
  • Maybe he did learn a lesson.
  • Frank tried to worm into working with Ian.
  • I don't think so, Carrot Boy!
  • Ian doesn't commit to any promises.
  • Frank talked about being nominated in front of Danielle and Dan. He mentioned that Danielle and Shane are safe and that Joe told him Ian said he was safe tonight.
  • Ian later told Dan he made the safety deal with Shane for Shane and Danielle only ... no Dan in there!
  • So now Dan knows Shane lied to him.
  • Perhaps he should have hung in there and tried harder to win?
  • Dan also all of a sudden wants to work with Ian.
  • @@
  • Ian, don't drink that Kool-Aid!
  • When asked to revive the Renegades, Ian only committed to the Quack Pack being safe. He'll commit (or not) to the Renegades by the end of the week.
  • Hmm ... sounds like he's going to go for Frank or Jenn, doesn't it?
  • That's it for now! 

Joe's punishment. He shouldn't quit his day job.

In his HoH goodies, Ian got bismuth

Gee, where's Shane who saved her?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Big Brother 14: HoH Endurance Comp Live Feeds Updates Post - Aug. 30

The new HOH -- "This one's for Brit!"

11:48 PM ET -- IAN IS THE NEW HOH!!! -- Quick added note: Joe's punishment for being down first is that he has to hula hoop every time he hears music (24 hours, I assume).

11:47 PM ET -- Shane asks the onlookers to leave them alone. Deal time! Shane gets safety for himself and Danielle - no nominations, no backdoors. He agrees to drop. Ian will win.

11:45 PM ET -- Shane and Ian still in it to win it.

11:30 PM ET -- Shane/Ian still at it. The feeds keep getting blocked due to some sort of mechanical issues with the comp machinery.

11:24 PM ET -- Shane and Ian still in it.

11:17 PM ET -- Extended fish cam, feeds blocked.

11:10 PM ET -- Still Shane and Ian hanging in.

11:00 PM ET -- Still just Shane and Ian remaining in the comp.

The Peanut Gallery -- Ian and Shane still in the comp - 10:48 PM ET

10:42 PM ET -- Only Ian and Shane remain

10:38 PM ET -- Just Ian and Shane spinning around. Ian said it was going 37 seconds per revolution. Now it's speeding up again. Now we have trivia again.

10:34 PM ET -- The feeds came back and DAN is on the ground!

10:33 PM ET  - Danielle promptly vomited after she fell. We went to trivia on the feeds as we do every time someone comes down. Don't ask me why. Also, because he fell during the show and the feeds didn't return for a while, I have no clue what Joe's punishment was for being the first down.

The "swings" are spinning and it's going faster. Just Dan, Shane and Ian left to battle it out.

10:26 PM ET - Danielle down!

10:22 PM ET, the four still in

10:13 PM ET - Shane, Ian, Dan and Danielle still in

10:09 - Feeds back on. Shane, Dan, Danielle and Ian still in.

Refresh this page for the latest update! Right now 10:02 PM ET, the feeds are still blocked.

Once the live feeds return, I'll be tracking the progress of the endurance competition on the live feeds. I'll be including screen caps from the feeds and hanging in myself until a winner is decided. You don't want to wait until SUNDAY, right?

Sheesh, Joe fell before the show ended! So did Jenn! I've never seen ANYONE out of endurance comps before the show ended before, now two. Yeah, but they're in the house and Britney is gone. @@

Big Brother 14: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - Aug. 30

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Uh-oh. This live show isn't showing live in many areas on the East Coast. Thankfully, just this past winter WCBS out of NYC bought WLNY and, just in the past few weeks, they've included it in my cable package. Before that, WCBS was the only CBS affiliate I had. Tonight's live show will air on WLNY (We Love New York - gag) usually on either 10 or 55 for most cable companies in the NYC viewing area. WCBS itself will be airing football and I see no delayed time for BB listed at all.

I hope you can find it in your area! 

As the show airs here, I'll be updating this post with the major events. If indeed, as we suspect, the HoH comp is an endurance comp, I'll set up a separate live feeds post after the show, updating that post with happenings and screen caps from the live feeds. If you're checking on the show or, if it's endurance, the live feeds post -- you'll need to refresh the page to see the latest updates.

But, as always with our blog parties ... the real fun here is in the comments area. Come join us with your thoughts on the show!

It is endurance tonight -- reward or punish first eliminated hamster is a viewer Twitter poll. I didn't catch the address. Oops.

Ahh ... the Twitter poll is at #bbpunish or #bbreward.

Danielle's dressed for an endurance comp, Britney is in her pretty eviction dress. We can guess which way this will go. :-(

The vote to evict:

Dan -- Britney
Jenn -- Britney
Ian -- Danielle
Shane -- Britney
Joe -- Britney

:-(  We're stuck with Danielle. Ew!

Viewers voted for punishment for the first one out of the comp.

Soak up the sun is the comp. They're all balanced on small disks held up by wires over a pseudo-sun. A spray "tan" is coming down on them. Sheesh, Joe already looks like he's having problems and they were at it for about four minutes!

Once the show ends, my endurance comp post will go up and we'll move over there to follow the live feeds. Heck, who really wants to wait until Sunday for the results?

Darn, Joe is already down before the show ended! First for that! Jenn's down, too. "Planets" are hitting them.

Big Brother 14 : Live Feeds Wednesday Night Into Thursday - Aug. 29-30

Smile now, Carrot. Two weeks ahead, no HoH possibilities

For as much excitement as we've had the past week, it's been a yawn a minute since yesterday. So, I warn you now -- do NOT expect a Pulitzer prize level live feeds report from me this morning! (Although, to liven things up ... there are two Chippendale dudes on the upcoming season of The Amazing Race. Hubba hubba!)

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Dwindling Days:
  • Ian kept apologizing even more for his actions while drunk the night before.
  • BB did NOT give them any alcohol.
  • They have been on an extended inside lockdown while the HoH comp is being built in the yard.
  • Or, perhaps, maybe BB just likes to have 'em trapped like flies on flypaper.
  • Britney kind of wants to try to talk to Shane and Joe.
  • Ian told her it probably wouldn't be worth it.
  • Alas, I think he's right.
  • Ian cried.
  • In a moment of compassion for someone other than himself, Danielle tried to console him.
  • He said he deserved it.
  • After all, Britney is only going right now because Frank couldn't put Ian on the block due to his PoV ball.
  • Ian knows that. He also really seems as non-romantically smitten with Britney as one could be.
  • Unlike Matt in Britney's season, Ian never tried to qualify (or paid) to be in Mensa. He knows he's smart, doesn't need to be a member to prove it.
  • Good for him. I always sneer at Mensa people myself. After the National Honor Society in high school, let college grades and life decisions speak for your intelligence.
  • Smart, unfortunately, doesn't always mean successful or happy. In the long run, it often means little in the game of life. Common sense, on the other hand, is usually better than mere book smarts.
  • Oh my. I'm getting all profound here with the live feeds in the background.
  • But Britney and Ian had a big talk on who's intelligent or not in the house.
  • It's their fault. They led me there.
  • They don't think Joe is particularly intelligent.
  • Y'think?
  • We again suffered all four feeds on sleeping Joe for a while. What's up with that?
  • Even the BB voice is bored. When Britney said, "I like to suck on these" about some nuts she was eating, the BB voice replied, "That's what she said."
  • Huh. The BB voice hasn't been giving house trivia as it has in past seasons.
  • I don't think anyone other than Jenn will truly stick with Frank once the carrot is out of HoH for two weeks.
  • I do think that Jenn, the ultimate floater, is probably going to be honest and true to her word now that she's voiced a side.
  • She probably won't win. It's rare that honest people make it to the end.
  • Ian told Britney that Frank was going "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a blond for a blond."
  • Britney is angry that Frank is bullying Ian. She wants to tell him that Ian had to do what's best for him, not what's best for Frank.
  • Ian told Danielle that Frank only put up Britney as a personal attack against him.
  • Danielle told Ian that Dan's treatment of her was just an act.
  • She also told him that she would get Frank out.
  • I won't hold my breath on that one.
  • But if it's a physical endurance tonight, she just might eke out another HoH.
  • Despite what has happened, Britney told Ian that Dan really is a good guy.
  • She thanked all of her fans on the feeds.
  • She said she's going to go crazy with just Ashley as company for a week.
  • Whatever will they have to talk about?
  • They're talking about reviving the Quack Pack -- Joe and Jenn cannot win the game, they say.
  • Danielle also told Shane that the Dan bit was only an act, not the brightest move. Maybe she's a Mensa member.
  • There ya go. 

Again, we spent too much time watching Joe sleep

America's youth in action

Has he got a chance in heck to make it?

Britney is someone I could watch EVERY season in the house

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Big Brother 14: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Aug. 29

BB12 Blogo 3

Hold onto your wigs and keys, hamster watchers! This should be some episode! As the show airs, I'll update this post with the major happenings. So, refresh the page to see the latest.

However, the PARTAY will be in the comments area. Come join us talking about the show!

The veto is Draw Something. The comp earns points with punishments. Frank got eliminated for saying "summer" when Britney didn't know the answer after she buzzed. Jenn burned her clothes. Frank has to wear a carrot suit for a week, bath in avocado once, chum baths for 24 hours. Dan has to spend 24 hours in disco solitary. Danielle got paint splattered on her. Jenn accepted the rest of the game on slop to win veto.

Dan calls a house meeting after he gets out of solitary -- his BB funeral, says nice things about each person, he tells Danielle she's dead to him in the game and she knows what she did.

Dan outs the Quack Pack and everything to Frank, proposes to work with him. Frank needs to have Jenn use the veto on Dan, put Britney up.

Dan tells Danielle he just saved them both.

Veto meeting. Ian doesn't use his won one. Jenn saves Dan. Frank puts Britney on the block.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Wednesday Afternoon - Aug. 29

Britney seriously needs to stop picking at her face!

Until tomorrow night, things are winding down a bit after the intense roller coaster of the past few days. That's good. I'd hate to break out in hives due to the stress. Here's today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Capricious Crazies:
  • In his drunken state last night, Ian said he wanted to be on the show since 2001, since before the planes flew into the towers.
  • Okay. He was ten or so. Adults, especially in this area, who went through that really don't refer to 9/11 in such an offhand manner. 
  • But Ian WAS a child when it happened.
  • Jenn got all riled about the comment and blew things way out of proportion.
  • Ian said and did a lot last night when he was very drunk.
  • Oh. Wait. Who supplied him six beers?
  • Jenn?
  • Hmm.
  • Ian apologized again.
  • I hope he learned a lesson about alcohol. Many of us learned lessons about it when we were about his age. Some never learn.
  • Today he's repenting. And apologizing.
  • Yet Frank and Dan seem to want to keep the animosity over his behavior going. 
  • Yep, move that target on over.
  • Britney was also encouraged by others and very drunk last night.
  • But she didn't say much that would come back and bite her.
  • Ian apologized again.
  • Nor is it of any use to target her to take the heat off other targets because they've already told her to wear her pretty dress on Thursday.
  • They? Well, Ian. He told her that Joe and Shane are voting to keep Danielle.
  • I so wish it were Danielle going instead of Britney. Danielle does NOT entertain me.
  • Ian supposedly said something about graduating high school when he was 16 last night. I missed that.
  • But it turns out he didn't anyway.
  • Um. I started college when I was 16. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to do that. You just have to like to learn and have good grades.
  • Except for the Ian dissing, today was quite quiet compared to the past week.
  • Ian apologized again.
  • Britney talked about living in NYC and how she lived very differently from how Wil and Janelle lived in the city. She had little money.
  • She also said New Jersey was the most dangerous place to live.
  • HEY!
  • Danielle's hives are lessening and she says her throat no longer hurts.
  • A shame. I was hoping she'd lose her voice.
  • Dan told her and she believes that Shane is infatuated with her.
  • Oh, just gag me now.
  • Ian apologized again. 

Why must we watch Joe sleep on all four feeds?

Who will he knock off next?

Hopefully a life lesson learned about alcohol

Yes, Jenn is still in the house ... sans eye make-up in excess.

Big Brother 14: Wil's YouTube Parody

I put this on my Facebook page for the show and have to share it here, too. Wil was far from my favorite in the house. But this is fun ...