Sunday, February 10, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan - Checking Out the New Castaways

The series premiere will be this coming Wednesday night, February 13, at 8pm ET/PT. As always, the blog party post will be up and running! Laurie is running the blog pool (she rocks, y'know) and you can get aboard with that by contacting her at lifeguardlaurie at

I checked out the returning "Favorites" in this post a bit ago. Tonight I'll be looking a bit more at the newbie "Fans." While I'm not huge on returning players on reality shows, I think I'm actually looking forward to watching some of the returnees this time around. Well, that is, except Brandon Hantz. He can't have changed enough for him to ever be in good graces with me. I'd like him to be the first one off, thank you very much.

For a peek at the new castaways, check out the Jeff Probst cast assessment --

My own quick assessments from reading their bios on the CBS website:

Laura Alexander: Age 23, from Washington D.C. Um, well. She seems to have a bit of a chip on her shoulder. Unless she's too abrasive, some of her qualities might lead to a win. That's not to say she's someone I think I'll like.

Sherri Beithman: Age 41, from Boise, Idaho. Hmm ... in her bio, she twice refers to herself as "lovable." That makes me not love her all that much. I could be wrong, though. I guess she could be lovable. Maybe.

Matt Bischoff: Age 38, from Cincinnati, Ohio. Ah, the weird beard dude! His inspiration in life is the man who grew the longest beard ever (17.5 feet). Okaaay. He thinks he's going to play a good social game. I think he's going to be easy to differentiate from the other new male castaways until I get the names down.

Hope Driskill: Age 23, from Jefferson City, Missouri. A recent college grad hoping to use winnings from the show to finance law school. I kind of like this kid. She seems bright and athletic. She might do well.

Eddie Fox: Age 23, from East Brunswick, NJ. Homeboy in da house! He's eye candy and a fireman, too. Huh ... not far away from where I live, either. Hummahumma! Ahem. Actually, in reading his bio, his chances look good. If anything, he might be not sneaky enough, I say.

Julia Landauer: Age 21, from Stanford, California. Racecar driver, eh? She apparently has turned 21 since the season was filmed, so she's but a child. Despite being a child, I think I'm going to like her and she just might be a strong competitor. We'll see.

Allie Pohevitz: Age 25, from Oceanside, NY. Oceanside would be on Lawn Guyland (Long Island for the non-natives) as that's the only ocean side New York has. She's a bartender and probably of the ilk we'd see on Big Brother. For some reason, the word "annoying" comes to mind as I read her bio.

Michael Snow: Age 44, from New York City, NY. I'm not sure if film, theater, knitting and photobombing are great qualities for competing to be the sole Survivor. I do think his social game might be good. But if his physical game sucks, he's gone.

Shamar Thomas: Age 27, from Brooklyn, NY. My gosh, my little corner of the world is getting well represented in this cast -- NJ and NYC Metro Area! I'm of two minds about this guy. On one hand, he could very well do well. On the other hand, it seems with all he's out to prove, all may backfire.

Reynold Toepfer: Age 30, from San Francisco, California. He's the wild card player according to the Jeff Assessment. He claims (twice) to be a charmer and says he "dazzles" people. Let us be the judge of that.

So, there you go. Ten new "fans" aboard the cast. Most are young. They're all fans of the show. I think it's going to be an interesting season. Your thoughts?     

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - February 10, 2013

Good morning! It's Sunday. You know what that means. It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Survivor begins this coming Wednesday. Of course, we'll be partying here along with the show as it airs in East Coast time. A week from today, it's the start of a new season of The Amazing Race. I will have posts up before the shows make their debuts. I promise! I just feel like I've been running on empty a lot lately.

Another winter week behind us, we had our first more than an inch or two storm. Although nowhere near as bad as hyped, nor as bad as any of the big storms a few years ago, it provided some beauty to the season. Some areas got record snow totals, us not so much. 

I ended up taking a vacation day due to it mainly because the streets and sidewalks weren't cleared as quickly as they would have been on a weekday storm. No way was I going to struggle through the snow on the sidewalks all the way to the train station! As usual, cars weren't towed from my street even though there are signs that it's a snow emergency route. So, the snowplow just plowed about a lane and a half worth of a swath.

Onto this week's photos! If you click on an image, it will open up in a new Photobucket window, clicking again will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window.

Out the window
Looking out the window

This is Saturday afternoon, looking out my window at the fallen snow. I didn't go to work and remained inside all day. So, this was as close as I got to it.

On the windowsill

According to my ruler, that's nine inches of snow on my windowsill.

Gimme Shelter

Although you can't tell, it is snowing in this Friday morning photo. I edited it to leave only the shelter in color. Plainfield Train Station


Sunday, February 03, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - February 3, 2013

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken. If you haven't checked it out yet, I have a post about the returning castaways on Survivor and hope to get the remaining cast up soon. If you want in on the blog pool for that show, email lifeguardlaurie at gmail dot com or reply to the show cast post. Please don't ask for in on the pool on this post as I'm not sure she'll see the comment!

Today is Superbowl Sunday. Huh. I don't watch football, not at all. I can catch the commercials on the internet. I will have to keep track of when the game ends as they're broadcasting a new episode of Elementary after it. That's one of my favorite new shows even though I think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle might disapprove if he were alive to see it. Two shows down, I'm still intrigued by The Following on FOX, too. It makes me feel a bit creeped out to be an Edgar Allen Poe fan, but I'm not about to be part of the cult! Heck, my latest favorite shows are quasi-literary related and feature killers. But I'm normal. I swear I am! Really! Er, maybe not normal-normal ... but not dangerous. We'll leave it at that.

I apparently am a danger to myself, though. On Tuesday, after a smattering of icy snow the night before (when I took a cab home from the train station as the sidewalks were icy), it was nearly forty degrees. The sidewalks I encountered on the way to the train station were just wet. That is until I hit North Avenue by the train station. ICE, ICE, BABY! I went right up in the air and slammed back down on the concrete (whatever). I'm still bruised and a bit sore. Thankfully both knees made it through the event without permanent damage. I SO don't want to have those operations redone! I hit my head pretty hard, but I do have a pretty hard head. That's fine -- a bit sore to the touch still, but it's a surface hurt, not a Hillary Clinton double-vision hurt.

It snowed last night, maybe an inch or two. Everything outside is pretty and white, but I doubt I'll be going out in it. I don't have much on the table for today other than housekeeping which has suffered a bit here this week as I felt sore due to my fall. On Friday I went into Westfield to run some errands as well as a Trader Joe's run (thank you, Russ!). So, I have some cool Trader Joe's goodies in the house. Vincent can have cat treats. Have a great Superbowl Sunday, folks!

Clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window, clicking again on it will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window and, like magic, you're right back where you left off! 

Track 1
Track 1 Sign

I took this shot at the Westfield Train Station, South Avenue side. I felt it screamed for black and white.  Although it's not particularly noticeable, there was a snow squall going on cutting visibility down quite a bit. The spiky things which look like comb's teeth are there to keep pigeons from the top of the sign. Gee, maybe they could put little fake coyotes up there!

Plainfield Train Station 2
Plainfield Train Station

And this is the Plainfield Train Station last night after I got off the train and everyone had boarded. I used a cartoon effect in my photo editor which seemed to lend itself for this photo. There wasn't a crowd on my train home and the regular train bums must have warmer new diggings. So, I was all but alone. Even Omar, the regular train station homeless dude, has gone missing again in this rather indecisive winter (very warm, then very cold). Of course, his missing is quite likely jail related rather than warmth issues.


Yay, decorative kale! This was in Westfield. I do see some growing across the street from my apartment, but don't want to upset folks by going up on the lawn there.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Survivor: Caramoan Fans vs. Favorites - The "Favorites"

Survivor: Caramoan Fans vs. Favorites cast

Although I'll be focusing on the "favorites" in this entry, here's the new cast video featuring all --

 The season premiere is Wednesday, February 13. Be there or be square. Lifeguard Laurie has once again graciously volunteered to run the blog pool -- you can contact her at lifeguardlaurie@gmail -- just add the dot-com at the end. I don't want her getting swamped by robots, y'know!

For those unfamiliar with the blog pool, not to worry ... you won't lose your shirt in this one. Well, unless you're swimming, maybe! Cast members are randomly selected for our blog community members. We cheer on our chosen castaway until they get the boot or perhaps become the sole survivor. That, of course, is not to be confused with the Soul Survivors. Those folks who get the ultimate sole surviving castaway retain any bragging rights until the next season when the slate is wiped blank once again. 

Okay ... onto the returning so-called favorites. Yes, that term certainly doesn't apply to at least a few for me.

Brandon Hantz. Say WHAT? Why must we endure this little whining sexist wussy jerk Hantz again? What kind of hold does this twerp have over the producers? He wasn't even enjoyable to watch, not at all. Of course, we could always bet on when he'll cry or try to push his extremely narrow-minded ways upon others. 

Brenda Lowe. She was in Nicaragua. While she certainly doesn't bring about such vehemence and vitriol in me as much as does Brandon, I'm not classifying her as a personal favorite. If memory serves, she played well and managed to manipulate folks some, then depended on Sash to save her with an idol. He didn't, she fell and went boom. I didn't NOT enjoy her before; I was just a bit ambivalent.

Corinne Kaplan. Gabon, 12th castaway out, 4th jury member. Um. Okay. She didn't make much of an impression on me the first time around. I recall her mouth tended to get her in hot water with others at times. My favorite? Nah. I'd have to actually remember her more for her to qualify.

Erik Reichenbach. Now, here is someone who's certainly memorable on the show. Memorable for making the most foolish naive bone-headed move ever in the game, that is! He's the guy from the Micronesia season who trusted the girls and gave up his immunity in a wham-bam-off the island eviction. Let's see if he's smartened up a bit. Not really a favorite, but it might be interesting to see if the past repeats and he's trust foolworthy.

Phillip Sheppard. SAM is back, the best drinking game ever on the blog! SAM stands for Secret Agent Man -- every time he mentions secret agent work, we drink! He was on the original Redemption Island. I was initially annoyed by him, but the man has an odd way of growing on a person. He's a hoot to watch and very entertaining in a whacko sort of way. I see he has fresh new pink tidy whities (pinkies). For some reason, I actually liked him while I didn't like Coach (another whacko).

Malcolm Freberg. Hey, wasn't he just on last season? And, I really don't doubt that he would have won it all if not for Denise. He's a strong player, smart, likeable, easy on the eyes.

Francesca Hogi. Or, as SAM would say: Franquesca. The most memorable thing about her for me was the tribal council smackdown with SAM. She was a fairly decent player, but I'm more interested in seeing her reunite with Phillip Sheppard, this time supposedly having to work together.

John Cochran. Huh. The Woody Allen of Survivor has returned. Most likely the palest castaway ever and most inept at the game to have actually made an impact on the game. Sure, there have been more inept folks on the show. However, they leave little impression on me. I actually liked Cochran and, if I have to suffer through returning castaways (never my favorite reality show gimmick), I'd just as soon watch him again. Will he win? Bwahahaha!

Dawn Meehan. Dawn was in the South Pacific season. I remember her as a strong woman in the game, but not surrounded with the best crowd. She was an ally with Cochran, so this reunion should have them working together again. I'd like to see her do well.

Andrea Boehike. Another Redemption Island alumni. She's hoping all the crazy people target each other and she will rise to the top. 

I'm not sure of the criteria used to select these "favorites." Some we could almost predict would be multi-season -- like Cochran, Phillip Sheppard. Others seem to be favorites of casting, not of the real fans -- Brandon.

What's your take on the returning castaways?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 27, 2013

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. For much of the week, all of it really, it was too cold to take photos. But I did come across a few things photo-worthy of taking off my gloves and risking the batteries in my camera.

This way below freezing usually accompanied by biting winds weather this week has taken a toll on me. I think I could sleep three days straight in my nice warm bed. I've also been really cranky this past week. I blame that on the weather, too. While I don't really mind the cold itself all that much -- it's the bundling all up and the wind which just won't stop. 

The knees are doing fine. However, one day when I was walking against strong wind, I felt a weird sensation in both of them. I believe it was so cold, the wind was so strong and I was out in it long enough to drop the temperature of the metal in both knees. It was a weird tingling almost burning sensation from deep within the knees, not really painful, certainly not like the prior arthritic pain. Just very bizarre. It went away when I warmed up inside work.

Once again this week, I keep falling asleep in front of the television. Thankfully Letterman was in repeats this week, as were many of the CBS shows I usually watch. I've been watching American Idol auditions and I'm really not keen on Nicki Minaj. Not at all. While at times I do like how she interacts with the contestants, her speaking voice and weirdness just to be weird bugs me.

I watched Kevin Bacon's new FOX show The Following and, despite the pans I've seen from critics, it kept my interest. I'll be watching it again this week. I'm still ticked that Criminal Minds killed off Reid's first love interest, but I'm stuck on that show anyway. I fell asleep right before the end of The First 48: Missing so I don't know if he's missing, found or dead. Oh my.

Really ... I know I need to post on both the Survivor and Amazing Race casts. I know this, then I fall asleep. I blame the weather. It's been bitter cold all week and was the coldest week in 17 years. Our big snowstorm on Friday evening ended up being less than a half-inch.

Onto this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window, clicking again on it will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window. 

City possum

This was an unusual sight. I got off the train after work one day and saw this opossum lumbering alongside one of the car repair places by the 4th Street side of the Plainfield Train Station. They're generally nocturnal and tend to stare like a deer in headlights or run when they see a human. He did glance my way but ignored me and kept lumbering slowly.

He didn't really look sick, but his behavior was a bit off for an opossum. As there have been rabid feral cats on and off in that area (none lately that I know of), I was cautious. But he just ignored me and made his way under a bush. When I got home, I Googled opossum rabies only to find out that opossums rarely contract rabies as they have a natural immunity to the disease. Huh. I did not know that. Maybe the cold week got to him. 

While they're as ugly as all get out, I do kind of like his two-tone ears. This one was quite large. When I first noticed it, I thought it was a GIANT rat.

Watchung Avenue before the dawn

On Monday morning, I took the bus to work as the train was on a holiday schedule and I had an 8am meeting. I took this shot looking down Watchung Avenue from the corner at East Front Street in Plainfield. 


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 20, 2013

It's Sunday once again -- time for my weekly off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. My apologies for not getting up the Survivor cast posts yet. I have no real excuse but tired. I'm not ill. But every evening I'm coming home from work exhausted and I keep falling asleep while watching television. The next thing I know, it's time to start another day!

I suppose it could be the winter doldrums. Although we really haven't had any snow to speak of -- an inch or so now and then -- it still indeed is winter. The days are short. Everything outside is dirty and dead. The daylight is fleeting. For a good part of this week, we didn't see the sun at all. Yes, the temperatures were high for January. But all was foggy, misty and grey. I think the weather and time of year are taking a toll on me this month. There's little new and exciting around the corner to photograph. 

While tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and a holiday for many, it won't be for me. I even have a meeting well before the holiday scheduled trains will run. So, I'll actually have junk food. Y'see, I never eat at McDonalds or Burger King. Not only is it mostly unhealthy, they're overpriced and not in my pedestrian ways walks. Supposedly inner-city and poor folks tend to inhabit the unhealthy fast food joints, but I'd have to walk out of my way for a number of blocks to get to one. Tomorrow, due to the holiday train schedule, I'll take a bus to work. I'm going to get off at the Burger King and have a breakfast croissandwich and hash browns -- something I haven't eaten in years. Then a co-worker will pick me up there and take me the mile or so to work.

Well ... that was boring, wasn't it? I tell ya ... it's winter doldrums! Onto the photos (which reflect the doldrums, too). Clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket window, clicking again will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window.

NJ Transit
Here comes the train

Not to worry -- I'm farther away from the tracks than it looks in this shot. I took this while "up" on the platform at the Bridgewater Train Station. Unlike Plainfield's high platform, in Bridgewater the platform is equivalent to a high curbed sidewalk. You have to take steep steps up into or out of the train. On high platforms, they drop a plate over the steps and you just walk directly in. I'd personally vote for all high platform stations. But they don't let me decide these things.

Of course, I wouldn't have decided to leave the train cars parked in a flooding zone during a hurricane. But maybe that's just me. The vast majority of train cars I'm riding are brand new due to that decision. They're nice. However, I see rate hikes down the road. Or, more precisely ... down the tracks.

New Cowboy
New cowboy in town

Where have all the cowboys gone? Well, to New Jersey, but of course! We have many shops catering to western gear in town. And, while a couple of decades back, cowboy hats and cowboy boots wouldn't have meshed well with the bow-tied suited black men handing out leaflets, today the local Muslim population has changed away from the bow-ties and there are cowboys all over the place.

I'd kind of like a pony, please. (By the way -- it was nowhere near warm enough for short sleeves!)


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 13, 2013

Welcome to Sunday morning! Since it's that day once again, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. I do have plans (don't faint) to make a post looking at the cast of the upcoming Survivor season. If not today, that should be up within a day or two. I haven't completely forgotten the main reason behind this blog!

The shows I'm watching these days include: Elementary, Hard Core Pawn, Letterman (naturally), if I'm up I'm liking Jimmy Fallon lately, Blue Bloods, CSI: NY, Castle, The First 48, and more. Lots of crime going on there. Hmm.

This was yet another week in which I didn't find a heck of a lot of photo fodder. Some weeks I feel I'm posting really neat photos; other weeks I'm just giving you a glimpse of what I saw during the week. This is one of the latter. I don't really want it to snow. However, if it snowed I'd have all new photo fodder!

Work has been, well ... worky. Or something like that. I miss the four-day work weeks I enjoyed through Christmas and New Year's. My added new vacation week showed up (company giving those who have been there 20 years or more an additional paid vacation week) while Social Security increases took a huge chunk out my paycheck. When I add up that increase, it could pay for my electricity, cable television, and part of my internet and phone bill per month. Or, perhaps my monthly grocery bill. Ouch. I realize the increase was decided back in the 80s, but ...! Ouch. 

Please don't go all political with the above paragraph. I'm not here to hold a presidential debate. Thank you.

I made a video of Vincent fighting a shiny paper this week --

If I had left the shiny paper there, it would have become a gazillion pieces of spit out paper confetti within hours. He can't be left with either cardboard or shiny paper. Other cats sit or sleep in cardboard boxes. Vincent bites off pieces until there is no box at all. 

Onto the photos for this week -- clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket window, clicking again will result in a larger image. Just close out the Photobucket window to return here to the blog.

Peeping Vincent
How can you leave when I'm so cute?

This is what I saw when I left for work yesterday. I usually don't go by that side of my building, but I had to take some trash to the Dumpster as I left. I had opened the window a crack due to the nice temperatures and there he was.

Pretty sunrise
Spectacular pre-sunrise

I'm still inside my workplace by the time the sun actually rises. I do get to see some very cool beginnings of the sunrise, though. Bridgewater, NJ

Crescent moon
Crescent moon

They say the darkest hour is before the dawn. Well, I'm out in that walking to the train on weekdays. This is what I saw one morning.


Sunday, January 06, 2013

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - January 6, 2013

Good morning! It's Sunday morning. That means it's time for my weekly off television topic photo post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Not to fear, TV fans ... I'll be talking about television again before you know it. 

Welp, it was New Year's this past week. Years ago, I did celebrate. But nowadays I prefer to stay home or, if out, only to the home of friend for a mini-celebration. I find the amount of drunk drivers out there on the roads is scary to begin with. When you add in the amateurs, it's much better to stay inside!

We had some snow and ice here on the Saturday before, so when I headed out to work pre-dawn on New Year's Eve (day), I had to deal with lots of ice on the sidewalks. It's sad that I'm walking up on people's lawns to avoid their icy sidewalks! The snow is easier to walk on -- more traction. Of course, if they had salted their walks, I wouldn't be all over their lawns.

The sun has taken care of most of the snow on the walks and many lawns since. Although we've had typical cold January temperatures, only snow piles and snow in areas which don't get much sunlight remain.

Since I didn't take any impromptu trips into the city this week, it was a rather mundane kind of week. I like a four-day work week for sure. But, since it's dark when I go to work, getting dark or outright dark when I get home -- my photo taking tends to suffer. Plus, it's been COLD. So, last week was an overabundance of photos, this week not so much.

I did encounter two cute kid tales this week. Since I don't have children, I just have to watch what the children of others are doing. On Monday, with the snow still all about, I saw three kids playing with the snow -- making snowballs, dunking snow on each other and such. The youngest was perhaps three or four years old. As their mother told them they were going into a store, I saw the youngest duck down around the corner and ... wait for it ... he FILLED ALL HIS POCKETS WITH SNOW! Jacket pockets, pants pockets, too. I don't think he grasps the concept that it's going to melt. And, I could just see the mother wondering why her child is dripping all over the store.

The other cute kid story was something which probably isn't really allowed by the company, but she was adorable. Last night, a young girl, perhaps six or seven years old, was helping her father at his job. His job is being a New Jersey Transit train conductor. She was having such fun that it was infectious. I made her father get out the special flashlight to shine on my monthly pass which now bears a snowflake under its light. He told me that she begs to go with him all the time and this was the third time he's taken her along. Later in the evening when the train gets a bit rougher, he sends her to the back (in an empty car) for a nap.

Clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window. Clicking again on it will result in a larger image. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window. 

Sunset at the Plainfield Train Station

Once again, lots of overcast skies this past week. But one day boasted a nice sunset.

Stoned 1
What is going on here, Vincent?

Has someone been rolling in catnip?

It's spring! It's SPRING!

I spotted several dandelions trying to thrive on a hill which takes advantage of good sun cover (when the sun is out). However, this contradicts the old Rolling Stones song. Dandelions DO lie. It's far from spring. Sigh.


Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Oh my. How did Vincent the Cat get atop the building in Times Square?

My best wishes to each and every one there for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 30, 2012

It's the last Sunday of 2012! Why, that must mean it's time for my last off television topic photo post of the year. Woohoo! Of course, I haven't really been posting about television lately as everything is in repeats for the holidays. I did watch the Kennedy Center honors show this week and enjoyed it immensely. The ballet dancer seemed a bit out of her element, but I found the rest of the folks being honored people who have indeed played roles in my own life to a certain extent -- Dustin Hoffman, David Letterman, Buddy Guy and Led Zeppelin. I'm just not a big ballet fan albeit I find it beautiful when I do watch.

Last week I had a dearth of photos. This week, probably too many. You just might want to grab a big mug of coffee and some snacks before getting too involved in this. Not only did I find some things of interest in a bit better weather week locally to photograph, but I went into Manhattan on a whim on Christmas Day. 

Since I actually (for a change) had two days off -- Christmas and the day after -- with no real plans other than a quiet holiday at home with Vincent the Cat ... I decided to hop a bus into town. That means I walk about one minute to the bus stop and soon I'm dumped in Midtown. A storm was due Wednesday, but Christmas day was nice. Overcast, but I prefer that for taking photos anyway.

So, after I talked to my brother in California on the phone for a while, I was on my way. I thought it might be a bit quieter with all the big stores closed. Um. No. All the people just mobbed the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center instead of shopping! Oy. I will say that it wasn't as bad with the crowding as was the Chinese New Year parade in the city last year. I was concerned I might have a rib broken in the crowd crush for that.

I walked from the Port Authority Bus Terminal, through Times Square, over to Fifth Avenue, up to Rockefeller Center, back over by Saint Patrick's Cathedral (which had huge crowds, but scaffolding all about as they rehab the exterior), back down Madison Avenue to escape the crowds and breathe, back through Times Square, then back home. Yeah, that was one sentence. Want to make something of it? Uh-oh. I was in my travel in crowds in Manhattan persona. Oops!

The knees held up just fine. I only sat for a few minutes on a chair in Bryant Park. (Oh yeah, I went there, too.) For some reason, five different people stopped me to ask directions to five different places. Hey, just because I'm walking alone in the city doesn't necessarily mean I know where everything is! Thankfully, they all asked for places I do happen to know like Grand Central Station, Rockefeller Center and such. So I guess I was a good one to ask. I couldn't answer the folks who asked me a bus question, though. I have never been on a New York City bus. Subways, taxis and on foot, yes. Bus, no. 

Three separate groups of people -- an older white couple, a group of five black hip-hop garbed teenagers, and a family who seemed to speak either Russian or Polish -- handed me their iPhones and asked me to take photos of them. Don't they know that Mayor Bloomberg claims the rise in the robbery rate is due to iPhone and iPad thefts? Do I NOT look dangerous and thuggish? Sheesh. Yeah, I took their photos for them and handed them back their expensive playtoys. I figured I could probably only outrun the elderly couple.

Other than the trip into the city, it was a quiet week. Some real icky weather at times, but quiet for me. How was your week?

Onto the MANY photos -- clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window, clicking again will make it larger. To return here, just close out the Photobucket window.

Rockefeller tree
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree

The holiday light show at Saks Fifth Avenue ...

Empire State Building
Empire State Building

The lights are even better now! They replaced the old lighting system with new LED lights and can actually do "light shows." Before, every time they wanted to change colors, they had to physically remove a huge colored lens from each light. Now, it's computerized. Since the colors atop the building change per event, celebration, whatever ... this is going to be fantastic now!

Bryant Park
Bryant Park tree and skaters


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 23, 2012

It's Sunday morning. G'morning, y'all. Of course, that would mean that it's time for my weekly off television reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken. Hmmm ... it hasn't been the best of weeks for my photo taking. To think about it, although not horrible by any means, it has been a nondescript kind of week in my life. Perhaps nondescript tinged with a bit of sadness and fatigue. Yeah, that's it!

The holidays aren't always a great time for me on a personal basis. My parents died decades ago, my brothers and I are spread across the country and I have no family (as defined) here. My workplace is always extremely busy this time of year and I don't have any extended time off to go anywhere. I've grown used to all of that. I have my own little things I do on the day and consider my cat Vincent a member of my family! However, it can still be a bit rough as everyone's talking about spending the holiday with their families and, what little family I have left, is scattered far and wide. 

But that's not the cause of the sadness. I'm still reacting to the shootings in Newtown. I tear up just thinking of those children and their surviving families. I'm still in shock every time I hear the town name "Newtown" so casually added in with places I don't personally know such as Columbine. I know Newtown. I lived near it for years. I have old friends in Newtown. 

Then there's all of the controversy what should be done to stop events like this from happening again. I don't think you can stop anyone determined to "go out with a bang." I recall the horror of Charles Whitman way back in 1966. Gun laws or not, it will keep happening. And, that indeed is a sad thing. It's not the gun laws per se (although we seriously need to clamp down drastically on those assault rifles -- no hunter or person protecting their property or life needs that amount of firepower), it's not necessarily mental illness (if every person with a mental illness went around shooting people, there would be few folks left on Earth), it's not the fact that prayer isn't allowed in schools, it's certainly not Asperger's Syndrome. I've grown tired of zealots on each issue arguing. Arguments tend to make my head hurt. Make it stop.

So, those things have been bothering me as we head into Christmas. The weather this week hasn't helped any. It's been warmer than usual, then cold blasts, then monsoon rains and wind. Now that the trains are finally back on their normal schedule, it's dark when I go to work and it's dark when I come home. It's been overcast (or raining) every morning except one on my way to work. I only saw the start of one actual sunrise this week once I arrived at work.

Speaking of trains back on schedule, lots of folks are probably complaining. My morning train, the first westbound train of the day, has arrived and left the station five or so minutes early each day. That's a no-no. It hasn't affected me as I always plan to get to the station ten minutes early. However, all of those folks who always have to run to make it on time when the train is on time or late ... well, they're missing the boat. Er, train.

As a result of the weather and the darkness, my photos this week are severely lacking. My apologies.

Chotola pigeons

Pigeons hunker down in the winds on Saturday, one of the few days I saw daylight. This is the Chotola apartment building on North Avenue in Plainfield, where the long gone Roofus the Cat used to bask on the ledges.


Kind of says it all for the week, eh? I managed to kill one of my best umbrellas battling the wind and rain on Friday morning. Just as I decided I was soaked and it wasn't doing me any good so I might as well close it, the wind ripped it inside out and damaged the framing (spokes? whatever). This is not my umbrella. Mine was better. Wah.

I know you're not there

I don't think parking this empty Community Patrol (COPS) van all around the Plainfield Train Station will stop the ne'er-do-wells who inhabit the benches. I realize it's popular to park an empty decoy police car around trouble areas to give the illusion there's a cop nearby. But not for days at a time!

Bridgewater sunrise

The one start of a sunrise I witnessed this week.

Ho ho ho
Christmas oasis

The house at the corner of Richmond and East Front in Plainfield.

Wet branches

I used GIMP photo editor's illusion filter on this shot of dripping branches lighted up by a street lamp.

Apartment door wreath

My neighbor's door wreath. It sheds little stars each time the door opens or closes.

Santa, I've been a good cat all year!

Well, for the most part. I seem to recall some toilet tissue incidents and attacks on my bare feet. But, yeah. You're a great cat, Vincent, although you're not always perfectly behaved.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - Season Finale and Reunion Show Blog Party


Why oh why do they schedule a three-hour show to air after football on a Sunday evening? ARGH! As I type this up to post, the football game in question is in overtime and 60 Minutes has yet to air. They had already delayed the start of the finale here, scheduling it to start at 8:30pm ET. 

Anyway ... as to tonight's show, I don't think I'd mind if any of the final four won. For me, each comes with their own merits. Skupin, horribly burned in his first shot at the show, would be on the top of the world if he won. Lisa has grown tremendously since Blair days and honestly seems like a very nice person. Malcolm is just darn good, as is Denise. My personal favorite for the win would be Denise. How about you?

Once the show starts, I'll update this post with major events. However, the real fun is always in the comments area. Come join in!

Okay, the game just ended. It's 7:52pm ET here. Expect Survivor (and me!) to start at about 8:55pm ET ... and end near midnight. Sigh.

After a shortened 60 Minutes and an Obama speech from Newtown, we're on at 8:56pm ET. Did I call it or what?

Recap blah-blah-blah. Now it's time for the Reward Challenge -- race through obstacles, collect bags, solve dragon puzzle. Winning the challenge gives the winner an advantage in the final Immunity Challenge. Malcolm wins!

Fallen comrade walk time. Ritual, of course.

Immunity Challenge time. Balancing a ball on a wooden "pole" made up of wooden pieces added to make it longer as time goes on. Malcolm's advantage is that he can have a second shot if he drops the ball. He does drop it first and resets.

Malcolm is OUT! Even with the advantage, this wasn't a challenge made for him! Argh ... now DENISE is out! Lisa is out. SKUPIN WINS IMMUNITY!

The tally: Malcolm, Denise, Malcolm, Malcolm. Aw, the kid is gone! He played a very good and honorable game. Well, as honorable as Survivor can be.

Jury time --
Denise is proud to be there and built alliances, workhorse, valuable in challenges, made moves. Survived every single TC. Outwitted, outplayed and outlasted.
Lisa - we did it in different ways. Strategy wasn't pretty, run, fall down, get up, played own game. Brother told her to trust her gut.
Skupin - Returning player not expected to progress, did things with fire because his back was against the wall, respected core of the game, love the game.

Artis -- Cannot congratulate them as they had holier than thou actions. Karma is a bitch.

Carter -- Good job, Lisa. Good job, Skupin. Skupin, when did you know I was going home. Skupin says so likeable, friendships in the game sometimes have to be separated.

Pete -- Lisa, hiding behind not voting for people when she knew they were going home. She said she didn't know. Denise said going tribe to tribe, etc. Worked with fractures in the tribes.

RC -- Wanted Lisa out because she was sneaky and sweet, proud of her. Skupin said he thought Penner was going home, not her.

Malcolm -- Denise, stop appeasing everyone. Why do you deserve it more? No appeasing! There is value playing social game, playing the game although it may come across as appeasing. 

Jeff -- Bitterness. Three kinds of people -- make things happen, watch, clueless. Skupin said he makes things happen. His name came up so much. Lisa -- didn't float? Her Malcolm blindside moves. 

Abi -- All about her, most unlikeable, heart broken. Asks why she should vote for Lisa. Lisa said loyal until things disintegrated. Michael, outwit, outplay, outlast. Denise apologizes if she was truly traumatized.

Penner -- Congratulations! Denise -- I'm confused. You've shown the world you're a bitch. Skupin -- Your name hasn't been written down as much as you say. Lisa -- Friend, close ... share? He says she was a television star. Exposes her. Two have been ridden in, yoked like oxen ... 

RC - Lisa
Penner - Denise
Carter - Skupin

Well, it won't be unanimous this time!

Onto live in Hollywood!

Moment of silence for the victims in Newtown.

The votes:
Skoopin (Carter's vote)


Closest vote ever on the 100K favorite, Lisa and Malcolm in the running. Lisa won!

Next season -- fans and favorites again. 

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 16, 2012

It's Sunday morning. That means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken. Later on tonight, it will be time for the Survivor three-hour season finale and reunion party. Hopefully we'll have a great blog party for that one right here!

Unfortunately, this past week took a tragic twist. While I'm not a parent and I couldn't fathom what it would be like to lose a very young child in those circumstances, the school shooting hit close to home for me. Before I was transferred to New Jersey by my workplace, I lived for nearly two decades in Danbury, CT. My workplace was located on Newtown Road in that town. Newtown is adjacent to Danbury.

Many of my co-workers there were from Newtown. Many folks in the Danbury Ski Club were from Newtown. Friends of mine have children and grandchildren in the school district there. No one I know seems to have been directly involved. But still ... very close to home.  I personally know the school. I personally know the town. I'm still in shock.

If someone were to ask me what Newtown would ever be famous for, I'd have two answers. Olympic swimmer Bruce Jenner graduated from Newtown High School. And, years ago, the general store (which still exists since 1847) was the backdrop for a Breyer's ice cream television commercial. Now, it will forever be linked with tragedy. Newtown doesn't deserve that. Honestly, no town, village or city deserves such a horrific act. But, Newtown. It's a sleepy, spread-out almost rural-ish in some areas, picture perfect New England small town. A good place to raise your children. Sigh.

Anyway ... onto this week's photos. Clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket window, clicking again will make it larger. To return to the blog, just close out the Photobucket window.

Sunset 2
Lamps at sunset

As you'll see, I took advantage of this sunset this week. We've had so much icky weather that, when I see beauty, I must take action! Plainfield Train Station, early Friday evening.

Catnip rolling
Rolling in catnip

Vincent is a silly cat!

Squirrel with orange
I gots an ORANGE!

From my apartment window, I watched this squirrel struggle up the tree carrying an orange in his mouth. He's a good thirty feet up -- I'm shooting from the second floor with a zoom lens. Unfortunately, I still have Sandy storm dirt on the outside of my windows or the photo would be more clear. Before he could get through the orange peel, the orange plummeted to the ground where another squirrel snagged it and took it out of sight behind the neighbor's garage.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - 12/12/12 Episode Blog Party


I hear there's a big concert going on somewhere, so I don't know how busy our little party will be here. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm recording the concert and, had I been able to get tickets, I would have abandoned you for the evening! But, as I'm not a wealthy person with disposable income to spend frivolously on rock concerts with outrageous ticket prices ... no way could I go. But I'll have fun here nonetheless.

As the show airs, I'll update this entry with the major events. However, as always, the real fun will be in the comments. Come join us!

They've figured out that Abi really doesn't have an idol.

Rewards have them racing up and over a slide into the ocean, retrieving bags of rings, then tossing them for the win. Winner will choose two people to join them for a pizza party on a whale shark watching cruise. Skupin wins! He decides to take Malcolm (because he chose Skupin's son last week) and Lisa. Abi is all upset that she wasn't chosen. @@

Malcolm makes a final deal with Lisa and Skupin. But Lisa may have other thoughts.

Uh-oh. Denise has fang marks on her neck and a possible allergic reaction.

Immunity Challenge time! They have to use planks to cross a rope bridge, collecting pieces of a maze along the way, then assemble the maze. Malcolm wins Immunity!

Denise, although she thinks they'll vote out Abi, asked Malcolm for his hidden idol. No go. Lisa is seriously pushing for a Denise vote. It's Tribal Council time! Abi's mouth is doing its thing.

The tally -- Denise, Abi, Abi, ABI. YES! Abi is history!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

The Amazing Race: Season Finale Blog Party

Welp, this is it. It's the two-hour season finale. I'm so hoping the twins don't win. Although annoying (to me), I have to give them credit for being a much stronger team than I thought they would be in the beginning. We all know that since Abbie and Ryan got the boot, the two million dollar prize is off the table. But a million is nothing to sneeze at! Plus, running the race is just such a wondrous adventure. I'd love to tag along with them!

As always, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. But the real party is in the comments area. Be there or be square. Or, something like that ...

The teams are heading to France. Sigh, product placement for the Ford Escape kick tailgate doohickey. The twins have a speed bump and are really upset with the Beekman boys, Josh and Brent.

Detour -- Chow or Plow. Feed hunting hounds or use horse and plow to cultivate a field. After the Detour, Trey and Lexi are in the lead, followed by the Chippendales. Then the Beekman Boys!

Roadblock - Who's a fun guy? Searching for mushrooms. Trey and Lexi are heading to the Pit Stop, followed by James and Jaymes. Beekman Boys are lost and the twins are behind. Gah, the the Beekmans got to the cave for the mushrooms and the twins are there now, too.

Yay! James and Jaymes are the first to the Pit Stop! They each won a Ford Escape. Surprise, surprise. One of them was saying how his mother needed a car. Trey and Lexi are the second team to arrive.

Gah, the twins are done with the Roadblock before the Beekmans.

I can't believe it! The Beekman Boys beat out the obnoxious twins! Karma!

The teams are flying to NYC and the Coney Island boardwalk. That would be pre-Sandy, of course. All three teams keep walking by the clue! Now they have to head to the Brooklyn Navy Yard (where an ex of mine used to work!). Sigh. James and Jaymes are still looking for the clue as the other two teams head off.

Roadblock - Who's ready for an amazing escape? It's a Houdini related strait jacket hanging upside down bungee jumping thing.

Trey and Lexi are leading, now in the first pizzeria in NY (Lombardi's) and must deliver 10 pizzas.

I believe they're heading to the United Nations now.

Yep, I'm right. Trey and Lexi still in the lead. Chippendales just got to the pizzas, but the Beekmans made the deliveries wrong.

Roadblock - Who has a way with words? They have to match hellos and goodbyes from the various countries traveled in the race in order. Yikes.

OMG - Josh and Brent are on the way to the Pit Stop first! Lexi is breaking down. James and Jaymes are done with the Roadblock now.


James and Jaymes came in second. 

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - December 9, 2012

It's Sunday morning. Yay. I'd say that means I can sleep in, but obviously I'm not really doing that. But sitting around sipping coffee in my robe and fuzzy slippers isn't anything like heading out to work for the day. So, I'll take that any day! It also means that it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken.

Hmm ... this week certainly isn't going to go down in the annals of exciting times in my life. I'm pulling a bit of a blank on reflection. Oh my. Well, I did catch a brief, but nasty, stomach bug going around here. I'd just as soon forget that. It didn't last more than a day, but ...!

I had planned on going to the lighting of the Plainfield Christmas tree by City Hall when I got out of work on Friday. It was raining, so I skipped that. When I got home last night from work, I noticed the tree was totally dark. So I don't know if the lighting ceremony even went down. 

Tonight is the season finale of The Amazing Race. Depending on how I feel next Sunday, I might head into the city (Manhattan) to get some photos of holiday happenings there. There's no place like New York City during the holidays. I could also check out some of the places listed in this piece. I'd have to go out to Brooklyn to get the bacon donuts, but the rest of the bacon desserts are in Manhattan. I so want to try a Choinkwich from the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop! Chocolate ice cream sandwich with bacon marmalade? I'm so there!

I really don't have much more for you this week. My photo shots were dampened by the weather most days, so not too many great shots this week. I did, however, have an extended photo shoot of Vincent! Clicking on an image will open it in a Photobucket page, clicking again will make it larger. To return here, just close the Photobucket page. 

Vincent 1
The Vincent

Yep, I'm leading off with a Vincent shot this week. Not to worry, I'll also be closing with a Vincent shot. Who's the cat? He's the cat!

Off to work

It has been foggy or rainy (or any combination thereof) in the mornings when I leave for work. So I decided, since it's a grey world, this shot would be best in black and white. Plainfield Train Station.

In the rain
Berries in the rain

The golden casings on these red berries are disappearing by the day. I've noticed that birds leave these alone. I'd say they're probably either poisonous or just plain nasty to eat. Church Street, Plainfield.